我有一個~23000行的SQL轉儲包含幾個數據庫的數據。 我須要提取此文件的某個部分(即單個數據庫的數據)並將其放在一個新文件中。 我知道我想要的數據的起始行和結束行號。 數據庫
有沒有人知道一個Unix命令(或一系列命令)從第16224和16482行之間的文件中提取全部行,而後將它們重定向到一個新文件? bash
我會用: less
awk 'FNR >= 16224 && FNR <= 16482' my_file > extracted.txt
FNR包含從文件中讀取的行的記錄(行)編號。 ui
我編寫了一個名爲splitter的Haskell程序,它正是這樣作的: 閱讀個人發佈博客文章 。 this
您能夠按以下方式使用該程序: spa
$ cat somefile | splitter 16224-16482
這就是它的所有內容。 您將須要Haskell來安裝它。 只是: 命令行
$ cabal install splitter
你完成了。 我但願你發現這個程序頗有用。 code
還有另外一種方法: three
awk 'NR==16224, NR==16482' file
。 這樣,它就不會沒必要要地讀取如下行: terminal
awk 'NR==16224, NR==16482-1; NR==16482 {print; exit}' file
cat filename|sed 'n1,n2!d' > abc.txt
cat foo.pl|sed '100,200!d' > abc.txt
用法:$ pinch filename起始行結束行
#!/bin/bash # Display line number ranges of a file to the terminal. # Usage: $ pinch filename start-line end-line # By Evan J. Coon FILENAME=$1 START=$2 END=$3 ERROR="[PINCH ERROR]" # Check that the number of arguments is 3 if [ $# -lt 3 ]; then echo "$ERROR Need three arguments: Filename Start-line End-line" exit 1 fi # Check that the file exists. if [ ! -f "$FILENAME" ]; then echo -e "$ERROR File does not exist. \n\t$FILENAME" exit 1 fi # Check that start-line is not greater than end-line if [ "$START" -gt "$END" ]; then echo -e "$ERROR Start line is greater than End line." exit 1 fi # Check that start-line is positive. if [ "$START" -lt 0 ]; then echo -e "$ERROR Start line is less than 0." exit 1 fi # Check that end-line is positive. if [ "$END" -lt 0 ]; then echo -e "$ERROR End line is less than 0." exit 1 fi NUMOFLINES=$(wc -l < "$FILENAME") # Check that end-line is not greater than the number of lines in the file. if [ "$END" -gt "$NUMOFLINES" ]; then echo -e "$ERROR End line is greater than number of lines in file." exit 1 fi # The distance from the end of the file to end-line ENDDIFF=$(( NUMOFLINES - END )) # For larger files, this will run more quickly. If the distance from the # end of the file to the end-line is less than the distance from the # start of the file to the start-line, then start pinching from the # bottom as opposed to the top. if [ "$START" -lt "$ENDDIFF" ]; then < "$FILENAME" head -n $END | tail -n +$START else < "$FILENAME" tail -n +$START | head -n $(( END-START+1 )) fi # Success exit 0