爲了不資源浪費以及重複編寫代碼,博主仍是抱着嘗試的心態去尋找可以同時兼容 DS130二、DS3231甚至其餘的時鐘模塊的第三方庫。終於,仍是被我找到了 —— Rtc 時鐘庫。github
網上介紹DS1302的帖子很是多,博主在這裏就不從零開始講解,這裏推薦一個博主以爲寫得還能夠的參考文檔 STM32與DS1302設計時鐘芯片,超詳細。
此外,DS1302 還有控制寄存器、充電寄存器、時鐘突發寄存器及與RAM相關的寄存器等。時鐘突發寄存器可一次性順序讀寫除充電寄存器外的全部寄存器內容。測試
#ifndef __RTCDS1302_H__ #define __RTCDS1302_H__ #include <Arduino.h> #include "RtcDateTime.h" #include "RtcUtility.h" //DS1302 Register Addresses 寄存器地址 const uint8_t DS1302_REG_TIMEDATE = 0x80;//秒寄存器 const uint8_t DS1302_REG_TIMEDATE_BURST = 0xBE;//時鐘批量處理寄存器 const uint8_t DS1302_REG_TCR = 0x90;//涓流充電控制寄存器 const uint8_t DS1302_REG_RAM_BURST = 0xFE;//RAM批量處理寄存器 const uint8_t DS1302_REG_RAMSTART = 0xc0;//ram空間第一個字節 const uint8_t DS1302_REG_RAMEND = 0xfd;//ram空間最後一個字節 // ram read and write addresses are interleaved const uint8_t DS1302RamSize = 31;//ram空間大小 // DS1302 Trickle Charge Control Register Bits 如下跟涓流充電有關 可忽略 enum DS1302TcrResistor { DS1302TcrResistor_Disabled = 0, DS1302TcrResistor_2KOhm = B00000001, DS1302TcrResistor_4KOhm = B00000010, DS1302TcrResistor_8KOhm = B00000011, DS1302TcrResistor_MASK = B00000011, }; enum DS1302TcrDiodes { DS1302TcrDiodes_None = 0, DS1302TcrDiodes_One = B00000100, DS1302TcrDiodes_Two = B00001000, DS1302TcrDiodes_Disabled = B00001100, DS1302TcrDiodes_MASK = B00001100, }; enum DS1302TcrStatus { DS1302TcrStatus_Enabled = B10100000, DS1302TcrStatus_Disabled = B01010000, DS1302TcrStatus_MASK = B11110000, }; const uint8_t DS1302Tcr_Disabled = DS1302TcrStatus_Disabled | DS1302TcrDiodes_Disabled | DS1302TcrResistor_Disabled; // DS1302 Clock Halt Register & Bits const uint8_t DS1302_REG_CH = 0x80; // bit in the seconds register 秒寄存器 const uint8_t DS1302_CH = 7; // Write Protect Register & Bits const uint8_t DS1302_REG_WP = 0x8E; //寫保護寄存器 const uint8_t DS1302_WP = 7; template<class T_WIRE_METHOD> class RtcDS1302 { public: RtcDS1302(T_WIRE_METHOD& wire) : _wire(wire) { } void Begin() { //會把三個引腳設置爲輸入狀態 _wire.begin(); } /** * 判斷是否寫保護 * @return bool true表示寫保護 */ bool GetIsWriteProtected() { //獲取寫保護寄存器的值 uint8_t wp = getReg(DS1302_REG_WP); //獲取最高位的值 return !!(wp & _BV(DS1302_WP)); } /** * 設置是否寫保護 * @param isWriteProtected * true 寫保護 * false 去掉寫保護 */ void SetIsWriteProtected(bool isWriteProtected) { //獲取寫保護寄存器的值 uint8_t wp = getReg(DS1302_REG_WP); if (isWriteProtected) { wp |= _BV(DS1302_WP); } else { wp &= ~_BV(DS1302_WP); } setReg(DS1302_REG_WP, wp); } bool IsDateTimeValid() { return GetDateTime().IsValid(); } /** * 判斷時鐘是否正在運行 * @return bool * true 時鐘運行 * false 時鐘停振,進入低功耗態 */ bool GetIsRunning() { uint8_t ch = getReg(DS1302_REG_CH); return !(ch & _BV(DS1302_CH)); } void SetIsRunning(bool isRunning) { uint8_t ch = getReg(DS1302_REG_CH); if (isRunning) { ch &= ~_BV(DS1302_CH); } else { ch |= _BV(DS1302_CH); } setReg(DS1302_REG_CH, ch); } uint8_t GetTrickleChargeSettings() { uint8_t setting = getReg(DS1302_REG_TCR); return setting; } void SetTrickleChargeSettings(uint8_t setting) { if ((setting & DS1302TcrResistor_MASK) == DS1302TcrResistor_Disabled) { // invalid resistor setting, set to disabled setting = DS1302Tcr_Disabled; goto apply; } if ((setting & DS1302TcrDiodes_MASK) == DS1302TcrDiodes_Disabled || (setting & DS1302TcrDiodes_MASK) == DS1302TcrDiodes_None) { // invalid diode setting, set to disabled setting = DS1302Tcr_Disabled; goto apply; } if ((setting & DS1302TcrStatus_MASK) != DS1302TcrStatus_Enabled) { // invalid status setting, set to disabled setting = DS1302Tcr_Disabled; goto apply; } apply: setReg(DS1302_REG_TCR, setting); } /** * 設置日期時間 * @param RtcDateTime 日期時間對象 */ void SetDateTime(const RtcDateTime& dt) { // set the date time 批量設置時間 _wire.beginTransmission(DS1302_REG_TIMEDATE_BURST); _wire.write(Uint8ToBcd(dt.Second()));//秒數 _wire.write(Uint8ToBcd(dt.Minute()));//分鐘 _wire.write(Uint8ToBcd(dt.Hour())); // 24 hour mode only _wire.write(Uint8ToBcd(dt.Day()));//天數 _wire.write(Uint8ToBcd(dt.Month()));//月份 // RTC Hardware Day of Week is 1-7, 1 = Monday // convert our Day of Week to Rtc Day of Week uint8_t rtcDow = RtcDateTime::ConvertDowToRtc(dt.DayOfWeek()); _wire.write(Uint8ToBcd(rtcDow)); _wire.write(Uint8ToBcd(dt.Year() - 2000));//年份 _wire.write(0); // no write protect, as all of this is ignored if it is protected _wire.endTransmission();//批量寫入寄存器 } /** * 獲取日期時間 * @return RtcDateTime 日期時間對象 */ RtcDateTime GetDateTime() { // set the date time 批量獲取時間 _wire.beginTransmission(DS1302_REG_TIMEDATE_BURST | THREEWIRE_READFLAG); uint8_t second = BcdToUint8(_wire.read() & 0x7F);//秒數 uint8_t minute = BcdToUint8(_wire.read());//分鐘 uint8_t hour = BcdToBin24Hour(_wire.read());//小時 uint8_t dayOfMonth = BcdToUint8(_wire.read());//天數 uint8_t month = BcdToUint8(_wire.read());//月份 _wire.read(); // throwing away day of week as we calculate it uint16_t year = BcdToUint8(_wire.read()) + 2000;//年份 _wire.read(); // throwing away write protect flag _wire.endTransmission();//批量處理 //返回日期時間對象 return RtcDateTime(year, month, dayOfMonth, hour, minute, second); } /*** * 往RTC Memory寫入數據 * @param memoryAddress 地址偏移量 * @param value 數據 */ void SetMemory(uint8_t memoryAddress, uint8_t value) { // memory addresses interleaved read and write addresses // so we need to calculate the offset uint8_t address = memoryAddress * 2 + DS1302_REG_RAMSTART; if (address <= DS1302_REG_RAMEND) { setReg(address, value); } } uint8_t GetMemory(uint8_t memoryAddress) { uint8_t value = 0; // memory addresses interleaved read and write addresses // so we need to calculate the offset uint8_t address = memoryAddress * 2 + DS1302_REG_RAMSTART; if (address <= DS1302_REG_RAMEND) { value = getReg(address); } return value; } uint8_t SetMemory(const uint8_t* pValue, uint8_t countBytes) { uint8_t countWritten = 0; //批量處理 _wire.beginTransmission(DS1302_REG_RAM_BURST); while (countBytes > 0 && countWritten < DS1302RamSize) { _wire.write(*pValue++); countBytes--; countWritten++; } _wire.endTransmission(); //返回寫入數量 return countWritten; } uint8_t GetMemory(uint8_t* pValue, uint8_t countBytes) { uint8_t countRead = 0; _wire.beginTransmission(DS1302_REG_RAM_BURST | THREEWIRE_READFLAG); while (countBytes > 0 && countRead < DS1302RamSize) { *pValue++ = _wire.read(); countRead++; countBytes--; } _wire.endTransmission(); return countRead; } private: T_WIRE_METHOD& _wire; uint8_t getReg(uint8_t regAddress) { _wire.beginTransmission(regAddress | THREEWIRE_READFLAG); uint8_t regValue = _wire.read(); _wire.endTransmission(); return regValue; } void setReg(uint8_t regAddress, uint8_t regValue) { _wire.beginTransmission(regAddress); _wire.write(regValue); _wire.endTransmission(); } }; #endif // __RTCDS1302_H__
/** * 初始化,會把三個引腳設置爲輸入狀態 */ void Begin();
/** * 判斷是否寫保護 * @return bool true表示寫保護 */ bool GetIsWriteProtected();
bool GetIsWriteProtected() { //獲取寫保護寄存器的值 uint8_t wp = getReg(DS1302_REG_WP); //獲取最高位的值 return !!(wp & _BV(DS1302_WP)); }
/** * 設置是否寫保護 * @param isWriteProtected * true 寫保護 * false 去掉寫保護 */ void SetIsWriteProtected(bool isWriteProtected)
void SetIsWriteProtected(bool isWriteProtected) { //獲取寫保護寄存器的值 uint8_t wp = getReg(DS1302_REG_WP); if (isWriteProtected) { wp |= _BV(DS1302_WP); }else{ wp &= ~_BV(DS1302_WP); } setReg(DS1302_REG_WP, wp); }
/** * 判斷時鐘是否正在運行 * @return bool * true 時鐘運行 * false 時鐘停振,進入低功耗態 */ bool GetIsRunning()
bool GetIsRunning() { //判斷秒寄存器的最高位數值 uint8_t ch = getReg(DS1302_REG_CH); return !(ch & _BV(DS1302_CH)); }
/** * 設置時鐘是否運行 * @param isRunning * true 時鐘運行 * false 時鐘停振,進入低功耗態 */ void SetIsRunning(bool isRunning)
void SetIsRunning(bool isRunning) { uint8_t ch = getReg(DS1302_REG_CH); if (isRunning){ ch &= ~_BV(DS1302_CH); }else{ ch |= _BV(DS1302_CH); } //設置秒寄存器的最高位 setReg(DS1302_REG_CH, ch); }
/** * 設置日期時間 * @param RtcDateTime 日期時間對象 */ void SetDateTime(const RtcDateTime& dt)
/** * 設置日期時間 * @param RtcDateTime 日期時間對象 */ void SetDateTime(const RtcDateTime& dt) { // set the date time 批量設置時間 _wire.beginTransmission(DS1302_REG_TIMEDATE_BURST); _wire.write(Uint8ToBcd(dt.Second()));//秒數 _wire.write(Uint8ToBcd(dt.Minute()));//分鐘 _wire.write(Uint8ToBcd(dt.Hour())); // 24 hour mode only _wire.write(Uint8ToBcd(dt.Day()));//天數 _wire.write(Uint8ToBcd(dt.Month()));//月份 // RTC Hardware Day of Week is 1-7, 1 = Monday // convert our Day of Week to Rtc Day of Week uint8_t rtcDow = RtcDateTime::ConvertDowToRtc(dt.DayOfWeek()); _wire.write(Uint8ToBcd(rtcDow)); _wire.write(Uint8ToBcd(dt.Year() - 2000));//年份 _wire.write(0); // no write protect, as all of this is ignored if it is protected _wire.endTransmission();//批量寫入寄存器 }
class RtcDateTime { public: RtcDateTime(uint32_t secondsFrom2000 = 0); RtcDateTime(uint16_t year, uint8_t month, uint8_t dayOfMonth, uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute, uint8_t second) : _yearFrom2000((year >= c_OriginYear) ? year - c_OriginYear : year), _month(month), _dayOfMonth(dayOfMonth), _hour(hour), _minute(minute), _second(second) { } // RtcDateTime compileDateTime(__DATE__, __TIME__); RtcDateTime(const char* date, const char* time); bool IsValid() const; uint16_t Year() const { return c_OriginYear + _yearFrom2000; } uint8_t Month() const { return _month; } uint8_t Day() const { return _dayOfMonth; } uint8_t Hour() const { return _hour; } uint8_t Minute() const { return _minute; } uint8_t Second() const { return _second; } // 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, ... 6 = Saturday uint8_t DayOfWeek() const; // 32-bit times as seconds since 1/1/2000 uint32_t TotalSeconds() const; uint64_t TotalSeconds64() const; // add seconds void operator += (uint32_t seconds) { RtcDateTime after = RtcDateTime( TotalSeconds() + seconds ); *this = after; } // remove seconds void operator -= (uint32_t seconds) { RtcDateTime before = RtcDateTime( TotalSeconds() - seconds ); *this = before; } // allows for comparisons to just work (==, <, >, <=, >=, !=) operator uint32_t() const { return TotalSeconds(); } // Epoch32 support uint32_t Epoch32Time() const { return TotalSeconds() + c_Epoch32OfOriginYear; } void InitWithEpoch32Time(uint32_t time) { _initWithSecondsFrom2000<uint32_t>(time - c_Epoch32OfOriginYear); } // Epoch64 support uint64_t Epoch64Time() const { return TotalSeconds64() + c_Epoch32OfOriginYear; } void InitWithEpoch64Time(uint64_t time) { _initWithSecondsFrom2000<uint64_t>(time - c_Epoch32OfOriginYear); } void InitWithIso8601(const char* date); // convert our Day of Week to Rtc Day of Week // RTC Hardware Day of Week is 1-7, 1 = Monday static uint8_t ConvertDowToRtc(uint8_t dow) { if (dow == 0) { dow = 7; } return dow; } // convert Rtc Day of Week to our Day of Week static uint8_t ConvertRtcToDow(uint8_t rtcDow) { return (rtcDow % 7); } protected: uint8_t _yearFrom2000; uint8_t _month; uint8_t _dayOfMonth; uint8_t _hour; uint8_t _minute; uint8_t _second; template <typename T> void _initWithSecondsFrom2000(T secondsFrom2000) { _second = secondsFrom2000 % 60; T timeFrom2000 = secondsFrom2000 / 60; _minute = timeFrom2000 % 60; timeFrom2000 /= 60; _hour = timeFrom2000 % 24; T days = timeFrom2000 / 24; T leapDays; for (_yearFrom2000 = 0;; ++_yearFrom2000) { leapDays = (_yearFrom2000 % 4 == 0) ? 1 : 0; if (days < 365U + leapDays) break; days -= 365 + leapDays; } for (_month = 1;; ++_month) { uint8_t daysPerMonth = pgm_read_byte(c_daysInMonth + _month - 1); if (leapDays && _month == 2) daysPerMonth++; if (days < daysPerMonth) break; days -= daysPerMonth; } _dayOfMonth = days + 1; } };
/** * 獲取日期時間 * @return RtcDateTime 日期時間對象 */ RtcDateTime GetDateTime()
RtcDateTime GetDateTime() { // set the date time 批量獲取時間 _wire.beginTransmission(DS1302_REG_TIMEDATE_BURST | THREEWIRE_READFLAG); uint8_t second = BcdToUint8(_wire.read() & 0x7F);//秒數 uint8_t minute = BcdToUint8(_wire.read());//分鐘 uint8_t hour = BcdToBin24Hour(_wire.read());//小時 uint8_t dayOfMonth = BcdToUint8(_wire.read());//天數 uint8_t month = BcdToUint8(_wire.read());//月份 _wire.read(); // throwing away day of week as we calculate it uint16_t year = BcdToUint8(_wire.read()) + 2000;//年份 _wire.read(); // throwing away write protect flag _wire.endTransmission();//批量處理 //返回日期時間對象 return RtcDateTime(year, month, dayOfMonth, hour, minute, second); }
/*** * 往RTC Memory寫入數據 * @param memoryAddress 地址偏移量 * @param value 數據 */ void SetMemory(uint8_t memoryAddress, uint8_t value) /** * 往RTC Memory批量寫入數據 * @param pValue 批量數據 * @param countBytes 數據字節數 */ uint8_t SetMemory(const uint8_t* pValue, uint8_t countBytes)
void SetMemory(uint8_t memoryAddress, uint8_t value) { // memory addresses interleaved read and write addresses // so we need to calculate the offset uint8_t address = memoryAddress * 2 + DS1302_REG_RAMSTART; if (address <= DS1302_REG_RAMEND) { setReg(address, value); } } uint8_t SetMemory(const uint8_t* pValue, uint8_t countBytes) { uint8_t countWritten = 0; //批量處理 _wire.beginTransmission(DS1302_REG_RAM_BURST); while (countBytes > 0 && countWritten < DS1302RamSize) { _wire.write(*pValue++); countBytes--; countWritten++; } _wire.endTransmission(); //返回寫入數量 return countWritten; }
/*** * 讀取RTC Memory * @param memoryAddress 地址偏移量 * @return 數據 */ uint8_t GetMemory(uint8_t memoryAddress) /*** * 批量讀取RTC Memory * @param pValue 存儲空間 * @param countBytes 數據字節數 */ uint8_t GetMemory(uint8_t* pValue, uint8_t countBytes)
uint8_t GetMemory(uint8_t memoryAddress) { uint8_t value = 0; // memory addresses interleaved read and write addresses // so we need to calculate the offset uint8_t address = memoryAddress * 2 + DS1302_REG_RAMSTART; if (address <= DS1302_REG_RAMEND) { value = getReg(address); } return value; } uint8_t GetMemory(uint8_t* pValue, uint8_t countBytes) { uint8_t countRead = 0; _wire.beginTransmission(DS1302_REG_RAM_BURST | THREEWIRE_READFLAG); while (countBytes > 0 && countRead < DS1302RamSize) { *pValue++ = _wire.read(); countRead++; countBytes--; } _wire.endTransmission(); return countRead; }
DS1302採用三總線方式,SCLK(CLK), IO (DAT), CE (RST)。
模塊引腳 | Mega2560引腳 |
DAT | 6 |
CLK | 5 |
RST | 7 |
// CONNECTIONS: // DS1302 CLK/SCLK --> 5 // DS1302 DAT/IO --> 6 // DS1302 RST/CE --> 7 // DS1302 VCC --> 3.3v - 5v // DS1302 GND --> GND #include <ThreeWire.h> #include <RtcDS1302.h> ThreeWire myWire(/*IO*/6,/*SCLK*/5,/*CE*/7); // IO, SCLK, CE RtcDS1302<ThreeWire> Rtc(myWire); void setup () { Serial.begin(57600); Serial.print("compiled: "); Serial.print(__DATE__); Serial.println(__TIME__); Rtc.Begin(); RtcDateTime compiled = RtcDateTime(__DATE__, __TIME__); printDateTime(compiled); Serial.println(); if (Rtc.GetIsWriteProtected()) { Serial.println("RTC was write protected, enabling writing now"); Rtc.SetIsWriteProtected(false); } if (!Rtc.GetIsRunning()) { Serial.println("RTC was not actively running, starting now"); Rtc.SetIsRunning(true); } RtcDateTime now = Rtc.GetDateTime(); if (now < compiled) { Serial.println("RTC is older than compile time! (Updating DateTime)"); Rtc.SetDateTime(compiled); } else if (now > compiled) { Serial.println("RTC is newer than compile time. (this is expected)"); } else if (now == compiled) { Serial.println("RTC is the same as compile time! (not expected but all is fine)"); } } void loop () { RtcDateTime now = Rtc.GetDateTime(); printDateTime(now); Serial.println(); delay(10000); // ten seconds } #define countof(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0])) void printDateTime(const RtcDateTime& dt) { char datestring[20]; snprintf_P(datestring, countof(datestring), PSTR("%02u/%02u/%04u %02u:%02u:%02u"), dt.Month(), dt.Day(), dt.Year(), dt.Hour(), dt.Minute(), dt.Second() ); Serial.print(datestring); }
模塊引腳 | Mega2560引腳 |
DAT | 6 |
CLK | 5 |
RST | 7 |
// CONNECTIONS: // DS1302 CLK/SCLK --> 5 // DS1302 DAT/IO --> 6 // DS1302 RST/CE --> 7 // DS1302 VCC --> 3.3v - 5v // DS1302 GND --> GND #include <ThreeWire.h> #include <RtcDS1302.h> ThreeWire myWire(/*IO*/6,/*SCLK*/5,/*CE*/7); // IO, SCLK, CE RtcDS1302<ThreeWire> Rtc(myWire); #define countof(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0])) const char data[] = "danpianjicainiao"; void setup () { Serial.begin(57600); Serial.print("compiled: "); Serial.print(__DATE__); Serial.println(__TIME__); Rtc.Begin(); RtcDateTime compiled = RtcDateTime(__DATE__, __TIME__); printDateTime(compiled); Serial.println(); if (Rtc.GetIsWriteProtected()) { Serial.println("RTC was write protected, enabling writing now"); Rtc.SetIsWriteProtected(false); } if (!Rtc.GetIsRunning()) { Serial.println("RTC was not actively running, starting now"); Rtc.SetIsRunning(true); } RtcDateTime now = Rtc.GetDateTime(); if (now < compiled) { Serial.println("RTC is older than compile time! (Updating DateTime)"); Rtc.SetDateTime(compiled); } /* comment out on a second run to see that the info is stored long term */ // Store something in memory on the RTC uint8_t count = sizeof(data); uint8_t written = Rtc.SetMemory((const uint8_t*)data, count); // this includes a null terminator for the string if (written != count) { Serial.print("something didn't match, count = "); Serial.print(count, DEC); Serial.print(", written = "); Serial.print(written, DEC); Serial.println(); } /* end of comment out section */ } void loop () { RtcDateTime now = Rtc.GetDateTime(); printDateTime(now); Serial.println(" +"); delay(5000); // read data uint8_t buff[20]; const uint8_t count = sizeof(buff); // get our data uint8_t gotten = Rtc.GetMemory(buff, count); if (gotten != count) { Serial.print("something didn't match, count = "); Serial.print(count, DEC); Serial.print(", gotten = "); Serial.print(gotten, DEC); Serial.println(); } Serial.print("data read ("); Serial.print(gotten); Serial.print(") = \""); // print the string, but terminate if we get a null for (uint8_t ch = 0; ch < gotten && buff[ch]; ch++) { Serial.print((char)buff[ch]); } Serial.println("\""); delay(5000); } void printDateTime(const RtcDateTime& dt) { char datestring[20]; snprintf_P(datestring, countof(datestring), PSTR("%02u/%02u/%04u %02u:%02u:%02u"), dt.Month(), dt.Day(), dt.Year(), dt.Hour(), dt.Minute(), dt.Second() ); Serial.print(datestring); }