class MyLock implements Runnable { public int flag = 0; Object obj1 = new Object(); Object obj2 = new Object(); public void run(){ while(true){ if(flag%2=0){ synchronized(obj1){ //線程t1和t2執行此同步任務 //try{obj1.wait();}catch(InterruptedException i){} //obj1.notify() //obj1.notifyAll() } } else { synchronized(obj2){ //線程t3和t4執行此同步任務 //try{obj2.wait();}catch(InterruptedException i){} //obj2.notify() //obj2.notifyAll() } } } } } class Demo { public static void main(String[] args){ MyLock ml = new MyLock(); Thread t1 = new Thread(ml); Thread t2 = new Thread(ml); Thread t3 = new Thread(ml); Thread t4 = new Thread(ml); t1.start(); t2.start(); try{Thread.sleep(1)}catch(InterruptedException i){}; ml.flag++; t3.start(); t4.start(); } }
當某個線程執行到notify()時,這個notify()將 隨機 喚醒它 所屬鎖對應線程池 中的 任意一個 線程。例如,obj1.notify()將喚醒obj1線程池中任意一個睡眠的線程(固然,若是沒有睡眠線程則什麼也不作)。同理notifyAll()則是喚醒所屬鎖對應線程池中全部睡眠的線程。線程
從JDK 1.5開始,java提供了java.util.concurrent.locks包,這個包中提供了Lock接口、Condition接口和ReadWriteLock接口,前兩個接口將鎖和監視器方法(睡眠、喚醒操做)解耦了。其中Lock接口只提供鎖,經過鎖方法newConditon()能夠生成一個或多個與該鎖關聯的監視器,每一個監視器都有本身的睡眠、喚醒方法。也就是說Lock替代了synchronized方法和同步代碼塊的使用,Condition替代了Object監視器方法的使用。
import java.util.concurrent.locks.*; Lock l = new ReentrantLock(); Condition con1 = l.newCondition(); condition con2 = l.newCondition(); l.lock(); try{ //包含await()、signal()或signalAll()的代碼段... } finally { l.unlock(); //因爲代碼段可能異常,但unlock()是必須執行的,因此必須使用try,且將unlock()放進finally段
//描述資源:麪包的名稱和編號,由編號決定麪包的號碼 class Bread { public String name; public int count = 1; public boolean flag = false; //該標記爲wait()和notify()提供判斷標記 } //生產者和消費者前後處理的麪包資源是同一個,要確保這一點, //能夠按單例模式來設計麪包類,也能夠將同一個麪包對象經過構造方法傳遞給生產者和消費者,此處使用後一種方式。 //描述生產者 class Producer implements Runnable { private Bread b; //生產者的成員:它要處理的資源 Producer(Bread b){ this.b = b; } //提供生產麪包的方法 public void produce(String name){ b.name = name + b.count; b.count++; } public void run(){ while(true){ synchronized(Bread.class){ //使用Bread.class做爲鎖標識,使得生產者和消費者的同步代碼塊可使用同一個鎖 if(b.flag){ //wait()必須在同步代碼塊內部,不只由於必須持有鎖才能睡眠,並且對鎖這個資源的判斷會出現混亂 try{Bread.class.wait();}catch(InterruptedException i){} } produce("麪包"); System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+"----生產者------"+b.name); try{Thread.sleep(10);}catch(InterruptedException i){} b.flag = true; //標記的切換也必須在保持同步 Bread.class.notify(); //notify()也必須同步,不然鎖都已經釋放了,就沒法作喚醒動做 //ps:一次同步任務中,wait()和notify()應當只能其中一個執行,不然對方線程會混亂 } } } } //描述消費者 class Consumer implements Runnable { private Bread b; //消費者的成員:它要處理的資源 Consumer(Bread b){ this.b = b; } //提供消費麪包的方法 public String consume(){ return b.name; } public void run(){ while(true){ synchronized(Bread.class){ if(!b.flag){ try{Bread.class.wait();}catch(InterruptedException i){} } System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+"----消費者-------------"+consume()); try{Thread.sleep(10);}catch(InterruptedException i){} b.flag = false; Bread.class.notify(); } } } } public class ProduceConsume_1{ public static void main(String[] args) { //1.建立資源對象 Bread b = new Bread(); //2.建立生產者和消費者對象,將同一個麪包對象傳遞給生產者和消費者 Producer pro = new Producer(b); Consumer con = new Consumer(b); //3.建立線程對象 Thread pro_t = new Thread(pro); Thread con_t = new Thread(con); pro_t.start(); con_t.start(); } }
Thread-0----生產者------麪包1 Thread-1----消費者-------------麪包1 Thread-0----生產者------麪包2 Thread-1----消費者-------------麪包2 Thread-0----生產者------麪包3 Thread-1----消費者-------------麪包3 Thread-0----生產者------麪包4 Thread-1----消費者-------------麪包4 Thread-0----生產者------麪包5 Thread-1----消費者-------------麪包5 Thread-0----生產者------麪包6 Thread-1----消費者-------------麪包6
import java.util.concurrent.locks.*; class Bread { public String name; public int count = 1; public boolean flag = false; //爲生產者和消費者提供同一個鎖對象以及同一個Condition對象 public static Lock lock = new ReentrantLock(); public static Condition condition = lock.newCondition(); } class Producer implements Runnable { private Bread b; Producer(Bread b){ this.b = b; } public void produce(String name){ b.name = name + b.count; b.count++; } public void run(){ while(true){ //使用Bread.lock來鎖住資源 Bread.lock.lock(); try{ if(b.flag){ try{Bread.condition.await();}catch(InterruptedException i){} } produce("麪包"); System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+"----生產者------"+b.name); try{Thread.sleep(10);}catch(InterruptedException i){} b.flag = true; Bread.condition.signal(); } finally { Bread.lock.unlock(); } } } } class Consumer implements Runnable { private Bread b; Consumer(Bread b){ this.b = b; } public String consume(){ return b.name; } public void run(){ while(true){ //使用Bread.lock來鎖住資源 Bread.lock.lock(); try{ if(!b.flag){ try{Bread.condition.await();}catch(InterruptedException i){} } System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+"----消費者-------------"+consume()); try{Thread.sleep(10);}catch(InterruptedException i){} b.flag = false; Bread.condition.signal(); } finally { Bread.lock.unlock(); } } } } public class ProduceConsume_1{ public static void main(String[] args) { //1.建立資源對象 Bread b = new Bread(); //2.建立生產者和消費者對象,將同一個麪包對象傳遞給生產者和消費者 Producer pro = new Producer(b); Consumer con = new Consumer(b); //3.建立線程對象 Thread pro_t = new Thread(pro); Thread con_t = new Thread(con); pro_t.start(); con_t.start(); } }
while(true){ synchronized(Bread.class){ if(!b.flag){ try{Bread.class.wait();}catch(InterruptedException i){} } System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+"----消費者-------------"+consume()); try{Thread.sleep(10);}catch(InterruptedException i){} b.flag = false; Bread.class.notify(); } }
while(true){ synchronized(Bread.class){ while(!b.flag){ try{Bread.class.wait();}catch(InterruptedException i){} } System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+"----消費者-------------"+consume()); try{Thread.sleep(10);}catch(InterruptedException i){} b.flag = false; Bread.class.notify(); } }
//代碼段1 class Bread { public String name; public int count = 1; public boolean flag = false; } //描述生產者 class Producer implements Runnable { private Bread b; Producer(Bread b){ this.b = b; } public void produce(String name){ b.name = name + b.count; b.count++; } public void run(){ while(true){ synchronized(Bread.class){ while(b.flag){ try{Bread.class.wait();}catch(InterruptedException i){} } produce("麪包"); System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+"----生產者------"+b.name); try{Thread.sleep(10);}catch(InterruptedException i){} b.flag = true; Bread.class.notifyAll(); } } } } //描述消費者 class Consumer implements Runnable { private Bread b; Consumer(Bread b){ this.b = b; } public String consume(){ return b.name; } public void run(){ while(true){ synchronized(Bread.class){ while(!b.flag){ try{Bread.class.wait();}catch(InterruptedException i){} } System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+"----消費者-------------"+consume()); try{Thread.sleep(10);}catch(InterruptedException i){} b.flag = false; Bread.class.notifyAll(); } } } } public class ProduceConsume_5 { public static void main(String[] args) { //1.建立資源對象 Bread b = new Bread(); //2.建立生產者和消費者對象 Producer pro = new Producer(b); Consumer con = new Consumer(b); //3.建立線程對象 Thread pro_t1 = new Thread(pro); //生產線程1 Thread pro_t2 = new Thread(pro); //生產線程2 Thread con_t1 = new Thread(con); //消費線程1 Thread con_t2 = new Thread(con); //消費線程2 pro_t1.start(); pro_t2.start(); con_t1.start(); con_t2.start(); } }
//代碼段2 import java.util.concurrent.locks.*; class Bread { public String name; public int count = 1; public boolean flag = false; public static Lock lock = new ReentrantLock(); public static Condition pro_con = lock.newCondition(); public static Condition con_con = lock.newCondition(); } //描述生產者 class Producer implements Runnable { private Bread b; Producer(Bread b){ this.b = b; } public void produce(String name){ b.name = name + b.count; b.count++; } public void run(){ while(true){ Bread.lock.lock(); try{ while(b.flag){ try{Bread.pro_con.await();}catch(InterruptedException i){} } produce("麪包"); System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+"----生產者------"+b.name); try{Thread.sleep(10);}catch(InterruptedException i){} b.flag = true; Bread.con_con.signal(); //喚醒的是consumer線程 } finally { Bread.lock.unlock(); } } } } //描述消費者 class Consumer implements Runnable { private Bread b; Consumer(Bread b){ this.b = b; } public String consume(){ return b.name; } public void run(){ while(true){ Bread.lock.lock(); try{ while(!b.flag){ try{Bread.con_con.await();}catch(InterruptedException i){} } System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+"----消費者-------------"+consume()); try{Thread.sleep(10);}catch(InterruptedException i){} b.flag = false; Bread.pro_con.signal(); //喚醒的是producer線程 } finally { Bread.lock.unlock(); } } } } public class ProduceConsume_6 { public static void main(String[] args) { //1.建立資源對象 Bread b = new Bread(); //2.建立生產者和消費者對象 Producer pro = new Producer(b); Consumer con = new Consumer(b); //3.建立線程對象 Thread pro_t1 = new Thread(pro); Thread pro_t2 = new Thread(pro); Thread con_t1 = new Thread(con); Thread con_t2 = new Thread(con); pro_t1.start(); pro_t2.start(); con_t1.start(); con_t2.start(); } }
import java.util.concurrent.locks.*; class Basket { private Bread[] arr; //the size of basket Basket(int size){ arr = new Bread[size]; } //the pointer of in and out private int in_ptr,out_ptr; //how many breads left in basket private int left; private Lock lock = new ReentrantLock(); private Condition full = lock.newCondition(); private Condition empty = lock.newCondition(); //bread into basket public void in(){ lock.lock(); try{ while(left == arr.length){ try{full.await();} catch (InterruptedException i) {i.printStackTrace();} } arr[in_ptr] = new Bread("MianBao",Producer.num++); System.out.println("Put the bread: "+arr[in_ptr].getName()+"------into basket["+in_ptr+"]"); left++; if(++in_ptr == arr.length){in_ptr = 0;} empty.signal(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } //bread out from basket public Bread out(){ lock.lock(); try{ while(left == 0){ try{empty.await();} catch (InterruptedException i) {i.printStackTrace();} } Bread out_bread = arr[out_ptr]; System.out.println("Get the bread: "+out_bread.getName()+"-----------from basket["+out_ptr+"]"); left--; if(++out_ptr == arr.length){out_ptr = 0;} full.signal(); return out_bread; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } } class Bread { private String name; Bread(String name,int num){ this.name = name + num; } public String getName(){ return this.name; } } class Producer implements Runnable { private Basket basket; public static int num = 1; //the first number for Bread's name Producer(Basket b){ this.basket = b; } public void run(){ while(true) { basket.in(); try{Thread.sleep(10);}catch(InterruptedException i){} } } } class Consumer implements Runnable { private Basket basket; private Bread i_get; Consumer(Basket b){ this.basket = b; } public void run(){ while(true){ i_get = basket.out(); try{Thread.sleep(10);}catch(InterruptedException i){} } } } public class ProduceConsume_7 { public static void main(String[] args) { Basket b = new Basket(20); // the basket size = 20 Producer pro = new Producer(b); Consumer con = new Consumer(b); Thread pro_t1 = new Thread(pro); Thread pro_t2 = new Thread(pro); Thread con_t1 = new Thread(con); Thread con_t2 = new Thread(con); Thread con_t3 = new Thread(con); pro_t1.start(); pro_t2.start(); con_t1.start(); con_t2.start(); con_t3.start(); } }