Tomcat - Maven plugin: 運行找不到webapp

The tomcat7-maven-plugin allows running the current project as a Web application and additional <webapps> can be specified that will be simultaneously loaded into tomcat.web

My project is not a Web application, but it accesses services that are provided by webapps. So how is it possible to deploy a number of webapps without running the project itself as a webapp? The following Maven snippet results in FileNotFoundExceptions because a context.xml cannot be found.apache

          ... possibly more webapps ...


Even though your application itself is not a webapp, you need to configure a path and a contextFile for it:app


The specified context.xml file must exist. The following worked for me, even though the web.xmlfile does not exist:webapp

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Context path="/my/non/existing/webapp">