/* Offsets of a log block header */
#define LOG_BLOCK_HDR_NO 0 /* block number which must be > 0 and
is allowed to wrap around at 2G; the highest bit is set to 1 if this is the first log block in a log flush write segment */
#define LOG_BLOCK_FLUSH_BIT_MASK 0x80000000UL
/* mask used to get the highest bit in the preceding field */
#define LOG_BLOCK_HDR_DATA_LEN 4 /* number of bytes of log written to
this block */
#define LOG_BLOCK_FIRST_REC_GROUP 6 /* offset of the first start of an mtr log record group in this log block, 0 if none; if the value is the same as LOG_BLOCK_HDR_DATA_LEN, it means that the first rec group has not yet been catenated to this log block, but if it will, it will start at this offset; an archive recovery can start parsing the log records starting from this offset in this log block, if value not 0 */
#define LOG_BLOCK_CHECKPOINT_NO 8 /* 4 lower bytes of the value of log_sys->next_checkpoint_no when the log block was last written to: if the block has not yet been written full, this value is only updated before a log buffer flush */
#define LOG_BLOCK_HDR_SIZE 12 /* size of the log block header in bytes */
/* Offsets of a log block trailer from the end of the block */
#define LOG_BLOCK_CHECKSUM 4 /* 4 byte checksum of the log block contents; in InnoDB versions < 3.23.52 this did not contain the checksum but the same value as .._HDR_NO */
#define LOG_BLOCK_TRL_SIZE 4 /* trailer size in bytes */
頭部長度是12字節,尾部長度是4字節,代碼中標明瞭頭尾的長度,其餘的都是偏移量,所以每一個部分的長度也就是下一個偏移量減去當前值。這麼算下來,實際上能存儲數據的部分只有496字節了,這部分網上不少資料裏都叫作log data,我在這裏也這麼叫吧。日誌
知道了日誌結構,其實只是瞭解redo log的第一步,由於redo log是InnoDB實現事務的重要手段,裏面的水很深,我也會不斷地把個人學習心得寫在這裏,並不斷地補充寫好的東西。blog