Go Concurrency

Go Concurrencygolang

一、A goroutine is a lightweight thread managed by the Go runtime.express


二、Channels are a typed conduit through which you can send and receive values with the channel operator, <-.緩存


三、Like maps and slices, channels must be created before use:dom


  By default, sends and receives block until the other side is ready. This allows goroutines to synchronize without explicit locks or condition variables.ide




五、A sender can close a channel to indicate that no more values will be sent. Receivers can test whether a channel has been closed by assigning a second parameter to the receive expression: afterui


  ok is false if there are no more values to receive and the channel is closed.spa

  The loop for i := range c receives values from the channel repeatedly until it is closed.3d

  Note: Only the sender should close a channel, never the receiver. Sending on a closed channel will cause a panic.code

  Another note: Channels aren't like files; you don't usually need to close them. Closing is only necessary when the receiver must be told there are no more values coming, such as to terminate a range loop.


六、The select statement lets a goroutine wait on multiple communication operations.

  A select blocks until one of its cases can run, then it executes that case. It chooses one at random if multiple are ready.



七、The default case in a select is run if no other case is ready.

  Use a default case to try a send or receive without blocking:


