#!/bin/bash function line() { cols=`tput cols` for l in `seq 1 ${cols}` do echo -n "=" done } function define() { user=`whoami` hostname=`uname -n` path=/tmp/inspection/ public="public" datestamp=`date +%Y%m%d` timestamp=`date +%H%M%S` platform=`tmsh show sys hardware | egrep -A1 Platform | awk 'NR==2{print $2,$3}'` sn=`tmsh show sys hardware | grep "Chassis Serial" | awk '{print $3}'` version=`tmsh show sys version | grep -E " Version" | awk '{print $2}'` uptime=`/usr/bin/uptime | awk -F '[,| ]+' '{print $4,$5,$6}'` } function check() { if [ $user != "root" ] then echo "Please use root user ." exit 1 fi if [ ! -d $path ] then mkdir -p $path fi } function select_version() { bigpipe version > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? != 0 ] then version11 else version10 fi } function version10() { fstime=`bigpipe failover show | awk '{print $4,$5}'` snmp_check_version10 snmp tar zcf ${path}log_${hostname}_${datestamp}.tar.gz /var/log/* >/dev/null 2>&1 tmsh save sys ucs /var/local/ucs/ucs_${hostname}_${datestamp}.ucs >/dev/null 2>&1 cp /var/local/ucs/ucs_${hostname}_${datestamp}.ucs $path qkview > /dev/null 2>&1 mv /var/tmp/${hostname}.tgz $path logfilt output backup } function version11() { fstime=`tmsh show sys failover | awk '{print $4,$5}'` snmp_check_version11 snmp tar zcf ${path}log_${hostname}_${datestamp}.tar.gz /var/log/* >/dev/null 2>&1 tmsh save sys ucs /var/local/ucs/ucs_${hostname}_${datestamp}.ucs >/dev/null 2>&1 cp /var/local/ucs/ucs_${hostname}_${datestamp}.ucs $path qkview > /dev/null 2>&1 mv /var/tmp/${hostname}.qkview $path logfilt output backup } function snmp_check_version10() { numstart=`awk '/^snmpd {$/{print NR}' /config/bigip_sys.conf` numstop=`awk '/^sshd {$/{print NR}' /config/bigip_sys.conf` numend=`echo | awk "{print ${numstop}-1}"` numcheck=`sed -n "${numstart},${numend}p" /config/bigip_sys.conf | grep -E "|" | wc -l` if [ $numcheck = 0 ] then echo "Please allow snmp ." exit 2 fi } function snmp_check_version11() { numstart=`awk '/^sys snmp {$/{print NR}' /config/bigip_base.conf` numstop=`awk '/^ communities {$/{print NR}' /config/bigip_base.conf` numend=`echo | awk "{print ${numstop}-1}"` numcheck=`sed -n "${numstart},${numend}p" /config/bigip_base.conf | grep -E " 127. |" | wc -l` if [ $numcheck = 0 ] then echo "Please allow snmp ." exit 2 fi } function snmp() { vs_red=`snmpwalk -v 2c -c $public localhost .|grep -c "red"` vs_green=`snmpwalk -v 2c -c $public localhost .|grep -c "green"` vs_blue=`snmpwalk -v 2c -c $public localhost .|grep -c "blue"` vs_total=`snmpwalk -v 2c -c $public localhost .|grep -c "F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB"` vs_yellow=`snmpwalk -v 2c -c $public localhost .|grep -c "yellow"` pool_green=`snmpwalk -v 2c -c $public localhost .|grep -c "green"` pool_blue=`snmpwalk -v 2c -c $public localhost .|grep -c "blue"` pool_red=`snmpwalk -v 2c -c $public localhost .|grep -c "red"` pool_yellow=`snmpwalk -v 2c -c $public localhost .|grep -c "yellow"` pool_total=`snmpwalk -v 2c -c $public localhost .|grep -c "F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB"` node_blue=`snmpwalk -v 2c -c $public localhost .|grep -c "blue"` node_green=`snmpwalk -v 2c -c $public localhost .|grep -c "green"` node_red=`snmpwalk -v 2c -c $public localhost .|grep -c "red"` node_yellow=`snmpwalk -v 2c -c $public localhost .|grep -c "yellow"` node_total=`snmpwalk -v 2c -c $public localhost .|grep -c "F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB"` } function logfilt() { gunzip -c /var/log/ltm.{30..1}.gz > ${path}log.tmp > /dev/null 2>&1 cat /var/log/ltm >> ${path}log.tmp grep -E "err|crit|alert|emery" ${path}log.tmp > ${path}logfilt.log numerr=`cat ${path}logfilt.log | wc -l` } function output() { line > ${path}inspection.log echo -e "Date:\t\t${datestamp} ${timestamp}" >> ${path}inspection.log echo -e "Hostname:\t${hostname}" >> ${path}inspection.log echo -e "Platform:\t${platform}" >> ${path}inspection.log echo -e "Serial Number:\t${sn}" >> ${path}inspection.log echo -e "Version:\t${version}" >> ${path}inspection.log echo -e "Run time:\t${uptime}" >> ${path}inspection.log echo "" >> ${path}inspection.log echo -e "Virtual Server Status:\ttotal ${vs_total}\t\tAvailable ${vs_green}\t\tUnavailable ${vs_yellow}\t\tOffine ${vs_red}\t\tUNknow ${vs_blue}" >> ${path}inspection.log echo -e "Pool Status:\t\ttotal ${pool_total}\t\tAvailable ${pool_green}\t\tUnavailable ${pool_yellow}\t\tOffine ${pool_red}\t\tUNknow ${pool_blue}" >> ${path}inspection.log echo -e "Node Status:\t\ttotal ${node_total}\t\tAvailable ${node_green}\t\tUnavailable ${node_yellow}\t\tOffine ${node_red}\t\tUNknow ${node_blue}" >> ${path}inspection.log echo "" >> ${path}inspection.log echo -e "The recent failover time :\t${fstime}" >> ${path}inspection.log echo -e "The err log number :\t\t${numerr}" >> ${path}inspection.log line >> ${path}inspection.log } function backup() { tar zcf ${path}inspection_backup_${datestamp}_${timestamp}.tar.gz `find ${path} -type f` > /dev/null 2>&1 find $path -type f ! -name "inspection.log" ! -name "inspection_backup_${datestamp}_${timestamp}.tar.gz" ! -name "$0" | xargs rm -f {} } function main() { define check select_version } main
[root@f5_10_2_4:Active] config # sh f5_inspection.sh [root@f5_10_2_4:Active] config # cd /tmp/inspection/ [root@f5_10_2_4:Active] inspection # ls inspection_backup_20150118_103743.tar.gz inspection.log [root@f5_10_2_4:Active] inspection # cat inspection.log ===================================================================================================================================================================================================== Date: 20150118 103743 Hostname: f5_10_2_4.com Platform: BIG-IP Virtual Serial Number: 564de91c-9657-08a3-d054cd969f84 Version: 10.2.4 Run time: 1 day 22:20 Virtual Server Status: total 1 Available 0 Unavailable 0 Offine 0 UNknow 0 Pool Status: total 1 Available 0 Unavailable 0 Offine 0 UNknow 0 Node Status: total 1 Available 0 Unavailable 0 Offine 0 UNknow 0 The recent failover time : 49355d 23:29:34 The err log number : 28 ===================================================================================================================================================================================================== [root@f5_10_2_4:Active] inspection #
[root@f5_11_5_3:Active:Standalone] config # sh f5_inspection.sh [root@f5_11_5_3:Active:Standalone] config # cd /tmp/inspection/ [root@f5_11_5_3:Active:Standalone] inspection # ls inspection_backup_20150118_104028.tar.gz inspection.log [root@f5_11_5_3:Active:Standalone] inspection # cat inspection.log ===================================================================================================================================================================================================== Date: 20150118 104028 Hostname: f5_11_5_3.com Platform: BIG-IP Virtual Serial Number: 564d9078-7ad9-5e47-64b737aab97c Version: 11.5.3 Run time: 1 day 13:06 Virtual Server Status: total 1 Available 0 Unavailable 0 Offine 0 UNknow 0 Pool Status: total 1 Available 0 Unavailable 0 Offine 0 UNknow 0 Node Status: total 1 Available 0 Unavailable 0 Offine 0 UNknow 0 The recent failover time : 0d 00:04:39 The err log number : 132 ===================================================================================================================================================================================================== [root@f5_11_5_3:Active:Standalone] inspection #