基於 Swoole 的一個異步隊列庫,可彈性伸縮的工做進程池,工做進程協程支持。php
Github 地址:https://github.com/Littlesqx/...laravel
$ composer require littlesqx/aint-queue -vvv
默認讀取配置路徑: config/aint-queue.php
, 不存在時讀取 /vendor/littlesqx/aint-queue/src/Config/config.php
<?php use Littlesqx\AintQueue\Driver\Redis\Queue as RedisQueue; use Littlesqx\AintQueue\Logger\DefaultLogger; return [ // channel_name => [...config] 'default' => [ 'driver' => [ 'class' => RedisQueue::class, 'connection' => [ 'host' => '', 'port' => 6379, 'database' => '0', // 'password' => 'password', ], 'pool_size' => 8, 'pool_wait_timeout' => 1, 'handle_timeout' => 60 * 30, ], 'logger' => [ 'class' => DefaultLogger::class, 'options' => [ 'level' => \Monolog\Logger::DEBUG, ], ], 'pid_path' => '/var/run/aint-queue', 'consumer' => [ 'sleep_seconds' => 1, 'memory_limit' => 96, 'dynamic_mode' => true, 'capacity' => 6, 'flex_interval' => 5 * 60, 'min_worker_number' => 5, 'max_worker_number' => 30, 'max_handle_number' => 0, ], 'job_snapshot' => [ 'interval' => 5 * 60, 'handler' => [], ], ], ];
name | type | comment | default |
channel | string | 頻道。隊列的單位,每一個頻道內的消息對應着各自的消費者和生產者。支持多頻道。在命令行使用 --channel 參數。 |
default |
driver.class | string | 隊列驅動類,須要實現 QueueInterface。 | Redis |
driver.connection | map | 驅動配置。 | |
pid_path | string | 主進程的 PID 文件存儲路徑。注意運行用戶須要可讀寫權限。 | /var/run/aint-queue |
consumer.sleep_seconds | int | 當任務空閒時,每次 pop 操做後的睡眠秒數。 | 1 |
consumer.memory_limit | int | 工做進程的最大使用內存,超出則重啓。單位 MB。 | 96 |
consumer.dynamic_mode | bool | 是否開啓自動伸縮工做進程。 | true |
consumer.capacity | int | 表明每一個工做進程在短期內而且健康狀態下的最多處理消息數,它影響了工做進程的自動伸縮策略。 | 5 |
consumer.flex_interval | int | 每 flex_interval 秒,監控進程嘗試調整工做進程數(假設開啓了自動伸縮工做進程)。 |
5 |
consumer.min_worker_number | int | 工做進程最小數目。 | 5 |
consumer.max_worker_number | int | 工做進程最大數目。 | 30 |
consumer.max_handle_number | int | 當前工做進程最大處理消息數,超出後重啓。0 表明無限制。 | 0 |
job_snapshot | map | 每隔 job_snapshot.interval 秒,job_snapshot.handles 會被依次執行。job_snapshot.handles 須要實現 JobSnapshotterInterface。 |
能夠在 cli/fpm 運行模式下使用:redis
<?php use Littlesqx\AintQueue\Driver\DriverFactory; $queue = DriverFactory::make($channel, $options); // push a job $queue->push(function () { echo "Hello aint-queue\n"; }); // push a delay job $closureJob = function () { echo "Hello aint-queue delayed\n"; }; $queue->push($closureJob, 5);
建立的任務類須要實現 JobInterface
,詳細可參考 /example
推薦使用 Supervisor
AintQueue Console Tool Usage: command [options] [arguments] Options: -h, --help Display this help message -q, --quiet Do not output any message -V, --version Display this application version --ansi Force ANSI output --no-ansi Disable ANSI output -n, --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive question -v|vv|vvv, --verbose Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug Available commands: help Displays help for a command list Lists commands queue queue:clear Clear the queue. queue:dashboard Start http server for dashboard. queue:reload-failed Reload all the failed jobs onto the waiting queue. queue:status Get the execute status of specific queue. worker worker:listen Listen the queue. worker:reload Reload worker for the queue. worker:run Run the specific job. worker:stop Stop listening the queue.
composer test