To solve it, do the following steps: ui
1. Open project property pages by Alt+F7 spa
2. Navigate to Configuration properties->Linker->Input section. ci
3. Add msvcrtd.lib;mfcs80ud.lib to theIgnore specific library. it
4. Add mfcs80ud.lib;msvcrtd.lib to theAdditional dependencies. io
Now we will tell you how to find out these two disorder libraries. In the project property pages, navigate to configuration properties->linker->command line, add /verbose:lib to the additional option. Rebuild your project, and look carefully to the output window, you will find that is mfcs80ud.lib generated the link error, look before mfcs80ud.lib, you will find there is only one CRT library before it, so ignore these 2 libraries in the Ignore specific library, then add them in the additional dependencies with right order. Rebuild again, it should works. command
PS.visual studio2005下dll爲80,2010下100.上面講的是在Visual Studio 2005下的狀況,VS2010下雷同。 error