{ Delphi遍歷進程中全部Class的TypeInfo,即使是在implementation中的class或者其餘 class的private的子class. 通常普通EXE中的TypeInfo存放在PAGE_EXECUTE_*的內存中,而BPL則存放在PAGE_READ_WRITE的內存中. 因此咱們要作的是遍歷可執內存的內存片,而後找出TypeInfo的特徵. 這裏我是隻找Class的類型信息,特徵是tkClass,classname合法, 沿着typedata中的ParentInfo往前追溯,直到找到TObject的類型信息. 那麼認爲這是個合法的class的TypeInfo 爲了避免產生class的類型信息本單元沒用使用任何和class有關的東西,以避免多產生class的類型信息 } unit UnitClassInfoEx; interface uses {$IFDEF VER230} // XE2 {$DEFINE HAS_UNITSCOPE} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF VER240} // XE3 {$DEFINE HAS_UNITSCOPE} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF VER250} // XE4 {$DEFINE HAS_UNITSCOPE} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF HAS_UNITSCOPE} WinAPI.Windows, System.TypInfo; {$ELSE} Windows, TypInfo; {$ENDIF} type PTypeInfos = array of PTypeInfo; TModules = array of HModule; {$IFNDEF CPUX64} // Delphi 早期版本NativeInt計算起來會有內部錯誤 NativeUInt = Cardinal; NativeInt = Integer; {$ENDIF} // 獲取一個指定模塊中的類信息 function GetAllClassInfos_FromModule(AModule: HModule): PTypeInfos; // 從system的Modulelist裏面枚舉模塊,獲取模塊中類信息 function GetAllClassInfos_FromSystemModuleList(): PTypeInfos; function GetProcessModules(): TModules; implementation const MinClassTypeInfoSize = SizeOf(TTypeKind) + 2 { name } + SizeOf(Tclass) + SizeOf(PPTypeInfo) + SizeOf(smallint) + 2 { unitname }; type TMemoryRegion = record BaseAddress: NativeInt; MemorySize: NativeInt; end; TMemoryRegions = array of TMemoryRegion; function EnumProcessModules(hProcess: THandle; lphModule: PDWORD; cb: DWORD; var lpcbNeeded: DWORD): BOOL; stdcall; external 'psapi.dll'; function GetProcessModules(): TModules; var cb: DWORD; ret: BOOL; begin if EnumProcessModules(GetCurrentProcess, nil, 0, cb) then begin SetLength(Result, cb div SizeOf(HModule)); if not EnumProcessModules(GetCurrentProcess, @Result[0], cb, cb) then Result := nil; end; end; function IsValidityMemoryBlock(MemoryRegions: TMemoryRegions; address, Size: NativeUInt): Boolean; var MemoryRegion: TMemoryRegion; i: Integer; mbi: TMemoryBasicInformation; begin { if VirtualQueryEx(GetCurrentProcess, Pointer(address), mbi, SizeOf(mbi)) <> 0 then begin GetTickCount; end; } Result := False; //for MemoryRegion in MemoryRegions do for i := low(MemoryRegions) to High(MemoryRegions) do begin MemoryRegion := MemoryRegions[i]; if (address >= MemoryRegion.BaseAddress) and ((address + Size) <= (MemoryRegion.BaseAddress + MemoryRegion.MemorySize)) then begin Result := True; Exit; end; end; end; procedure GetExecutableMemoryregions(var MemoryRegions: TMemoryRegions); var address: NativeUInt; mbi: memory_basic_information; processhandle: THandle; stop: NativeUInt; begin processhandle := GetCurrentProcess; SetLength(MemoryRegions, 0); address := 0; {$IFDEF CPUX64} stop := $7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF {$ELSE} stop := $7FFFFFFF; {$ENDIF} while (address < stop) and (VirtualQueryEx(processhandle, Pointer(address), mbi, SizeOf(mbi)) <> 0) and ((address + mbi.RegionSize) > address) do begin if (mbi.state = MEM_COMMIT) and (((mbi.Protect and PAGE_EXECUTE_READ) = PAGE_EXECUTE_READ) or ((mbi.Protect and PAGE_READWRITE) = PAGE_READWRITE) or ((mbi.Protect and PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE) = PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE)) then begin // executable SetLength(MemoryRegions, Length(MemoryRegions) + 1); MemoryRegions[Length(MemoryRegions) - 1].BaseAddress := NativeUInt(mbi.BaseAddress); MemoryRegions[Length(MemoryRegions) - 1].MemorySize := mbi.RegionSize; end; inc(address, mbi.RegionSize); end; end; procedure GetExecutableMemoryRegionsInRang(address, stop: NativeUInt; var MemoryRegions: TMemoryRegions); var mbi: memory_basic_information; processhandle: THandle; begin processhandle := GetCurrentProcess; SetLength(MemoryRegions, 0); while (address < stop) and (VirtualQueryEx(processhandle, Pointer(address), mbi, SizeOf(mbi)) <> 0) and ((address + mbi.RegionSize) > address) do begin if (mbi.state = MEM_COMMIT) and (((mbi.Protect and PAGE_EXECUTE_READ) = PAGE_EXECUTE_READ) or ((mbi.Protect and PAGE_READWRITE) = PAGE_READWRITE) or ((mbi.Protect and PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE) = PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE)) then begin // executable SetLength(MemoryRegions, Length(MemoryRegions) + 1); MemoryRegions[Length(MemoryRegions) - 1].BaseAddress := NativeUInt(mbi.BaseAddress); MemoryRegions[Length(MemoryRegions) - 1].MemorySize := mbi.RegionSize; end; inc(address, mbi.RegionSize); end; end; function IsValidityClassInfo(ProcessMemoryRegions: TMemoryRegions; p: PAnsiChar; var RealResult: PTypeInfos): Boolean; forward; function IsValidityString(p: PAnsiChar; Length: Byte): Boolean; var i: Integer; begin { 我假定Delphi的ClassName都是英文.中文的話實際上會被UTF8編碼. 另外這個也不包含編譯器編譯時產生臨時類的類名. 臨時類名爲了避免和程序員手寫的類重名通常都有@#$之類的 } Result := True; if p^ in ['a' .. 'z', 'A' .. 'Z', '_'] then begin for i := 0 to Length - 1 do begin { 類名有時會有. ,好比內嵌類,UnitName也會有.泛型類名會有<> } if not(p[i] in ['a' .. 'z', '<', '>', 'A' .. 'Z', '_', '.', '0' .. '9']) then begin Result := False; Exit; end; end; end else Result := False; end; function FindTypeInfo(const RealResult: PTypeInfos; p: Pointer): Boolean; var i: Integer; begin Result := False; for i := Low(RealResult) to High(RealResult) do if RealResult[i] = p then begin Result := True; Break; end; end; procedure AddTypeInfo(var RealResult: PTypeInfos; p: PTypeInfo); begin //if FindTypeInfo(RealResult, p) then if p^.Name = 'TForm1.TTT' then begin GetTickCount; //Exit; end; SetLength(RealResult, Length(RealResult) + 1); RealResult[Length(RealResult) - 1] := p; end; function IsValidityClassData(ProcessMemoryRegions: TMemoryRegions; p: PAnsiChar; var RealResult: PTypeInfos): Boolean; var td: PTypeData; parentInfo: PPTypeInfo; parentFinded : Boolean; begin Result := False; td := PTypeData(p); parentInfo := td.parentInfo; if not IsValidityString(@td.UnitName[1], Byte(td.UnitName[0])) then Exit; if GetTypeData(TypeInfo(TObject)) = td then begin Result := True; Exit; end; if not IsValidityMemoryBlock(ProcessMemoryRegions, NativeUInt(parentInfo), SizeOf(Pointer)) then Exit; if not IsValidityMemoryBlock(ProcessMemoryRegions, NativeUInt(parentInfo^), MinClassTypeInfoSize) then Exit; { 遍歷ParentInfo,直到找到TObject爲止 } parentFinded := FindTypeInfo(RealResult, parentInfo^); if parentFinded or IsValidityClassInfo(ProcessMemoryRegions, PAnsiChar(parentInfo^), RealResult) then begin Result := True; if not parentFinded then AddTypeInfo(RealResult, ParentInfo^); Exit; end; end; function IsValidityClassInfo(ProcessMemoryRegions: TMemoryRegions; p: PAnsiChar; var RealResult: PTypeInfos): Boolean; var classNamelen: Byte; classname: ansistring; begin Result := False; if not IsValidityMemoryBlock(ProcessMemoryRegions, NativeUInt(p), MinClassTypeInfoSize) then Exit; if IsBadReadPtr(p, MinClassTypeInfoSize) then Exit; if ord(p^) = ord(tkClass) then // ord(tkClass) = 7 begin inc(p); classNamelen := ord(p^); SetLength(classname, classNamelen); Move((p + 1)^, PAnsiChar(classname)^, classNamelen); if (classNamelen in [1 .. $FE]) then { Shortstring第一個字節是長度,最多254個 } begin inc(p); if IsValidityString(PAnsiChar(p), classNamelen) then begin // OutputDebugStringA(PAnsiChar(classname)); inc(p, classNamelen); if IsValidityClassData(ProcessMemoryRegions, p, RealResult) then begin Result := True; Exit; end; end; end; end; end; procedure GetRegionClassInfos(ProcessMemoryRegions: TMemoryRegions; const MemoryRegion: TMemoryRegion; var RealResult: PTypeInfos); var p: PAnsiChar; MaxAddr: NativeInt; begin p := PAnsiChar(MemoryRegion.BaseAddress); MaxAddr := MemoryRegion.BaseAddress + MemoryRegion.MemorySize - MinClassTypeInfoSize; while NativeInt(p) < MaxAddr do begin if IsValidityClassInfo(ProcessMemoryRegions, p, RealResult) then begin AddTypeInfo(RealResult, PTypeInfo(p)); // OutputDebugStringA(PAnsiChar('classname = ' + PTypeInfo(p).Name)); inc(p, MinClassTypeInfoSize); end else inc(p); end; end; function _GetAllClassInfos_FromModule(ProcessMemoryRegions: TMemoryRegions; AModule: HModule): PTypeInfos; var MemoryRegions: TMemoryRegions; i: Integer; addr, stop: NativeUInt; dos: PImageDosHeader; nt: PImageNtHeaders; begin Result := nil; // SetLength(Result, 1); // Result[0] := TypeInfo(TObject); // MemoryRegions := nil; addr := AModule; dos := PImageDosHeader(addr); nt := PImageNtHeaders(addr + dos^._lfanew); GetExecutableMemoryRegionsInRang(addr, addr + nt.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage, MemoryRegions); for i := Low(MemoryRegions) to High(MemoryRegions) do begin GetRegionClassInfos(ProcessMemoryRegions, MemoryRegions[i], Result); // OutputDebugString(PChar(format('(%d;%d)',[MemoryRegions[i].BaseAddress,MemoryRegions[i].MemorySize]))); end; end; function GetAllClassInfos_FromModule(AModule: HModule): PTypeInfos; var ProcessMemoryRegions: TMemoryRegions; begin GetExecutableMemoryregions(ProcessMemoryRegions); Result := _GetAllClassInfos_FromModule(ProcessMemoryRegions, AModule); end; function GetAllClassInfos_FromSystemModuleList(): PTypeInfos; var ProcessMemoryRegions: TMemoryRegions; lm: PLibModule; moduleTypeInfos: PTypeInfos; i: Integer; oldLen: Integer; s: string; begin Result := nil; //SetLength(Result, 1); //Result[0] := TypeInfo(TObject); // lm := LibModuleList; GetExecutableMemoryregions(ProcessMemoryRegions); while True do begin SetLength(s, MAX_PATH); GetModuleFileName(lm.Instance, PChar(s), Length(s)); OutputDebugString(PChar(s)); moduleTypeInfos := _GetAllClassInfos_FromModule(ProcessMemoryRegions, lm.Instance); oldLen := Length(Result); SetLength(Result, oldLen + Length(moduleTypeInfos)); for i := Low(moduleTypeInfos) to High(moduleTypeInfos) do Result[oldLen + i] := moduleTypeInfos[i]; if lm.Next = nil then Break; lm := lm.Next; end; end; end.