kohana orm巧用字段備註支持擴展

一、SELECT * FROM `bota_language` WHERE `type` = 'order_type';php

    id  key     value      type       
------  ------  ---------  ------------
   446  1       原單         order_type 
   447  2       改簽單        order_type 
   448  3       退票單        order_type 
   449  6       退款單        order_type sql


二、SELECT `type`, GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT_WS('->',`key`,`value`) ORDER BY `key` ASC SEPARATOR '||') FROM bota_language GROUP BY `type`;數據庫

order_type                1->原單||2->改簽單||3->退票單||6->退款單                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
order_writeoff_status     1->審批中||2->已贊成||3->已拒絕   this



<?php defined('SYSPATH') OR die('No direct script access.');

class ORM extends Kohana_ORM {

     * Model configuration, table names plural?
     * @var bool
    protected $_table_names_plural = FALSE;

     * Creates and returns a new model.
     * Model name must be passed with its' original casing, e.g.
     *    $orm = ORM::factory('User_Token');
     * @chainable
     * @param   string  $orm  Model name
     * @param   mixed   $id     Parameter for find()
     * @return  ORM
    public static function factory($orm, $id = NULL)
        // Set class name
        $orm = 'ORM_'.$orm;
        return new $orm($id);

     * Updates or Creates the record depending on loaded()
     * @author Kumchoy
     * @since 20180712
     * @final 20180712
     * @chainable
     * @param  Validation $validation Validation object
     * @return ORM
    public function save(Validation $validation = NULL)
        try {
            if (key_exists('keyword', $this->table_columns()) and
                (!$this->get('keyword') or preg_match('/^(autokw||)/', $this->get('keyword')))) {
                $comment = Arr::path($this->table_columns(), 'keyword.comment');
                $cols = explode('||', preg_replace('/^(.*,)/', '', $comment));
                $database = Kohana::$config->load('database.' . Database::$default . '.connection.database');
                $keyword = DB::select(DB::expr("CONCAT(
                        CONCAT('IFNULL(`',column_name,'`,\'\')') ORDER BY column_name SEPARATOR '||'
                ,')') AS keyword"))
                    ->where('table_schema', '=', $database)
                    ->where('table_name', '=', $this->_db->table_prefix() . $this->table_name())
                    ->where('column_name', 'in', $cols)
                if ($keyword) {
                    $this->set('keyword', DB::expr("{$keyword}"));
        } catch (Exception $e) {

        if (isset($keyword)) {
            $_saved = $this->saved();
            $this->_loaded = $this->_saved = $_saved;

        return $this;

    protected $_previous_values = NULL;//cache previous values
    public function create(Validation $validation = NULL)
        $this->_previous_values = $this->_original_values;
        return parent::create($validation);
    public function update(Validation $validation = NULL)
        $this->_previous_values = $this->_original_values;
        return parent::update($validation);
    public function delete()
        $this->_previous_values = $this->_original_values;
        return parent::delete();
    public function previous_values()
        return $this->_previous_values;





五、soyoung項目注意事項 get

一、不能自拼sql操做數據庫,select例外,但也建議用DB類組裝sql執行; 二、insert,update,delete強制orm,緣由orm save對keyword字段作了處理