
學習了一些雜誌的在線投稿系統中的 做者審稿人編輯部總編的分工和做業狀況,在這裏和新手以某一個典型例子進行探討學習一下。
1. Author  做者
Step 1: Log In  登錄
The login page gives you three options: 
1. Log in with your known User ID and Password 用戶名和密碼
2. Check to see if you have an existing account 確認是否已經註冊過
3. Create a new account 沒有就註冊一個

Step 2: Enter your Author Center  進入做者中心
To begin a new submission, check a previous submission, continue a submission begun earlier, or submit a revised manuscript, choose Author Center. 確認是新投,仍是投修改稿

Step 3: Inside Your Author Center  在我的的做者中內心面
Existing manuscripts are found in one of three areas: 包括三個區域(這個每一個雜誌可能有區別的)
Manuscripts to be Revised 需修改稿
Partially Submitted Manuscripts 部分上傳稿
Submitted Manuscripts 已上傳稿
To start a NEW manuscript submission, choose 「Submit First Draft of New Manuscript」 link. 開始上傳新稿

Step 4: Entering Data  輸入資料
The following screens ask you to enter each piece of data associated with your manuscript. Most of this data will also be included in the text of your manuscript, but needs to be entered in this format in order to make the system searchable by these fields. It is used for screen display and e-mail notifications only. You cannot enter text into the Manuscript Data Summary table – scroll down each screen to enter the required information. 按照提示一步一步輸入
Press 「Save and Continue」 at the bottom of each screen in order to save all of your work. If you press the "Back" or "Forward" button on your browser your work will not be saved. 繼續時選擇保存和繼續,若是點擊back或者forward,原來輸入的內容會消失。

Step 5: Upload Your Manuscript  上傳文稿
The File Manager is the area where you upload your files. Click on the Save and Continue button to get to the upload page. 
Click on the Browse button in step #1. Locate your file and click on the name of the file to place it in the box. Select a file designation that corresponds with the file name in step 瀏覽選定你電腦中要上傳的稿件 #2. Select file is for review or not選擇審稿或不審稿,默認審稿- The file in the first position must be made 「yes」 available for review in step #3. Click the blue upload button in step #4 點擊上傳. 
Please refer to the 「Author Instructions」 for each specific journal to determine the Journal preferences of format and Always view your proof carefully prior to submitting. You will not be able to change it once it’s submitted. 必定要看請稿約裏的要求,一旦上傳後就沒法修改。
Your original file will be stored and will be located under 「Original Files / Files not for review」 on the right side of the screen. ManuscriptCentral will create files and place them under 「Files for review.」 You can make changes in step #5 before going to the next page. You can not make changes to your uploaded files. Click on "Save and Continue". 若是沒有選擇審稿,將不會被編輯看到。

Step 5: Submit Your Manuscript  上傳
Click on 「View uploaded files」 - always view your proof carefully prior to submitting. You will not be able to change it once it’s submitted. Then close the file, close the View uploaded files window and click on 「Submit your manuscript」. After you choose to submit, you will see a confirmation screen. You will also receive an e-mail confirmation that you can save for future reference. 點擊上傳後,會出現確認框,最後成功後,系統會自動發mail到你的郵箱。

2. Reviewer  審稿人
Step 1: Log In  用戶登錄 
Log into the website using the account information. This login information was emailed to you when you agreed to review. If you have lost this login information or didn't receive it you can use the "request account information" button located on the login screen. This will resend your login information to you again.若是丟失用戶名或密碼,能夠email要求發送。
Step 2: Enter your Reviewer Center  進入審稿中心 
To begin reviewing your manuscripts click the Reviewer Center button. In your Reviewer Center there are two tables. The first table is labeled "Manuscripts Pending Review". This table is where manuscripts wait until they have been scored and submitted to the journal. The second table is labeled "Submitted Reviews". This table lists a history of all the manuscripts that you have reviewed in the past. Your Reviewer Center should look something like the picture below. 進入後,有兩個表格。一個是待審稿件,另外一個是已審稿件,見下圖。

Step 3: Download or View the Manuscript Files  下載或直接查看稿件 
Clicking on the title of the manuscript will open a new window. The location of the manuscript title is shown in the picture below. From this window you can either download or view each of the files the author has uploaded for review. 點擊稿件題目會開新窗口。你能夠查看或下載做者上傳的全部稿件內容。
To view the files: Simply click on any of the file names located in the first column of the new window. 查看。
To download the files: Right-click on the file name. The choose "save target as" from the menu that appears. Next, choose a location to save the file on your computer. Finally, click Save at the bottom of the window. 能夠右鍵保存進行下載。

Step 4: View details and Score Manuscript  稿件評價 
Once you are ready to begin scoring your manuscript click the "Review" button. 點擊「Review」開始評價審閱的稿件。

After you click the "Review" button you will get a new screen with written instructions provided by the journal. At the top of the screen there are two buttons. The first button is labeled "View Details". Click this button to see detailed information about the authors and their submission. The second button, "Score Manuscript" will allow you to fill out the scoresheet for the manuscript and enter your comments to Authors and the Editor. 點擊後會出現新窗口並有輸入幫助。上方有兩個按鈕,一個是細節查看,另外一個是稿件打分。
Step 5: Save Your Review  保存 
Once you have completed the scoresheet you can save you work by clicking the "Save Review" button at the bottom of the screen. 完成後點擊保存。
Step 6: Submit Your Review  上傳審稿結果 
Finalize your submission on this last screen. Click the "Leave Open" button if you would like to save your review and come back to it at another time. Click the "Submit to Editor" button to complete your review. 
3.  編輯部
編輯負責選定審稿人,而這些審稿人必須先被加入到database中,而後編輯部才能增長其到reviewer中。當發信給目標審稿人後,會獲得兩種回覆:願意和不肯意。在未找到審稿人前,都是「"Awaiting Reviewer Assignment"」。找到後,纔會進入「Under reivew」狀態。

4.  總編
Step 1: Log In  登錄
Note: Before you begin, you should be sure you are using version 7.0 or higher of Netscape or version 6.0 of Internet Explorer and Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0. If you have an earlier version, you can download a free upgrade using the icons found on the Instructions and Forms link on every page of the Web site. 注意電腦和網絡配製要求。

The login page gives you three options: 登錄頁面出現三個選項
1. Log in with your known User ID and Password 用已有的用戶和密碼
2. Check to see if you have an existing account 確認是否已有帳戶
3. Create a new account 新建帳戶

How to Get Help 
All pages have a 「Get Help Now」 button in the upper right corner. This link brings up a new window that has instructions, answers to Frequently Asked Questions, and a method to log a case with the support team. 有幫助文件。

Step 2: Enter your Editor-in-Chief Center  進入 EIC 中心 

To check status of manuscripts in your charge, or to assign manuscripts to Editors, choose Editor-in-Chief Center.查看你的工做狀態或分配稿件給責任編輯,點擊EIC。

Step 3: Inside Your Editor-in-Chief Center EIC 中內心面 

The primary task in your Editor-in-Chief Center is to assign the Editor to new manuscripts. To view these, choose #1, Unassigned Manuscripts.首要任務是分配稿件給責任編輯

Step 4: Assigning Editor  指定編輯 
The resulting list includes all manuscripts assigned to you that are awaiting Editor assignment. Click on the title to view the manuscript, or choose View Details to assign the Editor.查看稿件狀態,指定責任編輯。
Page down. 下一頁面。
As Editor-in-Chief, you can render an immediate decision or assign an Editor to initiate the peer review process. To assign the Editor, use the box on the right to search by name or area of expertise. To view an Editor’s history for this journal, click on the Editor’s name. 做爲總編,你能夠決定是否直接拒稿或者分配給編輯。
A window showing Editor history will appear. If this is the Editor you want to assign, choose 「Assign Editor」 button.有編輯歷史。
A letter is produced from the template previously entered into the system. The letter can be modified prior to choosing the 「Send Letter」 button. 有發給編輯的信件模板。
This manuscript has now been assigned and will no longer show on your list of those waiting to be assigned.
under review多是指編輯部的初審這一關,而後就是選擇和肯定審稿人(Awaiting Reviewer selection),並等待審稿人的確認(Awaiting Reviewer Assignment),最後就是審稿人的審稿了(Awaiting Reviewer Scores)。
Awaiting Reviewer selection和Awaiting Reviewer Assignment都是指正在尋找或指定reviewers。該過程是審稿一審階段最耗時、最費編輯精力的事情。
1.       通常雜誌複審與否與編輯部流程關係很大,有的會強制邀請提出major revision的審稿複審的,有的則修回後編輯部直接決定。複審與否還與專家第一次審稿的時候是否是贊成複審有關。有些審稿專家會要求修回以後讓他看看,這樣編輯部也會讓他看了。固然,有些編輯自身學術水平比較高,做者稿件修改以後本身直接決定了。

「Editor assigned」是已經爲你的文章肯定好了編輯,下一步這個編輯會對你的稿件進行進一步的處理,也能夠說編輯從專家庫(或者做者建議的審稿人名單)裏聯繫了適合評審該稿件的審稿專家,而且這寫專家表示有時間、願意爲雜誌評審該稿件。當審稿人登陸系統獲取了待審稿件後,系統就自動將狀態改成"under review".「Editor assigned」再次出現說明下一步這個編輯會對你的稿件再進行進一步的處理,

1. Submitted to Journal

2. Manuscript received by  Editorial Office

3. With  editor若是在投稿的時候沒有要求選擇編輯,就先到主編那,主編會分派給別的編輯。這當中就會有另兩個狀態:
3.1. Awaiting  Editor Assignment指派責任編輯
Editor  assigned是把你的文章分給一個編輯處理了。
3.2.  Editor Declined Invitation 婉拒。 4.隨後也會有2種狀態 4.1. Decision Letter Being Prepared 就是編輯沒找審稿人就本身決定了,那根據通常經驗,對學生來講估計會掛了. 1)英文太差,編輯讓修改。 2)內容太差,要拒了。除非大牛們直接被接收。 4.2. Reviewer invited 找到審稿人了,就開始審稿 5. Under review 這應該是一個漫長的等待。固然前面各步驟也可能很慢的,要看編輯的處理狀況。 若是被邀請審稿人不想審,就會decline,編輯會從新邀請別的審稿人。 6. Required Reviews Completed 審稿人的意見已上傳,審稿結束,等待編輯決定 7. Evaluating Recommendation 評估審稿人的意見,隨後你將收到編輯給你的decision 8. Minor revision/Major revision這個時候能夠稍微慶祝一下了,問題不大了,由於有修改就有可能。具體怎麼改就很少說了,謙虛謹慎是不可少的。 9. Revision Submitted to Journal 又開始了一個循環。 10. Accepted 恭喜了 11. Transfer copyright form 籤版權協議 12. uncorrected proof 等待你校對樣稿 13. In Press, Corrected Proof 文章在印刷中,且該清樣已通過做者校對 14. Manuscript Sent to Production 排版 15 in production 出版中 另外的一些常見英文詞彙: camera-ready paper 能夠付印的正式稿件 graphical abstract 圖文摘要一個可以突出你文章特點的圖,配上一兩句話說明 running head 或running title 就是發表文章裏顯示在你頁眉上的(通常論文偶數頁顯示RUNNING HEAD,奇數頁顯示論文的前幾位做者的英文名縮寫),通常是用一個短語(幾個單詞,別太長了)根括你論文的主要內容。