Laravel 另外一個使人喜歡的地方,是擁有活躍的開發者社區,而活躍的開發者社區帶來的,是繁華的擴展包生態 ———— @Summerphp
該項目統計了目前 packagist 下載量最高的 50 個 Laravel
咱們將 每月
更新一次腳本,也方便咱們及時的查看目前最流行的的 laravel package
排名 | 包地址 | 下載次數 | Star | 描述 |
1 | intervention/image | 8332672 | 5878 | 圖片處理。包括剪輯、壓縮、灰度化等等。 |
2 | barryvdh/laravel-debugbar | 5971716 | 5892 | PHP Debugbar integration for Laravel |
3 | barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper | 5870472 | 5570 | Laravel IDE Helper, generates correct PHPDocs for all Facade classes, to improve auto-completion. |
4 | maatwebsite/excel | 4431310 | 4051 | An eloquent way of importing and exporting Excel and CSV in Laravel 4 with the power of PHPExcel |
5 | aws/aws-sdk-php-laravel | 2532505 | 889 | 一個簡單的Laravel 5服務提供商,用於包含用於PHP的AWS SDK. |
6 | jenssegers/agent | 2339468 | 1694 | 基於 Mobiledetect 的用戶代理解析器 |
7 | barryvdh/laravel-cors | 2117276 | 1904 | 在您的 Laravel 應用程序中添加 CORS 頭文件支持 |
8 | tymon/jwt-auth | 2084487 | 4734 | JSON Web Token Authentication for Laravel and Lumen |
9 | bugsnag/bugsnag-laravel | 1969812 | 304 | Official Bugsnag notifier for Laravel applications. |
10 | barryvdh/laravel-dompdf | 1714011 | 1639 | A DOMPDF Wrapper for Laravel |
11 | maknz/slack | 1643400 | 927 | 一個簡單的PHP包,用於發送消息到Slack. |
12 | zizaco/entrust | 1558960 | 5132 | 目前最好的laravel權限管理包 |
13 | way/generators | 1537268 | 3167 | 用於快速生成資源,遷移,模型. |
14 | graham-campbell/manager | 1425867 | 107 | Manager Provides Some Manager Functionality For Laravel 5 |
15 | yajra/laravel-datatables-oracle | 1318696 | 1704 | jQuery DataTables 插件 |
16 | anahkiasen/underscore-php | 1054345 | 754 | PHP實現的 Underscore.js |
17 | sentry/sentry-laravel | 1002267 | 159 | Laravel integration for Sentry ( |
18 | lucadegasperi/oauth2-server-laravel | 984169 | 2194 | An OAuth 2.0 bridge for Laravel and Lumen |
19 | jenssegers/mongodb | 984081 | 2881 | 一個基於 MongoDB 的模型和查詢構建器 |
20 | jenssegers/date | 941273 | 1000 | 一個日期庫,可幫助您使用不一樣語言的日期 |
21 | cviebrock/eloquent-sluggable | 930281 | 1718 | 在 Laravel5 中如何簡單的建立 loquent models |
22 | davejamesmiller/laravel-breadcrumbs | 856714 | 1081 | A simple Laravel-style way to create breadcrumbs. |
23 | laracasts/generators | 846150 | 1607 | Extend Laravel 5's generators. |
24 | laracasts/utilities | 811786 | 1455 | 將PHP數據轉換爲JavaScript。 |
25 | itsgoingd/clockwork | 794752 | 1212 | 又一個 PHP 開發工具 for your browser |
26 | roumen/sitemap | 777969 | 900 | 網站地圖生成器 |
27 | laravelbook/ardent | 776009 | 1289 | Self-validating smart models for Laravel 5's Eloquent ORM |
28 | barryvdh/laravel-snappy | 746336 | 766 | Snappy PDF/Image for Laravel 4 |
29 | rap2hpoutre/laravel-log-viewer | 738104 | 1285 | 最好用的 laravel 日誌擴展 |
30 | intervention/imagecache | 711602 | 312 | Caching extension for the Intervention Image Class |
31 | rcrowe/twigbridge | 617909 | 671 | 模板引擎 Twig |
32 | venturecraft/revisionable | 567065 | 1386 | Keep a revision history for your models without thinking, created as a package for use with Laravel |
33 | pragmarx/google2fa | 566230 | 646 | A One Time Password Authentication package, compatible with Google Authenticator. |
34 | laracasts/testdummy | 566073 | 434 | Easy test stubs |
35 | propaganistas/laravel-phone | 524491 | 527 | Adds phone number functionality to Laravel and Lumen based on Google's libphonenumber API. |
36 | mews/purifier | 513781 | 644 | Laravel 5 HtmlPurifier Package |
37 | prettus/l5-repository | 507690 | 1974 | laravel 5 倉庫模式 |
38 | jenssegers/rollbar | 495456 | 316 | Rollbar error monitoring integration for Laravel projects |
39 | simplesoftwareio/simple-qrcode | 488435 | 538 | 二維碼生成器 |
40 | prettus/laravel-validation | 479077 | 119 | Laravel Validation Service |
41 | graham-campbell/flysystem | 467225 | 340 | Flysystem Is A Flysystem Bridge For Laravel 5 |
42 | torann/geoip | 461471 | 578 | Support for multiple GeoIP services. |
43 | mcamara/laravel-localization | 449114 | 1462 | Easy localization for Laravel |
44 | league/factory-muffin | 447809 | 426 | The goal of this package is to enable the rapid creation of objects for the purpose of testing. |
45 | spatie/laravel-fractal | 445059 | 796 | An easy to use Fractal integration for Laravel applications |
46 | xethron/migrations-generator | 440930 | 1607 | 從已存在的數據庫生成 laravel 遷移文件 |
47 | greggilbert/recaptcha | 439568 | 601 | reCAPTCHA Validator for Laravel 5 |
48 | orchestra/testbench | 432045 | 583 | 方便的測試你的 laravel 擴展包 |
49 | vinkla/hashids | 424318 | 829 | A Hashids bridge for Laravel |
50 | indatus/dispatcher | 398828 | 1021 | Schedule your artisan commands within your application's source code |