備份本地mysql數據到Ucloud存儲,支持STANDARD, IA, ARCHIVE 標準存儲,低頻存儲(IA)或者冷存儲(ARCHIVE) 這3中存儲類型mysql
#注意若是,欲使用低頻存儲(IA)或者冷存儲(ARCHIVE),請在命令參數storageclass中指定,支持三種值:STANDARD, IA, ARCHIVE
./filemgr-linux64 --action restore --bucket <bucketName> --key <backupKey>linux
centos7.6 X86_64位最小化安裝
mysql爲5.7.28 二進制版本安裝
[root@mysql-redis105 ~]# cat /data/soft/linux64/beijing-config.cfg
"public_key" : "TOKEN_3816a393-5f22-4bc4-a0a4-71a6a2e4",
"private_key" : "af6ecb83-6f34-4bc0-9bcb-880100db5",
"proxy_host" : "www.cn-bj.ufileos.com",
"api_host" : "api.spark.ucloud.cn"
# 全庫備份sql
mysqldump -A | ./filemgr-linux64 --action stream-upload --bucket <bucketName> --key <all-backupKey> --file stdin --threads <threads> --retrycount <retry> --storageclass <storage-class>
mysqldump -B database1 database2 | ./filemgr-linux64 --action stream-upload --bucket <bucketName> --key <part-backupKey> --file stdin --threads <threads> --retrycount <retry> --storageclass <storage-class>
說明:備份文件存儲在ucloud存儲的文件 wbvs_dbbak 下的2020-05-24.db.sql文件 wbvs_dbbak 這個文件要提早在Ucloud控制檯提早建立centos
[root@mysql-redis linux64]# mysqldump -uroot -p'rRt&8UiJpN3' -B test00001db gogs |filemgr -config /data/soft/linux64/beijing-config.cfg --action stream-upload --bucket wbtdsp-cdn-beijing --key wbvs_dbbak/2020-05-24.db.sql --file stdin --retrycount 10 --storageclass IA mysqldump: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. Warning: A partial dump from a server that has GTIDs will by default include the GTIDs of all transactions, even those that changed suppressed parts of the database. If you don't want to restore GTIDs, pass --set-gtid-purged=OFF. To make a complete dump, pass --all-databases --triggers --routines --events. 2020/05/24 14:35:03.016310 [INFO]StreamUpload blk size: 4194304 2020/05/24 14:35:03.034545 [INFO]part[1] size[46797] 2020/05/24 14:35:03.607199 [INFO]part[0] upload done [ok] 2020/05/24 14:35:03.791041 [INFO]StreamUpload success!!!
恢復遠程存儲備份的文件2020-05-24.db.sql 到本地庫中:服務器
[root@mysql-redis ~]# filemgr -config /data/soft/linux64/beijing-config.cfg --action stream-download --bucket wbtdsp-cdn-beijing --key wbvs_dbbak/2020-05-24.db.sql --file stdout --threads 1 --retrycount 2|mysql ERROR 1840 (HY000) at line 24: @@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED is empty.
恢復報錯,緣由是本地服務器庫開啓了Gtid,備份本地數據庫並存儲到遠程雲存儲時,mysqldump沒有關閉關閉gtid,導致gtid信息存儲到了備份的庫文件2020-05-24.db.sql 中,因此在恢復2020-05-24.db.sql 數據到本地庫時,會把2020-05-24.db.sql 文件中的gtid信息也恢復到本地庫裏面,從而致使報錯ide
mysqldump -uroot -p'rRt&8UiJpN3' -B test00001db gogs --single-transaction --set-gtid-purged=OFF |filemgr -config /data/soft/linux64/beijing-config.cfg --action stream-upload --bucket wbtdsp-cdn-beijing --key wbvs_dbbak/`date +%F`.db.sql --retrycount 10 --storageclass IA
提示:在mysqldump的過程當中 --file stdin 參數可加可不加
[root@mysql-redis ~]# mysqldump -uroot -p'rRt&8UiJpN3' -B test00001db gogs --single-transaction --set-gtid-purged=OFF |filemgr -config /data/soft/linux64/beijing-config.cfg --action stream-upload --bucket wbtdsp-cdn-beijing --key wbvs_dbbak/`date +%F`.db.sql --file stdin --retrycount 10 --storageclass IA mysqldump: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. 2020/05/25 16:35:20.193048 [INFO]StreamUpload blk size: 4194304 2020/05/25 16:35:20.208247 [INFO]part[1] size[46445] 2020/05/25 16:35:21.713947 [INFO]part[0] upload done [ok] 2020/05/25 16:35:21.879204 [INFO]StreamUpload success!!!
[root@mysql-redis ~]# filemgr -config /data/soft/linux64/beijing-config.cfg --action stream-download --bucket wbtdsp-cdn-beijing --key wbvs_dbbak/`date +%F`.db.sql --file stdout --threads 1 --retrycount 2 2>./error.log |mysql [root@mysql-redis ~]# echo $? 0 恢復完成: [root@mysql-redis ~]# mysql -e "show databases"|egrep 'gogs|test00001db' gogs test00001db
#壓縮 備份和恢復 #備份 mysqldump -A | gzip | ./filemgr-linux64 --action stream-upload --bucket <bucketName> --key <all-backupKey> --file stdin --threads <threads> --retrycount <retry> --storageclass <storage-class> #恢復 ./filemgr-linux --action stream-download --bucket <bucketName> --key <all-backupKey> --threads <threads> --retrycount <retry> 2>./error.log | gzip -d | mysql
[root@mysql-redis ~]# mysqldump -uroot -p'rRt&8UiJpN3' -B test00001db gogs --single-transaction --set-gtid-purged=OFF |gzip |filemgr -config /data/soft/linux64/beijing-config.cfg --action stream-upload --bucket wbtdsp-cdn-beijing --key wbvs_dbbak/`date +%F`.db.sql.gz --file stdin --retrycount 10 --storageclass IA mysqldump: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. 2020/05/25 16:54:13.321441 [INFO]StreamUpload blk size: 4194304 2020/05/25 16:54:13.324886 [INFO]part[1] size[7760] 2020/05/25 16:54:14.570615 [INFO]part[0] upload done [ok] 2020/05/25 16:54:14.844144 [INFO]StreamUpload success!!! [root@mysql-redis ~]# filemgr -config /data/soft/linux64/beijing-config.cfg --action stream-download --bucket wbtdsp-cdn-beijing --key wbvs_dbbak/`date +%F`.db.sql.gz --file stdout --threads 1 --retrycount 2 2>./error.log |gzip -d|mysql
mysqldump -A | openssl enc -e -aes256 -in - -out - -kfile <key file> | ./filemgr-linux64 --action stream-upload --bucket <bucketName> --key <all-backupKey> --file stdin --threads <threads> --retrycount <retry> --storageclass <storage-class> # 恢復 ./filemgr-linux --action stream-download --bucket <bucketName> --key <all-backupKey> --threads <threads> --retrycount <retry> 2>./error.log | openssl enc -d -aes256 -in - -out - -kfile <key file> | mysql
mysqldump -uroot -p'rRt&8UiJpN3' -B test00001db |gzip - | openssl enc -e -aes256 -a -salt -k manager1 -out 2.sql.gz.aes
-B test00001db 指定備份單個庫 gzip - 對指定備份test00001db 庫進行壓縮備份 openssl enc -e -aes256 -a -salt :採用openssl -aes256的加密算法方式對gzip 壓縮備份出來的內容進行加密 -k manager1 : 指定openssl 加密過程當中提示要輸入加密密碼的密碼文件。此文件manager1 存放加密密碼,在解密數據備份文件2.sql.gz.aes 時要用到,因此這個密碼文件千萬不能丟。 -out 2.sql.gz.aes :把壓縮備份出的數據內容通過加密後,輸出保存在文件2.sql.gz.aes 中。這個文件加密後內容就是一堆字符字母。 -kfile manager 指定加密過程當中存放密碼的文件
加密: root@mysql-redis scripts]# mysqldump -uroot -p'rRt&8UiJpN3' -B test00001db |gzip - | openssl enc -e -aes256 -a -salt -kfile /data/scripts/manager -out 3.sql.gz.aes mysqldump: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. Warning: A partial dump from a server that has GTIDs will by default include the GTIDs of all transactions, even those that changed suppressed parts of the database. If you don't want to restore GTIDs, pass --set-gtid-purged=OFF. To make a complete dump, pass --all-databases --triggers --routines --events. [root@mysql-redis ~]# cat /data/scripts/manager STDwdsuyd12345678 解密: -kfile manager 指定解密過程當中存放密碼的文件: openssl enc -d -aes256 -a -salt -kfile /data/scripts/manager -in 3.sql.gz.aes -out 3.sql.gz
mysqldump -uroot -p'rRt&8UiJpN3' -B test00001db |gzip - | openssl enc -e -aes256 -a -salt -kfile /data/scripts/manager -out /data/backup/dbbackup/3.sql.gz.aes|filemgr -config /data/soft/linux64/beijing-config.cfg --action sync --dir ./dbbackup --trimpath /data/backup/ --bucket wbtdsp-cdn-beijing mysqldump: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. Warning: A partial dump from a server that has GTIDs will by default include the GTIDs of all transactions, even those that changed suppressed parts of the database. If you don't want to restore GTIDs, pass --set-gtid-purged=OFF. To make a complete dump, pass --all-databases --triggers --routines --events. 2020/05/26 15:08:22.106045 [INFO]Syncing... 2020/05/26 15:08:22.387666 [INFO] Sync Successed[ /data/backup/dbbackup/3.sql.gz.aes ] => wbtdsp-cdn-beijing : 3.sql.gz.aes 2020/05/26 15:08:22.410341 [INFO] Sync Successed[ /data/backup/dbbackup/test/3.sql.gz.aes ] => wbtdsp-cdn-beijing : test/3.sql.gz.aes ======================== | succ| fail| ------------------------ | 2| 0| ========================
解密:把存放在雲存儲的文件3.sql.gz.aes 下載到服務器本地進行解密
manager 文件爲存放加密過程的密碼 [root@mysql-redis ~]# cat /data/scripts/manager STDwdsuyd12345678 -kfile manager 指定解密過程當中存放密碼的文件: openssl enc -d -aes256 -a -salt -kfile /data/scripts/manager -in 3.sql.gz.aes -out 3.sql.gz openssl enc -d -aes256 -a -salt -kfile /data/scripts/manager -in /data/backup/dbbackup/test/3.sql.gz.aes -out 3.sql.gz
[root@mysql-redis backup]# mysqldump -uroot -p'rRt&8UiJpN3' -A |gzip - | openssl enc -e -aes256 -a -salt -kfile /data/scripts/manager -out /data/backup/dbbackup/test/3.sql.gz.aes&&filemgr -config /data/soft/linux64/beijing-config.cfg --action sync --dir ./dbbackup --trimpath /data/backup/ --bucket wbtdsp-cdn-beijing mysqldump: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. Warning: A partial dump from a server that has GTIDs will by default include the GTIDs of all transactions, even those that changed suppressed parts of the database. If you don't want to restore GTIDs, pass --set-gtid-purged=OFF. To make a complete dump, pass --all-databases --triggers --routines --events. 2020/05/26 15:18:26.216807 [INFO]Syncing... 2020/05/26 15:18:29.047693 [INFO] Sync Successed[ /data/backup/dbbackup/test/3.sql.gz.aes ] => wbtdsp-cdn-beijing : test/3.sql.gz.aes ======================== | succ| fail| ------------------------ | 1| 0| ========================