### -*- coding: cp936 -*-
###<a href="http://home.51cto.com" target="_blank">家園</a>
##import urllib
##str0='<a href="http://home.51cto.com" target="_blank">家園</a>'
##href=str0.find('<a href')
##print href
##print com
##print url
###print content
##print filename
import urllib
url = ['']*50
con = urllib.urlopen('http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/articlelist_1191258123_0_1.html').read()
i = 0
title = con.find(r'<a title=')
href = con.find('href=',title)
html = con.find('.html',href)
while title !=-1 and href != -1 and html != -1 and i < 50 :
url[i] = con[href + 6:html + 5]
print url[i]
title = con.find('<a title=',html)
href = con.find('href=',title)
html = con.find('.html',href)
i = i + 1
print 'find end!'
j = 0
while j < 50:
content = urllib.urlopen(url[j]).read()
j = j + 1
print "over"