1 local a = {1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4} 2 for i = #a, 1, -1 do
3 if a % 2 == 0 then
4 table.remove(a, i) 5 end
6 end
1 local a = {1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4} 2 local index = 1
3 local v = a[index] 4 while v do
5 if v % 2 == 0 then
6 table.remove(a, index) 7 else
8 index = index + 1
9 end
11 v = a[index] 12 end
1 local a = {1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4} 2 local tmp = {} 3 for k, v in ipairs(a) do
4 if v % 2 == 0 then
5 table.insert(tmp, v) 6 end
7 end
8 a = tmp
1 local a = {1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4} 2 local index, r_index, length = 1, 1, #a 3 while index <= length do
4 local v = a[index] 5 a[index] = nil
6 if not (v % 2 == 0) then
7 a[r_index] = v 8 r_index = r_index + 1
9 end
11 index = index + 1
12 end
1 local tb = {} 2
3 function tb.remove(obj, rm_func) 4 if type(obj) ~= "table" or type(rm_func) ~= "function" then
5 return
6 end
8 local index, r_index, length = 1, 1, #obj 9 while index <= length do
10 local v = obj[index] 11 obj[index] = nil
12 if not rm_func(v) then
13 obj[r_index] = v 14 r_index = r_index + 1
15 end
17 index = index + 1
18 end
19 end
21 return tb
1 local tb = {} 2
3 function tb.remove(obj, rm_func) 4 if type(obj) ~= "table" or type(rm_func) ~= "function" then
5 return
6 end
8 local index, r_index, length = 1, 1, #obj 9 while index <= length do
10 local v = obj[index] 11 obj[index] = nil
12 if not rm_func(v) then
13 obj[r_index] = v 14 r_index = r_index + 1
15 end
17 index = index + 1
18 end
19 end
21 local a = {} 22 local b = {} 23 local c = {} 24 local d = {} 25 local length = 1024*128
26 for i = 1, length do
27 a[i] = i 28 b[i] = i 29 c[i] = i 30 d[i] = i 31 end
33 rm_func = function(value) 34 return value % 2 == 0
35 end
36 local start_time = os.clock() 37
38 --test-(1.數值型for從後往前遍歷)
39 for i = #a, 1, -1 do
40 if rm_func(a[i]) then
41 table.remove(a, i) 42 end
43 end
44 print("1.數值型for從後往前遍歷 time:", os.clock() - start_time) 45
46 --test-(2.while控制下標方式)
47 start_time = os.clock() 48 local index = 1
49 local v = b[index] 50 while v do
51 if rm_func(v) then
52 table.remove(b, index) 53 else
54 index = index + 1
55 end
57 v = b[index] 58 end
59 print("2.while控制下標方式 time:", os.clock() - start_time) 60
61 --test-(3.構建臨時表方式)
62 start_time = os.clock() 63 local tmp = {} 64 for k, v in ipairs(c) do
65 if v % 2 == 0 then
66 table.insert(tmp, v) 67 end
68 end
69 c = tmp 70 print("3.構建臨時表方式 time:", os.clock() - start_time) 71
72 --test-(tb.remove)
73 start_time = os.clock() 74 tb.remove(d, rm_func) 75 print("tb.remove time:", os.clock() - start_time)
詳細瞭解一下函數pairs機制,函數pairs在調用的時候會返回lua的一個基本函數next和不可變狀態表t,調用next(t, key)時,該函數會以隨機次序返回表中的下一個key及其對應的值,調用next(t, nil)時,返回表中的第一個鍵值對,全部元素遍歷完時,函數next返回nil,for循環老是會把表達式列表的結果調整爲3個值,因此,在調用pairs()的時候,獲得的至關於next, t, nil;next函數的底層lua實現lua_next中,老是先遍歷數組部分,再遍歷哈希部分,基於pairs的這些具體行爲,咱們能夠獲得Achieve3:優化
1 local tb = {} 2
3 function tb.remove(obj, rm_func) 4 if type(obj) ~= "table" or type(rm_func) ~= "function" then
5 return
6 end
8 local r_index, length = 1, #obj 9 for k, v in pairs(obj) do --lua5.3能夠經過math.type(k)判斷
10 if type(k) == "number" and math.floor(k) == k and k > 0 and k <= length then
11 local tmp = v 12 obj[k] = nil
13 if not rm_func(tmp) then
14 obj[r_index] = tmp 15 r_index = r_index + 1
16 end
17 else
18 if rm_func(v) then
19 obj[k] = nil
20 end
21 end
22 end
23 end
25 return tb
1 local tb = {} 2
3 function tb.remove(obj, rm_func) 4 if type(obj) ~= "table" or type(rm_func) ~= "function" then
5 return
6 end
8 local index, r_index, length = 1, 1, #obj 9 while index <= length do
10 local v = obj[index] 11 obj[index] = nil
12 if not rm_func(v) then
13 obj[r_index] = v 14 r_index = r_index + 1
15 end
17 index = index + 1
18 end
20 local function _pairs(tb) 21 if length == 0 then
22 return next, tb, nil
23 else
24 return next, tb, length 25 end
26 end
28 for k, v in _pairs(obj) do
29 if rm_func(v) then
30 obj[k] = nil
31 end
32 end
33 end
35 return tb
1 local tb = {} 2
3 function tb.remove(obj, rm_func, to_sequence) 4 if type(obj) ~= "table" or type(rm_func) ~= "function" then
5 return
6 end
8 local length = 0
9 if to_sequence then
10 length = #obj 11 local index, r_index = 1, 1
12 while index <= length do
13 local v = obj[index] 14 obj[index] = nil
15 if not rm_func(v) then
16 obj[r_index] = v 17 r_index = r_index + 1
18 end
20 index = index + 1
21 end
22 end
24 local function _pairs(tb) 25 if length == 0 then
26 return next, tb, nil
27 else
28 return next, tb, length 29 end
30 end
32 for k, v in _pairs(obj) do
33 if rm_func(v) then
34 obj[k] = nil
35 end
36 end
37 end
39 return tb
1 local tb = {} 2
3 --to_sequence可選且只會在表有序部分起做用,時間複雜度O(n)
4 function tb.remove(obj, rm_func, to_sequence) 5 if type(obj) ~= "table" or type(rm_func) ~= "function" then
6 return
7 end
9 local length = 0
10 if to_sequence then
11 length = #obj 12 local index, r_index = 1, 1
13 while index <= length do
14 local v = obj[index] 15 obj[index] = nil
16 if not rm_func(v) then
17 obj[r_index] = v 18 r_index = r_index + 1
19 end
21 index = index + 1
22 end
23 end
25 local function _pairs(tb) --lua_next實現是迭代完數組部分再迭代哈希部分
26 if length == 0 then
27 return next, tb, nil
28 else
29 return next, tb, length 30 end
31 end
33 for k, v in _pairs(obj) do
34 if rm_func(v) then
35 obj[k] = nil
36 end
37 end
38 end
40 function tb.duplicate(obj) 41 local tb_note = {} --使指向行爲與原表一致
42 local copy_func 43 copy_func = function(obj) 44 if type(obj) ~= "table" then
45 return obj 46 elseif tb_note[obj] then
47 return tb_note[obj] 48 end
50 local dup = {} 51 tb_note[obj] = dup 52 for k, v in pairs(obj) do
53 dup[copy_func(k)] = copy_func(v) 54 end
55 setmetatable(dup, getmetatable(obj)) 56 return dup 57 end
59 return copy_func(obj) 60 end
62 function tb.tostring(obj) 63 local tb_note = {} --防止相同錶轉換屢次
64 local function serialize(value) 65 if tb_note[value] then
66 return tb_note[value] 67 elseif type(value) == "number" then
68 return string.format("%d", value) --%a
69 elseif type(value) == "string" then
70 return string.format("%q", value) --5.3.3版本後可使用%q轉化number,nil,boolean
71 elseif type(value) == "table" then
72 local str = "{"
73 local index_tb = tb.getsortedindexlist(value) 74 for _, v in ipairs(index_tb) do
75 str = str.."["..serialize(v).."]="..serialize(value[v])..","
76 end
77 local mt = getmetatable(value) 78 if mt then str = str.."[\"metatable\"]="..serialize(mt).."," end
79 str = str.."}"
81 tb_note[value] = str 82 return str 83 else
84 return tostring(value) 85 end
86 end
88 return serialize(obj) 89 end
91 local type_value = {["number"] = 1, ["string"] = 2, ["userdata"] = 3, ["function"] = 4, ["table"] = 5} 92 function tb.getsortedindexlist(obj) 93 local index_tb = {} 94 for k in pairs(obj) do
95 table.insert(index_tb, k) 96 end
98 local sort_func = function(a, b) 99 local type_a = type_value[type(a)] 100 local type_b = type_value[type(b)] 101 if type_a ~= type_b then
102 return type_a < type_b 103 else
104 if type_a == 1 or type_a == 2 then
105 return a < b 106 elseif type_a == 5 then
107 return tb.getlen(a) < tb.getlen(b) 108 else
109 return false
110 end
111 end
112 end
114 table.sort(index_tb, function(a, b) return sort_func(a, b) end) 115 return index_tb 116 end
118 function tb.getlen(obj) 119 local count = 0
120 for k, v in pairs(obj) do
121 count = count + 1
122 end
124 return count 125 end
127 function tb.show(obj) 128 for k, v in pairs(obj) do
129 print(k, v) 130 end
131 local mt = getmetatable(obj) 132 if mt then
133 print("metatable", mt) 134 end
135 end
137 return tb