【儀表盤】格式sql編寫規則: ? 只支持select語句而且, Select的結果必須爲四列一行,且沒列值爲數值,其中 ? 第一個值爲最小值 ? 第二個值爲最大值 ? 第三個值爲安全值 ? 第四個值爲當前值 例如 Select 0,400,300,count(id) from hrmresource 【其餘圖形】格式sql編寫規則(餅狀、柱狀、折線等等) 只支持select語句而且,select的結果必須爲兩列N(N>=1)行,且第二列必須爲數值,其中 第一列值爲顯示項目(分類)名稱 第二列值爲對應項目(分類)的值 例如 員工數機構 sql: select top 10 (select subcompanyname from hrmsubcompany where id=subCompanyId1),count(id) As cids from hrmresource group by subCompanyId1 order by cids desc oracle: select (select subcompanyname from hrmsubcompany where id=subCompanyId1),count(id) As cids from hrmresource group by subCompanyId1 order by cids desc 合同金額前十機構 select top 10 (select subcompanyname from hrmsubcompany where id=subCompanyId1),floor(sum(price/10000)) As cids from CRM_Contract where subCompanyId1 is not null group by subCompanyId1 order by cids desc 銷售機會金額前十機構 select top 10 (select subcompanyname from hrmsubcompany where id=subCompanyId),floor(sum(preyield/10000)) As cids from CRM_SellChance group by subCompanyId order by cids desc 耗時前五長流程 sql: select top 5 (select workflowname from workflow_base where id=workflowid),24*avg(convert(float,convert(datetime,lastoperatedate))-convert(float,convert(datetime,createdate))) cids from workflow_requestbase where workflowid>0 and workflowid!=5 group by workflowid order by cids desc oracle: select (select workflowname from workflow_base where id=workflowid),avg(nvl(to_date(lastoperatedate,'yyyy-mm-dd'),to_date(to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD'),'yyyy-mm-dd'))- to_date(createdate,'yyyy-mm-dd')) as cids from workflow_requestbase where workflowid>0 and workflowid!=5 and rownum<=5 group by workflowid order by cids desc 銷售機會前十機構 select top 10 (select subcompanyname from hrmsubcompany where id=subCompanyId),count(id) As cids from CRM_SellChance group by subCompanyId order by cids desc 項目統計前十機構 select top 10 (select subcompanyname from hrmsubcompany where id=hrmdepartment.subcompanyid1),count(*) as cid from Prj_ProjectInfo ,hrmdepartment where Prj_ProjectInfo.department=hrmdepartment.id group by hrmdepartment.subcompanyid1 order by cid desc 人員性別統計 select case sex when '0' then '男' else '女' end, count(id) as cid from hrmresource group by sex 典型客戶前十機構 select top 10 (select provincename from hrmprovince where id=province) ,province,count(id) as cids from CRM_CustomerInfo where status=4 and province>0 group by province order by cids desc 建立文擋前十名統計 sql: select top 10 (select lastname from hrmresource where id=doccreaterid) ,count(id) as cid from docdetail group by doccreaterid order by cid desc oracle: select (select lastname from hrmresource where id=doccreaterid) ,count(id) as cid from docdetail where rownum<=10 group by doccreaterid order by cid desc 待辦事宜數量前十機構統計 slq: select top 10 (select subcompanyname from hrmsubcompany where id=subcompanyid1),count(requestid) as cid from workflow_currentoperator,hrmresource where hrmresource.id=workflow_currentoperator.userid and isremark in (0,1,8,9) and islasttimes=1 group by subcompanyid1 order by cid desc oracle: select (select subcompanyname from hrmsubcompany where id=subcompanyid1),count(requestid) as cid from workflow_currentoperator,hrmresource where hrmresource.id=workflow_currentoperator.userid and isremark in (0,1,8,9) and islasttimes=1 and rownum<=10 group by subcompanyid1 order by cid desc 學歷人員分佈 oracle: select (select name from hrmeducationlevel where id=educationlevel) as 學歷,count(id) as 人數 from hrmresource where educationlevel != 0 group by educationlevel order by educationlevel desc 辦公地點人員分佈 oracle: select (select locationname from hrmlocations where id=locationid) as 辦公地點,count(id) as 人數 from hrmresource group by locationid 年齡段人員分佈 oracle: select 年齡段,age1 from( select count(id) age1,'40後' 年齡段 from hrmresource t1 where t1.birthday between '1940-01-01' and '1949-12-31' union select count(id) age1,'50後' 年齡段 from hrmresource t1 where t1.birthday between '1950-01-01' and '1959-12-31' union select count(id) age1,'60後' 年齡段 from hrmresource t1 where t1.birthday between '1960-01-01' and '1969-12-31' union select count(id) age1,'70後' 年齡段 from hrmresource t1 where t1.birthday between '1970-01-01' and '1979-12-31' union select count(id) age1,'80後' 年齡段 from hrmresource t1 where t1.birthday between '1980-01-01' and '1989-12-31' union select count(id) age1,'90後' 年齡段 from hrmresource t1 where t1.birthday between '1990-01-01' and '1999-12-31') order by 年齡段 職務人員分佈 sql: select count(id) as 人數,'總裁' as 職務 from hrmresource where seclevel=80 union all select count(id) as 人數,'中心領導' as 職務 from hrmresource where seclevel=70 or seclevel=60 union all select count(id) as 人數,'經理' as 職務 from hrmresource where seclevel=40 union all select count(id) as 人數,'副經理' as 職務 from hrmresource where seclevel=30 union all select count(id) as 人數,'主管' as 職務 from hrmresource where seclevel=20 union all select count(id) as 人數,'普通員工' as 職務 from hrmresource where seclevel=10 union all select count(id) as 人數,'實習生' as 職務 from hrmresource where seclevel=5 oracle: select 人數,職務 from( select count(id) as 人數,'總裁' as 職務 from hrmresource where seclevel=80 union all select count(id) as 人數,'中心領導' as 職務 from hrmresource where seclevel=70 or seclevel=60 union all select count(id) as 人數,'經理' as 職務 from hrmresource where seclevel=40 union all select count(id) as 人數,'副經理' as 職務 from hrmresource where seclevel=30 union all select count(id) as 人數,'主管' as 職務 from hrmresource where seclevel=20 union all select count(id) as 人數,'普通員工' as 職務 from hrmresource where seclevel=10 union all select count(id) as 人數,'實習生' as 職務 from hrmresource where level=5 ) U8系統-主營業務收入期間圖 select case b.iperiod when '1' then '一月' when '2' then '二月' when '3' then '三月' when '4' then '四月' when '5' then '五月' when '6' then '六月' when '7' then '七月' when '8' then '八月' when '9' then '九月' when '10' then '十月' when '11' then '十一月' when '12' then '十二月' end,sum(b.md) as 金額 from fitemss00 as a,GL_accass as b,code as c where a.citemcode=b.citem_id and b.ccode=c.ccode and c.ccode like '6001%' group by iperiod U8系統-主營業務成本期間圖 select case b.iperiod when '1' then '一月' when '2' then '二月' when '3' then '三月' when '4' then '四月' when '5' then '五月' when '6' then '六月' when '7' then '七月' when '8' then '八月' when '9' then '九月' when '10' then '十月' when '11' then '十一月' when '12' then '十二月' end,sum(b.md) as 金額 from fitemss00 as a,GL_accass as b,code as c where a.citemcode=b.citem_id and b.ccode=c.ccode and c.ccode like '6401%' group by iperiod U8系統-主營業務利潤 select '成本' as 項,sum(md) as 金額 from fitemss00 as a,GL_accass as b,code as c where a.citemcode=b.citem_id and b.ccode=c.ccode and c.ccode like '6401%' union all select '收入' as 項,sum(mc) as 金額 from fitemss00 as a,GL_accass as b,code as c where a.citemcode=b.citem_id and b.ccode=c.ccode and c.ccode like '6001%' U8系統-主營業務每個月利潤表 select '一月' as 月份,(select sum(b.md) from GL_accass as b,code as c where b.ccode=c.ccode and c.ccode like '6001%' and iperiod='1')-(select sum(b.md) from GL_accass as b,code as c where b.ccode=c.ccode and c.ccode like '6401%' and iperiod='1') as 金額 union all select '二月' as 月份,(select sum(b.md) from GL_accass as b,code as c where b.ccode=c.ccode and c.ccode like '6001%' and iperiod='2')-(select sum(b.md) from GL_accass as b,code as c where b.ccode=c.ccode and c.ccode like '6401%' and iperiod='2') as 金額 union all select '三月' as 月份,(select sum(b.md) from GL_accass as b,code as c where b.ccode=c.ccode and c.ccode like '6001%' and iperiod='3')-(select sum(b.md) from GL_accass as b,code as c where b.ccode=c.ccode and c.ccode like '6401%' and iperiod='3') as 金額 union all select '四月' as 月份,(select sum(b.md) from GL_accass as b,code as c where b.ccode=c.ccode and c.ccode like '6001%' and iperiod='4')-(select sum(b.md) from GL_accass as b,code as c where b.ccode=c.ccode and c.ccode like '6401%' and iperiod='4') as 金額 union all select '五月' as 月份,(select sum(b.md) from GL_accass as b,code as c where b.ccode=c.ccode and c.ccode like '6001%' and iperiod='5')-(select sum(b.md) from GL_accass as b,code as c where b.ccode=c.ccode and c.ccode like '6401%' and iperiod='5') as 金額 union all select '六月' as 月份,(select sum(b.md) from GL_accass as b,code as c where b.ccode=c.ccode and c.ccode like '6001%' and iperiod='6')-(select sum(b.md) from GL_accass as b,code as c where b.ccode=c.ccode and c.ccode like '6401%' and iperiod='6') as 金額 union all select '七月' as 月份,(select sum(b.md) from GL_accass as b,code as c where b.ccode=c.ccode and c.ccode like '6001%' and iperiod='7')-(select sum(b.md) from GL_accass as b,code as c where b.ccode=c.ccode and c.ccode like '6401%' and iperiod='7') as 金額 union all select '八月' as 月份,(select sum(b.md) from GL_accass as b,code as c where b.ccode=c.ccode and c.ccode like '6001%' and iperiod='8')-(select sum(b.md) from GL_accass as b,code as c where b.ccode=c.ccode and c.ccode like '6401%' and iperiod='8') as 金額 union all select '九月' as 月份,(select sum(b.md) from GL_accass as b,code as c where b.ccode=c.ccode and c.ccode like '6001%' and iperiod='9')-(select sum(b.md) from GL_accass as b,code as c where b.ccode=c.ccode and c.ccode like '6401%' and iperiod='9') as 金額 union all select '十月' as 月份,(select sum(b.md) from GL_accass as b,code as c where b.ccode=c.ccode and c.ccode like '6001%' and iperiod='10')-(select sum(b.md) from GL_accass as b,code as c where b.ccode=c.ccode and c.ccode like '6401%' and iperiod='10') as 金額 union all select '十一月' as 月份,(select sum(b.md) from GL_accass as b,code as c where b.ccode=c.ccode and c.ccode like '6001%' and iperiod='11')-(select sum(b.md) from GL_accass as b,code as c where b.ccode=c.ccode and c.ccode like '6401%' and iperiod='11') as 金額 union all select '十二月' as 月份,(select sum(b.md) from GL_accass as b,code as c where b.ccode=c.ccode and c.ccode like '6001%' and iperiod='12')-(select sum(b.md) from GL_accass as b,code as c where b.ccode=c.ccode and c.ccode like '6401%' and iperiod='12') as 金額 fitemss00 產品 code 科目 fitemss00class 產品分類表 GL_accass 資金錶 GL_CashTable 總帳現金流量數據表 GL_accvouch 憑證及明細帳 Code 會計科目檔案 Department 部門基本信息 Person 職員檔案 Customer 客戶檔案 CustomerClass 客戶分類檔案 Vendor 供應商檔案 VendorClass 供應商分類檔案 fitemss98 現金流量項目目錄 fitemss98class 現金流量分類目錄
序號數據庫 |
查詢語句安全 |
功能oracle |
1spa |
Select* from DocDetail where maincategory=17code |
查看通知blog |
2ip |
SELECT * from HrmResourceci |
查看我的信息資源 |
3 |
select * from workflow_requestbase |
流程申請表 |
select * from workflow_requestbase where status='提醒' |
查看會議提醒() |
Select * from workflow_currentoperator where userid=606 and isremark =0 (其中userid是用戶信息表的帳號) |
查看當前待辦流程 |
select * from workflow_requestbase WHERE requestid in ( Select requestid from workflow_currentoperator where userid=10 and isremark =0 ) |
5 |
Update workflow_currentoperator |
6 |
select * from Meeting |
查看會議 |
7 |
select * from MeetingRoom |
會議室 |
8 |
SELECT a.name,b.lastname,c.lastname,d.name,a.begindate,a.begintime,a.enddate, a.endtime, a.createdate,a.createtime,a.totalmember,a.description,a.requestid FROM Meeting a LEFT JOIN HrmResource b ON a.caller=b.id LEFT JOIN HrmResource c ON a.contacter=c.id LEFT JOIN MeetingRoom d ON a.address=d.id where DateDiff(dd, begindate,getdate())<=14 ORDER BY begindate asc |
14天之後的會議詳細查看 |
9 |
Where DateDiff(dd,a.createdate,getdate())=0 |
今天的全部數據 |
10 |
Where DateDiff(dd,a.createdate,getdate())=1 |
昨天 |
11 |
select * from Meeting where DateDiff(dd, begindate,getdate())<=14 ORDER BY begindate desc |
14天內 |
12 |
select * from Meeting where DateDiff(mm, createdate,getdate())=0 |
本月申報 |
13 |
select * from Meeting where DateDiff(yy, createdate,getdate())=0 |
本年申報 |
14 |
HrmDepartment 人力資源部門表 HrmJobGroups 人力資源職務類型表 HrmJobTitles 人力資源崗位表 |
15 |
select loginid as 工號,lastname as 姓名 from HrmResource where isnull(loginid,'')<>'' |
sql 查詢帳號不爲空的: |
16 |
select * from workflow_billfield select * from workflow_base select * from workflow_selectitem
一下三個表關聯起來能夠查詢到選擇項的對應流程 |