create table REP_LOGS ( log_s_no NUMBER not null, log_date DATE default sysdate not null, log_type VARCHAR2(1) default 'E' not null, log_node VARCHAR2(60) not null, log_mesg VARCHAR2(300) not null ); -- Add comments to the table comment on table REP_LOGS is '系統操做日誌信息表'; -- Add comments to the columns comment on column REP_LOGS.log_s_no is '日誌序列號 由序列SEQ_REP_LOGS生成'; comment on column REP_LOGS.log_date is '日誌時間'; comment on column REP_LOGS.log_type is '日誌類型 ''E'':異常(默認);''N'':正常;''W'':警告'; comment on column REP_LOGS.log_node is '寫入日誌的節點'; comment on column REP_LOGS.log_mesg is '詳細信息';
create or replace procedure p_messagelogging(str_i_logtype in varchar2, str_i_lognode in varchar2, str_i_logmesg in varchar2) /************************************************************************* ** Name : p_messagelogging ** Purpose : 記錄日誌 *************************************************************************/ is pragma autonomous_transaction; begin insert into rep_logs(log_s_no, log_type, log_node, log_mesg) values(seq_rep_logs.nextval, str_i_logtype, str_i_lognode, str_i_logmesg); commit; end p_messagelogging;
create or replace procedure p_myproc(arg1 in number, arg2 in varchar2) is str_l_errmsg rep_logs.log_mesg%type; --異常信息 str_l_errloc varchar2(30); begin str_l_errloc:='my mark 1'; ..... str_l_errloc:='my mark 2'; exception when others then str_l_errmsg := substrb('Tips:'||str_l_errloc || '-' || sqlerrm, 1, 300); p_messagelogging('error type', 'current procedure name', str_l_errmsg); raise; end p_myproc;