innodb_ruby 主要可查看innodb數據庫數據表的各類存儲,解析innodb的文件,用於學習數據庫底層的一些存儲。mysql
sudo gem install innodb_ruby
gem install --user-install innodb_ruby
innodb_space --help # 測試一下能夠顯示一堆幫助不
mysql> show global variables like "%datadir%"; +---------------+-----------------+ | Variable_name | Value | +---------------+-----------------+ | datadir | /var/lib/mysql/ | +---------------+-----------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) 複製代碼
cd /var/lib/mysql/ 複製代碼
mysql -uroot -p
mysql> create database test 複製代碼
mysql> use test 複製代碼
-f 加載表空間,如ibd文件
-s 加載系統表空間,如ibd
-T 指定表名
-I 指定索引名
mysql> CREATE TABLE innodb_ruby(
c1 INT,
c2 INT,
c3 VARCHAR(10000),
key idx(c2)
) CHARSET=ascii ROW_FORMAT=Compact;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.36 sec)
mysql> INSERT INTO innodb_ruby VALUES(1, 1, repeat('a', 7000)), (2, 2, repeat('b', 7000)), (3, 3, repeat('c', 7000)), (4, 4, repeat('d', 7000)); Query OK, 4 rows affected (0.00 sec) Records: 4 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 複製代碼
root@localhost:/var/lib/mysql$ innodb_space -s ibdata1 system-spaces name pages indexes (system) 8832 204 test/innodb_ruby 2 ... 複製代碼
root@localhost:/var/lib/mysql$ innodb_space -s ibdata1 -T test/innodb_ruby space-indexes id name root fseg used allocated fill_factor 94684 PRIMARY 3 internal 1 1 100.00% 94684 PRIMARY 3 leaf 3 3 100.00% 94685 idx 4 internal 1 1 100.00% 94685 idx 4 leaf 0 0 0.00% 複製代碼
root@localhost:/var/lib/mysql$ innodb_space -s ibdata1 -T test/innodb_ruby space-page-type-regions start end count type 0 0 1 FSP_HDR 1 1 1 IBUF_BITMAP 2 2 1 INODE 3 7 5 INDEX 8 8 1 FREE (ALLOCATED) 複製代碼
root@localhost:/var/lib/mysql$ innodb_space -s ibdata1 -T test/innodb_ruby space-page-type-summary type count percent description INDEX 5 55.56 B+Tree index FSP_HDR 1 11.11 File space header IBUF_BITMAP 1 11.11 Insert buffer bitmap INODE 1 11.11 File segment inode ALLOCATED 1 11.11 Freshly allocated 複製代碼
root@localhost:/var/lib/mysql$ innodb_space -s ibdata1 -T test/innodb_ruby space-extents-illustrate 複製代碼
root@localhost:/var/lib/mysql$ innodb_space -s ibdata1 -T test/innodb_ruby space-extents-illustrate 複製代碼
root@localhost:/var/lib/mysql$ innodb_space -s ibdata1 -T test/innodb_ruby -p 3 page-account Accounting for page 3: Page type is INDEX (B+Tree index, table and index data stored in B+Tree structure). Extent descriptor for pages 0-63 is at page 0, offset 158. Extent is not fully allocated to an fseg; may be a fragment extent. Page is marked as used in extent descriptor. Extent is in free_frag list of space. Page is in fragment array of fseg 1. Fseg is in internal fseg of index 94684. Index root is page 3. Index is test/innodb_ruby.PRIMARY. 複製代碼
root@localhost:/var/lib/mysql$ innodb_space -s ibdata1 -T test/innodb_ruby -p 3 page-dump #<Innodb::Page::Index:0x0000000000ef65a0>: fil header: {:checksum=>3506321879, :offset=>3, :prev=>nil, :next=>nil, :lsn=>25811855781, :type=>:INDEX, :flush_lsn=>0, :space_id=>2456} fil trailer: {:checksum=>1027768186, :lsn_low32=>42052005} page header: {:n_dir_slots=>2, :heap_top=>162, :garbage_offset=>0, :garbage_size=>0, :last_insert_offset=>154, :direction=>:right, :n_direction=>2, :n_recs=>3, :max_trx_id=>0, :level=>1, :index_id=>94684, :n_heap=>5, :format=>:compact} fseg header: {:leaf=> <Innodb::Inode space=<Innodb::Space file="test/innodb_ruby.ibd", page_size=16384, pages=9>, fseg=2>, :internal=> <Innodb::Inode space=<Innodb::Space file="test/innodb_ruby.ibd", page_size=16384, pages=9>, fseg=1>} sizes: header 120 trailer 8 directory 4 free 16210 used 174 record 42 per record 14.00 page directory: [99, 112] system records: {:offset=>99, :header=> {:next=>126, :type=>:infimum, :heap_number=>0, :n_owned=>1, :min_rec=>false, :deleted=>false, :length=>5}, :next=>126, :data=>"infimum\x00", :length=>8} {:offset=>112, :header=> {:next=>112, :type=>:supremum, :heap_number=>1, :n_owned=>4, :min_rec=>false, :deleted=>false, :length=>5}, :next=>112, :data=>"supremum", :length=>8} garbage records: records: {:format=>:compact, :offset=>126, :header=> {:next=>140, :type=>:node_pointer, :heap_number=>2, :n_owned=>0, :min_rec=>true, :deleted=>false, :nulls=>[], :lengths=>{}, :externs=>[], :length=>5}, :next=>140, :type=>:clustered, :key=>[{:name=>"c1", :type=>"INT", :value=>1}], :row=>[], :sys=>[], :child_page_number=>5, :length=>8} {:format=>:compact, :offset=>140, :header=> {:next=>154, :type=>:node_pointer, :heap_number=>3, :n_owned=>0, :min_rec=>false, :deleted=>false, :nulls=>[], :lengths=>{}, :externs=>[], :length=>5}, :next=>154, :type=>:clustered, :key=>[{:name=>"c1", :type=>"INT", :value=>2}], :row=>[], :sys=>[], :child_page_number=>6, :length=>8} {:format=>:compact, :offset=>154, :header=> {:next=>112, :type=>:node_pointer, :heap_number=>4, :n_owned=>0, :min_rec=>false, :deleted=>false, :nulls=>[], :lengths=>{}, :externs=>[], :length=>5}, :next=>112, :type=>:clustered, :key=>[{:name=>"c1", :type=>"INT", :value=>4}], :row=>[], :sys=>[], :child_page_number=>7, :length=>8} 複製代碼
root@localhost:/var/lib/mysql$ innodb_space -s ibdata1 -T test/innodb_ruby -p 3 page-records Record 126: (c1=1) → #5 Record 140: (c1=2) → #6 Record 154: (c1=4) → #7 複製代碼
root@localhost:/var/lib/mysql$ innodb_space -s ibdata1 -T test/innodb_ruby -p 7 page-directory-summary slot offset type owned key 0 99 infimum 1 1 112 supremum 5 複製代碼
mysql> insert into innodb_ruby values(5,500,'eeee'), (6,600,'ffff'), (7, 700, 'gggg'), (8, 800, 'hhhh'), (9, 900, 'iiii'), (10, 1000, 'jjjj'), (11, 1100, 'kkkk'), (12, 1200, 'llll'), (13, 1300, 'mmmm'), (14, 1400, 'nnnn'), (15, 1500, 'oooo'), (16, 1600, 'pppp'); 複製代碼
root@localhost:/var/lib/mysql$ innodb_space -s ibdata1 -T test/innodb_ruby -p 7 page-directory-summary slot offset type owned key 0 99 infimum 1 1 7220 conventional 4 (c1=7) 2 7348 conventional 4 (c1=11) 3 112 supremum 6 複製代碼
infimum最小值,supremum最大值,1~8 其餘數據爲4~8
root@localhost:/var/lib/mysql$ innodb_space -s ibdata1 -T test/innodb_ruby -p 7 page-illustrate 複製代碼
root@localhost:/var/lib/mysql$ innodb_space -s ibdata1 -T test/innodb_ruby -I PRIMARY index-recurse ROOT NODE #3: 3 records, 42 bytes NODE POINTER RECORD ≥ (c1=1) → #5 LEAF NODE #5: 1 records, 7029 bytes RECORD: (c1=1) → (c2=1, c3="aaa...") NODE POINTER RECORD ≥ (c1=2) → #6 LEAF NODE #6: 2 records, 14058 bytes RECORD: (c1=2) → (c2=2, c3="bbb...") RECORD: (c1=3) → (c2=3, c3="ccc...") NODE POINTER RECORD ≥ (c1=4) → #7 LEAF NODE #7: 13 records, 7413 bytes RECORD: (c1=4) → (c2=4, c3="ddd...") RECORD: (c1=5) → (c2=500, c3="eeee") RECORD: (c1=6) → (c2=600, c3="ffff") RECORD: (c1=7) → (c2=700, c3="gggg") RECORD: (c1=8) → (c2=800, c3="hhhh") RECORD: (c1=9) → (c2=900, c3="iiii") RECORD: (c1=10) → (c2=1000, c3="jjjj") RECORD: (c1=11) → (c2=1100, c3="kkkk") RECORD: (c1=12) → (c2=1200, c3="llll") RECORD: (c1=13) → (c2=1300, c3="mmmm") RECORD: (c1=14) → (c2=1400, c3="nnnn") RECORD: (c1=15) → (c2=1500, c3="oooo") RECORD: (c1=16) → (c2=1600, c3="pppp") 複製代碼
root@localhost:/var/lib/mysql$ innodb_space -s ibdata1 -T test/innodb_ruby -I idx index-recurse ROOT NODE #4: 16 records, 224 bytes RECORD: (c2=1) → (c1=1) RECORD: (c2=2) → (c1=2) RECORD: (c2=3) → (c1=3) RECORD: (c2=4) → (c1=4) RECORD: (c2=500) → (c1=5) RECORD: (c2=600) → (c1=6) RECORD: (c2=700) → (c1=7) RECORD: (c2=800) → (c1=8) RECORD: (c2=900) → (c1=9) RECORD: (c2=1000) → (c1=10) RECORD: (c2=1100) → (c1=11) RECORD: (c2=1200) → (c1=12) RECORD: (c2=1300) → (c1=13) RECORD: (c2=1400) → (c1=14) RECORD: (c2=1500) → (c1=15) RECORD: (c2=1600) → (c1=16) 複製代碼
root@localhost:/var/lib/mysql$ innodb_space -s ibdata1 -T test/innodb_ruby -I PRIMARY index-record-offsets page_offset record_offset 5 128 6 128 6 7157 7 128 7 7156 7 7188 7 7220 7 7252 7 7284 7 7316 7 7348 7 7380 7 7412 7 7444 7 7476 7 7508 複製代碼
root@localhost:/var/lib/mysql$ innodb_space -s ibdata1 -T test/innodb_ruby -I PRIMARY -l 0 index-level-summary page index level data free records min_key 5 94684 0 7029 9223 1 c1=1 6 94684 0 14058 2194 2 c1=2 7 94684 0 7413 8835 13 c1=4 root@localhost:/var/lib/mysql$ innodb_space -s ibdata1 -T test/innodb_ruby -I PRIMARY -l 1 index-level-summary page index level data free records min_key 3 94684 1 42 16210 3 c1=1 複製代碼
root@localhost:/var/lib/mysql$ innodb_space -s ibdata1 -T test/innodb_ruby -p 5 -R 128 record-dump Record at offset 128 Header: Next record offset : 112 Heap number : 2 Type : conventional Deleted : false Length : 8 System fields: Transaction ID: 2860579 Roll Pointer: Undo Log: page 897, offset 272 Rollback Segment ID: 34 Insert: true Key fields: c1: 1 Non-key fields: c2: 1 c3: "aaaa..." 複製代碼
root@localhost:/var/lib/mysql$ innodb_space -s ibdata1 -T test/innodb_ruby -p 5 -R 128 record-history Transaction Type Undo record (n/a) insert (c1=1) → () 複製代碼
root@localhost:/var/lib/mysql$ innodb_space -s ibdata1 undo-history-summary Page Offset Transaction Type Table 572 10435 2848487 delete ... 複製代碼
root@localhost:/var/lib/mysql$ innodb_space -s ibdata1 space-lists name length f_page f_offset l_page l_offset free 53 0 3318 0 3278 free_frag 19 0 398 0 1238 full_frag 3 0 158 0 2238 full_inodes 1 2 38 2 38 free_inodes 13 1789 38 595 38 複製代碼