【下載dotConnect for Oracle最新版本】數據庫
dotConnect for Oracle(原名OraDirect.NET)創建在ADO.NET技術上,爲基於Oracle數據庫的應用程序提供完整的解決方案。它爲設計應用程序結構帶來了新的方法,提升工做效率,使數據庫應用程序的開發更簡便。服務器
- 瞭解事務
- 本地事務
- OCI模式下的分佈式事務
- 直接模式下的分佈式事務
本文描述了從.NET代碼(不包含envolving PL/SQL事務)操做事務的方法——這是處理事務最多見的狀況。關於您的任務,您能夠選擇要實現的事務類型-本地或分佈式。當事務是單階段事務而且由數據庫直接處理時,被認爲是本地事務的事務。分佈式事務是一個影響多個資源的事務,它由事務監視器協調,並使用故障保護機制(如兩階段提交)來解決事務。設計
注意:Oracle不支持SQL Server中使用的可升級事務,分佈式事務的實如今OCI和Direct模式下有所不一樣。還要考慮到TransactionScope(分佈式事務)僅在處理時完成。code
dotConnect for Oracle具備用於執行本地事務的OracleTransaction對象。當一個鏈接對象上的多個操做應做爲一個事務執行時,使用OracleTransaction。應用程序經過對OracleConnection對象調用BeginTransaction來建立OracleTransaction對象。與事務相關聯的全部後續操做(例如,提交或停止事務)都在OracleTransaction對象上執行。OracleConnection和OracleTransaction之間的相關性始終爲1:1。所以,一次只能爲單獨的OracleConnection建立一個OracleTransaction。對象
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public void RunOracleTransaction( string myConnString) { OracleConnection myConnection = new OracleConnection(myConnString); myConnection.Open(); OracleCommand myCommand = new OracleCommand(); OracleTransaction myTrans; // Start a local transaction myTrans = myConnection.BeginTransaction(System.Data.IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted); // Assign transaction object for a pending local transaction myCommand.Transaction = myTrans; myCommand.Connection = myConnection; try { myCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Test.Dept(DeptNo, DName) Values(50, 'DEVELOPMENT')" ; myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); myCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Test.Dept(DeptNo, DName) Values(60, 'PRODUCTION')" ; myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); myTrans.Commit(); Console.WriteLine( "Both records are written to database." ); } catch (Exception e) { myTrans.Rollback(); Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); Console.WriteLine( "Neither record was written to database." ); } finally { myConnection.Close(); } } |
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Public Sub RunOracleTransaction( ByVal myConnString As String ) Dim myConnection As New OracleConnection(myConnString) myConnection.Open() Dim myCommand As New OracleCommand Dim myTrans As OracleTransaction ' Start a local transaction myTrans = myConnection.BeginTransaction(System.Data.IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted) ' Assign transaction object for a pending local transaction myCommand.Transaction = myTrans myCommand.Connection = myConnection Try myCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Test.Dept(DeptNo, DName) Values(50, 'DEVELOPMENT')" myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() myCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Test.Dept(DeptNo, DName) Values(60, 'PRODUCTION')" myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() myTrans.Commit() Console.WriteLine( "Both records are written to database." ) Catch e As Exception myTrans.Rollback() Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()) Console.WriteLine( "Neither record was written to database." ) Finally myConnection.Close() End Try End Sub |
若是要將對多個鏈接對象執行的操做放入同一分佈式事務中,則須要將它們登記到TransactionScope中。它能夠經過鏈接字符串的Enlist參數或OracleConnection類的Enlist Transaction方法來完成。
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using (TransactionScope transScope = new TransactionScope()) { using (OracleConnection connection1 = new OracleConnection(connectString1)) { // Opening connection1 automatically enlists it in the // TransactionScope as a distributed transaction. connection1.Open(); // Do work in the first connection. // Assumes conditional logic in place where the second // connection will only be opened as needed. using (OracleConnection connection2 = new OracleConnection(connectString2)) { // Open the second connection, which enlists the // second connection to a full distributed transaction. connection2.Open(); // Do work in the second connection. } } // The Complete method commits the transaction. transScope.Complete(); // The result of transaction will be available at the database after // disposing TransactionScope } |
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Using transScope As New TransactionScope() Using connection1 As New OracleConnection(connectString1) ' Opening connection1 automatically enlists it in the ' TransactionScope as a distributed transaction. connection1.Open() ' Do work in the first connection. ' Assumes conditional logic in place where the second ' connection will only be opened as needed. Using connection2 As New OracleConnection(connectString2) ' Open the second connection, which enlists the ' second connection and promotes the transaction to ' a full distributed transaction. connection2.Open() ' Do work in the second connection. End Using End Using ' The Complete method commits the transaction. transScope.Complete() ' The result of transaction will be available at the database after ' disposing TransactionScope End Using |
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using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope()) { using (OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection(connStr)) { connection.Open(); OracleCommand command = connection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = "insert into dept(deptno,dname,loc) values (70,'Development','London')" ; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } using (OracleConnection connection2 = new OracleConnection(connStr)){ connection2.Open(); OracleCommand command2 = connection2.CreateCommand(); command2.CommandText = "update dept set loc='New York' where deptno=70" ; command2.ExecuteNonQuery(); } ts.Complete(); } |
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Using ts As New TransactionScope() Using connection As New OracleConnection(connStr) connection.Open() Dim Command As OracleCommand = connection.CreateCommand() Command.CommandText = "insert into dept(deptno,dname,loc) values (70,'Development','London')" Command.ExecuteNonQuery() End Using Using connection2 As New OracleConnection(connStr) connection2.Open() Dim Command2 As OracleCommand = connection2.CreateCommand() Command2.CommandText = "update dept set loc='New York' where deptno=70" command2.ExecuteNonQuery() End Using ts.Complete() End Using |