




















package com.happyBKs.model;

import java.util.List;

public class Course {

	// 課程Id
	private Integer courseId;
	// 課程名稱
	private String title;
	// 圖片路徑
	private String imgPath;
	// 學習人數
	private Integer learningNum;
	// 課程時長
	private Long duration;
	// 課程難度
	private Integer level;
	// 課程難度描述
	private String levelDesc;
	// 課程介紹
	private String descr;
	// 課程提綱
	private List chapterList;

	public Integer getCourseId() {
		return courseId;

	public void setCourseId(Integer courseId) {
		this.courseId = courseId;

	public String getTitle() {
		return title;

	public void setTitle(String title) {
		this.title = title;

	public Integer getLearningNum() {
		return learningNum;

	public void setLearningNum(Integer learningNum) {
		this.learningNum = learningNum;

	public Integer getLevel() {
		return level;

	public void setLevel(Integer level) {
		this.level = level;

	public String getImgPath() {
		return imgPath;

	public void setImgPath(String imgPath) {
		this.imgPath = imgPath;

	public List getChapterList() {
		return chapterList;

	public void setChapterList(List chapterList) {
		this.chapterList = chapterList;

	public Long getDuration() {
		return duration;

	public void setDuration(Long duration) {
		this.duration = duration;

	public String getDescr() {
		return descr;

	public void setDescr(String descr) {
		this.descr = descr;

	public String getLevelDesc() {
		return levelDesc;

	public void setLevelDesc(String levelDesc) {
		this.levelDesc = levelDesc;



package com.happyBKs.model;

public class Chapter {

    private Integer id;
    private Integer courseId;
    private Integer order;
    private String title;
    private String descr;

    public Integer getId() {
        return id;

    public void setId(Integer id) {
        this.id = id;

    public Integer getCourseId() {
        return courseId;

    public void setCourseId(Integer courseId) {
        this.courseId = courseId;

    public Integer getOrder() {
        return order;

    public void setOrder(Integer order) {
        this.order = order;

    public String getTitle() {
        return title;

    public void setTitle(String title) {
        this.title = title;

    public String getDescr() {
        return descr;

    public void setDescr(String descr) {
        this.descr = descr;




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	<div id="main">

		<div class="newcontainer" id="course_intro">
			<div class="course-title">${course.title}</div>
			<div class="course_info">
				<div class="course-embed l">
					<div id="js-course-img" class="img-wrap">
						<img width="600" height="340" alt=""
							class="course_video" />
					<div id="js-video-wrap" class="video" style="display: none">
						<div class="video_box" id="js-video"></div>
				<div class="course_state">
						<li><span>學習人數</span> <em>${course.learningNum }</em></li>
						<li class="course_hour"><span>課程時長</span> <em
							class="ft-adjust"><span>${course.duration }</span>秒</em></li>
						<li><span>課程難度</span> <em>${course.levelDesc }</em></li>

			<div class="course_list">
				<div class="outline">
					<h3 class="chapter_introduces">課程介紹</h3>
					<div class="course_shortdecription">${course.descr}</div>

					<h3 class="chapter_catalog">課程提綱</h3>
					<ul id="couList">
						<c:forEach items="${course.chapterList}" var="chapter">
							<li class="clearfix open"><a href="#">
									<div class="openicon"></div>
									<div class="outline_list l">
										<!-- <em class="outline_zt"></em> -->
										<h5 class="outline_name">${chapter.title }</h5>
										<p class="outline_descr">${chapter.descr }</p>












package com.happyBKs.service;

import com.happyBKs.model.Course;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

public interface CourseService {

	Course getCoursebyId(Integer courseId);


package com.happyBKs.service.impl;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import com.happyBKs.model.Chapter;
import com.happyBKs.model.Course;
import com.happyBKs.service.CourseService;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

public class CourseServiceImpl implements CourseService {

    public Course getCoursebyId(Integer courseId) {

        Course course = new Course();


        List<Chapter> chapterList = new ArrayList<Chapter>();



        return course;

    private void warpChapterList(Integer courseId,List<Chapter> chapterList) {
        Chapter chapter = new Chapter();
        chapter.setTitle("第1章 什麼springMVC");

        chapter = new Chapter();
        chapter.setTitle("第2章 環境搭建");

        chapter = new Chapter();
        chapter.setTitle("第3章 前端控制器");

        chapter = new Chapter();
        chapter.setTitle("第4章 spring上下文環境配置");

        chapter = new Chapter();
        chapter.setTitle("第5章 示例");








package com.happyBKs.controller;

import com.happyBKs.model.Course;
import com.happyBKs.service.CourseService;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.ui.Model;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;

 * Created by happyBKs on 2016/6/15.

// /courses/**
public class CourseController {

    private static Logger log= LoggerFactory.getLogger(CourseController.class);

    private CourseService courseService;

    public void setCourseService(CourseService courseService) {
        this.courseService = courseService;

    //本方法將處理 /courses/view?courseId=123 形式的URL
    @RequestMapping(value="/view", method= RequestMethod.GET)
    public String viewCourse(@RequestParam("courseId") Integer courseId,
                             Model model) {
        log.debug("In viewCourse, courseId = {}", courseId);
        Course course = courseService.getCoursebyId(courseId);
        return "course_overview";




<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
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log4j.appender.Cons.layout.ConversionPattern=%-4r [%t] %-5p %c %x - %m%n

# Root logger set to DEBUG using the A2 appender defined above.
log4j.rootLogger=info, Cons 

#Application Logger+
log4j.logger.com.imooc.mvcdemo=debug, Cons
log4j.logger.org.springframework=debug, Cons



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    <!-- 本配置文件是工名爲mvc-dispatcher的DispatcherServlet使用, 提供其相關的Spring MVC配置 -->

    <!-- 啓用Spring基於annotation的DI, 使用戶能夠在Spring MVC中使用Spring的強大功能。 激活 @Required
        @Autowired,JSR 250's @PostConstruct, @PreDestroy and @Resource 等標註 -->
    <context:annotation-config />

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        <context:include-filter type="annotation"  expression="org.springframework.stereotype.Controller" />

    <!-- HandlerMapping, 無需配置, Spring MVC能夠默認啓動。 DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping
        annotation-driven HandlerMapping -->

    <!-- 擴充了註解驅動,能夠將請求參數綁定到控制器參數 -->
    <mvc:annotation-driven />

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    <mvc:resources mapping="/resources/**" location="/resources/" />

    <!-- 配置ViewResolver。 能夠用多個ViewResolver。 使用order屬性排序。 InternalResourceViewResolver放在最後。 -->
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        <property name="suffix" value=".jsp" />

    <!--200*1024*1024即200M resolveLazily屬性啓用是爲了推遲文件解析,以便捕獲文件大小異常 -->
    <!--<bean id="multipartResolver"-->
    <!--<property name="maxUploadSize" value="209715200" />-->
    <!--<property name="defaultEncoding" value="UTF-8" />-->
    <!--<property name="resolveLazily" value="true" />-->



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HTML structure:

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} #couList li a:hover h5{ color:#be3948; text-decoration:underline } #couList li a:hover .openicon{ background: url(../img/course_info_sprit.png) no-repeat 0 -148px; } .path{ font-size:16px; color:#787d80; } .path span{ color:#364247; } .path a{ color:#787d80; }



