vim /etc/hostname vim /etc/hosts hostname <主機名>
vim /data/scripts/
blkid /dev/xvdb1 vim /etc/fstab UUID=41852b97-3630-42b1-b2ae-9d8f77922245 /data ext4 defaults 1 2
#!/bin/sh yum clean all systemctl stop firewalld.service systemctl disable firewalld.service sed -i 's/enforcing/disabled/g' /etc/selinux/config yum -y install vim openssh* ntp wget screen bash-completion git service ntpd stop ntpdate sed -i 's/' /etc/ntp.conf chkconfig ntpd on service ntpd restart
#!/bin/sh -e ########## 1. 基礎工做 start ########## tmux_conf=/root/.tmux.conf chk_service_super=`systemctl status supervisord.service | grep inactive` if [[ -n $chk_service_super ]] then echo "supervisord is inactive..." else sudo service supervisord stop fi chk_service_hhvm=`systemctl status hhvm | grep inactive` if [[ -n $chk_service_hhvm ]] then echo "hhvm is inactive..." else sudo service hhvm stop fi mkdir -p /data/logs mkdir -p /data/backup mkdir -p /data/components/ mkdir -p /data/scripts mkdir -p /data/softs mkdir -p /data/logs/access mkdir -p /data/logs/general mkdir -p /data/logs/logic mkdir -p /data/logs/error/supervisor chmod -R 777 /data/logs/* chmod -R 777 /data/components/ # 經常使用類庫 sudo yum -y install gcc-c++ pcre pcre-devel zlib zlib-devel openssl openssl-devel # 經常使用軟件 sudo yum -y install net-tools unzip vim lrzsz subversion tmux # tmux配置 cat > $tmux_conf <<EOF set-option -g default-terminal "screen-256color" #設置前綴爲Ctrl + x set -g prefix C-x #解除Ctrl+b 與前綴的對應關係 unbind C-b #up bind-key k select-pane -U #down bind-key j select-pane -D #left bind-key h select-pane -L #right bind-key l select-pane -R #select last window bind-key C-l select-window -l #copy-mode 將快捷鍵設置爲vi 模式 setw -g mode-keys vi #bind C-k run "./bin/" EOF ########## 基礎工做 end ########## ########## 部署memcached start ########## ip_addr=`ifconfig | grep 'inet' | grep -v '' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $2}'` sed -i "s/OPTIONS=\"-l\"/OPTIONS=\"-l ${ip_addr}\"/g" /etc/init.d/memcached sed -i 's/CACHESIZE=977/CACHESIZE=2048/g' /etc/init.d/memcached sed -i 's/MAXCONN=1024$/MAXCONN=10240/g' /etc/init.d/memcached systemctl daemon-reload service memcached restart ########## 部署memcached end ##########
service supervisord start
vim /etc/supervisord.conf 修改以下信息: [include] files = supervisord.d/*.ini #[program:hhvm] #command=/usr/bin/hhvm --mode server --user www --config /etc/hhvm/server.ini --config /etc/hhvm/php.ini --config /etc/hhvm/config.hdf #numprocs=1 ; number of processes copies to start (def 1) #directory=/tmp ; directory to cwd to before exec (def no cwd) #autostart=true ; start at supervisord start (default: true) #autorestart=unexpected ; whether/when to restart (default: unexpected) #stopwaitsecs=10 ; max num secs to wait b4 SIGKILL (default 10)
vim /etc/supervisord/mc_11211.ini vim /etc/supervisord/mc_11212.ini vim /etc/supervisord/mc_11213.ini
[program:mc_11211] command=/usr/local/memcached/bin/memcached -p 11211 -u memcached -m 2048 -c 10240 -l user=root ;執行命令的用戶 numprocs=1 ; 啓動幾個進程 默認 1 #process_name=%(process_num)02d ;directory= ; 執行前要不要先cd到目錄去 autostart=true ; 隨着supervisord的啓動而啓動 autorestart=true ; 是否自動重啓 默認true startretries=5 ; 啓動失敗時的最多重試次數 默認5 ;;exitcodes=0 ; 正常退出代碼 ;;stopsignal=KILL ; 用來殺死進程的信號 ;;stopwaitsecs=10 ; 發送SIGKILL前的等待時間 redirect_stderr=true ; 重定向stderr到stdout stdout_logfile=/data/logs/error/supervisor/mc_11211.log stderr_logfile=/data/logs/error/supervisor/mc_11211.log
systemctl stop firewalld.service systemctl disable firewalld.service
service memcached stop
chkconfig memcached off
service supervisord restart