

  1. 檢查ssh公鑰設置:git


    $ cd .ssh $ ls
  2. 備份原來的ssh key:web


    $ mkdir key_backup $ cp id_rsa* key_backup $ rm id_rsa*
  3. 生成github ssh key:markdown

    $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "" <github 賬號> Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/your_user_directory/.ssh/id_rsa):<回車就好>


    Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):<github密碼> Enter same passphrase again:<再次輸入密碼>


    Your identification has been saved in /Users/xxx/.ssh/id_rsa. Your public key has been saved in /Users/xxx/.ssh/ The key fingerprint is: ac:63:ff:c9:67:8f:c7:b7:26:43:77:83:bd:ef:11:be The key's randomart image is: +--[ RSA 2048]----+ | | | | | | | . | | S .| | . ..| | + .o..| | . o . .o*o==| | ..+ooo*EO| +-----------------+
  4. 添加ssh key到github:ssh

    複製id_rsa.pub的內容到github Account Settings -> SSH Keys -> add SSH Key -> Key編輯器


  1. 在你本地安裝octopresside

    $ git clone git:// octopress $ cd octopress # If you use RVM, You'll be asked if you trust the .rvmrc file (say yes). $ ruby --version # Should report Ruby 1.9.2 $ gem install bundler # Install dependencies $ bundle install $ rake install # Install the default Octopress theme
  2. 配置你本地的octopress

    • 建立github repo,名稱

    • 配置octopress使之與username.github.com關聯

      $ cd octopress $ rake setup_github_pages Enter the read/write url for your repository (For example, '') Repository url: <>

    以上執行後會要求 read/write url for repository :

  3. 初始化github

    $ rake generate $ rake deploy

    等待幾分鐘後,github上會收到一封信:「[] Page build successful」,第一次發佈後等比較久,以後每次都會直接更新

  4. 將 source 也加入 git

    $ cd octopress $ git add . $ git commit -m 'your message' $ git push origin source
  5. 更新 Octopress

    往後有 Octopress 新版本發佈,使用如下指令升級。

    $ git pull octopress master # Get the latest Octopress $ bundle install # Keep gems updated $ rake update_source # update the template's source $ rake update_style # update the template's style
  6. 編寫併發布文章

    • 發表新文章:

      $ rake new_post["文章名稱"]


    • 生成:

      $ rake generate # generate your blog static pages content according to your input.
    • 預覽:

      $ rake preview # start a web server on "http://localhost:4000", you can preview your blog content.
    • 發佈:

      $ rake deploy # push your static pages content to your github pages repo ("master" branch)
    • 生成併發布:

      $ rake gen_deploy