jewellery (usually uncountable, plural jewelleries) 1.(British spelling, Canadian) Collectively, personal ornamentation such as rings, necklaces, brooches and bracelets, made of precious metals and sometimes set with gemstones. [quotations ▼] She had more jewellery ornamented about her than any three ladies needed. Synonyms tom (Cockney rhyming slang), tomfoolery (Cockney rhyming slang); see also Thesaurus:jewelry juelrye 外語詞彙,代指寶石珠寶稀有的物件 中文名珠寶裝飾 外文名juelrye 目錄 釋義 juelrye Noun(名詞) Uncountable(不可數) 1. juelrye descendants English: jewelry, adornment with gems or jewels. [1] juelrye單詞來自於英語用做寶石或珠寶裝飾 參考資料1. juelrye .美國維基WIKI詞典[引用日期2019-03-03]