private static final class WildcardTypeImpl implements WildcardType, Serializable { private final Type upperBound; private final Type lowerBound; public WildcardTypeImpl(Type[] upperBounds, Type[] lowerBounds) { checkArgument(lowerBounds.length <= 1); checkArgument(upperBounds.length == 1); if (lowerBounds.length == 1) { checkNotNull(lowerBounds[0]); checkNotPrimitive(lowerBounds[0]); checkArgument(upperBounds[0] == Object.class); this.lowerBound = canonicalize(lowerBounds[0]); this.upperBound = Object.class; } else { checkNotNull(upperBounds[0]); checkNotPrimitive(upperBounds[0]); this.lowerBound = null; this.upperBound = canonicalize(upperBounds[0]); } } public Type[] getUpperBounds() { return new Type[] { upperBound }; } public Type[] getLowerBounds() { return lowerBound != null ? new Type[] { lowerBound } : EMPTY_TYPE_ARRAY; } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { return other instanceof WildcardType && $Gson$Types.equals(this, (WildcardType) other); } @Override public int hashCode() { // this equals Arrays.hashCode(getLowerBounds()) ^ Arrays.hashCode(getUpperBounds()); return (lowerBound != null ? 31 + lowerBound.hashCode() : 1) ^ (31 + upperBound.hashCode()); } @Override public String toString() { if (lowerBound != null) { return "? super " + typeToString(lowerBound); } else if (upperBound == Object.class) { return "?"; } else { return "? extends " + typeToString(upperBound); } } private static final long serialVersionUID = 0; }
public static class ClassRoom{ public String roomName; public int number; public String toString() { return "["+roomName+":"+number+"]"; } } public static class User{ public String name; public int age; private ClassRoom room; @Override public String toString() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return name+"->"+age+":"+room; } }
String strJson = "{name:'david',age:19,room:{roomName:'small',number:1}}"; User u = gson.fromJson(strJson, User.class);
//file:"com/google/gson/Gson.java" @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T fromJson(Reader json, Type typeOfT) throws JsonIOException, JsonSyntaxException { JsonReader jsonReader = new JsonReader(json);// step1 T object = (T) fromJson(jsonReader, typeOfT); assertFullConsumption(object, jsonReader); return object; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T fromJson(JsonReader reader, Type typeOfT) throws JsonIOException, JsonSyntaxException { boolean isEmpty = true; boolean oldLenient = reader.isLenient(); reader.setLenient(true); try { reader.peek();//step2 isEmpty = false; TypeToken<T> typeToken = (TypeToken<T>) TypeToken.get(typeOfT);//step3 TypeAdapter<T> typeAdapter = getAdapter(typeToken);//step4 T object = typeAdapter.read(reader); return object; } catch (EOFException e) { /* * For compatibility with JSON 1.5 and earlier, we return null for empty * documents instead of throwing. */ if (isEmpty) { return null; } throw new JsonSyntaxException(e); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { throw new JsonSyntaxException(e); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO(inder): Figure out whether it is indeed right to rethrow this as JsonSyntaxException throw new JsonSyntaxException(e); } finally { reader.setLenient(oldLenient); } }
就像咱們上面說的同樣,在代碼#step1 中,Gson會將真實的字符IO流Reader裝飾成爲在stream包下的JsonReader流。在代碼#step3位置,Gson會經過Java既定的類型找到Gson所轉換的type類型(reflect包下的TypeToken對象)。而後經過這個類型調用代碼#step4的語句,獲取一個類型轉換的適配器TypeAdapter。適配器獲取到Reader輸入源以後,就能夠將Json數據轉化成爲對應的對象。
/** * Gets type literal for the given {@code Type} instance. */ public static TypeToken<?> get(Type type) { return new TypeToken<Object>(type); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected TypeToken() { this.type = getSuperclassTypeParameter(getClass()); this.rawType = (Class<? super T>) $Gson$Types.getRawType(type); this.hashCode = type.hashCode(); } /** * Unsafe. Constructs a type literal manually. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") TypeToken(Type type) { this.type = $Gson$Types.canonicalize($Gson$Preconditions.checkNotNull(type)); this.rawType = (Class<? super T>) $Gson$Types.getRawType(this.type); this.hashCode = this.type.hashCode(); }
public static Type canonicalize(Type type) { if (type instanceof Class) { Class<?> c = (Class<?>) type; return c.isArray() ? new GenericArrayTypeImpl(canonicalize(c.getComponentType())) : c; } else if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) { ParameterizedType p = (ParameterizedType) type; return new ParameterizedTypeImpl(p.getOwnerType(), p.getRawType(), p.getActualTypeArguments()); } else if (type instanceof GenericArrayType) { GenericArrayType g = (GenericArrayType) type; return new GenericArrayTypeImpl(g.getGenericComponentType()); } else if (type instanceof WildcardType) { WildcardType w = (WildcardType) type; return new WildcardTypeImpl(w.getUpperBounds(), w.getLowerBounds()); } else { // type is either serializable as-is or unsupported return type; } }
的時候,因爲輸入員peek出來的是一個"{"字符。在JsonReader對象中,會以"PEEKED_BEGIN_OBJECT" 變量標記peek狀態量。而若是你的Json數據是:
public JsonToken peek() throws IOException { int p = peeked; if (p == PEEKED_NONE) { p = doPeek(); } .... default: throw new AssertionError(); } }
private int doPeek() throws IOException { int peekStack = stack[stackSize - 1];//狀態棧 ... }
final class JsonScope { /** * An array with no elements requires no separators or newlines before * it is closed. */ static final int EMPTY_ARRAY = 1; /** * A array with at least one value requires a comma and newline before * the next element. */ static final int NONEMPTY_ARRAY = 2; /** * An object with no name/value pairs requires no separators or newlines * before it is closed. */ static final int EMPTY_OBJECT = 3; /** * An object whose most recent element is a key. The next element must * be a value. */ static final int DANGLING_NAME = 4; /** * An object with at least one name/value pair requires a comma and * newline before the next element. */ static final int NONEMPTY_OBJECT = 5; /** * No object or array has been started. */ static final int EMPTY_DOCUMENT = 6; /** * A document with at an array or object. */ static final int NONEMPTY_DOCUMENT = 7; /** * A document that's been closed and cannot be accessed. */ static final int CLOSED = 8; }
private void doPeek() { ... int c = nextNonWhitespace(true);//取得第一個非空白字符 switch (c) { ... case '[': return peeked = PEEKED_BEGIN_ARRAY; case '{': return peeked = PEEKED_BEGIN_OBJECT; } ... }
//com.google.gson.Gson fromJson() 1.reader.peek(); 2.isEmpty = false; 3.TypeToken<T> typeToken = (TypeToken<T>) TypeToken.get(typeOfT); 4.TypeAdapter<T> typeAdapter = getAdapter(typeToken); 5.T object = typeAdapter.read(reader); 6.return object;
// code1 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> TypeAdapter<T> getAdapter(TypeToken<T> type) { TypeAdapter<?> cached = typeTokenCache.get(type);//#1 緩存TypeAdapter if (cached != null) { return (TypeAdapter<T>) cached; } Map<TypeToken<?>, FutureTypeAdapter<?>> threadCalls = calls.get();//#2 線程安全 boolean requiresThreadLocalCleanup = false; if (threadCalls == null) { threadCalls = new HashMap<TypeToken<?>, FutureTypeAdapter<?>>(); calls.set(threadCalls); requiresThreadLocalCleanup = true; } // the key and value type parameters always agree FutureTypeAdapter<T> ongoingCall = (FutureTypeAdapter<T>) threadCalls.get(type); if (ongoingCall != null) { return ongoingCall; } try { FutureTypeAdapter<T> call = new FutureTypeAdapter<T>();//#3無用的類裝飾 threadCalls.put(type, call); for (TypeAdapterFactory factory : factories) { TypeAdapter<T> candidate = factory.create(this, type);//#4查找對應的工廠 if (candidate != null) { call.setDelegate(candidate); typeTokenCache.put(type, candidate); return candidate; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("GSON cannot handle " + type); } finally { threadCalls.remove(type); if (requiresThreadLocalCleanup) { calls.remove(); } } }
// code CollectionTypeAdapterFactory.java public <T> TypeAdapter<T> create(Gson gson, TypeToken<T> typeToken) { Type type = typeToken.getType(); Class<? super T> rawType = typeToken.getRawType(); if (!Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType)) { #1 集合類判斷 return null; } ... TypeAdapter<T> result = new Adapter(gson, elementType, elementTypeAdapter, constructor); return result; }