遊戲下載地址: https://www.hackerforever.com/guest.php?h=hackthegamephp
TITLE : New tool FROM : chaozz@fake-mail-address.com ---------------------------------------------------------- Hi Tsybius, If found a new tool which I think you could use too. It's a brute force password hacker. This way you can hack into a system without knowing the login password. Getting it is a bit more tricky, because it's on a secure file server. This is what I know: IP address: Loginname : god Password : admin1234 The file is called PasswordHackerW32.exe and should be in a folder called Bin or Bin2 Install it, and you will be able to do more complex missions. Good luck! chaozz
m5.htg *EMAIL New tool chaozz@fake-mail-address.com Hi {hacker}, If found a new tool which I think you could use too. It's a brute force password hacker. This way you can hack into a system without knowing the login password. Getting it is a bit more tricky, because it's on a secure file server. This is what I know: IP address: {attack_ip} Loginname : {random_login} Password : {random_password} The file is called PasswordHackerW32.exe and should be in a folder called Bin or Bin2 Install it, and you will be able to do more complex missions. Good luck! chaozz *END *INFECT_WITH_VIRUS 0 *END *STEAL_FILE PasswordHackerW32.exe *END *DESTROY_FILE *END *FOLDER_STUCTURE --autoexec.bat --command.com --config.sys --io.sys --msdos.sys +Windows --Win.com --win.ini --fonts.ttf +Bin --Hacktool.exe --ReverseEngineer.exe --BASM.com --Util.exe +Bin2 --Manual.doc --PasswordHackerW32.exe --Passwordlist.txt +Telnet_sessions --{random_ip} --{random_ip} --{own_ip} --{random_ip} --{random_ip} --{random_ip} --{random_ip} --{random_ip} +Zip --Data.dat --Numbers.zip --Extractme.rar *END *TELNET_LOGIN_SCREEN ,ggddY"""Ybbgg, .agd888b._ "Y8. ___`""Ybga. .gdP""88888888baa,""8b "888g. .dP" ]888888888P' "Y `888Yb. .dP" .88888888P" db. "8P""Yb. .8" .888888888b. d8888a "8. .8' d88888888888.88P"' a. `8. .8' 88888888888888PP" "" `8. d' I88888888888P" `b 8 `8"88P""Y8P' 8 8 Y 8[ _ " 8 8 "Y8d8b "Y a 8 8 `""8d. __ 8 Y. `"8bd888b. .P `8. .d8888888baaa .8' `8. 888888888888' .8' `8a "8888888888I a8' `Yba `Y8888888P' adP' "Yba `888888P' adY" `"Yba. d8888P" .adP"' `"Y8baa. .d888P.ad8P"' ``""YYba8888P""'' ,[Worldbank HighSecurity File server v.134.7], [Loggin of IP done,.] Please enter your login, *END
附2:直通本關的存檔 Tsybius-Original-English.htg
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