單分支: if 條件;then 語句1 語句2 ...... fi 多分支: if 條件;then 語句1 語句2 ...... else 語句1 語句2 ...... fi 嵌套1: if 條件;then 語句1 語句2 ...... elif 條件;then 語句1 語句2 ...... else 語句1 語句2 ...... fi 嵌套2: if 條件;then 語句1 語句2 ...... if 條件2;then 語句1 語句2 ...... else 語句1 語句2 ...... fi else 語句1 語句2 ...... if 條件2;then 語句1 語句2 ...... else 語句1 語句2 ...... fi fi
test命令提供了一種檢測if-then語句中不一樣條件的方法。 若是test命令中列出的條件評估值爲true,test命令以0退出狀態碼退出, 若是條件爲false,那麼test命令以非0退出狀態碼退出。 使用test命令有兩種方法: 第一種方法: if test condition;then 語句1 語句2 ..... fi 第二種方法: if [ condition ];then //注:括號和conditon之間必須有空格 語句1 //注:if和括號之間也必須有空格 語句2 ..... fi
數值比較: -eq 等於 -gt 大於 -lt 小於 -ge 大於等於 -le 小於等於 -ne 不等於 腳本實例: #!/bin/bash # var1=10 var2=11 if [ $var1 -gt 5 ];then echo "The test value $var1 is greater than 5." fi if [ $var1 -eq $var2 ];then echo "The values are equal." else echo "The values are different." fi 執行結果: [root@localhost ~]# chmod +x 21.sh [root@localhost ~]# ./21.sh The test value 10 is greater than 5. The values are different. #!/bin/bash # var1=`echo "scale=4;10 / 3"| bc` echo "The test value is $var1" if [ $var1 -gt 3 ];then echo "The result is larger than 3" fi 執行結果: [root@localhost ~]# chmod +x 24.sh [root@localhost ~]# ./24.sh The test value is 3.3333 ./24.sh: line 5: [: 3.3333: integer expression expected //看到了嗎?test命令只支持整數 //bash只能處理整數數字。使用bc時,只是欺騙bash將浮點值 做爲字符串存儲在一個變量中。 字符串比較: = 是否相等 != 是否不等 < 是否小於 > 是否大於 -n str1 檢查str1的長度是否大於0 非空(true) 空(false) -z str1 檢查str1的長度是否爲0 空(true) 非空(false) 腳本實例: 判斷當前用戶是否爲root #!/bin/bash # testuser=root if [ $USER = $testuser ] then echo "Welcome $testuser" fi 執行結果: [root@localhost ~]# chmod +x 25.sh [root@localhost ~]# whoami root [root@localhost ~]# ./25.sh Welcome root #!/bin/bash # testuser=baduser if [ $USER != $testuser ];then echo "This isn't $testuser" else echo "Welcome $testuser" fi 執行結果: [root@localhost ~]# chmod +x 26.sh [root@localhost ~]# whoami root [root@localhost ~]# ./26.sh This isn't baduser #!/bin/bash # var1=baseball var2=hockey if [ $var1 \> $var2 ];then echo "$var1 is greater than $var2" else echo "$var1 is less than $var2" fi 執行結果: [root@localhost ~]# chmod +x 27.sh [root@localhost ~]# ./27.sh baseball is less than hockey 注:字符的大小比較是比較的字符串的ASCII碼大小 >和<號須要轉義 #!/bin/bash # var1=Testing var2=testing if [ $var1 \> $var2 ];then echo "$var1 is greater than $var2" else echo "$var1 is less than $var2" fi 執行結果: [root@localhost ~]# chmod +x 28.sh [root@localhost ~]# ./28.sh Testing is less than testing 判斷一個變量是否包含數據: #!/bin/bash # var1=testing var2='' if [ -n $var1 ];then echo "The string $var1 is not empty" else echo "The string $var1 is empty" fi if [ -z $var2 ];then echo "The string $var2 is empty" else echo "The string $var2 is not empty" fi if [ -z $var3 ];then echo "The string $var3 is empty" else echo "The string $var3 is not empty" fi 執行結果: [root@localhost ~]# chmod +x 30.sh [root@localhost ~]# ./30.sh The string testing is not empty The string is empty The string is empty 注:空變量和沒有初始化的變量可能會對shell腳本測試 產生災難性的影響。若是不肯定變量的內容,在數值比較 或者字符串比較中使用它以前,最好使用-n或者-z測試下 它是否有值。 文件比較: -d file 檢查file是否存在而且是一個目錄 -e file 檢查file是否存在 -f file 檢查file是否存在而且是一個文件 -r file 檢查file是否存在而且可讀 -s file 檢查file是否存在而且不爲空 -w file 檢查file是否存在而且可寫 -x file 檢查file是否存在而且可執行 -O file 檢查file是否存在而且被當前用戶擁有 -G file 檢查file是否存在而且默認組是否爲當前用戶組 file1 -nt file2 檢查file1是否比file2新 file1 -ot file2 檢查file1是否比file2舊 腳本實例: 判斷文件夾是否存在: #!/bin/bash # if [ -d $HOME ];then echo "Your HOME directory exists" cd $HOME else echo "There's a problem with your HOME directory" fi 執行結果: [root@localhost ~]# chmod +x 31.sh [root@localhost ~]# ./31.sh Your HOME directory exists 若是沒法判斷是文件或文件夾,可使用-e來判斷 #!/bin/bash # if [ -e $HOME ];then echo "OK on the directory,now let's check the file" if [ -e $HOME/testing ];then echo "Appending date to existing file" date >>$HOME/testing else echo "Creating new file" date >>$HOME/testing fi else echo "Sorry,you don't have a HOME directory" fi 執行結果: [root@localhost ~]# chmod +x 32.sh [root@localhost ~]# ./32.sh OK on the directory,now let's check the file Creating new file [root@localhost ~]# cat testing Thu Jun 12 11:39:26 PDT 2014 -e既適用於文件也適用於目錄 -f只適用於文件 -d只適用於目錄 #!/bin/bash # if [ -e $HOME ];then echo "The object exists,is it a file?" if [ -f $HOME ];then echo "Yes,it's a file" else echo "No,it's not a file" if [ -f $HOME/.bash_history ];then echo "But this is a file" fi fi else echo "Sorry,the object doesn't exists" fi 執行結果: [root@localhost ~]# chmod +x 33.sh [root@localhost ~]# ./33.sh The object exists,is it a file? No,it's not a file But this is a file 在嘗試從文件中讀取數據以前,一般檢查是否可以讀取改文件 #!/bin/bash # pwfile=/etc/shadow if [ -f $pwfile ];then if [ -r $pwfile ];then tail $pwfile else echo "Sorry,I'm unable to read the $pwfile file" fi else echo "Sorry,the file $pwfile doesn't exist" fi 執行結果: [root@localhost ~]# chmod +x 34.sh [root@localhost ~]# ./34.sh ntp:!!:16203:::::: apache:!!:16203:::::: saslauth:!!:16203:::::: postfix:!!:16203:::::: pulse:!!:16203:::::: sshd:!!:16203:::::: tcpdump:!!:16203:::::: admin:$1$ThVHQoOH$mf66dh2AU.pZh1ky0olou1:16203:0:99999:7::: student:!!:16229:0:99999:7::: student1:!!:16229:0:99999:7::: 判斷文件是否爲空 #!/bin/bash # file=t1test touch $file if [ -s $file ];then echo "The $file exists and has data in it" else echo "The $file not exists or is empty" date >>$file fi if [ -s $file ];then echo "The $file file has data in it" else echo "The $file file is still empty" fi 執行結果: [root@localhost ~]# chmod +x 35.sh [root@localhost ~]# ./35.sh The t1test not exists or is empty The t1test file has data in it 判斷文件是否可寫 #!/bin/bash # logfile=$HOME/t1test touch $logfile chmod u-w $logfile now=`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M` if [ -w $logfile ];then echo "The program run at: $now" >$logfile echo "The first attemp successed" else echo "The first attemp failed" fi chmod u+w $logfile if [ -w $logfile ];then echo "The program run at: $now" >$logfile echo "The second attemp successed" else echo "The second attemp failed" fi 執行結果: [root@localhost ~]# ./36.sh The first attemp failed The second attemp successed 判斷文件是否能運行 #!/bin/bash # if [ -x 22.sh ];then echo "You can run the script." ./22.sh else echo "Sorry,you are unable to execute the script." fi 執行結果: [root@localhost ~]# chmod +x 37.sh [root@localhost ~]# ./37.sh You can run the script. 判斷文件全部者是否爲當前用戶 #!/bin/bash # if [ -O /etc/passwd ];then echo "You're the owner of the /etc/passwd file" else echo "You're not the owner of the /etc/passwd file" fi 執行結果: [root@localhost ~]# ./38.sh You're the owner of the /etc/passwd file 判斷文件屬組是否與當前用戶的默認組相同 #!/bin/bash # if [ -G $HOME/testing ];then echo "Same group" else echo "Not same group" fi 執行結果: [root@localhost ~]# ./39.sh Same group 判斷文件新舊 #!/bin/bash # if [ ./22.sh -nt ./39.sh ];then echo "22.sh new" else echo "39.sh new" fi if [ ./22.sh -ot ./39.sh ];then echo "22.sh old" else echo "39.sh old" fi 執行結果: [root@localhost ~]# chmod +x 40.sh [root@localhost ~]# ./40.sh 39.sh new 22.sh old 注:-nt -ot 不能判斷文件是否存在 若是文件不存在則返回flase
[ condition1 ] && [ condition2 ] 兩個條件都知足則執行then的語句塊 [ condition1 ] || [ condition2 ] 兩個條件知足一個則執行then的語句塊 例如: #!/bin/bash # if [ -d $HOME ] && [ -w $HOME/testing ];then echo "The file exists and you can write to it" else echo "I can't write to the file" fi 執行結果: [root@localhost ~]# chmod +x 41.sh [root@localhost ~]# ./41.sh The file exists and you can write to it
例如: #!/bin/bash # var1=10 if (($var1 ** 2 > 90));then ((var2=$var1 ** 2)) echo "The square of $var1 is $var2" fi 執行結果: [root@localhost ~]# ./42.sh The square of 10 is 100 注:雙圓括號的特殊字符沒必要轉義 且字符和雙圓括號之間沒必要有空格
例如: #!/bin/bash # if [[ $USER == r* ]];then echo "Hello $USER" else echo "Sorry,I don't know you" fi 執行結果: [root@localhost ~]# ./43.sh Hello root 注:雙中括號和字符之間必須有空格
實例: #!/bin/bash # case $USER in rich | root) echo "Welcome,$USER" echo "Please enjoy your visit";; testing) echo "Special testing account";; *) echo "Sorry,you're not allowed here";; esac 執行結果: [root@localhost ~]# chmod +x 45.sh [root@localhost ~]# ./45.sh Welcome,root Please enjoy your visit
1,判斷用戶是否存在,若是存在則說明其存在。 #!/bin/bash # UserName=user1 if id $UserName &> /dev/null;then echo "$UserName exists." fi 2,若是用戶存在則打印其UID和SHELL。 #!/bin/bash # UserName=user1 if id $UserName &> /dev/null;then echo `grep "$UserName:" /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f1,3` fi 3,若是設備/dev/sda1已經掛載,就顯示其掛載點。 4,若是/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit中有空白行,就顯示其空白行行數。 5,給定一個用戶,若是其ID號大於499,就說明其是普通用戶, 不然,就說明是管理員或系統用戶。 6,寫一個腳本,隨機生成一個整數,斷定,顯示其奇偶性: 7,給定一個用戶,若是其UID等於GID,就說明這是個「good guy」不然「bad guy」 8,給定一個用戶,若是其uid爲0,就顯示此爲管理員 不然,就顯示其爲普通用戶