命令 | 解釋 |
turtle.Screen() | 返回一個singleton object of a TurtleScreen subclass |
turtle.forward(distance) | 向當前畫筆方向移動distance像素長 |
turtle.backward(distance) | 向當前畫筆相反方向移動distance像素長度 |
turtle.right(degree) | 順時針移動degree° |
turtle.left(degree) | 逆時針移動degree° |
turtle.pendown() | 移動時繪製圖形,缺省時也爲繪製 |
turtle.goto(x,y) | 將畫筆移動到座標爲x,y的位置 |
turtle.penup() | 移動時不繪製圖形,提起筆,用於另起一個地方繪製時用 |
turtle.speed(speed) | 畫筆繪製的速度範圍[0,10]整數 | | 畫圓,半徑爲正(負),表示圓心在畫筆的左邊(右邊)畫圓 |
import turtle my_turtle = turtle.Turtle() my_win = turtle.Screen() def draw_spiral(my_turtle, line_len): if line_len > 0 : my_turtle.forward(line_len) # turtle前進 my_turtle.right(90) # turtle向右轉 draw_spiral(my_turtle, line_len - 5) #turtle繼續前進向右轉 draw_spiral(my_turtle, 100) my_win.exitonclick()
接下來,咱們用turtle來畫一顆樹。過程是這樣的: branch_len
import turtle def tree(branch_len, t): if branch_len > 5: t.forward(branch_len) t.right(20) tree(branch_len - 15, t) t.left(40) tree(branch_len - 10, t) t.right(20) t.backward(branch_len) def main(): t = turtle.Turtle() my_win = turtle.Screen() t.left(90) t.up() t.backward(100) t.down() t.color("green") tree(75, t) my_win.exitonclick() main()
The Sierpinski triangle illustrates a three-way recursive algorithm. The procedure for drawing a Sierpinski triangle by hand is simple. Start with a single large triangle. Divide this large triangle into four new triangles by connecting the midpoint of each side. Ignoring the middle triangle that you just created, apply the same procedure to each of the three corner triangles函數
import turtle def draw_triangle(points, color, my_turtle): my_turtle.fillcolor(color) my_turtle.up() my_turtle.goto(points[0][0],points[0][1]) my_turtle.down() my_turtle.begin_fill() my_turtle.goto(points[1][0], points[1][1]) my_turtle.goto(points[2][0], points[2][1]) my_turtle.goto(points[0][0], points[0][1]) my_turtle.end_fill() def get_mid(p1, p2): return ((p1[0] + p2[0]) / 2, (p1[1] + p2[1]) / 2) def sierpinski(points, degree, my_turtle): color_map = ['blue', 'red', 'green', 'white', 'yellow', 'violet', 'orange'] draw_triangle(points, color_map[degree], my_turtle) if degree > 0: sierpinski([points[0], get_mid(points[0], points[1]), get_mid(points[0], points[2])], degree-1, my_turtle) sierpinski([points[1], get_mid(points[0], points[1]), get_mid(points[1], points[2])], degree-1, my_turtle) sierpinski([points[2], get_mid(points[2], points[1]), get_mid(points[0], points[2])], degree-1, my_turtle) def main(): my_turtle = turtle.Turtle() my_win = turtle.Screen() my_points = [[-100, -50], [0, 100], [100, -50]] sierpinski(my_points, 3, my_turtle) my_win.exitonclick() main()