ceph osd tree
list weight, status and logic structure of all osd node
ceph osd df
list weight, space usage and pg amount of all osdapp
**ceph osd dump|grep ^osd **
query osd info from osdmap socket
**ceph osd dump|grep ^pool **
query pool info from osdmap spa
ceph pg dump list content of pg map debug
ceph pg map <pg_id> find up and acting osd set of a pgcode
root@node3:~$ ceph pg map 0.ff osdmap e12 pg 0.ff (0.ff) -> up [0] acting [0]
ceph daemon osd.<index> help
Ceph-osd debug command from admin socket orm
debug_optracker=5/5 隊列
**ceph daemon osd.0 perf dump **
dump performan statistics圖片
"op_w": 2073643, // osd執行的寫操做總數 "op_w_in_bytes": 8493641728, // osd寫過的數據總長度 "op_w_rlat": { // 4899.396228711秒 / 2073643 = 0.002362699秒 (osd從收到消息到寫操做執行完成且可讀的平均處理時間) "avgcount": 2073643, "sum": 4899.396228711 }, "op_w_latency": { "avgcount": ,2073643 // 4903.004405663秒 / 2073643 = 0.002364439秒 (osd從收到消息到寫操做執行完成平均處理時間) "sum": 4903.004405663 }, "op_w_process_latency": { // 4793.747818290秒 / 2073643 = 0.002311751秒 (osd從寫操做進入pg隊列後到完成的處理時間) "avgcount": 2073643, "sum": 4793.747818290 }, "op_w_prepare_latency": { // 535.981493596秒 / 2073643 = 0.000258473秒 (op在pg隊列中的滯留時間) "avgcount": 2073643, "sum": 535.981493596 },
ceph daemon osd.0 ops dump inflight ops rem
**ceph pg 0.c5 query **
query pg peering infomation { "state": "remapped+peering", //PG狀態 "snap_trimq": "[]", "epoch": 21, "up": [ //up!=acting 因此狀態爲remapped 0, 2 ], "acting": [ //acting primary爲osd.0, 在osd.0和osd.1上有pg 0.c5的副本 0, 1 ], "info": { //osd.0上pg 0.c 的信息 "pgid": "0.c5", "last_update": "0'0", //pg log最新記錄編號 "last_complete": "0'0", //pg log各副本數據一致 "log_tail": "0'0", //pg log最老記錄編號 "last_user_version": 0, "last_backfill": "MAX", "last_backfill_bitwise": 0, "purged_snaps": "[]", "history": { "epoch_created": 1, "last_epoch_started": 10, "last_epoch_clean": 10, //epoch 10時,pg 0.c5狀態爲clean "last_epoch_split": 0, "last_epoch_marked_full": 0, "same_up_since": 15, "same_interval_since": 15, // epoch 15後,pg 0.c5的up/acting沒有再變化 "same_primary_since": 9, "last_scrub": "0'0", "last_scrub_stamp": "2016-09-09 11:51:18.563399", "last_deep_scrub": "0'0", "last_deep_scrub_stamp": "2016-09-09 11:51:18.563399", "last_clean_scrub_stamp": "2016-09-09 11:51:18.563399" }, "stats": { "version": "0'0", "reported_seq": "14", "reported_epoch": "16", "state": "remapped+peering", "last_fresh": "2016-09-09 11:52:06.425706", "last_change": "2016-09-09 11:52:05.351546", "last_active": "2016-09-09 11:51:53.364638", "last_peered": "2016-09-09 11:51:53.364638", "last_clean": "2016-09-09 11:51:18.563399", "last_became_active": "2016-09-09 11:51:53.364312", "last_became_peered": "2016-09-09 11:51:53.364312", "last_unstale": "2016-09-09 11:52:06.425706", "last_undegraded": "2016-09-09 11:52:06.425706", "last_fullsized": "2016-09-09 11:52:06.425706", "mapping_epoch": 15, "log_start": "0'0", "ondisk_log_start": "0'0", "created": 1, "last_epoch_clean": 10, "parent": "0.0", "parent_split_bits": 0, "last_scrub": "0'0", "last_scrub_stamp": "2016-09-09 11:51:18.563399", "last_deep_scrub": "0'0", "last_deep_scrub_stamp": "2016-09-09 11:51:18.563399", "last_clean_scrub_stamp": "2016-09-09 11:51:18.563399", "log_size": 0, "ondisk_log_size": 0, "stats_invalid": false, "dirty_stats_invalid": false, "omap_stats_invalid": false, "hitset_stats_invalid": false, "hitset_bytes_stats_invalid": false, "pin_stats_invalid": false, "stat_sum": { "num_bytes": 0, "num_objects": 0, "num_object_clones": 0, "num_object_copies": 0, "num_objects_missing_on_primary": 0, "num_objects_missing": 0, "num_objects_degraded": 0, "num_objects_misplaced": 0, "num_objects_unfound": 0, "num_objects_dirty": 0, "num_whiteouts": 0, "num_read": 0, "num_read_kb": 0, "num_write": 0, "num_write_kb": 0, "num_scrub_errors": 0, "num_shallow_scrub_errors": 0, "num_deep_scrub_errors": 0, "num_objects_recovered": 0, "num_bytes_recovered": 0, "num_keys_recovered": 0, "num_objects_omap": 0, "num_objects_hit_set_archive": 0, "num_bytes_hit_set_archive": 0, "num_flush": 0, "num_flush_kb": 0, "num_evict": 0, "num_evict_kb": 0, "num_promote": 0, "num_flush_mode_high": 0, "num_flush_mode_low": 0, "num_evict_mode_some": 0, "num_evict_mode_full": 0, "num_objects_pinned": 0 }, "up": [ 0, 2 ], "acting": [ 0, 1 ], "blocked_by": [ 1 ], "up_primary": 0, "acting_primary": 0 }, "empty": 1, "dne": 0, "incomplete": 0, "last_epoch_started": 10, "hit_set_history": { "current_last_update": "0'0", "history": [] } }, "peer_info": [ { "peer": "2", //osd.2上pg 0.c 的信息 "pgid": "0.c5", "last_update": "0'0", "last_complete": "0'0", "log_tail": "0'0", "last_user_version": 0, "last_backfill": "MAX", "last_backfill_bitwise": 0, "purged_snaps": "[]", "history": { "epoch_created": 0, "last_epoch_started": 0, "last_epoch_clean": 0, "last_epoch_split": 0, "last_epoch_marked_full": 0, "same_up_since": 0, "same_interval_since": 0, "same_primary_since": 0, "last_scrub": "0'0", "last_scrub_stamp": "0.000000", "last_deep_scrub": "0'0", "last_deep_scrub_stamp": "0.000000", "last_clean_scrub_stamp": "0.000000" }, "stats": { "version": "0'0", "reported_seq": "0", "reported_epoch": "0", "state": "inactive", "last_fresh": "0.000000", "last_change": "0.000000", "last_active": "0.000000", "last_peered": "0.000000", "last_clean": "0.000000", "last_became_active": "0.000000", "last_became_peered": "0.000000", "last_unstale": "0.000000", "last_undegraded": "0.000000", "last_fullsized": "0.000000", "mapping_epoch": 0, "log_start": "0'0", "ondisk_log_start": "0'0", "created": 0, "last_epoch_clean": 0, "parent": "0.0", "parent_split_bits": 0, "last_scrub": "0'0", "last_scrub_stamp": "0.000000", "last_deep_scrub": "0'0", "last_deep_scrub_stamp": "0.000000", "last_clean_scrub_stamp": "0.000000", "log_size": 0, "ondisk_log_size": 0, "stats_invalid": false, "dirty_stats_invalid": false, "omap_stats_invalid": false, "hitset_stats_invalid": false, "hitset_bytes_stats_invalid": false, "pin_stats_invalid": false, "stat_sum": { "num_bytes": 0, "num_objects": 0, "num_object_clones": 0, "num_object_copies": 0, "num_objects_missing_on_primary": 0, "num_objects_missing": 0, "num_objects_degraded": 0, "num_objects_misplaced": 0, "num_objects_unfound": 0, "num_objects_dirty": 0, "num_whiteouts": 0, "num_read": 0, "num_read_kb": 0, "num_write": 0, "num_write_kb": 0, "num_scrub_errors": 0, "num_shallow_scrub_errors": 0, "num_deep_scrub_errors": 0, "num_objects_recovered": 0, "num_bytes_recovered": 0, "num_keys_recovered": 0, "num_objects_omap": 0, "num_objects_hit_set_archive": 0, "num_bytes_hit_set_archive": 0, "num_flush": 0, "num_flush_kb": 0, "num_evict": 0, "num_evict_kb": 0, "num_promote": 0, "num_flush_mode_high": 0, "num_flush_mode_low": 0, "num_evict_mode_some": 0, "num_evict_mode_full": 0, "num_objects_pinned": 0 }, "up": [], "acting": [], "blocked_by": [], "up_primary": -1, "acting_primary": -1 }, "empty": 1, "dne": 1, "incomplete": 0, "last_epoch_started": 0, "hit_set_history": { "current_last_update": "0'0", "history": [] } } ], "recovery_state": [ { "name": "Started\/Primary\/Peering\/GetInfo", "enter_time": "2016-09-09 11:52:05.351102", "requested_info_from": [ { "osd": "1" //peering被osd.1阻塞,沒有向primary osd返回pg info } ] }, { "name": "Started\/Primary\/Peering", "enter_time": "2016-09-09 11:52:05.351054", "past_intervals": [ { "first": 9, "last": 11, "maybe_went_rw": 1, "up": [ 0 ], "acting": [ 0 ], "primary": 0, "up_primary": 0 }, { "first": 12, "last": 13, "maybe_went_rw": 1, "up": [ 0, 1 ], "acting": [ 0 ], "primary": 0, "up_primary": 0 }, { "first": 14, "last": 14, "maybe_went_rw": 0, "up": [ 0, 1 ], "acting": [ 0, 1 ], "primary": 0, "up_primary": 0 } ], "probing_osds": [ //peering過程當中須要比較pg info的osd "0", "1", "2" ], "down_osds_we_would_probe": [], "peering_blocked_by": [] }, { "name": "Started", "enter_time": "2016-09-09 11:52:05.350750" } ],
ceph osd reweight 1 0.5
Before reweight:
root@node3:~$ ceph osd tree ID WEIGHT TYPE NAME UP/DOWN REWEIGHT PRIMARY-AFFINITY -1 2.00000 root default -2 2.00000 host node3 0 1.00000 osd.0 up 1.00000 1.00000 1 1.00000 osd.1 up 1.00000 1.00000
root@node3:~$ ceph osd df ID WEIGHT REWEIGHT SIZE USE AVAIL %USE VAR PGS 0 1.00000 1.00000 2098M 1025M 1072M 48.86 1.00 133 1 1.00000 1.00000 2098M 1025M 1072M 48.86 1.00 123
After reweight:
root@node3:~$ ceph osd tree ID WEIGHT TYPE NAME UP/DOWN REWEIGHT PRIMARY-AFFINITY -1 2.00000 root default -2 2.00000 host node3 0 1.00000 osd.0 up 1.00000 1.00000 1 1.00000 osd.1 up 0.50000 1.00000
root@node3:~$ ceph osd df ID WEIGHT REWEIGHT SIZE USE AVAIL %USE VAR PGS 0 1.00000 1.00000 2098M 1025M 1072M 48.86 1.00 202 1 1.00000 0.50000 2098M 1025M 1072M 48.86 1.00 54
ceph daemon osd.1 config show
list all configurable parameters
{ "name": "osd.1", "cluster": "ceph", "debug_none": "0\/5", "debug_lockdep": "0\/1", "debug_context": "0\/1", "debug_crush": "1\/1", "debug_mds": "1\/5", "debug_mds_balancer": "1\/5", "debug_mds_locker": "1\/5", "debug_mds_log": "1\/5", ......
ceph daemon osd.1 config show | grep backfills lookup the value of backfills
root@node3:src(develop)$ ceph daemon osd.1 config show | grep backfills "osd_max_backfills": "1",
ceph daemon osd.1 config set osd_max_backfills 2
modify a configurable var value of one osd
root@node3:src(develop)$ ceph daemon osd.1 config show | grep backfills "osd_max_backfills": "2",
ceph daemon <path-to-asok> config show
show configs
root@node3:src(develop)$ ceph daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-osd.0.asok config show | grep backfills "osd_max_backfills": "2",
ceph tell osd. injectargs "--osd_max_backfills=2"*
batch modify osds
root@node3:src(develop)$ ceph daemon osd.1 config show | grep backfills "osd_max_backfills": "2", root@node3:src(develop)$ ceph daemon osd.0 config show | grep backfills "osd_max_backfills": "2",
ceph pg map 0.4
root@node3:src(develop)$ ./ceph pg map 0.4 osdmap e11 pg 0.4 (0.4) -> up [0,2,1] acting [0,2,1]
ceph osd map <pool> <objectName>
例子以下: root@node3:src(develop)$ rados -p testpool put testobject /etc/hosts root@node3:src(develop)$ rados -p testpool ls testobject root@node3:src(develop)$ ceph osd map testpool testobject osdmap e71 pool 'testpool' (6) object 'testobject' -> pg 6.98824931 (6.31) -> up ([5, 4 ,6], p5) acting ([5,4,6], p5)