[WASM] Set up wasm-bindgen for easy Rust/JavaScript Interoperability

Interoperability between JavaScript and Rust is limited to numerics and accessing memory directly. Since this can be exhausting and overwhelming to do manually the Rust/Wasm team has created the wasm-bindgen project to facilitate high-level interactions between Rust and JavaScript.webpack


WebAssembly programs operate on a limited set of value types. Due to this, the functions bridging between JavaScript and Rust only allow for primitive numeric types, like integer or float. web

So if you pass a string between Javascript and WASM, it convert to a number.app


This is not what we wanted to achieve here. Fortunately, we can work around this by directly reading or writing to WebAssembly's memory using JavaScript. Each WASM module has a linear memory, which is initialized during instantiation.dom


While sometimes accessing memory directly can be useful, in most cases, it's quite cumbersome. That's why the generic bindgen-style framework, wasm-bindgen, was created. The framework makes it possible to write idiomatic Rust function signatures that map to idiomatic JavaScript functions automatically.webpack-dev-server


To get started, we add wasm-bindgen as a dependency to our Cargo configuration.ui

# Cargo.toml

name = "utils"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["zhentian-wan <answer881215@gmail.com>"]
edition = "2018"


crate-type = ["cdylib"]




extern crate wasm_bindgen;

use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;

#[wasm_bindgen(module = "../domUtils")]
extern {
  fn appendStringToBody(s: &str);

pub extern fn run() {
  appendStringToBody("Hello World");


We compile our Rust library using wasm-pack buildspa

wasm-pack build

This way, we can pass types, like strings, into our Rust code without manually having to take care of the conversion.code



export const appendStringtoBody = (value) => {
  const text = document.createTextNode(value);

When using wasm-bindgen, we then can declare that the module should be imported.



wasm-pack buildnpx webpack-dev-server