AFNetworking的做者Matt Thompson 提出了一個新的相似AFNetworking的網絡基礎庫,而且專門使用最新的Swift語言寫的,名爲 Alamofire.git
而Alamofire 是 Swift 語言的 HTTP 網絡開發工具包,功能強大,支持各類 HTTP Method、JSON、文件上傳、文件下載和多種認證方法。json
相信做爲開發者,你們都在其餘地方或多或少的讀過關於AFNetworking的解析,有的甚至也本身作過AFNetworking的解析, 那麼爲何還要再作Alamofire的解析呢? 緣由有如下幾點,api
OK 進入正題. 首先做爲一個新的網絡庫,Alamofire同時做爲AFnetworking的Swift版本,甚至是做爲同一個做者的開源庫,不管從哪一個角度來講,Alamofire都有不少和AFnetworking類似的地方... 如何對比,咱們首先把Alamofire加上項目中看看 網上很容易找到方法,直接加入項目,或者是採用CocoaPods進行安裝. 這裏我也簡單的展現一下數組
第一種方式 咱們下載這個庫文件 github.com/Alamofire/A… 咱們建立一個項目並把alamofire拖到整個項目根目錄中 xcode
在須要的網絡請求的地方相似這樣使用便可 緩存
這樣手動導入框架就已經完成了 固然做爲開發者,大部分都會使用CocoaPods的方式,這裏我就不囉嗦了,你們自行百度使用CocoaPods的方式便可安全
OK,做爲一個網絡庫,第一件咱們會幹的是什麼事情呢?我會創造一個請求, 這裏麪包括,請求的地址,參數,策略等等,而後由一個會話管理髮起請求.並接受相應, 因此咱們就先看這個ParameterEncoding 爲何呢?咱們都知道,咱們發起一個請求,會有這樣的一些設置,設置請求方式:get\post\put\delete...而後咱們會設置請求協議:http\ftp...,接着設置域名,設置主機地址,路徑,端口號,參數.... 這樣纔可以組成一次完整的請求.不然咱們連請求地址都不對,還談什麼請求呢?
/// HTTP method definitions.
/// See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-4.3
public enum HTTPMethod: String {
case options = "OPTIONS"
case get = "GET"
case head = "HEAD"
case post = "POST"
case put = "PUT"
case patch = "PATCH"
case delete = "DELETE"
case trace = "TRACE"
case connect = "CONNECT"
咱們在ParameterEncoding中能夠看到,這是一個http請求類型的枚舉. 在Swift中,枚舉跟OC有了很大的區別,使用的是case的方式.
public protocol ParameterEncoding {
/// Creates a URL request by encoding parameters and applying them onto an existing request.
/// - parameter urlRequest: The request to have parameters applied.
/// - parameter parameters: The parameters to apply.
/// - throws: An `AFError.parameterEncodingFailed` error if encoding fails.
/// - returns: The encoded request.
func encode(_ urlRequest: URLRequestConvertible, with parameters: Parameters?) throws -> URLRequest
關於ParameterEncoding協議 這個協議中只有一個函數,該函數須要兩個參數:
urlRequest 該參數須要實現URLRequestConvertible協議,實現URLRequestConvertible協議的對象可以轉換成URLRequest
parameters 參數,其類型爲Parameters,也就是字典:public typealias Parameters = [String: Any]
咱們已經知道了URLEncoding就是和URL相關的編碼。當把參數編碼到httpBody中這種狀況是不受限制的,而直接編碼到URL中就會受限制,只有當HTTPMethod爲GET, HEAD and DELETE時才直接編碼到URL中。
public enum Destination {
case methodDependent, queryString, httpBody
methodDependent 根據HTTPMethod自動判斷採起哪一種編碼方式
queryString 拼接到URL中
httpBody 拼接到httpBody中
// MARK: Properties
/// Returns a default `URLEncoding` instance.
public static var `default`: URLEncoding { return URLEncoding() }
/// Returns a `URLEncoding` instance with a `.methodDependent` destination.
public static var methodDependent: URLEncoding { return URLEncoding() }
/// Returns a `URLEncoding` instance with a `.queryString` destination.
public static var queryString: URLEncoding { return URLEncoding(destination: .queryString) }
/// Returns a `URLEncoding` instance with an `.httpBody` destination.
public static var httpBody: URLEncoding { return URLEncoding(destination: .httpBody) }
/// The destination defining where the encoded query string is to be applied to the URL request.
public let destination: Destination
// MARK: Initialization
/// Creates a `URLEncoding` instance using the specified destination.
/// - parameter destination: The destination defining where the encoded query string is to be applied.
/// - returns: The new `URLEncoding` instance.
public init(destination: Destination = .methodDependent) {
self.destination = destination
public static var `default`: URLEncoding { return URLEncoding() }
public func encode(_ urlRequest: URLRequestConvertible, with parameters: Parameters?) throws -> URLRequest {
var urlRequest = try urlRequest.asURLRequest()//獲取UrlRequest
guard let parameters = parameters else { return urlRequest }//若是參數爲nil就直接返回urlRequest
if let method = HTTPMethod(rawValue: urlRequest.httpMethod ?? "GET"), encodesParametersInURL(with: method) {// 參數編碼到url
guard let url = urlRequest.url else {
throw AFError.parameterEncodingFailed(reason: .missingURL)
if var urlComponents = URLComponents(url: url, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: false), !parameters.isEmpty {
let percentEncodedQuery = (urlComponents.percentEncodedQuery.map { $0 + "&" } ?? "") + query(parameters)
urlComponents.percentEncodedQuery = percentEncodedQuery
urlRequest.url = urlComponents.url
} else {// 參數編碼到httpBody
if urlRequest.value(forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type") == nil {// 設置Content-Type
urlRequest.setValue("application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
urlRequest.httpBody = query(parameters).data(using: .utf8, allowLossyConversion: false)
return urlRequest
上面的是參數的組成,可是在這以前參數是如何對應,轉碼而且轉化成字符串的呢? 咱們能夠看到上面有用到一個query的方法,咱們學習一下 private func query(_ parameters: [String: Any]) -> String { var components: [(String, String)] = []
for key in parameters.keys.sorted(by: <) {
let value = parameters[key]!
components += queryComponents(fromKey: key, value: value)
return components.map { "\($0)=\($1)" }.joined(separator: "&")
看到了咱們很熟悉的拼接字符串 上邊函數的總體思路是:
public func queryComponents(fromKey key: String, value: Any) -> [(String, String)] {
var components: [(String, String)] = []
if let dictionary = value as? [String: Any] {
for (nestedKey, value) in dictionary {
components += queryComponents(fromKey: "\(key)[\(nestedKey)]", value: value)
} else if let array = value as? [Any] {
for value in array {
components += queryComponents(fromKey: "\(key)[]", value: value)
} else if let value = value as? NSNumber {
if value.isBool {
components.append((escape(key), escape((value.boolValue ? "1" : "0"))))
} else {
components.append((escape(key), escape("\(value)")))
} else if let bool = value as? Bool {
components.append((escape(key), escape((bool ? "1" : "0"))))
} else {
components.append((escape(key), escape("\(value)")))
return components
public func escape(_ string: String) -> String {
let generalDelimitersToEncode = ":#[]@" // does not include "?" or "/" due to RFC 3986 - Section 3.4
let subDelimitersToEncode = "!$&'()*+,;="
var allowedCharacterSet = CharacterSet.urlQueryAllowed
allowedCharacterSet.remove(charactersIn: "\(generalDelimitersToEncode)\(subDelimitersToEncode)")
var escaped = ""
// Batching is required for escaping due to an internal bug in iOS 8.1 and 8.2. Encoding more than a few
// hundred Chinese characters causes various malloc error crashes. To avoid this issue until iOS 8 is no
// longer supported, batching MUST be used for encoding. This introduces roughly a 20% overhead. For more
// info, please refer to:
// - https://github.com/Alamofire/Alamofire/issues/206
if #available(iOS 8.3, *) {
escaped = string.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: allowedCharacterSet) ?? string
} else {
let batchSize = 50
var index = string.startIndex
while index != string.endIndex {
let startIndex = index
let endIndex = string.index(index, offsetBy: batchSize, limitedBy: string.endIndex) ?? string.endIndex
let range = startIndex..<endIndex
let substring = string.substring(with: range)
escaped += substring.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: allowedCharacterSet) ?? substring
index = endIndex
return escaped
繼續向下看則是JSONEncoding JSONEncoding的主要做用是把參數以JSON的形式編碼到request之中,固然是經過request的httpBody進行賦值的。JSONEncoding提供了兩種處理函數,一種是對普通的字典參數進行編碼,另外一種是對JSONObject進行編碼,處理這兩種狀況的函數基本上是相同的
public struct JSONEncoding: ParameterEncoding {
// MARK: Properties
/// Returns a `JSONEncoding` instance with default writing options.
public static var `default`: JSONEncoding { return JSONEncoding() }
/// Returns a `JSONEncoding` instance with `.prettyPrinted` writing options.
public static var prettyPrinted: JSONEncoding { return JSONEncoding(options: .prettyPrinted) }
/// The options for writing the parameters as JSON data.
public let options: JSONSerialization.WritingOptions
// MARK: Initialization
/// Creates a `JSONEncoding` instance using the specified options.
/// - parameter options: The options for writing the parameters as JSON data.
/// - returns: The new `JSONEncoding` instance.
public init(options: JSONSerialization.WritingOptions = []) {
self.options = options
public func encode(_ urlRequest: URLRequestConvertible, with parameters: Parameters?) throws -> URLRequest {
var urlRequest = try urlRequest.asURLRequest()
guard let parameters = parameters else { return urlRequest }
do {
let data = try JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: parameters, options: options)
if urlRequest.value(forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type") == nil {
urlRequest.setValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
urlRequest.httpBody = data
} catch {
throw AFError.parameterEncodingFailed(reason: .jsonEncodingFailed(error: error))
return urlRequest
public func encode(_ urlRequest: URLRequestConvertible, withJSONObject jsonObject: Any? = nil) throws -> URLRequest {
var urlRequest = try urlRequest.asURLRequest()
guard let jsonObject = jsonObject else { return urlRequest }
do {
let data = try JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: jsonObject, options: options)
if urlRequest.value(forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type") == nil {
urlRequest.setValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
urlRequest.httpBody = data
} catch {
throw AFError.parameterEncodingFailed(reason: .jsonEncodingFailed(error: error))
return urlRequest
Request部分 有了參數和地址,那固然的就是發起請求,天然而然的就到了request部分
enum RequestTask {
case data(TaskConvertible?, URLSessionTask?)
case download(TaskConvertible?, URLSessionTask?)
case upload(TaskConvertible?, URLSessionTask?)
case stream(TaskConvertible?, URLSessionTask?)
/// The underlying task.
open var task: URLSessionTask? { return delegate.task }
/// The session belonging to the underlying task.
open let session: URLSession
/// The request sent or to be sent to the server.
open var request: URLRequest? { return task?.originalRequest }
/// The response received from the server, if any.
open var response: HTTPURLResponse? { return task?.response as? HTTPURLResponse }
/// The number of times the request has been retried.
open internal(set) var retryCount: UInt = 0
let originalTask: TaskConvertible?
var startTime: CFAbsoluteTime?
var endTime: CFAbsoluteTime?
var validations: [() -> Void] = []
private var taskDelegate: TaskDelegate
private var taskDelegateLock = NSLock()
// MARK: Lifecycle
init(session: URLSession, requestTask: RequestTask, error: Error? = nil) {
self.session = session
switch requestTask {
case .data(let originalTask, let task):
taskDelegate = DataTaskDelegate(task: task)
self.originalTask = originalTask
case .download(let originalTask, let task):
taskDelegate = DownloadTaskDelegate(task: task)
self.originalTask = originalTask
case .upload(let originalTask, let task):
taskDelegate = UploadTaskDelegate(task: task)
self.originalTask = originalTask
case .stream(let originalTask, let task):
taskDelegate = TaskDelegate(task: task)
self.originalTask = originalTask
delegate.error = error
delegate.queue.addOperation { self.endTime = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() }
這裏是request的初始化和一些設置的默認屬性... 這部分是auth
// MARK: Authentication
/// Associates an HTTP Basic credential with the request.
/// - parameter user: The user.
/// - parameter password: The password.
/// - parameter persistence: The URL credential persistence. `.ForSession` by default.
/// - returns: The request.
open func authenticate(
user: String,
password: String,
persistence: URLCredential.Persistence = .forSession)
-> Self
let credential = URLCredential(user: user, password: password, persistence: persistence)
return authenticate(usingCredential: credential)
/// Associates a specified credential with the request.
/// - parameter credential: The credential.
/// - returns: The request.
open func authenticate(usingCredential credential: URLCredential) -> Self {
delegate.credential = credential
return self
/// Returns a base64 encoded basic authentication credential as an authorization header tuple.
/// - parameter user: The user.
/// - parameter password: The password.
/// - returns: A tuple with Authorization header and credential value if encoding succeeds, `nil` otherwise.
open static func authorizationHeader(user: String, password: String) -> (key: String, value: String)? {
guard let data = "\(user):\(password)".data(using: .utf8) else { return nil }
let credential = data.base64EncodedString(options: [])
return (key: "Authorization", value: "Basic \(credential)")
接下來並無什麼特殊的方式 相似於NSURLSession 分別有對task的恢復,暫停和取消
/// Resumes the request.
open func resume() {
guard let task = task else { delegate.queue.isSuspended = false ; return }
if startTime == nil { startTime = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() }
name: Notification.Name.Task.DidResume,
object: self,
userInfo: [Notification.Key.Task: task]
/// Suspends the request.
open func suspend() {
guard let task = task else { return }
name: Notification.Name.Task.DidSuspend,
object: self,
userInfo: [Notification.Key.Task: task]
/// Cancels the request.
open func cancel() {
guard let task = task else { return }
name: Notification.Name.Task.DidCancel,
object: self,
userInfo: [Notification.Key.Task: task]
// MARK: Helper Types
struct Requestable: TaskConvertible {
let urlRequest: URLRequest
func task(session: URLSession, adapter: RequestAdapter?, queue: DispatchQueue) throws -> URLSessionTask {
do {
let urlRequest = try self.urlRequest.adapt(using: adapter)
return queue.sync { session.dataTask(with: urlRequest) }
} catch {
throw AdaptError(error: error)
// MARK: Properties
/// The request sent or to be sent to the server.
open override var request: URLRequest? {
if let request = super.request { return request }
if let requestable = originalTask as? Requestable { return requestable.urlRequest }
return nil
/// The progress of fetching the response data from the server for the request.
open var progress: Progress { return dataDelegate.progress }
var dataDelegate: DataTaskDelegate { return delegate as! DataTaskDelegate }
// MARK: Stream
/// Sets a closure to be called periodically during the lifecycle of the request as data is read from the server.
/// This closure returns the bytes most recently received from the server, not including data from previous calls.
/// If this closure is set, data will only be available within this closure, and will not be saved elsewhere. It is
/// also important to note that the server data in any `Response` object will be `nil`.
/// - parameter closure: The code to be executed periodically during the lifecycle of the request.
/// - returns: The request.
open func stream(closure: ((Data) -> Void)? = nil) -> Self {
dataDelegate.dataStream = closure
return self
// MARK: Progress
/// Sets a closure to be called periodically during the lifecycle of the `Request` as data is read from the server.
/// - parameter queue: The dispatch queue to execute the closure on.
/// - parameter closure: The code to be executed periodically as data is read from the server.
/// - returns: The request.
open func downloadProgress(queue: DispatchQueue = DispatchQueue.main, closure: @escaping ProgressHandler) -> Self {
dataDelegate.progressHandler = (closure, queue)
return self
源碼並非很複雜,主要分紅幾個小的部分.請求,獲取請求urlRequest,經過Requestable判斷可以發起請求,能夠的話則發起請求,以後測試請求的過程當中的季度,代理等,以及請求返回的數據 DownloadRequest稍微複雜一點,由於是下載,因此無可避免的數據量會大一些,從而須要對暫停恢復等作個稍微複雜的處理
public struct DownloadOptions: OptionSet {
/// Returns the raw bitmask value of the option and satisfies the `RawRepresentable` protocol.
public let rawValue: UInt
/// A `DownloadOptions` flag that creates intermediate directories for the destination URL if specified.
public static let createIntermediateDirectories = DownloadOptions(rawValue: 1 << 0)
/// A `DownloadOptions` flag that removes a previous file from the destination URL if specified.
public static let removePreviousFile = DownloadOptions(rawValue: 1 << 1)
/// Creates a `DownloadFileDestinationOptions` instance with the specified raw value.
/// - parameter rawValue: The raw bitmask value for the option.
/// - returns: A new log level instance.
public init(rawValue: UInt) {
self.rawValue = rawValue
下載方式的選擇,建立中間目錄,移除以前的文件等等, 相較於Requestable來講Downloadable會稍微複雜點,是否能夠下載的話有對url的判斷,一樣還有對數據的判斷,
enum Downloadable: TaskConvertible {
case request(URLRequest)
case resumeData(Data)
func task(session: URLSession, adapter: RequestAdapter?, queue: DispatchQueue) throws -> URLSessionTask {
do {
let task: URLSessionTask
switch self {
case let .request(urlRequest):
let urlRequest = try urlRequest.adapt(using: adapter)
task = queue.sync { session.downloadTask(with: urlRequest) }
case let .resumeData(resumeData):
task = queue.sync { session.downloadTask(withResumeData: resumeData) }
return task
} catch {
throw AdaptError(error: error)
/// The request sent or to be sent to the server.
open override var request: URLRequest? {
if let request = super.request { return request }
if let downloadable = originalTask as? Downloadable, case let .request(urlRequest) = downloadable {
return urlRequest
return nil
/// The resume data of the underlying download task if available after a failure.
open var resumeData: Data? { return downloadDelegate.resumeData }
/// The progress of downloading the response data from the server for the request.
open var progress: Progress { return downloadDelegate.progress }
var downloadDelegate: DownloadTaskDelegate { return delegate as! DownloadTaskDelegate }
// MARK: State
/// Cancels the request.
open override func cancel() {
downloadDelegate.downloadTask.cancel { self.downloadDelegate.resumeData = $0 }
name: Notification.Name.Task.DidCancel,
object: self,
userInfo: [Notification.Key.Task: task as Any]
// MARK: Progress
/// Sets a closure to be called periodically during the lifecycle of the `Request` as data is read from the server.
/// - parameter queue: The dispatch queue to execute the closure on.
/// - parameter closure: The code to be executed periodically as data is read from the server.
/// - returns: The request.
open func downloadProgress(queue: DispatchQueue = DispatchQueue.main, closure: @escaping ProgressHandler) -> Self {
downloadDelegate.progressHandler = (closure, queue)
return self
// MARK: Destination
/// Creates a download file destination closure which uses the default file manager to move the temporary file to a
/// file URL in the first available directory with the specified search path directory and search path domain mask.
/// - parameter directory: The search path directory. `.DocumentDirectory` by default.
/// - parameter domain: The search path domain mask. `.UserDomainMask` by default.
/// - returns: A download file destination closure.
open class func suggestedDownloadDestination(
for directory: FileManager.SearchPathDirectory = .documentDirectory,
in domain: FileManager.SearchPathDomainMask = .userDomainMask)
-> DownloadFileDestination
return { temporaryURL, response in
let directoryURLs = FileManager.default.urls(for: directory, in: domain)
if !directoryURLs.isEmpty {
return (directoryURLs[0].appendingPathComponent(response.suggestedFilename!), [])
return (temporaryURL, [])
TaskDelegate部分 由於有了request那麼相對應的有了task對象來管理這個request,一樣的,就產生了各類狀態或者進度.,那麼TaskDelegate就是task的各類協議 這塊相對來講就很簡單了主要的部分是TaskDelegate部分,其包含的主要內容是
// MARK: Properties
/// The serial operation queue used to execute all operations after the task completes.
open let queue: OperationQueue
/// The data returned by the server.
public var data: Data? { return nil }
/// The error generated throughout the lifecyle of the task.
public var error: Error?
var task: URLSessionTask? {
didSet { reset() }
var initialResponseTime: CFAbsoluteTime?
var credential: URLCredential?
var metrics: AnyObject? // URLSessionTaskMetrics
// MARK: Lifecycle
init(task: URLSessionTask?) {
self.task = task
self.queue = {
let operationQueue = OperationQueue()
operationQueue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 1
operationQueue.isSuspended = true
operationQueue.qualityOfService = .utility
return operationQueue
func reset() {
error = nil
initialResponseTime = nil
// MARK: URLSessionTaskDelegate
var taskWillPerformHTTPRedirection: ((URLSession, URLSessionTask, HTTPURLResponse, URLRequest) -> URLRequest?)?
var taskDidReceiveChallenge: ((URLSession, URLSessionTask, URLAuthenticationChallenge) -> (URLSession.AuthChallengeDisposition, URLCredential?))?
var taskNeedNewBodyStream: ((URLSession, URLSessionTask) -> InputStream?)?
var taskDidCompleteWithError: ((URLSession, URLSessionTask, Error?) -> Void)?
有數據,有各類回調的閉包,有錯誤... 此外就是幾個協議方法
queue: OperationQueue 很明顯這是一個隊列,隊列中能夠添加不少operation。隊列是能夠被暫停的,經過把isSuspended設置爲true就可讓隊列中的全部operation暫停,直到isSuspended設置爲false後,operation纔會開始執行。在Alamofire中,放入該隊列的operation有一下幾種狀況:
data: Data? 表示服務器返回的Data,這個可能爲空
error: Error?表示該代理生命週期內有可能出現的錯誤,這一點很重要,咱們在寫一個代理或者manager的時候,能夠添加這麼一個錯誤屬性,專門抓取生命週期內的錯誤。
task: URLSessionTask? 表示一個task,對於本代理而言,task是很重要的一個屬性。
initialResponseTime: CFAbsoluteTime? 當task是URLSessionDataTask時,表示接收到數據的時間;當task是URLSessionDownloadTask時,表示開始寫數據的時間;當task是URLSessionUploadTask時,表示上傳數據的時間;
credential: URLCredential? 表示證書,若是給該代理設置了這個屬性,在它裏邊的證書驗證方法中會備用到
metrics: AnyObject? apple提供了一個統計task信息的類URLSessionTaskMetrics,能夠統計跟task相關的一些信息,包括和task相關的全部事務,task的開始和結束時間,task的重定向的次數。
func urlSession(
_ session: URLSession,
task: URLSessionTask,
willPerformHTTPRedirection response: HTTPURLResponse,
newRequest request: URLRequest,
completionHandler: @escaping (URLRequest?) -> Void)
var redirectRequest: URLRequest? = request
if let taskWillPerformHTTPRedirection = taskWillPerformHTTPRedirection {
redirectRequest = taskWillPerformHTTPRedirection(session, task, response, request)
func urlSession(
_ session: URLSession,
task: URLSessionTask,
didReceive challenge: URLAuthenticationChallenge,
completionHandler: @escaping (URLSession.AuthChallengeDisposition, URLCredential?) -> Void)
var disposition: URLSession.AuthChallengeDisposition = .performDefaultHandling
var credential: URLCredential?
if let taskDidReceiveChallenge = taskDidReceiveChallenge {
(disposition, credential) = taskDidReceiveChallenge(session, task, challenge)
} else if challenge.protectionSpace.authenticationMethod == NSURLAuthenticationMethodServerTrust {
let host = challenge.protectionSpace.host
let serverTrustPolicy = session.serverTrustPolicyManager?.serverTrustPolicy(forHost: host),
let serverTrust = challenge.protectionSpace.serverTrust
if serverTrustPolicy.evaluate(serverTrust, forHost: host) {
disposition = .useCredential
credential = URLCredential(trust: serverTrust)
} else {
disposition = .cancelAuthenticationChallenge
} else {
if challenge.previousFailureCount > 0 {
disposition = .rejectProtectionSpace
} else {
credential = self.credential ?? session.configuration.urlCredentialStorage?.defaultCredential(for: challenge.protectionSpace)
if credential != nil {
disposition = .useCredential
completionHandler(disposition, credential)
改函數用於處理驗證相關的事務 若是服務器須要驗證客戶端的,咱們只須要給TaskDelegate的 var taskDidReceiveChallenge: ((URLSession, URLSessionTask, URLAuthenticationChallenge) -> (URLSession.AuthChallengeDisposition, URLCredential?))?賦值就好了。 這裏有一個很重要的問題,HTTPS並不會觸發上邊的回調函數,緣由就是NSURLSession內部有一個根證書,內部會跟服務器的證書進行驗證,若是服務器的證書是證書機構頒發的話,就能夠順利經過驗證,不然會報錯。
另外一個很重要的問題是,上邊的方法在何種狀況下觸發,按照apple的說法URL Session Programming Guide,當服務器響應頭中包含WWW-Authenticate或者使用 proxy authentication TLS trust validation時,上邊的方法就會被觸發,其餘狀況下都不會觸發。
當服務器返回的challenge.protectionSpace.authenticationMethod == NSURLAuthenticationMethodServerTrust時,服務器提供了一個服務器信任的證書,但這個證書也僅僅是服務器本身信任的,攻擊者徹底能夠提供一個證書騙過客戶端,基於這個問題,客戶端須要驗證服務端的證書
func urlSession(
_ session: URLSession,
task: URLSessionTask,
needNewBodyStream completionHandler: @escaping (InputStream?) -> Void)
var bodyStream: InputStream?
if let taskNeedNewBodyStream = taskNeedNewBodyStream {
bodyStream = taskNeedNewBodyStream(session, task)
當給task的Request提供一個body stream時纔會調用,咱們不須要關心這個方法,即便咱們經過fileURL或者NSData上傳數據時,該函數也不會被調用,使用場景不多。
func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, task: URLSessionTask, didCompleteWithError error: Error?) {
if let taskDidCompleteWithError = taskDidCompleteWithError {
taskDidCompleteWithError(session, task, error)
} else {
if let error = error {
if self.error == nil { self.error = error }
let downloadDelegate = self as? DownloadTaskDelegate,
let resumeData = (error as NSError).userInfo[NSURLSessionDownloadTaskResumeData] as? Data
downloadDelegate.resumeData = resumeData
queue.isSuspended = false
var dataTask: URLSessionDataTask { return task as! URLSessionDataTask }
override var data: Data? {
if dataStream != nil {
return nil
} else {
return mutableData
var progress: Progress
var progressHandler: (closure: Request.ProgressHandler, queue: DispatchQueue)?
var dataStream: ((_ data: Data) -> Void)?
private var totalBytesReceived: Int64 = 0
private var mutableData: Data
private var expectedContentLength: Int64?
dataTask: URLSessionDataTask DataTaskDelegate管理URLSessionDataTask
data: Data? 一樣是返回Data,但這裏有一點不一樣,若是定義了dataStream方法的話,這個data返回爲nil
progress: Progress 進度
progressHandler 這不是函數,是一個元組,何時調用,在下邊的方法中給出說明
dataStream 自定義的數據處理函數
totalBytesReceived 已經接受的數據
mutableData 保存數據的容器
expectedContentLength 須要接受的數據的總大小
var dataTaskDidReceiveResponse: ((URLSession, URLSessionDataTask, URLResponse) -> URLSession.ResponseDisposition)?
var dataTaskDidBecomeDownloadTask: ((URLSession, URLSessionDataTask, URLSessionDownloadTask) -> Void)?
var dataTaskDidReceiveData: ((URLSession, URLSessionDataTask, Data) -> Void)?
var dataTaskWillCacheResponse: ((URLSession, URLSessionDataTask, CachedURLResponse) -> CachedURLResponse?)?
func urlSession(
_ session: URLSession,
dataTask: URLSessionDataTask,
didReceive response: URLResponse,
completionHandler: @escaping (URLSession.ResponseDisposition) -> Void)
var disposition: URLSession.ResponseDisposition = .allow
expectedContentLength = response.expectedContentLength
if let dataTaskDidReceiveResponse = dataTaskDidReceiveResponse {
disposition = dataTaskDidReceiveResponse(session, dataTask, response)
func urlSession(
_ session: URLSession,
dataTask: URLSessionDataTask,
didBecome downloadTask: URLSessionDownloadTask)
dataTaskDidBecomeDownloadTask?(session, dataTask, downloadTask)
func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, dataTask: URLSessionDataTask, didReceive data: Data) {
if initialResponseTime == nil { initialResponseTime = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() }
if let dataTaskDidReceiveData = dataTaskDidReceiveData {
dataTaskDidReceiveData(session, dataTask, data)
} else {
if let dataStream = dataStream {
} else {
let bytesReceived = Int64(data.count)
totalBytesReceived += bytesReceived
let totalBytesExpected = dataTask.response?.expectedContentLength ?? NSURLSessionTransferSizeUnknown
progress.totalUnitCount = totalBytesExpected
progress.completedUnitCount = totalBytesReceived
if let progressHandler = progressHandler {
progressHandler.queue.async { progressHandler.closure(self.progress) }
func urlSession(
_ session: URLSession,
dataTask: URLSessionDataTask,
willCacheResponse proposedResponse: CachedURLResponse,
completionHandler: @escaping (CachedURLResponse?) -> Void)
var cachedResponse: CachedURLResponse? = proposedResponse
if let dataTaskWillCacheResponse = dataTaskWillCacheResponse {
cachedResponse = dataTaskWillCacheResponse(session, dataTask, proposedResponse)
該函數用於處理是否須要緩存響應,Alamofire默認是緩存這些response的,可是每次發請求,它不會再緩存中讀取。 至於後續的DownloadTaskDelegate...基本都是差很少的實現,不通的類型處理的思路稍微不一樣...
首先是默認的DataResponse DefaultDataResponse
public struct DefaultDataResponse {
/// The URL request sent to the server.
public let request: URLRequest?
/// The server's response to the URL request. public let response: HTTPURLResponse? /// The data returned by the server. public let data: Data? /// The error encountered while executing or validating the request. public let error: Error? /// The timeline of the complete lifecycle of the request. public let timeline: Timeline var _metrics: AnyObject? /// Creates a `DefaultDataResponse` instance from the specified parameters. /// /// - Parameters: /// - request: The URL request sent to the server. /// - response: The server's response to the URL request.
/// - data: The data returned by the server.
/// - error: The error encountered while executing or validating the request.
/// - timeline: The timeline of the complete lifecycle of the request. `Timeline()` by default.
/// - metrics: The task metrics containing the request / response statistics. `nil` by default.
public init(
request: URLRequest?,
response: HTTPURLResponse?,
data: Data?,
error: Error?,
timeline: Timeline = Timeline(),
metrics: AnyObject? = nil)
self.request = request
self.response = response
self.data = data
self.error = error
self.timeline = timeline
簡單的理解 request:URLRequest,本次訪問數據的urlRequest,包含了請求的地址,方式... response:服務器的響應,有返回的狀態碼,頭部信息等 data:服務器返回的數據,可能爲空 error:錯誤的類型 timeline:請求的完整生命週期的時間 經過一個默認的響應結果能夠看到大體其包含的信息有狀態和數據(錯誤)等,
public struct DataResponse<Value> {
/// The URL request sent to the server.
public let request: URLRequest?
/// The server's response to the URL request. public let response: HTTPURLResponse? /// The data returned by the server. public let data: Data? /// The result of response serialization. public let result: Result<Value> /// The timeline of the complete lifecycle of the request. public let timeline: Timeline /// Returns the associated value of the result if it is a success, `nil` otherwise. public var value: Value? { return result.value } /// Returns the associated error value if the result if it is a failure, `nil` otherwise. public var error: Error? { return result.error } var _metrics: AnyObject? /// Creates a `DataResponse` instance with the specified parameters derived from response serialization. /// /// - parameter request: The URL request sent to the server. /// - parameter response: The server's response to the URL request.
/// - parameter data: The data returned by the server.
/// - parameter result: The result of response serialization.
/// - parameter timeline: The timeline of the complete lifecycle of the `Request`. Defaults to `Timeline()`.
/// - returns: The new `DataResponse` instance.
public init(
request: URLRequest?,
response: HTTPURLResponse?,
data: Data?,
result: Result<Value>,
timeline: Timeline = Timeline())
self.request = request
self.response = response
self.data = data
self.result = result
self.timeline = timeline
/// Evaluates the specified closure when the result of this `DataResponse` is a success, passing the unwrapped
/// result value as a parameter.
/// Use the `map` method with a closure that does not throw. For example:
/// let possibleData: DataResponse<Data> = ...
/// let possibleInt = possibleData.map { $0.count }
/// - parameter transform: A closure that takes the success value of the instance's result. /// /// - returns: A `DataResponse` whose result wraps the value returned by the given closure. If this instance's
/// result is a failure, returns a response wrapping the same failure.
public func map<T>(_ transform: (Value) -> T) -> DataResponse<T> {
var response = DataResponse<T>(
request: request,
response: self.response,
data: data,
result: result.map(transform),
timeline: timeline
response._metrics = _metrics
return response
/// Evaluates the given closure when the result of this `DataResponse` is a success, passing the unwrapped result
/// value as a parameter.
/// Use the `flatMap` method with a closure that may throw an error. For example:
/// let possibleData: DataResponse<Data> = ...
/// let possibleObject = possibleData.flatMap {
/// try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: $0)
/// }
/// - parameter transform: A closure that takes the success value of the instance's result. /// /// - returns: A success or failure `DataResponse` depending on the result of the given closure. If this instance's
/// result is a failure, returns the same failure.
public func flatMap<T>(_ transform: (Value) throws -> T) -> DataResponse<T> {
var response = DataResponse<T>(
request: request,
response: self.response,
data: data,
result: result.flatMap(transform),
timeline: timeline
response._metrics = _metrics
return response
主要的是兩個過濾及序列化的方式 再接下來的DownloadResponse..也差很少是同樣的....
ResponseSerialization部分 有了服務器的返回數據那麼確定就有解析數據的, 至因而什麼樣的序列化方式...
public protocol DataResponseSerializerProtocol {
/// The type of serialized object to be created by this `DataResponseSerializerType`.
associatedtype SerializedObject
/// A closure used by response handlers that takes a request, response, data and error and returns a result.
var serializeResponse: (URLRequest?, HTTPURLResponse?, Data?, Error?) -> Result<SerializedObject> { get }
public struct DataResponseSerializer<Value>: DataResponseSerializerProtocol {
/// The type of serialized object to be created by this `DataResponseSerializer`.
public typealias SerializedObject = Value
/// A closure used by response handlers that takes a request, response, data and error and returns a result.
public var serializeResponse: (URLRequest?, HTTPURLResponse?, Data?, Error?) -> Result<Value>
/// Initializes the `ResponseSerializer` instance with the given serialize response closure.
/// - parameter serializeResponse: The closure used to serialize the response.
/// - returns: The new generic response serializer instance.
public init(serializeResponse: @escaping (URLRequest?, HTTPURLResponse?, Data?, Error?) -> Result<Value>) {
self.serializeResponse = serializeResponse
/// The type in which all download response serializers must conform to in order to serialize a response.
public protocol DownloadResponseSerializerProtocol {
/// The type of serialized object to be created by this `DownloadResponseSerializerType`.
associatedtype SerializedObject
/// A closure used by response handlers that takes a request, response, url and error and returns a result.
var serializeResponse: (URLRequest?, HTTPURLResponse?, URL?, Error?) -> Result<SerializedObject> { get }
// MARK: -
/// A generic `DownloadResponseSerializerType` used to serialize a request, response, and data into a serialized object.
public struct DownloadResponseSerializer<Value>: DownloadResponseSerializerProtocol {
/// The type of serialized object to be created by this `DownloadResponseSerializer`.
public typealias SerializedObject = Value
/// A closure used by response handlers that takes a request, response, url and error and returns a result.
public var serializeResponse: (URLRequest?, HTTPURLResponse?, URL?, Error?) -> Result<Value>
/// Initializes the `ResponseSerializer` instance with the given serialize response closure.
/// - parameter serializeResponse: The closure used to serialize the response.
/// - returns: The new generic response serializer instance.
public init(serializeResponse: @escaping (URLRequest?, HTTPURLResponse?, URL?, Error?) -> Result<Value>) {
self.serializeResponse = serializeResponse
/// Adds a handler to be called once the request has finished.
/// - parameter queue: The queue on which the completion handler is dispatched.
/// - parameter completionHandler: The code to be executed once the request has finished.
/// - returns: The request.
public func response(queue: DispatchQueue? = nil, completionHandler: @escaping (DefaultDataResponse) -> Void) -> Self {
delegate.queue.addOperation {
(queue ?? DispatchQueue.main).async {
var dataResponse = DefaultDataResponse(
request: self.request,
response: self.response,
data: self.delegate.data,
error: self.delegate.error,
timeline: self.timeline
return self
/// Adds a handler to be called once the request has finished.
/// - parameter queue: The queue on which the completion handler is dispatched.
/// - parameter responseSerializer: The response serializer responsible for serializing the request, response,
/// and data.
/// - parameter completionHandler: The code to be executed once the request has finished.
/// - returns: The request.
public func response<T: DataResponseSerializerProtocol>(
queue: DispatchQueue? = nil,
responseSerializer: T,
completionHandler: @escaping (DataResponse<T.SerializedObject>) -> Void)
-> Self
delegate.queue.addOperation {
let result = responseSerializer.serializeResponse(
var dataResponse = DataResponse<T.SerializedObject>(
request: self.request,
response: self.response,
data: self.delegate.data,
result: result,
timeline: self.timeline
(queue ?? DispatchQueue.main).async { completionHandler(dataResponse) }
return self
兩個方式大體是差很少的,都是給請求添加一個func,實現請求完成以後的回調, 第一個使用的是默認的DefaultDataResponse類型的結果,第二個則是自定義的實現DataResponseSerializerProtocol的結果,
// MARK: - Data
extension Request {
/// Returns a result data type that contains the response data as-is.
/// - parameter response: The response from the server.
/// - parameter data: The data returned from the server.
/// - parameter error: The error already encountered if it exists.
/// - returns: The result data type.
public static func serializeResponseData(response: HTTPURLResponse?, data: Data?, error: Error?) -> Result<Data> {
guard error == nil else { return .failure(error!) }
if let response = response, emptyDataStatusCodes.contains(response.statusCode) { return .success(Data()) }
guard let validData = data else {
return .failure(AFError.responseSerializationFailed(reason: .inputDataNil))
return .success(validData)
extension DataRequest {
/// Creates a response serializer that returns the associated data as-is.
/// - returns: A data response serializer.
public static func dataResponseSerializer() -> DataResponseSerializer<Data> {
return DataResponseSerializer { _, response, data, error in
return Request.serializeResponseData(response: response, data: data, error: error)
/// Adds a handler to be called once the request has finished.
/// - parameter completionHandler: The code to be executed once the request has finished.
/// - returns: The request.
public func responseData(
queue: DispatchQueue? = nil,
completionHandler: @escaping (DataResponse<Data>) -> Void)
-> Self
return response(
queue: queue,
responseSerializer: DataRequest.dataResponseSerializer(),
completionHandler: completionHandler
// MARK: - String
extension Request {
/// Returns a result string type initialized from the response data with the specified string encoding.
/// - parameter encoding: The string encoding. If `nil`, the string encoding will be determined from the server
/// response, falling back to the default HTTP default character set, ISO-8859-1.
/// - parameter response: The response from the server.
/// - parameter data: The data returned from the server.
/// - parameter error: The error already encountered if it exists.
/// - returns: The result data type.
public static func serializeResponseString(
encoding: String.Encoding?,
response: HTTPURLResponse?,
data: Data?,
error: Error?)
-> Result<String>
guard error == nil else { return .failure(error!) }
if let response = response, emptyDataStatusCodes.contains(response.statusCode) { return .success("") }
guard let validData = data else {
return .failure(AFError.responseSerializationFailed(reason: .inputDataNil))
var convertedEncoding = encoding
if let encodingName = response?.textEncodingName as CFString!, convertedEncoding == nil {
convertedEncoding = String.Encoding(rawValue: CFStringConvertEncodingToNSStringEncoding(
let actualEncoding = convertedEncoding ?? String.Encoding.isoLatin1
if let string = String(data: validData, encoding: actualEncoding) {
return .success(string)
} else {
return .failure(AFError.responseSerializationFailed(reason: .stringSerializationFailed(encoding: actualEncoding)))
extension DataRequest {
/// Creates a response serializer that returns a result string type initialized from the response data with
/// the specified string encoding.
/// - parameter encoding: The string encoding. If `nil`, the string encoding will be determined from the server
/// response, falling back to the default HTTP default character set, ISO-8859-1.
/// - returns: A string response serializer.
public static func stringResponseSerializer(encoding: String.Encoding? = nil) -> DataResponseSerializer<String> {
return DataResponseSerializer { _, response, data, error in
return Request.serializeResponseString(encoding: encoding, response: response, data: data, error: error)
/// Adds a handler to be called once the request has finished.
/// - parameter encoding: The string encoding. If `nil`, the string encoding will be determined from the
/// server response, falling back to the default HTTP default character set,
/// ISO-8859-1.
/// - parameter completionHandler: A closure to be executed once the request has finished.
/// - returns: The request.
public func responseString(
queue: DispatchQueue? = nil,
encoding: String.Encoding? = nil,
completionHandler: @escaping (DataResponse<String>) -> Void)
-> Self
return response(
queue: queue,
responseSerializer: DataRequest.stringResponseSerializer(encoding: encoding),
completionHandler: completionHandler
extension Request {
/// Returns a JSON object contained in a result type constructed from the response data using `JSONSerialization`
/// with the specified reading options.
/// - parameter options: The JSON serialization reading options. Defaults to `.allowFragments`.
/// - parameter response: The response from the server.
/// - parameter data: The data returned from the server.
/// - parameter error: The error already encountered if it exists.
/// - returns: The result data type.
public static func serializeResponseJSON(
options: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions,
response: HTTPURLResponse?,
data: Data?,
error: Error?)
-> Result<Any>
guard error == nil else { return .failure(error!) }
if let response = response, emptyDataStatusCodes.contains(response.statusCode) { return .success(NSNull()) }
guard let validData = data, validData.count > 0 else {
return .failure(AFError.responseSerializationFailed(reason: .inputDataNilOrZeroLength))
do {
let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: validData, options: options)
return .success(json)
} catch {
return .failure(AFError.responseSerializationFailed(reason: .jsonSerializationFailed(error: error)))
extension DataRequest {
/// Creates a response serializer that returns a JSON object result type constructed from the response data using
/// `JSONSerialization` with the specified reading options.
/// - parameter options: The JSON serialization reading options. Defaults to `.allowFragments`.
/// - returns: A JSON object response serializer.
public static func jsonResponseSerializer(
options: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions = .allowFragments)
-> DataResponseSerializer<Any>
return DataResponseSerializer { _, response, data, error in
return Request.serializeResponseJSON(options: options, response: response, data: data, error: error)
/// Adds a handler to be called once the request has finished.
/// - parameter options: The JSON serialization reading options. Defaults to `.allowFragments`.
/// - parameter completionHandler: A closure to be executed once the request has finished.
/// - returns: The request.
public func responseJSON(
queue: DispatchQueue? = nil,
options: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions = .allowFragments,
completionHandler: @escaping (DataResponse<Any>) -> Void)
-> Self
return response(
queue: queue,
responseSerializer: DataRequest.jsonResponseSerializer(options: options),
completionHandler: completionHandler
// MARK: - Property List
extension Request {
/// Returns a plist object contained in a result type constructed from the response data using
/// `PropertyListSerialization` with the specified reading options.
/// - parameter options: The property list reading options. Defaults to `[]`.
/// - parameter response: The response from the server.
/// - parameter data: The data returned from the server.
/// - parameter error: The error already encountered if it exists.
/// - returns: The result data type.
public static func serializeResponsePropertyList(
options: PropertyListSerialization.ReadOptions,
response: HTTPURLResponse?,
data: Data?,
error: Error?)
-> Result<Any>
guard error == nil else { return .failure(error!) }
if let response = response, emptyDataStatusCodes.contains(response.statusCode) { return .success(NSNull()) }
guard let validData = data, validData.count > 0 else {
return .failure(AFError.responseSerializationFailed(reason: .inputDataNilOrZeroLength))
do {
let plist = try PropertyListSerialization.propertyList(from: validData, options: options, format: nil)
return .success(plist)
} catch {
return .failure(AFError.responseSerializationFailed(reason: .propertyListSerializationFailed(error: error)))
extension DataRequest {
/// Creates a response serializer that returns an object constructed from the response data using
/// `PropertyListSerialization` with the specified reading options.
/// - parameter options: The property list reading options. Defaults to `[]`.
/// - returns: A property list object response serializer.
public static func propertyListResponseSerializer(
options: PropertyListSerialization.ReadOptions = [])
-> DataResponseSerializer<Any>
return DataResponseSerializer { _, response, data, error in
return Request.serializeResponsePropertyList(options: options, response: response, data: data, error: error)
/// Adds a handler to be called once the request has finished.
/// - parameter options: The property list reading options. Defaults to `[]`.
/// - parameter completionHandler: A closure to be executed once the request has finished.
/// - returns: The request.
public func responsePropertyList(
queue: DispatchQueue? = nil,
options: PropertyListSerialization.ReadOptions = [],
completionHandler: @escaping (DataResponse<Any>) -> Void)
-> Self
return response(
queue: queue,
responseSerializer: DataRequest.propertyListResponseSerializer(options: options),
completionHandler: completionHandler
Result部分 結果已經序列化或者自定成想要的格式了,那麼對應的一個請求就完成了本次相應的完整的請求,那麼對應的回調結果就應該返回序列化以後的結果 響應有成功,有失敗,相對應的就有了兩種不一樣的result
public enum Result<Value> {
case success(Value)
case failure(Error)
/// Returns `true` if the result is a success, `false` otherwise.
public var isSuccess: Bool {
switch self {
case .success:
return true
case .failure:
return false
/// Returns `true` if the result is a failure, `false` otherwise.
public var isFailure: Bool {
return !isSuccess
/// Returns the associated value if the result is a success, `nil` otherwise.
public var value: Value? {
switch self {
case .success(let value):
return value
case .failure:
return nil
/// Returns the associated error value if the result is a failure, `nil` otherwise.
public var error: Error? {
switch self {
case .success:
return nil
case .failure(let error):
return error
跟上面說的同樣,首先是枚舉,成功或者失敗,另外這裏用了泛型 泛型的寫法是相似這樣的:,在<和>之間聲明一種類型,這個T知識象徵性的,在賦值的時候,能夠是任何類型 咱們從上面講到的responseJSON中能夠看到
public func responseJSON(
queue: DispatchQueue? = nil,
options: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions = .allowFragments,
completionHandler: @escaping (DataResponse<Any>) -> Void)
-> Self
return response(
queue: queue,
responseSerializer: DataRequest.jsonResponseSerializer(options: options),
completionHandler: completionHandler
open static let defaultHTTPHeaders: HTTPHeaders = {
// Accept-Encoding HTTP Header; see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-4.2.3
let acceptEncoding: String = "gzip;q=1.0, compress;q=0.5"
// Accept-Language HTTP Header; see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-5.3.5
let acceptLanguage = Locale.preferredLanguages.prefix(6).enumerated().map { index, languageCode in
let quality = 1.0 - (Double(index) * 0.1)
return "\(languageCode);q=\(quality)"
}.joined(separator: ", ")
// User-Agent Header; see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-5.5.3
// Example: `iOS Example/1.0 (org.alamofire.iOS-Example; build:1; iOS 10.0.0) Alamofire/4.0.0`
let userAgent: String = {
if let info = Bundle.main.infoDictionary {
let executable = info[kCFBundleExecutableKey as String] as? String ?? "Unknown"
let bundle = info[kCFBundleIdentifierKey as String] as? String ?? "Unknown"
let appVersion = info["CFBundleShortVersionString"] as? String ?? "Unknown"
let appBuild = info[kCFBundleVersionKey as String] as? String ?? "Unknown"
let osNameVersion: String = {
let version = ProcessInfo.processInfo.operatingSystemVersion
let versionString = "\(version.majorVersion).\(version.minorVersion).\(version.patchVersion)"
let osName: String = {
#if os(iOS)
return "iOS"
#elseif os(watchOS)
return "watchOS"
#elseif os(tvOS)
return "tvOS"
#elseif os(macOS)
return "OS X"
#elseif os(Linux)
return "Linux"
return "Unknown"
return "\(osName) \(versionString)"
let alamofireVersion: String = {
let afInfo = Bundle(for: SessionManager.self).infoDictionary,
let build = afInfo["CFBundleShortVersionString"]
else { return "Unknown" }
return "Alamofire/\(build)"
return "\(executable)/\(appVersion) (\(bundle); build:\(appBuild); \(osNameVersion)) \(alamofireVersion)"
return "Alamofire"
return [
"Accept-Encoding": acceptEncoding,
"Accept-Language": acceptLanguage,
"User-Agent": userAgent
open static let `default`: SessionManager = {
let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.default
configuration.httpAdditionalHeaders = SessionManager.defaultHTTPHeaders
return SessionManager(configuration: configuration)
open func request(
_ url: URLConvertible,
method: HTTPMethod = .get,
parameters: Parameters? = nil,
encoding: ParameterEncoding = URLEncoding.default,
headers: HTTPHeaders? = nil)
-> DataRequest
var originalRequest: URLRequest?
do {
originalRequest = try URLRequest(url: url, method: method, headers: headers)
let encodedURLRequest = try encoding.encode(originalRequest!, with: parameters)
return request(encodedURLRequest)
} catch {
return request(originalRequest, failedWith: error)
/// Creates a `DataRequest` to retrieve the contents of a URL based on the specified `urlRequest`.
/// If `startRequestsImmediately` is `true`, the request will have `resume()` called before being returned.
/// - parameter urlRequest: The URL request.
/// - returns: The created `DataRequest`.
open func request(_ urlRequest: URLRequestConvertible) -> DataRequest {
var originalRequest: URLRequest?
do {
originalRequest = try urlRequest.asURLRequest()
let originalTask = DataRequest.Requestable(urlRequest: originalRequest!)
let task = try originalTask.task(session: session, adapter: adapter, queue: queue)
let request = DataRequest(session: session, requestTask: .data(originalTask, task))
delegate[task] = request
if startRequestsImmediately { request.resume() }
return request
} catch {
return request(originalRequest, failedWith: error)
根據request 添加響應的delegate,隊列,並resume發起請求,同時返回DataRequest
private func request(_ urlRequest: URLRequest?, failedWith error: Error) -> DataRequest {
var requestTask: Request.RequestTask = .data(nil, nil)
if let urlRequest = urlRequest {
let originalTask = DataRequest.Requestable(urlRequest: urlRequest)
requestTask = .data(originalTask, nil)
let underlyingError = error.underlyingAdaptError ?? error
let request = DataRequest(session: session, requestTask: requestTask, error: underlyingError)
if let retrier = retrier, error is AdaptError {
allowRetrier(retrier, toRetry: request, with: underlyingError)
} else {
if startRequestsImmediately { request.resume() }
return request
// MARK: - Download Request
// MARK: URL Request
/// Creates a `DownloadRequest` to retrieve the contents the specified `url`, `method`, `parameters`, `encoding`,
/// `headers` and save them to the `destination`.
/// If `destination` is not specified, the contents will remain in the temporary location determined by the
/// underlying URL session.
/// If `startRequestsImmediately` is `true`, the request will have `resume()` called before being returned.
/// - parameter url: The URL.
/// - parameter method: The HTTP method. `.get` by default.
/// - parameter parameters: The parameters. `nil` by default.
/// - parameter encoding: The parameter encoding. `URLEncoding.default` by default.
/// - parameter headers: The HTTP headers. `nil` by default.
/// - parameter destination: The closure used to determine the destination of the downloaded file. `nil` by default.
/// - returns: The created `DownloadRequest`.
open func download(
_ url: URLConvertible,
method: HTTPMethod = .get,
parameters: Parameters? = nil,
encoding: ParameterEncoding = URLEncoding.default,
headers: HTTPHeaders? = nil,
to destination: DownloadRequest.DownloadFileDestination? = nil)
-> DownloadRequest
do {
let urlRequest = try URLRequest(url: url, method: method, headers: headers)
let encodedURLRequest = try encoding.encode(urlRequest, with: parameters)
return download(encodedURLRequest, to: destination)
} catch {
return download(nil, to: destination, failedWith: error)
open func download(
_ urlRequest: URLRequestConvertible,
to destination: DownloadRequest.DownloadFileDestination? = nil)
-> DownloadRequest
do {
let urlRequest = try urlRequest.asURLRequest()
return download(.request(urlRequest), to: destination)
} catch {
return download(nil, to: destination, failedWith: error)
open func download(
resumingWith resumeData: Data,
to destination: DownloadRequest.DownloadFileDestination? = nil)
-> DownloadRequest
return download(.resumeData(resumeData), to: destination)
// MARK: Private - Download Implementation
private func download(
_ downloadable: DownloadRequest.Downloadable,
to destination: DownloadRequest.DownloadFileDestination?)
-> DownloadRequest
do {
let task = try downloadable.task(session: session, adapter: adapter, queue: queue)
let download = DownloadRequest(session: session, requestTask: .download(downloadable, task))
download.downloadDelegate.destination = destination
delegate[task] = download
if startRequestsImmediately { download.resume() }
return download
} catch {
return download(downloadable, to: destination, failedWith: error)
後面的update..也差很少都是這樣的方式, 總的來講經過SessionManager提供的api咱們能夠很簡單的發起一次請求, 再經過ResponseSerialization中對request的extension,咱們能夠調用如responseString\responseData等方法獲取到結果返回的回調. 這樣一次完整的網絡請求基本就完成了,基礎的話,咱們能夠不用管每次請求,響應,管理等各類狀態的協議,咱們基本不須要再去實現,固然有特殊需求的時候,咱們只要在合適的地方實現協議便可 在咱們使用時 咱們僅須要如此便可
Alamofire.request("https://www.baidu.com").responseString { (response) in
print(response.result.value ?? "")
固然咱們也能夠針對本身應用中的環境在加一層封裝 例如我有一個項目
static let shared = XLXNetManager()
fileprivate class func get(url:URLConvertible, parameters : Parameters, success : @escaping (_ value : String)->(), failure : @escaping (_ error : Error)->()) {
.request(url, method: .get, parameters: appendAutoParametersDictionary(parameters), encoding: URLEncoding.default, headers: nil)
.responseString { (response) in
switch response.result {
case .success(let value):
case .failure(let error):
fileprivate class func post(url:URLConvertible, parameters : Parameters, success : @escaping (_ value : String)->(), failure : @escaping (_ error : Error)->()) {
.request(url, method: .post, parameters: appendAutoParametersDictionary(parameters), encoding: URLEncoding.default, headers: nil)
.responseString { (response) in
switch response.result {
case .success(let value):
case .failure(let error):
class func get_userHelp(success : @escaping (_ value : String)->(), failure : @escaping (_ error : Error)->()) {
get(url: userHelpUrl, parameters: [:], success: success, failure: failure)
XLXNetManager.get_userHelp(success: {(ressult) in
}) { (error) in
徹底的相似AFNetworking時候的使用方式.... 固然,這個是自由的.任你發揮