設置一個模型後右鍵單擊Get Format ApplyFormat能夠應用到其它選中模型sql
在PowerDesigner中 Tools》Generial Options》Fonts 設置字體爲VS默認 Consolas,等寬字體,看起來舒服多了數據庫
設置PDM表中顯示Code 和 Name架構
數據庫支持架構導出配置: post
藉助小工具pdmreader(可從http://www.pdmreader.com/下載)打開PDM文件,而後生成說明文檔。 spa
文件 》打開*.pdm數據庫字典文件》導出doc設計
1 Option Explicit 2 ValidationMode = True 3 InteractiveMode = im_Batch 4 5 Dim mdl ' the current model 6 7 ' get the current active model 8 Set mdl = ActiveModel 9 If (mdl Is Nothing) Then 10 MsgBox "There is no current Model " 11 ElseIf Not mdl.IsKindOf(PdPDM.cls_Model) Then 12 MsgBox "The current model is not an Physical Data model. " 13 Else 14 ProcessFolder mdl 15 End If 16 17 Private sub ProcessFolder(folder) 18 On Error Resume Next 19 Dim Tab 'running table 20 for each Tab in folder.tables 21 if not tab.isShortcut then 22 tab.name =tab.comment+"("+view.code +")" 23 Dim col ' running column 24 for each col in tab.columns 25 if col.comment="" then 26 else 27 col.name= col.comment 28 end if 29 next 30 end if 31 next 32 33 Dim view 'running view 34 for each view in folder.Views 35 if not view.isShortcut then 36 view.name = view.comment+"("+view.code+")" 37 end if 38 next 39 40 ' go into the sub-packages 41 Dim f ' running folder 42 For Each f In folder.Packages 43 if not f.IsShortcut then 44 ProcessFolder f 45 end if 46 Next 47 end sub