CHAPTER 2 One on One (101)java
CHAPTER 3 Overview of the Internetnode
CHAPTER 5 Issues in Networking Graphicsredis
CHAPTER 6 Sockets and Middlewareshell
CHAPTER 7 Middleware and Message-Based Systemsexpress
CHAPTER 8 Middleware and Object-Sharing Systemsapache
CHAPTER 9 Other Networking Components
CHAPTER 11 Latency and Consistency
CHAPTER 13 Application Support Issues
CHAPTER 1 Introduction
1.1 What are NVEs and NGs
1.2 The illusion of a shared virtual environment
1.3 Some history
1.3.1 Internet
1.3.2 Simulations
1.3.3 Multiuser dungeons
1.3.4 Electronic games
1.3.5 Virtual reality systems
1.3.6 MMORPGs
1.3.7 Social spaces
1.4 Scoping the software architecture
1.4.1 Software roles and responsibilites
1.4.2 Differences to other network code
1.5 Structure
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CHAPTER 2 One on One (101)
2.1 Boids
2.1.1 Boid rules
2.1.2 Standalone implementation
2.2 Distributed boids: concepts
2.3 Distributed boids: implementation
2.3.1 Revised simulation and data model
2.3.2 Network concepts
2.3.3 Network protocol
2.3.4 Implementation of the network component
2.3.5 Sending UDP data packets
2.3.6 Sending TCP data streams
2.4 Reflection
Reynolds, C.W. (1987). Flocks, herds, and schools: A distributed behavioral model. Computer Graphics, 21(4), 25–34 (SIGGRAPH ‘87 Conference Proceedings).
Reynolds, C. (2001). Boids, background and update. Online at, accessed December 12, 2008.
Winett, J. (1971). The Defnition of a Socket, RFC-129.
CHAPTER 3 Overview of the Internet
3.1 The internet
3.2 Application layer
3.2.1 Application layer protocols
3.2.2 Application qos
3.2.3 Common applications and ports
3.2.4 RFCs
3.2.5 DNS
3.2.6 Telnet and HTTP
3.3 Transport layer
3.3.1 Implementing UDP
3.3.2 Basics of TCP
3.3.3 Reliability in TCP
3.3.4 Opening and closing TCP connections
3.3.5 Flow control and congestion avoidance in TCP
3.4 Network layer
3.4.1 Network address translation
3.4.2 IP packets
3.4.3 Ping, traceroute and ICMP
3.4.4 Routing on the internet
3.4.5 DHCP
3.5 Link and physical layer
3.5.1 Ethernet
3.5.2 Comparisons
3.6 Futher network facilities
3.6.1 Multicast
3.6.2 Network qos
3.7 Summary
All RFCs can be accessed by number at, accessed February 1, 2009.
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Zimmermann, H. (1980). OSI reference model—The ISO model of architecture for open systems interconnection. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 28(4), 425–432.
CHAPTER 4 More Than Two
4.1 Boids
4.1.1 Architecture
4.1.2 Protocol
4.1.3 Codebase refactoring
4.2 Simple peer to peer
4.2.1 System architecture
4.2.2 Data model
4.2.3 Network
4.2.4 Protocol
4.3 Peer to peer with master
4.3.1 System architecture
4.3.2 Datamodel
4.3.3 Network
4.3.4 Protocol
4.4 Peer to peer with rendezvous server
4.4.1 System architecture
4.4.2 Datamodel
4.4.3 Network
4.4.4 Protocol
4.5 Client/Server
4.5.1 System architecture
4.5.2 Datamodel
4.5.3 Network
4.5.4 Protocol
4.6 Multicast
4.6.1 System architecture
4.6.2 Datamodel
4.6.3 Network
4.6.4 Protocol
4.7 Extensions
4.7.1 Protocol design
4.7.2 Network compensation
4.7.3 Scale
4.7.4 Binary protocols
4.8 Conclusions
Clark, D. D., & Tennenhouse, D. L. (1990). Architectural considerations for a new generation of protocols. SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 20(4), 200–208.
CHAPTER 5 Issues in Networking Graphics
5.1 Architecture of the individual system
5.1.1 Engines and engine framework
5.1.2 Modules
5.1.3 Content
5.1.4 Behavior
5.2 Role of the network
5.2.1 Device I/O sharing
5.2.2 Data model sharing
5.2.3 Command/event streaming
5.2.4 Coping with scale
5.3 Initialization
5.3.1 Case study: Disney's Toontown
5.4 Server and peer responsibilities
5.5 Critical and noncritical
5.6 Synchronized or unsynchronized
5.7 Ownership and locking
5.8 Persistency
5.9 Latency and bandwidth
5.10 Conclusions
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CHAPTER 6 Sockets and Middleware
6.1 Role of middleware
6.2 Low-level socket APIs
6.2.1 Main functions
6.2.2 Name helper functions and options
6.2.3 Network byte order
6.2.4 Examples
6.2.5 Socket usage patterns
6.2.6 Windows
6.2.7 Synchronous I/O
6.2.8 Critique and discussion
6.3 C and C++ Middleware for networking
6.3.1 HawkNL
6.3.2 SDL_Net
6.3.3 ACE
6.4 Conclusion
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CHAPTER 7 Middleware and Message-Based Systems
7.1 Message-Based Systems
7.2 DIS
7.2.1 PDUs
7.3 X3D and DIS
7.3.1 Basics of X3D
7.3.2 Dataflow and animation
7.3.3 Scripting and interfaces
7.3.4 VRML/X3D networking strategies
7.3.5 X3D and DIS
7.4 X3D, HAWKNL and DIS
7.4.1 Sending a DIS packet
7.4.2 Receiving DIS packets
7.5 Conclusions
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CHAPTER 8 Middleware and Object-Sharing Systems
8.1 Object-sharing systems
8.2 Raknet
8.2.1 Object lifecycles
8.3 Boids using object-sharing
8.3.1 Boid definitions
8.3.2 Main Application
8.3.3 Discussion
8.4 General Object-Sharing
8.4.1 Sharing policy
8.4.2 Visibility and sampling rates
8.5 Ownership
8.6 Scene-Graphs, Object-Sharing and messages
8.7 Conclusions
Chardavoine, F., Ageneau, S., & Ozell, B. (February 2005). Wolverine: A distributed scene-graph library. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 14(1), 20–30.
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CHAPTER 9 Other Networking Components
9.1 Remote method call
9.1.1 RPC
9.1.2 XML-RPC, etc.
9.1.3 CORBA
9.1.4 Discussion
9.2 DIVE
9.2.1 DIVE overview
9.2.2 DIVE entities
9.2.3 Events
9.2.4 Scripting and event scoping
9.2.5 Networking
9.2.6 Discussion
9.3 System architectures
9.4 Conclusions
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CHAPTER 10 Requirements
10.1 Consistency
10.1.1 System perspective
10.1.2 Plausibility and fairness
10.1.3 Consistency-throughput tradeoff
10.2 Latency and jitter
10.2.1 Sources of network latency
10.2.2 Jitter
10.2.3 Clocks and measurement of latency and jitter
10.2.4 User tolerance
10.2.5 Latency impact in specific systems
10.3 Bandwidth
10.3.1 Measurement
10.3.2 Traffic patterns
10.3.3 Congestion
10.4 State of the internet
10.5 Connectivity
10.5.1 Nat
10.6 Case study: Burnout™ ParadIse
10.6.1 Car "Mechanics"
10.6.2 Game phase and time synchronization
10.6.3 Game hosting and peer-to-peer networking
10.7 Conclusions
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CHAPTER 11 Latency and Consistency
11.1 Latency impact
11.2 Dumb client and lockstep synchronization
11.2.1 Dumb client
11.2.2 Lockstep synchronization
11.3 Conservative simulations
11.4 Time
11.5 Optimistic algorithms
11.6 Client predict ahead
11.7 Extrapolation algorithms
11.7.1 Basic dead-reckoning
11.7.2 Dead-reckoning variants
11.8 Interpolation,playout delays and local lag
11.9 Local perception filters
11.10 Revealing latency
11.11 Conclusions
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CHAPTER 12 Scalability
12.1 Service Architecture
12.1.1 Awareness
12.1.2 Cohorts, groups and service architecture
12.2 Overview of interset management
12.3 Spatial models
12.3.1 Zone models
12.3.2 Dynamic spatial models
12.3.3 Visibility models
12.4 Interset specification and interset management
12.4.1 Interset expressions
12.4.2 Interset management
12.4.3 Examples of distributed interset management
12.5 Separating interset management from network architecture
12.5.1 Message routing and message filtering
12.5.2 Filtering as a pipeline
12.5.3 Routing and filtering examples
12.5.4 Delegating group communication to the network layer
12.6 Server partitioning
12.6.1 Server tasks and static partitionings
12.6.2 Seams and handovers
12.6.3 Load balancing and dynamic partitioning
12.7 Group communication services
12.7.1 Reflectors and tunnels
12.7.2 Automatic overlay multicast
12.7.3 Gossiping for peer-to-peer communications
12.7.4 Specific group communication routing service
12.8 Peer to peer
12.8.1 Unstructured peer-to-peer systems
12.8.2 Structured peer-to-peer system
12.8.3 Peer-to-peer support using DHTs
12.8.4 Local interset systems
12.8.5 Update-free regions and frontier sets
12.9 Conclusions
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CHAPTER 13 Application Support Issues
13.1 Security and cheating
13.1.1 Client-side attacks
13.1.2 Network level
13.1.3 Server side
13.1.4 Social
13.1.5 Repercussion
13.2 Binary protocols and compression
13.2.1 Binary encodings
13.2.2 Compression
13.3 Streaming
13.3.1 Audio and video
13.3.2 Geometry and animation
13.3.3 Mixing and grouping
13.4 Revisiting the protocol decision
13.5 Persistent and tiered services
13.6 Clusters
13.6.1 Multidisplay systems
13.6.2 Massive models
13.7 Thin clients
13.8 Conclusions
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