使用服務條目資源(ServiceEntry)能夠將條目添加到 Istio 內部維護的服務註冊表中。添加服務條目後,Envoy 代理能夠將流量發送到該服務,就好像該服務條目是網格中的服務同樣。經過配置服務條目,能夠管理在網格外部運行的服務的流量。css
- client.yaml # istio 要注入的客戶端資源文件
- baidu-se.yaml # baidu ServiceEntry
- baidu-dr.yaml # baidu DestinationRule
- baidu-vs.yaml # baidu VirtualService
Sidercar 注入api
手動注入 # istioctl kube-inject -f xxx.yaml|kubectl apply -f - 自動注入 # kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: client spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: client template: metadata: labels: app: client spec: containers: - name: busybox image: busybox imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent command: ["/bin/sh","-c","sleep 3600"] # kubectl get po NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE client-86bc9bd5f-mj2pq 2/2 Running 0 11m Istio 注入後,client 就處於 Istio 服務網格之中。
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1beta1 kind: ServiceEntry metadata: name: baidu-se spec: hosts: - www.baidu.com location: MESH_EXTERNAL # 定義網格外部仍是內部,表示服務在網格外部。一般用於指示經過API使用的外部服務。 # location: MESH_INTERNAL # 表示服務是網格的一部分。一般用於指示在擴展服務網格以包括不受管理的基礎架構時顯式添加的服務 ports: - name: http number: 80 protocol: HTTP resolution: DNS 該服務條目資源定義了一個外部網站 baidu,並將它歸入到 Istio 內部維護的服務註冊表中。 # kubectl get se NAME HOSTS LOCATION RESOLUTION AGE baidu-se [www.baidu.com] MESH_EXTERNAL DNS 53m
- hosts:DNS名稱。能夠具備通配符前綴。
- ports:關聯的端口。
- ports.protocol: 如下之一:HTTP,HTTPS,HTTP2,GRPC,MONGO,TCP或TLS。
- exportTo:默認狀況下使用「*」,這意味着該ServiceEntry公開給每一個命名空間。 「.」僅將其限制爲當前命名空間。目前,exportTo值僅限於這兩個。
- resolution:主機的服務發現模式
- location:從網格的角度來看,應將此服務視爲內部或外部服務。
# kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pods | grep -i client | awk '{print $1}') -- sh # wget -q -O - http://www.baidu.com <!DOCTYPE html> <!--STATUS OK--><html> <head><meta http-equiv=content-type content=text/html;charset=utf-8><meta http-equiv=X-UA-Compatible content=IE=Edge><meta content=always name=referrer><link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=http://s1.bdstatic.com/r/www/cache/bdorz/baidu.min.css><title>百度一下,你就知道</title></head> <body link=#0000cc> <div id=wrapper> <div id=head> <div class=head_wrapper> <div class=s_form> <div class=s_form_wrapper> <div id=lg> <img hidefocus=truew.baidu.com/img/bd_logo1.png width=270 height=129> </div> <form id=form name=f action=//www.baidu.com/s class=fm> <input type=hidden name=bdorz_come value=1> <input type=hidden name=ie value=utf-8> <input type=hidden name=f value=8> <input type=hidden name=rsv_bp value=1> <input type=hidden name=rsv_idx value=1> <input type=hidden name=tn value=baidu><span class="bg s_ipt_wr"><input id=kw name=wd class=s_ipt value maxlength=255 autocomplete=off autofocus></span><span class="bg s_btn_wr"><input type=submit id=su value=百度一下 class="bg s_btn"></span> </form> </div> </div> <div id=u1> <a href=http://news.baidu.com name=tj_trnews class=mnav>新聞</a> <a href=http://www.hao123.com name=tj_tr class=mnav>hao123</a> <a href=http://map.baidu.com name=tj_trmap class=mnav>地圖</a> <a href=http://v.baidu.com name=tj_trvideo class=mnav>視頻</a> <a href=http://tieba.baidu.com name=tj_trtieba class=mnav>貼吧</a> <noscript> <a hrp://www.baidu.com/bdorz/login.gif?login&tpl=mn&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.baidu.com%2f%3fbdorz_come%3d1 name=tj_login class=lb>登陸</a> </noscript> <script>document.write('<a href="http://www.baidu.com/bdorz/login.gif?login&tpl=mn&u+ encodeURIComponent(window.location.href+ (window.location.search === "" ? "?" : "&")+ "bdorz_come=1")+ '" name="tj_login" class="lb">登陸</a>');</script> <a href=//www.baidu.com/more/ name=tj_briicon class=bri style="display: bloc">更多產品</a> </div> </div> </div> <div id=ftCon> <div id=ftConw> <p id=lh> <a href=http://home.baidu.com>關於百度</a> <a href=http://ir.baidu.com>About Baidu</a> </p> <p id=cp>©2017 Baidu <a href=http://www.baidu.com/duty/>使用百度前必讀</a> <a href=http://jianyi.baidu.com/ class=cp-feedback>意見反饋</a> 京ICP證030173號 <img src=//www.baidu.com/img/gs.gif> </p> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>
對剛纔編寫的 ServiceEntry 資源作一些改動ide
... #resolution: DNS resolution: STATIC # 靜態 endpoints: - address: # 自定義一個內網的ip
# kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pods | grep -i client | awk '{print $1}') -- sh Defaulting container name to busybox. Use 'kubectl describe pod/client-86bc9bd5f-mj2pq -n default' to see all of the containers in this pod. / # wget -q -O - http://www.baidu.com wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable
- 出現此問題的緣由是,serviceentry 一直都在發揮做用,前面沒報錯的緣由是默認指定的域名解析是基於DNS的。而調整後,設置了靜態域名解析的方式,並隨意給了一個內網IP來標識baidu。kubectl apply serviceentry後此配置馬上就被應用在網格內(client)的 envoy,那麼在網格內訪問baidu的時候,流量就被路由到了所指定的去了。
使用 service entry 使用場景有哪些?這裏假設一個場景,好比工做過程當中須要調用外部合做方服務,該服務跟你的集羣毫無關係,甚至對方服務能夠佈置在美國。可是經過服務條目,你能夠將對方服務歸入到本身的 Istio 網格以內,就像它自己存在你的集羣以內同樣,就好像你作了內網攔截同樣。並且服務條目能夠結合虛擬服務(virtual service)、目的地規則(destination rule)作更加精細的流量控制,不只如此,還能夠作失敗注入、重試等功能。ui
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1beta1 kind: ServiceEntry metadata: name: baidu-se spec: hosts: - www.baidu.com location: MESH_EXTERNAL ports: - name: http number: 80 protocol: HTTP resolution: DNS # kubectl get se NAME HOSTS LOCATION RESOLUTION AGE baidu-se [www.baidu.com] MESH_EXTERNAL DNS 67m # kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pods | grep -i client | awk '{print $1}') -- sh Defaulting container name to busybox. Use 'kubectl describe pod/client-86bc9bd5f-mj2pq -n default' to see all of the containers in this pod. / # wget -q -O - http://www.baidu.com <!DOCTYPE html> <!--STATUS OK--><html> <head><meta http-equiv=content-type content=text/html;charset=utf-8><meta http-equiv=X-UA-Compatible content=IE=Edge><meta content=always name=referrer><link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=http://s1.bdstatic.com/r/www/cache/bdorz/baidu.min.css><title>百度一下,你就知道</title></head> <body link=#0000cc> <div id=wrapper> <div id=head> <div class=head_wrapper> <div class=s_form> <div class=s_form_wrapper> <div id=lg> <img hidefocus=truew.baidu.com/img/bd_logo1.png width=270 height=129> </div> <form id=form name=f action=//www.baidu.com/s class=fm> <input type=hidden name=bdorz_come value=1> <input type=hidden name=ie value=utf-8> <input type=hidden name=f value=8> <input type=hidden name=rsv_bp value=1> <input type=hidden name=rsv_idx value=1> <input type=hidden name=tn value=baidu><span class="bg s_ipt_wr"><input id=kw name=wd class=s_ipt value maxlength=255 autocomplete=off autofocus></span><span class="bg s_btn_wr"><input type=submit id=su value=百度一下 class="bg s_btn"></span> </form> </div> </div> <div id=u1> <a href=http://news.baidu.com name=tj_trnews class=mnav>新聞</a> <a href=http://www.hao123.com name=tj_tr class=mnav>hao123</a> <a href=http://map.baidu.com name=tj_trmap class=mnav>地圖</a> <a href=http://v.baidu.com name=tj_trvideo class=mnav>視頻</a> <a href=http://tieba.baidu.com name=tj_trtieba class=mnav>貼吧</a> <noscript> <a hrp://www.baidu.com/bdorz/login.gif?login&tpl=mn&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.baidu.com%2f%3fbdorz_come%3d1 name=tj_login class=lb>登陸</a> </noscript> <script>document.write('<a href="http://www.baidu.com/bdorz/login.gif?login&tpl=mn&u+ encodeURIComponent(window.location.href+ (window.location.search === "" ? "?" : "&")+ "bdorz_come=1")+ '" name="tj_login" class="lb">登陸</a>');</script> <a href=//www.baidu.com/more/ name=tj_briicon class=bri style="display: bloc">更多產品</a> </div> </div> </div> <div id=ftCon> <div id=ftConw> <p id=lh> <a href=http://home.baidu.com>關於百度</a> <a href=http://ir.baidu.com>About Baidu</a> </p> <p id=cp>©2017 Baidu <a href=http://www.baidu.com/duty/>使用百度前必讀</a> <a href=http://jianyi.baidu.com/ class=cp-feedback>意見反饋</a> 京ICP證030173號 <img src=//www.baidu.com/img/gs.gif> </p> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1beta1 kind: DestinationRule metadata: name: baidu-dr spec: host: www.baidu.com trafficPolicy: # 流量策略,包括:負載平衡策略、鏈接池大小、異常檢測 loadBalancer: # 默認LB策略 simple: ROUND_ROBIN # ROUND_ROBIN-循環,LEAST_CONN-最小鏈接,RANDOM-隨機,PASSTHROUGH-只連 # kubectl get dr NAME HOST AGE baidu-dr www.baidu.com 54m
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1beta1 kind: VirtualService metadata: name: baidu-vs spec: hosts: - www.baidu.com http: - route: - destination: host: www.baidu.com port: number: 80 #subset: tls-origination timeout: 1ms # kubectl get vs NAME GATEWAYS HOSTS AGE baidu-vs [www.baidu.com] 54m
# kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pods | grep -i client | awk '{print $1}') -- sh Defaulting container name to busybox. Use 'kubectl describe pod/client-86bc9bd5f-mj2pq -n default' to see all of the containers in this pod. / # wget -q -O - http://www.baidu.com wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 408 Request Timeout