int x[1000]; //數組用來存放每一個物品的狀態是0 仍是1 ide
int val[1000] = {-1};//存放每一個物品的價值spa
int weight[1000] = {-1};//存放每一個物品的重量遞歸
int IsOverLoad(int n, int c)//判斷物品是否超重get
int i, w = 0;io
for(i=0; i<n; i++)class
w = w + x[i] * weight[i];im
if(w > c)
return 1;//超重
return 0;
int GetVal(int n)//返回全部物品的價值和
int i, v = 0;
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
v = v + x[i] * val[i];
return v;
void Knap_1(int n, int flag, int c, int *price)//找到物品的裝包的最高的價值量
int i, p;
if(IsOverLoad(n, c) == 1)//超過揹包的裝載上限c,剪枝
if(n == flag)//搜索完一條可能的解的路徑
p = GetVal(n);//得到這種裝包的方案的總價值量
if(*price < p)
*price = p;//price 爲各類方案中的最高的價值量
for(i=1; i>=0; i--)
x[n] = i;//生成可能的解路徑
Knap_1(n+1, flag, c, price);//遞歸調用
void Knap_2(int n, int flag, int c, int price)
int i, j, p;
if(IsOverLoad(n, c) == 1)
if(n == flag)
p = GetVal(n);
if(price == p)
for(j=0; j<n; j++)
if(x[j] == 1)
printf("| |p%d: | |\n", j);
printf("| |weight:%2d kg | |\n", weight[j]);
printf("| |price: %2d $ | |\n\n", val[j]);
for(i=1; i>=0; i--)
x[n] = i;
Knap_2(n+1, flag, c, price);
void main()
int price = 0, n, c, i;
printf("Input the limit of the bag can overload:\n");
scanf("%d", &c);
printf("Input the number of products:\n");
scanf("%d", &n);
printf("Input the weight of each produce:\n");
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
{ scanf("%d %d", &weight[i],&val[i]);
// scanf("", );
printf("Input the price of each produce:\n");
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
scanf("%d", &val[i]);
Knap_1(0, n, c, &price);
Knap_2(0, n, c, price);
printf("The grass price :%d $\n", price);