fragment 複雜的生命週期,上述的方法 使用起來會很不方便,畢竟你要考慮到保存現場 還原現場 等等複雜的工做來保證你的app無懈可擊。因此後來呢谷歌就幫咱們推出了一個android
若是你有閱讀英文技術文檔的習慣 那麼谷歌官方的文檔 也許比我所說的更加完美。具體能夠參考以下:數據庫
首先呢,咱們來看第一個例子,這個例子也是官方的推薦了,我給簡化了一下,主要是監聽手機裏 聯繫人這個數據源。當數據源改變的時候 自動update 咱們的ui。ide
package com.example.administrator.modifytestview; import android.app.Activity; import android.app.FragmentManager; import android.app.ListFragment; import android.app.LoaderManager; import android.content.CursorLoader; import android.content.Loader; import android.database.Cursor; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.Bundle; import android.provider.ContactsContract.Contacts; import android.util.Log; import android.view.View; import android.widget.ListView; import android.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter; public class MainActivity extends Activity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); FragmentManager fm = getFragmentManager(); CursorLoaderListFragment list = new CursorLoaderListFragment(); fm.beginTransaction().replace(R.id.root, list).commit(); } public static class CursorLoaderListFragment extends ListFragment implements LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<Cursor> { // This is the Adapter being used to display the list's data. SimpleCursorAdapter mAdapter; // If non-null, this is the current filter the user has provided. String mCurFilter; @Override public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) { mAdapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter(getActivity(), android.R.layout.simple_list_item_2, null, new String[]{Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME, Contacts.CONTACT_STATUS}, new int[]{android.R.id.text1, android.R.id.text2}, 0); setListAdapter(mAdapter); //這個地方初始化了咱們的loader getLoaderManager().initLoader(0, null, this); super.onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState); } @Override public void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) { // Insert desired behavior here. Log.i("FragmentComplexList", "Item clicked: " + id); } // These are the Contacts rows that we will retrieve. static final String[] CONTACTS_SUMMARY_PROJECTION = new String[]{ Contacts._ID, Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME, Contacts.CONTACT_STATUS, Contacts.CONTACT_PRESENCE, Contacts.PHOTO_ID, Contacts.LOOKUP_KEY, }; //只會調用一次 public Loader<Cursor> onCreateLoader(int id, Bundle args) { // This is called when a new Loader needs to be created. This // sample only has one Loader, so we don't care about the ID. // First, pick the base URI to use depending on whether we are // currently filtering. Uri baseUri; if (mCurFilter != null) { baseUri = Uri.withAppendedPath(Contacts.CONTENT_FILTER_URI, Uri.encode(mCurFilter)); } else { baseUri = Contacts.CONTENT_URI; } // Now create and return a CursorLoader that will take care of // creating a Cursor for the data being displayed. String select = "((" + Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME + " NOTNULL) AND (" + Contacts.HAS_PHONE_NUMBER + "=1) AND (" + Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME + " != '' ))"; //返回的是對這個數據源的監控 return new CursorLoader(getActivity(), baseUri, CONTACTS_SUMMARY_PROJECTION, select, null, Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME + " COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC"); } //每次數據源都有更新的時候,就會回調這個方法,而後update 咱們的ui了。 public void onLoadFinished(Loader<Cursor> loader, Cursor data) { // Swap the new cursor in. (The framework will take care of closing the // old cursor once we return.) mAdapter.swapCursor(data); // The list should now be shown. if (isResumed()) { setListShown(true); } else { setListShownNoAnimation(true); } } public void onLoaderReset(Loader<Cursor> loader) { // This is called when the last Cursor provided to onLoadFinished() // above is about to be closed. We need to make sure we are no // longer using it. mAdapter.swapCursor(null); } } }
能夠仔細的觀察一下這個代碼,咱們能發現 使用loader所須要的一些步驟:
1.須要一個activity或者是fragment,固然在上述的例子裏 咱們使用的是fragment。
3.須要一個CursorLoader,而且從contentProvider獲取數據源,90-97行 就是這麼作的。
4.須要實現一個LoaderCallBack的這個接口,而後在幾個回調方法裏 寫上咱們本身業務的邏輯 便可。你看34行就是繼承的接口。
到這,其實一看,思路仍是很清晰的。那到這裏 有人確定要說了。你這個沒用啊,要實現contentprovider,咱們的app不須要作
按鈕,就自動往這個表裏面增長一個數據,而後下面有個listview 會自動捕捉到 這個數據源的變化,而後自動更新列表。
咱們能夠知道 上面那個demo裏面 CursorLoader的定義是這樣的
public class CursorLoader extends AsyncTaskLoader<Cursor> {
咱們如今要實現一個不用contentProvider的Loader 也是基於AsyncTaskLoader來的。
package com.example.administrator.activeandroidtest3; import android.content.AsyncTaskLoader; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; public abstract class SimpleCursorLoader extends AsyncTaskLoader<Cursor> { private Cursor mCursor; public SimpleCursorLoader(Context context) { super(context); } /* 在子線程裏運做 */ @Override public abstract Cursor loadInBackground(); /* 在ui 線程裏運做 */ @Override public void deliverResult(Cursor cursor) { if (isReset()) { // An async query came in while the loader is stopped if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } return; } Cursor oldCursor = mCursor; mCursor = cursor; if (isStarted()) { super.deliverResult(cursor); } if (oldCursor != null && oldCursor != cursor && !oldCursor.isClosed()) { oldCursor.close(); } } @Override protected void onStartLoading() { if (mCursor != null) { deliverResult(mCursor); } if (takeContentChanged() || mCursor == null) { forceLoad(); } } @Override protected void onStopLoading() { cancelLoad(); } @Override public void onCanceled(Cursor cursor) { if (cursor != null && !cursor.isClosed()) { cursor.close(); } } @Override protected void onReset() { super.onReset(); onStopLoading(); if (mCursor != null && !mCursor.isClosed()) { mCursor.close(); } mCursor = null; } }
而後咱們再接着定義咱們最終的 不須要provider的loader實現類(注意你若是想寫的比較完美的話 cursor記得用抽象類的,抽象類的那個就不要寫成private的了,我這裏爲了圖簡單 直接用本身構造的)。
package com.example.administrator.activeandroidtest3; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; /** * Created by Administrator on 2015/10/7. */ public class SpecialLoader extends SimpleCursorLoader { ForceLoadContentObserver mObserver = new ForceLoadContentObserver(); private Context context; public SpecialLoader(Context context) { super(context); this.context = context; } @Override public Cursor loadInBackground() { DatabaseHelper dh = new DatabaseHelper(context, "Test.db"); SQLiteDatabase database = dh.getReadableDatabase(); String table = "Student"; String[] columns = new String[]{"Name", "No"}; //這個地方由於我用的是activeandroid 的orm 框架,因此默認的自增加主鍵是Id,可是SimpleCursorAdapter //須要的是_id 不然會報錯,因此這裏要重命名一下 Cursor cursor = database.rawQuery("SELECT Id AS _id,Name,No FROM Student", null); if (database != null) { if (cursor != null) { //註冊一下這個觀察者 cursor.registerContentObserver(mObserver); //這邊也要注意 必定要監聽這個uri的變化。可是若是你這個uri沒有對應的provider的話 //記得在你操做數據庫的時候 通知一下這個uri cursor.setNotificationUri(context.getContentResolver(), MainActivity.uri); } } return cursor; } }
而後咱們在簡單看下activity 主類裏的代碼:
package com.example.administrator.activeandroidtest3; import android.app.Activity; import android.app.LoaderManager; import android.content.Loader; import android.database.Cursor; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.Bundle; import android.util.Log; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.View; import android.widget.ListView; import android.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter; import android.widget.TextView; import com.activeandroid.query.Select; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; public class MainActivity extends Activity implements LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks { public static final Uri uri = Uri.parse("content://com.example.student"); private TextView addTv; private ListView lv; private SimpleCursorAdapter adapter; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); addTv = (TextView) this.findViewById(R.id.add); addTv.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { Student student = new Student(); student.name = getRandomString(5); student.no = (int) (Math.random() * 1000) + ""; student.sex = (int) (Math.random() * 1); student.save(); //操做完數據庫要notify 否則loader那邊收不到哦 getContentResolver().notifyChange(uri, null); } }); lv = (ListView) this.findViewById(R.id.lv); adapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter(MainActivity.this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_2, null, new String[]{"Name", "No"}, new int[]{android.R.id.text1, android.R.id.text2}, 0); lv.setAdapter(adapter); getLoaderManager().initLoader(0, null, this); } @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present. getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.menu_main, menu); return true; } @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { // Handle action bar item clicks here. The action bar will // automatically handle clicks on the Home/Up button, so long // as you specify a parent activity in AndroidManifest.xml. int id = item.getItemId(); //noinspection SimplifiableIfStatement if (id == R.id.action_settings) { return true; } return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); } public static String getRandomString(int length) { //length表示生成字符串的長度 String base = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; Random random = new Random(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { int number = random.nextInt(base.length()); sb.append(base.charAt(number)); } return sb.toString(); } @Override public Loader onCreateLoader(int id, Bundle args) { SpecialLoader loader = new SpecialLoader(MainActivity.this); return loader; } @Override public void onLoadFinished(Loader loader, Object data) { adapter.swapCursor((Cursor) data); } @Override public void onLoaderReset(Loader loader) { } }
好,那到這裏 又有人要說了,你這個說來講去 還不是隻能支持provider或者db類型的數據源嗎?好 接着往下,
首先說一下 這個例子是幹嗎的,他主要是監聽手機裏app list的變化,好比你刪除了一個應用
安裝了一個應用,立刻就能捕捉到你的手機裏app list的變化 並顯示在界面,你們都知道 監聽app list
是經過監聽系統廣播來完成的。 我就主要講一下 這個官方demo裏 是如何在監聽到系統廣播之後和loader結合起來
/** * Helper class to look for interesting changes to the installed apps * so that the loader can be updated. */ public static class PackageIntentReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { final AppListLoader mLoader; //這個構造函數是很重要的 他接收的 就是自定義的loader public PackageIntentReceiver(AppListLoader loader) { mLoader = loader; IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_ADDED); filter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_REMOVED); filter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_CHANGED); filter.addDataScheme("package"); mLoader.getContext().registerReceiver(this, filter); // Register for events related to sdcard installation. IntentFilter sdFilter = new IntentFilter(); sdFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_EXTERNAL_APPLICATIONS_AVAILABLE); sdFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_EXTERNAL_APPLICATIONS_UNAVAILABLE); //在這個地方 直接用loader來註冊這個廣播接收器 mLoader.getContext().registerReceiver(this, sdFilter); } //在收到廣播之後 什麼事情都沒有作,而是調用了loader的onContentChanged方法 @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { // Tell the loader about the change. mLoader.onContentChanged(); } }
你看這裏的25-26行 調用了 loader的onContentChanged方法。繼續看下面的loader
/** * A custom Loader that loads all of the installed applications. */ public static class AppListLoader extends AsyncTaskLoader<List<AppEntry>> { final InterestingConfigChanges mLastConfig = new InterestingConfigChanges(); final PackageManager mPm; List<AppEntry> mApps; PackageIntentReceiver mPackageObserver; public AppListLoader(Context context) { super(context); // Retrieve the package manager for later use; note we don't // use 'context' directly but instead the save global application // context returned by getContext(). mPm = getContext().getPackageManager(); } //實際上最重要的就是這個方法了,每當這個回調方法被調用的時候 就去取applist 而後將結果返回到 //onLoadFinished 這個回調方法裏面! @Override public List<AppEntry> loadInBackground() { // Retrieve all known applications. List<ApplicationInfo> apps = mPm.getInstalledApplications( PackageManager.GET_UNINSTALLED_PACKAGES | PackageManager.GET_DISABLED_COMPONENTS); if (apps == null) { apps = new ArrayList<ApplicationInfo>(); } final Context context = getContext(); // Create corresponding array of entries and load their labels. List<AppEntry> entries = new ArrayList<AppEntry>(apps.size()); for (int i=0; i<apps.size(); i++) { AppEntry entry = new AppEntry(this, apps.get(i)); entry.loadLabel(context); entries.add(entry); } // Sort the list. Collections.sort(entries, ALPHA_COMPARATOR); // Done! return entries; } /** * Called when there is new data to deliver to the client. The * super class will take care of delivering it; the implementation * here just adds a little more logic. */ @Override public void deliverResult(List<AppEntry> apps) { if (isReset()) { // An async query came in while the loader is stopped. We // don't need the result. if (apps != null) { onReleaseResources(apps); } } List<AppEntry> oldApps = mApps; mApps = apps; if (isStarted()) { // If the Loader is currently started, we can immediately // deliver its results. super.deliverResult(apps); } // At this point we can release the resources associated with // 'oldApps' if needed; now that the new result is delivered we // know that it is no longer in use. if (oldApps != null) { onReleaseResources(oldApps); } } /** * Handles a request to start the Loader. */ @Override protected void onStartLoading() { if (mApps != null) { // If we currently have a result available, deliver it // immediately. deliverResult(mApps); } // Start watching for changes in the app data. if (mPackageObserver == null) { mPackageObserver = new PackageIntentReceiver(this); } // Has something interesting in the configuration changed since we // last built the app list? boolean configChange = mLastConfig.applyNewConfig(getContext().getResources()); if (takeContentChanged() || mApps == null || configChange) { // If the data has changed since the last time it was loaded // or is not currently available, start a load. forceLoad(); } } /** * Handles a request to stop the Loader. */ @Override protected void onStopLoading() { // Attempt to cancel the current load task if possible. cancelLoad(); } /** * Handles a request to cancel a load. */ @Override public void onCanceled(List<AppEntry> apps) { super.onCanceled(apps); // At this point we can release the resources associated with 'apps' // if needed. onReleaseResources(apps); } /** * Handles a request to completely reset the Loader. */ @Override protected void onReset() { super.onReset(); // Ensure the loader is stopped onStopLoading(); // At this point we can release the resources associated with 'apps' // if needed. if (mApps != null) { onReleaseResources(mApps); mApps = null; } // Stop monitoring for changes. if (mPackageObserver != null) { getContext().unregisterReceiver(mPackageObserver); mPackageObserver = null; } } /** * Helper function to take care of releasing resources associated * with an actively loaded data set. */ protected void onReleaseResources(List<AppEntry> apps) { // For a simple List<> there is nothing to do. For something // like a Cursor, we would close it here. } }
好,到這裏流程就很明顯了,在loader裏 註冊廣播接收器,當廣播接收器 收到廣播之後 就調用loader的onContentChanged方法,
這個方法一調用 AppListLoader裏的loadInBackGround就會被調用,而後當loadInBackGround執行完畢之後 就會把結果
傳遞給onLoadFinished方法了。 搞清楚這個流程 你就真正學會了使用loader這個大殺器了。固然了,咱們並不知足於此,loader
還有一個特性就是能夠自動管理他本身的生命週期 等等。咱們如今就去看看他的源碼,是如何完成這一點的。 而且上述幾個方法
首先 咱們要搞清楚幾個類之間的關係:
public class CursorLoader extends AsyncTaskLoader<Cursor> { public abstract class AsyncTaskLoader<D> extends Loader<D> { public class Loader<D> {
這樣就很清晰。首先由一個實體類做爲最基礎的基類,Loader 注意他能夠接受一個泛型爲參數,而後有一個抽象類:AsyncTaskLoader 也是泛型做爲參數。
最後實際調用運做的類就是CursorLoader類了,這裏就能夠看出來 傳進去的泛型是一個Cursor。你在自定義Loader的時候,這個泛型參數 固然是能夠本身決定的,
好比官方demo裏 傳的就是一個List。
搞清楚 他們三者之間的關係,剩下的就簡單多了。能夠逐步分析了。
在前面的3個demo裏,咱們分別演示了在fragment和activity裏 調用loader的方法。 那咱們就看看 這二者之間有什麼異同點。先來看fragment。
fragment裏 咱們是這樣調用的:
//這個地方初始化了咱們的loader getLoaderManager().initLoader(0, null, this);
直接get了一個manager 而後init他。咱們進去看fragment的源碼:
//這邊就能看出來一個fragment只能有一個loadermanager了。 public LoaderManager getLoaderManager() { if (mLoaderManager != null) { return mLoaderManager; } //mHost很好理解 就是fragment的宿主,也就是跟fragment 相關聯的activity。 if (mHost == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Fragment " + this + " not attached to Activity"); } mCheckedForLoaderManager = true; mLoaderManager = mHost.getLoaderManager(mWho, mLoadersStarted, true); return mLoaderManager; }
既然 咱們知道 fragment的getLoaderManager也是經過activity的getLoader去調用的,那咱們就去activity裏的源碼看看 :
//在activty中最終實際上調用的就是他了 是這個方法 LoaderManagerImpl getLoaderManagerImpl() { if (mLoaderManager != null) { return mLoaderManager; } mCheckedForLoaderManager = true; mLoaderManager = getLoaderManager("(root)", mLoadersStarted, true /*create*/); return mLoaderManager; } //這個地方就能看到 主要的第一個參數 who,你到這就能發現 若是是activity本身調用的話,傳進去的who的值就是root //也就是說一個actvity 只能有一個loadermanger 可是咱們能夠發如今fragment裏 傳進去的值是下面這個: // Internal unique name for this fragment; //String mWho; //也就是說每個fragment的mWho的值都是惟一的,而在activty中,是維護了一個map,一個key 對應一個loadermanager //key就是fragment的那個惟一的標示,或者是activity本身,activity本身的標示就是(root)了 LoaderManagerImpl getLoaderManager(String who, boolean started, boolean create) { if (mAllLoaderManagers == null) { mAllLoaderManagers = new ArrayMap<String, LoaderManager>(); } LoaderManagerImpl lm = (LoaderManagerImpl) mAllLoaderManagers.get(who); if (lm == null) { if (create) { lm = new LoaderManagerImpl(who, this, started); mAllLoaderManagers.put(who, lm); } } else { lm.updateHostController(this); } return lm; }
好 一直到這裏 ,咱們就能夠下一個結論了,真正的loadermanager都是存儲在activity中的,包括fragment的loadermanager也是,經過一個map來保證 get的時候
public abstract class LoaderManager { /** * Callback interface for a client to interact with the manager. */ public interface LoaderCallbacks<D> { /** * Instantiate and return a new Loader for the given ID. * * @param id The ID whose loader is to be created. * @param args Any arguments supplied by the caller. * @return Return a new Loader instance that is ready to start loading. */ public Loader<D> onCreateLoader(int id, Bundle args); /** * Called when a previously created loader has finished its load. Note * that normally an application is <em>not</em> allowed to commit fragment * transactions while in this call, since it can happen after an * activity's state is saved. See {@link FragmentManager#beginTransaction() * FragmentManager.openTransaction()} for further discussion on this. * * <p>This function is guaranteed to be called prior to the release of * the last data that was supplied for this Loader. At this point * you should remove all use of the old data (since it will be released * soon), but should not do your own release of the data since its Loader * owns it and will take care of that. The Loader will take care of * management of its data so you don't have to. In particular: * * <ul> * <li> <p>The Loader will monitor for changes to the data, and report * them to you through new calls here. You should not monitor the * data yourself. For example, if the data is a {@link android.database.Cursor} * and you place it in a {@link android.widget.CursorAdapter}, use * the {@link android.widget.CursorAdapter#CursorAdapter(android.content.Context, * android.database.Cursor, int)} constructor <em>without</em> passing * in either {@link android.widget.CursorAdapter#FLAG_AUTO_REQUERY} * or {@link android.widget.CursorAdapter#FLAG_REGISTER_CONTENT_OBSERVER} * (that is, use 0 for the flags argument). This prevents the CursorAdapter * from doing its own observing of the Cursor, which is not needed since * when a change happens you will get a new Cursor throw another call * here. * <li> The Loader will release the data once it knows the application * is no longer using it. For example, if the data is * a {@link android.database.Cursor} from a {@link android.content.CursorLoader}, * you should not call close() on it yourself. If the Cursor is being placed in a * {@link android.widget.CursorAdapter}, you should use the * {@link android.widget.CursorAdapter#swapCursor(android.database.Cursor)} * method so that the old Cursor is not closed. * </ul> * * @param loader The Loader that has finished. * @param data The data generated by the Loader. */ public void onLoadFinished(Loader<D> loader, D data); /** * Called when a previously created loader is being reset, and thus * making its data unavailable. The application should at this point * remove any references it has to the Loader's data. * * @param loader The Loader that is being reset. */ public void onLoaderReset(Loader<D> loader); }
一看就知道 loadermanger 實際上是一個抽象類。就是定義了一些 咱們須要的接口而已,這些接口方法的含義和用法 在那3個demo裏 相信你們都有了解,很少說。
咱們去看看這個抽象類的實現類,爲何要看他,由於你在get到這個maganger之後 立刻就去調用了他的init方法 咱們就看看這部分的邏輯是怎麼樣的:
public <D> Loader<D> initLoader(int id, Bundle args, LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<D> callback) { if (mCreatingLoader) { throw new IllegalStateException("Called while creating a loader"); } //這個就是先看看是否有活動的loader 有的話就取出來 沒有的話 就建立一個 LoaderInfo info = mLoaders.get(id); if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "initLoader in " + this + ": args=" + args); if (info == null) { // Loader doesn't already exist; create. info = createAndInstallLoader(id, args, (LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<Object>)callback); if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, " Created new loader " + info); } else { if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, " Re-using existing loader " + info); info.mCallbacks = (LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<Object>)callback; } if (info.mHaveData && mStarted) { // If the loader has already generated its data, report it now. info.callOnLoadFinished(info.mLoader, info.mData); } return (Loader<D>)info.mLoader; } //這個就是如今存活的loader final SparseArray<LoaderInfo> mLoaders = new SparseArray<LoaderInfo>(0); //這個是已經運行結束的loader final SparseArray<LoaderInfo> mInactiveLoaders = new SparseArray<LoaderInfo>(0); //其實這個建立loader的過程特別簡單,咱們主要看第三個參數,callback 這個參數 //一想就明白,在前面3個demo裏咱們是直接在fragemet和activity裏實現的callback //因此傳進去的就是this,也就是說 回調就是在這個函數裏 真正的和loader 發生了關聯了 private LoaderInfo createAndInstallLoader(int id, Bundle args, LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<Object> callback) { try { mCreatingLoader = true; LoaderInfo info = createLoader(id, args, callback); installLoader(info); return info; } finally { mCreatingLoader = false; } }
你看 一直到這裏,咱們就明白了 callback是怎麼和loadermageer自己發生關聯的。 咱們繼續往下看。此次咱們要搞明白
當數據源發生變化的時候 是怎麼一步步回調咱們子類loader的方法的。
//這個是一個觀察者 當發生變化的時候 他調用了onContentChanged方法 public final class ForceLoadContentObserver extends ContentObserver { public ForceLoadContentObserver() { super(new Handler()); } @Override public boolean deliverSelfNotifications() { return true; } @Override public void onChange(boolean selfChange) { onContentChanged(); } } //下面這2個方法一看就明白 最終當數據源發生變化的時候 會通知這個觀察者,而後這個觀察者會最終調用 //onForceLoad這個方法 而onForceLoad是交給子類去實現的 也就是AsyncTaskLoader的onForceLoad方法了 public void onContentChanged() { if (mStarted) { forceLoad(); } else { // This loader has been stopped, so we don't want to load // new data right now... but keep track of it changing to // refresh later if we start again. mContentChanged = true; } } public void forceLoad() { onForceLoad(); } /** * Subclasses must implement this to take care of requests to {@link #forceLoad()}. * This will always be called from the process's main thread. */ protected void onForceLoad() { }
//這邊一目瞭然 asynacTaskLoader 裏面 正好是有一個AsyncTask對象的!實現了runnabele接口 //注意着參數d 這個d是幹嗎的,這個d就是用來傳遞參數的一個泛型,能夠是系統實現的loader裏的cursor //也能夠是咱們本身實現的loader裏的list類型 final class LoadTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, D> implements Runnable { private final CountDownLatch mDone = new CountDownLatch(1); // Set to true to indicate that the task has been posted to a handler for // execution at a later time. Used to throttle updates. boolean waiting; /* Runs on a worker thread */ @Override protected D doInBackground(Void... params) { if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, this + " >>> doInBackground"); try { //這個地方就很明顯了,他調用了本身的onLoadInBackGround方法 D data = AsyncTaskLoader.this.onLoadInBackground(); if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, this + " <<< doInBackground"); return data; } catch (OperationCanceledException ex) { if (!isCancelled()) { // onLoadInBackground threw a canceled exception spuriously. // This is problematic because it means that the LoaderManager did not // cancel the Loader itself and still expects to receive a result. // Additionally, the Loader's own state will not have been updated to // reflect the fact that the task was being canceled. // So we treat this case as an unhandled exception. throw ex; } if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, this + " <<< doInBackground (was canceled)", ex); return null; } } //後面還有不少代碼 略過 } //你看這裏下面的2個函數 一看就明白了 最終task裏調用的是這個抽象方法,那這個抽象方法 //就是留給咱們子類本身去實現的,咱們在自定義loader的時候最重要的就是重寫這個方法。 protected D onLoadInBackground() { return loadInBackground(); } public abstract D loadInBackground(); //你看這個地方 就是當數據源發生變化的時候 就會調用這個方法了,啓動了咱們的laodtask //也是最終調用子類 也就是CursorLoader這樣的子類的loadInBackground方法了 @Override protected void onForceLoad() { super.onForceLoad(); cancelLoad(); mTask = new LoadTask(); if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Preparing load: mTask=" + mTask); executePendingTask(); }
相信到這裏 你們必定能搞明白數據源變化的時候 是怎麼一步步調用咱們的loader裏的回調方法的,那有人確定要繼續問
當你這個方法調用完畢的時候 是怎麼通知最後updateUI呢,也就是當你background方法結束之後是怎麼調用的
//在那個asynctask裏面 走完是確定要走這個方法的 相信你們都能理解。 @Override protected void onPostExecute(D data) { if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, this + " onPostExecute"); try { AsyncTaskLoader.this.dispatchOnLoadComplete(this, data); } finally { mDone.countDown(); } } //實際上走的就是這個方法。看26行- void dispatchOnLoadComplete(LoadTask task, D data) { if (mTask != task) { if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Load complete of old task, trying to cancel"); dispatchOnCancelled(task, data); } else { if (isAbandoned()) { // This cursor has been abandoned; just cancel the new data. onCanceled(data); } else { commitContentChanged(); mLastLoadCompleteTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); mTask = null; if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Delivering result"); deliverResult(data); } } } //這邊一下就看出來是調用的mListtenr的回調方法 public void deliverResult(D data) { if (mListener != null) { mListener.onLoadComplete(this, data); } }
OnLoadCompleteListener<D> mListener; public interface OnLoadCompleteListener<D> { /** * Called on the thread that created the Loader when the load is complete. * * @param loader the loader that completed the load * @param data the result of the load */ public void onLoadComplete(Loader<D> loader, D data); } //而且經過這個註冊 public void registerListener(int id, OnLoadCompleteListener<D> listener) { if (mListener != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("There is already a listener registered"); } mListener = listener; mId = id; }
那就行了 咱們就是要看一下 是在哪一個地方調用的registerlistener這個方法 註冊他的
//回到initLoader的這個方法 注意這個方法是在LoaderManger裏面 public <D> Loader<D> initLoader(int id, Bundle args, LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<D> callback) { if (mCreatingLoader) { throw new IllegalStateException("Called while creating a loader"); } LoaderInfo info = mLoaders.get(id); if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "initLoader in " + this + ": args=" + args); if (info == null) { //下面的代碼跳轉到30行 info = createAndInstallLoader(id, args, (LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<Object>)callback); if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, " Created new loader " + info); } else { if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, " Re-using existing loader " + info); info.mCallbacks = (LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<Object>)callback; } if (info.mHaveData && mStarted) { // If the loader has already generated its data, report it now. info.callOnLoadFinished(info.mLoader, info.mData); } return (Loader<D>)info.mLoader; } private LoaderInfo createAndInstallLoader(int id, Bundle args, LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<Object> callback) { try { mCreatingLoader = true; LoaderInfo info = createLoader(id, args, callback); //這裏跳轉到43行 installLoader(info); return info; } finally { mCreatingLoader = false; } } void installLoader(LoaderInfo info) { mLoaders.put(info.mId, info); if (mStarted) { //跳轉到51行 info.start(); } } void start() { if (mRetaining && mRetainingStarted) { // Our owner is started, but we were being retained from a // previous instance in the started state... so there is really // nothing to do here, since the loaders are still started. mStarted = true; return; } if (mStarted) { // If loader already started, don't restart. return; } mStarted = true; if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, " Starting: " + this); if (mLoader == null && mCallbacks != null) { mLoader = mCallbacks.onCreateLoader(mId, mArgs); } if (mLoader != null) { if (mLoader.getClass().isMemberClass() && !Modifier.isStatic(mLoader.getClass().getModifiers())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Object returned from onCreateLoader must not be a non-static inner member class: " + mLoader); } if (!mListenerRegistered) { //就是在這裏註冊的mloader裏的回調了,注意這裏的參數是this 也就是loaderInfo這個類 注意這個類就是loadermanger裏的內部類了 再繼續往下看 //咱們前面說到 在asynctask裏面最終調用的是mLoader裏的onLoadComplete方法 因此咱們就看看loaderInfo這個類裏的這個方法作了什麼看91行 mLoader.registerListener(mId, this); mLoader.registerOnLoadCanceledListener(this); mListenerRegistered = true; } mLoader.startLoading(); } } @Override public void onLoadComplete(Loader<Object> loader, Object data) { if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "onLoadComplete: " + this); if (mDestroyed) { if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, " Ignoring load complete -- destroyed"); return; } if (mLoaders.get(mId) != this) { // This data is not coming from the current active loader. // We don't care about it. if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, " Ignoring load complete -- not active"); return; } LoaderInfo pending = mPendingLoader; if (pending != null) { // There is a new request pending and we were just // waiting for the old one to complete before starting // it. So now it is time, switch over to the new loader. if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, " Switching to pending loader: " + pending); mPendingLoader = null; mLoaders.put(mId, null); destroy(); installLoader(pending); return; } // Notify of the new data so the app can switch out the old data before // we try to destroy it. if (mData != data || !mHaveData) { mData = data; mHaveData = true; if (mStarted) { //繼續往下 看第149行 callOnLoadFinished(loader, data); } } //if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, " onLoadFinished returned: " + this); // We have now given the application the new loader with its // loaded data, so it should have stopped using the previous // loader. If there is a previous loader on the inactive list, // clean it up. LoaderInfo info = mInactiveLoaders.get(mId); if (info != null && info != this) { info.mDeliveredData = false; info.destroy(); mInactiveLoaders.remove(mId); } if (mHost != null && !hasRunningLoaders()) { mHost.mFragmentManager.startPendingDeferredFragments(); } } void callOnLoadFinished(Loader<Object> loader, Object data) { if (mCallbacks != null) { String lastBecause = null; if (mHost != null) { lastBecause = mHost.mFragmentManager.mNoTransactionsBecause; mHost.mFragmentManager.mNoTransactionsBecause = "onLoadFinished"; } try { if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, " onLoadFinished in " + loader + ": " + loader.dataToString(data)); //到這裏就真相大白了,最終callback是在這裏調用的onLoadFinished方法也就是咱們常常重寫的方法 mCallbacks.onLoadFinished(loader, data); } finally { if (mHost != null) { mHost.mFragmentManager.mNoTransactionsBecause = lastBecause; } } mDeliveredData = true; } }
好,到這裏 咱們就把Loader框架中的 數據傳遞 整個流程給摸清楚了。最後咱們再來看看 他的生命週期是如何管理的吧。
//看activity的onStart方法 protected void onStart() { if (DEBUG_LIFECYCLE) Slog.v(TAG, "onStart " + this); mCalled = true; //繼續看12行 這個地方mFragements 你就理解成activity自己便可,很少作解釋 這個地方要搞清楚 又是另一塊了 有興趣的能夠自行谷歌activity和fragment如何創建關係 mFragments.doLoaderStart(); getApplication().dispatchActivityStarted(this); } //這個函數就很明顯了 調用了manager的dostart函數 void doLoaderStart() { if (mLoadersStarted) { return; } mLoadersStarted = true; if (mLoaderManager != null) { //跳轉到30行 mLoaderManager.doStart(); } else if (!mCheckedForLoaderManager) { mLoaderManager = getLoaderManager("(root)", mLoadersStarted, false); } mCheckedForLoaderManager = true; } //------------------注意上面的代碼都在activity裏,下面的開始 都在LoaderManger類裏了 void doStart() { if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Starting in " + this); if (mStarted) { RuntimeException e = new RuntimeException("here"); e.fillInStackTrace(); Log.w(TAG, "Called doStart when already started: " + this, e); return; } mStarted = true; // Call out to sub classes so they can start their loaders // Let the existing loaders know that we want to be notified when a load is complete for (int i = mLoaders.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) { //跳轉到50行 mLoaders.valueAt(i).start(); } } void start() { if (mRetaining && mRetainingStarted) { // Our owner is started, but we were being retained from a // previous instance in the started state... so there is really // nothing to do here, since the loaders are still started. mStarted = true; return; } if (mStarted) { // If loader already started, don't restart. return; } mStarted = true; if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, " Starting: " + this); if (mLoader == null && mCallbacks != null) { //原來onCreateLoader這個回調方法 是在這裏調用的 怪不得谷歌說這個方法是一定會被執行而且只會被執行一次的方法! mLoader = mCallbacks.onCreateLoader(mId, mArgs); } if (mLoader != null) { if (mLoader.getClass().isMemberClass() && !Modifier.isStatic(mLoader.getClass().getModifiers())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Object returned from onCreateLoader must not be a non-static inner member class: " + mLoader); } if (!mListenerRegistered) { mLoader.registerListener(mId, this); mLoader.registerOnLoadCanceledListener(this); mListenerRegistered = true; } //你看這裏調用了startLoading方法 這個方法是屬於mLoader的 跳轉到88行 mLoader.startLoading(); } } //88- 98行是loader這個類裏的 public final void startLoading() { mStarted = true; mReset = false; mAbandoned = false; onStartLoading(); } //你看最終是調用的這個方法,注意他是空方法 是交給子類去實現的,咱們去看看cursorloader這個子類是怎麼實現的吧。 protected void onStartLoading() { } //99- 112行 是cursorLoader這個類的代碼 //你看這個地方 直接調用了forceload方法 這個方法你們前面確定有印象 他最終會啓動那個asynctask 去執行background方法 //這也就解釋了 第一次咱們的數據是怎麼來的,好比說 假設咱們的數據源尚未被更新的時候,爲何會自動去查找數據源 並返回數據 //到這裏就明白了,原來是activity的onStart函數爲開端 一步步走到Loader的子類的onStartLoading方法裏的,固然你若是以爲 //Loader不須要初始加載 只要在有變化的時候再加載 那這個方法你就能夠保持爲空了。 protected void onStartLoading() { if (mCursor != null) { deliverResult(mCursor); } if (takeContentChanged() || mCursor == null) { forceLoad(); } } //114-139行 爲 http://developer.android.com/intl/zh-cn/reference/android/content/AsyncTaskLoader.html 這個裏面 AppListLoader 的一段源碼 //你看138行 也是直接調用的forceLoad 這樣當咱們的applist沒有變化的時候 第一次也能顯示出列表 /** * Handles a request to start the Loader. */ @Override protected void onStartLoading() { if (mApps != null) { // If we currently have a result available, deliver it // immediately. deliverResult(mApps); } // Start watching for changes in the app data. if (mPackageObserver == null) { mPackageObserver = new PackageIntentReceiver(this); } // Has something interesting in the configuration changed since we // last built the app list? boolean configChange = mLastConfig.applyNewConfig(getContext().getResources()); if (takeContentChanged() || mApps == null || configChange) { // If the data has changed since the last time it was loaded // or is not currently available, start a load. forceLoad(); } }
start流程 咱們分析完畢了 最後咱們再看看stop流程吧 看完這個 其餘生命週期 咱們就不分析了留給讀者本身感興趣的話本身分析試試看。
//咱們來看看fragment的onDestroy方法 都作了什麼 public void onDestroy() { mCalled = true; //Log.v("foo", "onDestroy: mCheckedForLoaderManager=" + mCheckedForLoaderManager // + " mLoaderManager=" + mLoaderManager); if (!mCheckedForLoaderManager) { mCheckedForLoaderManager = true; mLoaderManager = mHost.getLoaderManager(mWho, mLoadersStarted, false); } if (mLoaderManager != null) { //跳轉到16行 mLoaderManager.doDestroy(); } } //上面的代碼 是在fragment裏 下面的代碼在loadermanger裏 void doDestroy() { if (!mRetaining) { if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Destroying Active in " + this); for (int i = mLoaders.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) { mLoaders.valueAt(i).destroy(); } mLoaders.clear(); } if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Destroying Inactive in " + this); for (int i = mInactiveLoaders.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) { mInactiveLoaders.valueAt(i).destroy(); } mInactiveLoaders.clear(); } //下面這個destroy流程 能夠清晰的看到不少東西 包括clear全部回調等 void destroy() { if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, " Destroying: " + this); mDestroyed = true; boolean needReset = mDeliveredData; mDeliveredData = false; if (mCallbacks != null && mLoader != null && mHaveData && needReset) { if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, " Reseting: " + this); String lastBecause = null; if (mHost != null) { lastBecause = mHost.mFragmentManager.mNoTransactionsBecause; mHost.mFragmentManager.mNoTransactionsBecause = "onLoaderReset"; } try { mCallbacks.onLoaderReset(mLoader); } finally { if (mHost != null) { mHost.mFragmentManager.mNoTransactionsBecause = lastBecause; } } } mCallbacks = null; mData = null; mHaveData = false; if (mLoader != null) { if (mListenerRegistered) { mListenerRegistered = false; mLoader.unregisterListener(this); mLoader.unregisterOnLoadCanceledListener(this); } //在這調用了rest mLoader.reset(); } if (mPendingLoader != null) { mPendingLoader.destroy(); } } //最後咱們來看看loader裏的代碼 就能明白了 當fragement destroy的時候最終的調用來到了子類的onReset方法 public void reset() { onReset(); mReset = true; mStarted = false; mAbandoned = false; mContentChanged = false; mProcessingChange = false; } /** * Subclasses must implement this to take care of resetting their loader, * as per {@link #reset()}. This is not called by clients directly, * but as a result of a call to {@link #reset()}. * This will always be called from the process's main thread. */ protected void onReset() { } //這裏是cURSORLOADER的代碼了 你看這裏關閉了cursor @Override protected void onReset() { super.onReset(); // Ensure the loader is stopped onStopLoading(); if (mCursor != null && !mCursor.isClosed()) { mCursor.close(); } mCursor = null; } //一樣的 咱們也能看到applistloader源碼裏面 也是在這個函數裏清除了廣播接收器。 //因此讀到這裏 咱們就知道 loader的強大了。你只須要搞清楚這些生命週期的函數的意義 //就能夠重寫他們,至於何時調用 loader都幫你作好了 你只須要在裏面實現你本身的邏輯便可!很是強大 很是好用 @Override protected void onReset() { super.onReset(); // Ensure the loader is stopped onStopLoading(); // At this point we can release the resources associated with 'apps' // if needed. if (mApps != null) { onReleaseResources(mApps); mApps = null; } // Stop monitoring for changes. if (mPackageObserver != null) { getContext().unregisterReceiver(mPackageObserver); mPackageObserver = null; } }