# title1 ## title2 ### title3 #### title4 ##### title5 ###### title6 ####### title7 ### title3 # title1 ## title2 --- </br> >區塊引用, >第二行1</br> >第二行2 >>第三行 - 嵌套 >>>第四行 區塊引用外面 引用的區塊內也能夠使用其餘的 Markdown 語法,包括標題、列表、代碼區塊等: ##### 一個標題 1. 第一行 2. 第二行</b> 使用代碼: return shell_exec("echo $input | $markdown_script"); ##列表 * red * green * blue --- - red - green - blue --- 1. Bird 2. McHale 3. Parish --- 1. This is a list item with two paragraphs. This is a list item with two paragraphs.fdasfsdafsdafasdfsd 2. fdsafasd fdsfsdafsdfsd fdsfasdf 3. fasdfas 4. fdf --- * A list item with a blockquote: This is a blockquote inside a list item. * B list item with a blockquote: woshi fdsa --- * 一列表項包含一個列表區塊: public class Hired() { private String abc; } 1986\. What a great season. ##代碼塊 縮進 4 個空格或是 1 個製表符 public class Hired() { private String abc; } Here is an example of AppleScript: tell application "Foo" beep end tell 代碼塊中 自動轉成實體 <div class="footer"> © 2004 Foo Corporation </div> - - - 星號、減號、底線來創建一個分隔線 *** ****** --- 超連接 1. 參考式-帶連接說明 This is [an example](http://example.com/ "Title") inline link. 2. [This link](http://example.net/) has no title attribute. 若是你是要連接到一樣主機的資源,你能夠使用*相對路徑*: See my [About](/about/) page for details. - 本身的超連接 [Bai du](http://www.baidu.com "百度一下,你就知道") inline link. - This is [an example] [id1] reference-style link. [id1]: http://example.com/ "Optional Title Here" 簡化版超連接</br> [Google][] [Google]: http://google.com/ "Google 一下" Visit [Daring Fireball][] for more information. [Daring Fireball]: http://daringfireball.net/ - 推薦寫發 I get 10 times more traffic from [Google][] than from [Yahoo][] or [MSN][]. [google]: http://google.com/ "Google" [yahoo]: http://search.yahoo.com/ "Yahoo Search" [msn]: http://search.msn.com/ "MSN Search" --- **強調** - *single asterisks* - _single underscores_ - **double asterisks** - __double underscores__ 使用*包裹 \*哈哈\* --- **行內代碼** Use the `printf()` function. ``There is a literal backtick (`) here.`` ``哈哈哈哈`你是豬`uuu`` 代碼起始處加入 反引號 A single backtick in a code span: `` `hahahahah `` A backtick-delimited string in a code span: `` `foo` `` Please don't use any `<blink>` tags. --- **圖片**   ![googlegoogle][] [googlegoogle]:/path/to/img.jpg "googlegoogle" --- **自動鏈接** - <zmhisgod929@outlook.com> - <https://www.baidu.com> \*literal asterisks\* Markdown 支持如下這些符號前面加上反斜槓來幫助插入普通的符號: `` \ 反斜線 ` 反引號 * 星號 _ 底線 {} 花括號 [] 方括號 () 括弧 # 井字號 + 加號 - 減號 . 英文句點 ! 驚歎號 --- 木有啦