和if else fi
命令#!/bin/bash echo hello;echo there if [ -e "$filename" ]; then echo "$filename already exists!";cp $filename $filename.bak else echo "$filename does not exist!"; fi; echo "File test complete!"
hello there does not exist! File test complete!
等號兩邊是不能有空格的;if [ -e "$filename" ]
#!/bin/bash a=1 if [ $a -gt 0 ]; then echo "greater than zero!" else echo "no more than zero!" fi if [[ $a -lt 0 ]]; then echo "less than zero!" else echo "no less than zero!" fi if [[ a -eq 1 ]]; then echo "equal to 1!" else echo "not equal to 1!" fi
greater than zero! no less than zero! equal to 1!
# ? is 3 operator b=10 ((t=b<20?6:4)) # t = 6 echo "t=$t" # variable in () is a part region variable (b=20;echo "b = $b") # b = 20 echo "b = $b" # b = 10
t=6 b = 20 b = 10
# () create an array arr=(1 2 3 5 6) echo "arr[3] = ${arr[3]}"
arr[3] = 5
# get the length of array echo "length of arr is ${#arr[*]}" # 5 echo "length of arr is ${#arr[@]}" # 5
length of arr is 5 length of arr is 5
# get all content of array echo "arr:${arr[*]}" # 1 2 3 5 6 # or echo "arr:${arr[@]}" # 1 2 3 5 6
arr:1 2 3 5 6 arr:1 2 3 5 6
# assign a new element to an array arr[1]=100 echo "arr:${arr[@]}" # 1 100 3 5 6 # if assign index if out of bound,then auto create a new element of array arr[10]=20 # 1 100 3 5 6 20 echo "arr:${arr[@]}"
arr:1 100 3 5 6 arr:1 100 3 5 6 20
# delete the element of array unset arr[1] # delete the arr[1],1 3 5 6 20 echo "arr:${arr[*]}" # 1 3 5 6 20 # clear the whole array unset arr echo "${#arr[@]}" # length 0
arr:1 3 5 6 20 0
unset 若是跟上數組的索引,是刪除該位置的數組元素;若是直接跟數組名,至關因而清空數組。
arr=(1 2 4 10) # slice of array # ${array_name[*]:start:length},return is a string echo "${arr[@]:0:3}" # 1 2 4 # assignment arr1=(${arr[*]:1:2}) # arr1:2 4 echo "${#arr1[@]}" echo "arr1:${arr1[@]}"
1 2 4 2 arr1:2 4
# replace # ${array_name[@]/origin_element/new_element} # this operation doesn't change the origin array # and will return a string that seperated by space echo "${arr1[*]/2/20}" # 20 4,arr1:2 4 arr1=(${arr1[*]/4/40}) # arr1:2 40 echo "${arr1[*]}" # 2 40
20 4 2 40
# file operation if [ ! -w 't.txt' ]; then touch t.txt fi echo 'test text' > t.txt cp t.{txt,back} # cp t.txt to t.back filename="/home/lyrichu/login" if [ -r $filename ] # if file is readable then echo "$filename is readable!" else echo "$filename is not readable!" fi if [ -e $filename ] then echo "$filename exists!" else echo "$filename doesn't exist!" fi
/home/lyrichu/login is not readable! /home/lyrichu/login doesn't exist!
文件寫入字符串'test text';接着複製t.txt文件到t.back文件;
建立一個代碼塊# {} create a code block a=10;echo "a=$a" { a=20; } # a = 20 echo "a=$a" # a = 20
a=10 a=20
val=`expr $a + $b` # a = 20,b = 10 echo "a + b = $val" # a + b = 30 val=`expr $a \* $b` # \* means multiply,a*b = 10*20 = 200 echo "a*b=$val" # divide val=`expr $a / $b` # 20/10 = 2 echo "a / b = $val" # mod val=`expr $a % 9` # 20 % 9 = 2 echo "$a % 9 = $val" # 20 % 9 = 2
a + b = 30 a*b=200 a / b = 2 20 % 9 = 2
if [ $a == $b ] then echo "a == b!" fi if [ $a != $b ] then echo "a != b" fi # && logit and if [[ $a -gt 10 && $b -lt 20 ]] then echo "$a > 10 and $b < 20!" else echo "bad condition!" fi # || logit or if [[ $a -gt 15 || $b -gt 15 ]] then echo "a > 15 or b > 15" else echo "a<=15 and b<=15" fi
a != b 20 > 10 and 10 < 20! a > 15 or b > 15
#!/bin/bash s1="abhsgd" # 獲取字符串長度 echo "length of s1:" ${#s1} #提取子字符串 # ${string:position},在string中,從position位置開始提取子字符串 echo ${s1:2} # hsgd # ${string:position:length},string中,從position位置開始提取長度爲length的子字符串 echo ${s1:2:2} # hs # ${string#substring},從string的開頭, 刪除最短匹配substring的子串,返回刪除子串以後的字符串 echo ${s1#ab} #hsgd # ${string##substring},從string的開頭, 刪除最長匹配substring的子串 echo ${s1##abh} # sgd # ${string%substring},從string的結尾, 刪除最短匹配substring的子串 echo ${s1%gd} # absh # ${string%%substring},從string的結尾, 刪除最長匹配substring的子串 echo ${s1%%hsgd} # ab # ${string/substring/replacement},使用replacement,來代替第一個匹配的substring echo ${s1/hs/HS} # abHSgd # ${string//substring/replacement},使用replacement, 代替全部匹配的substring s2=ahjhjhhshdg echo ${s2//h/H} # aHjHjHHsHdg # ${string/#substring/replacement},若是string的前綴匹配substring, 那麼就用replacement來代替匹配到的substring echo ${s2/#ahj/AHJ} # AHJhjhhshdg # ${string/%substring/replacement},若是string的後綴匹配substring, 那麼就用replacement來代替匹配到的substring echo ${s2/%shdg/SHDG} # ahjhjhhSHDG ## 注:上面replacement能夠是正則表達式,好比: s3=/home/lyrichu/demo.txt # 獲得文件名 echo ${s3##*/} #demo.txt # 獲得目錄名 echo ${s3%/*} # /home/lyrichu
length of s1: 6 hsgd hs hsgd sgd abhs ab abHSgd aHjHjHHsHdg AHJhjhhshdg ahjhjhhSHDG demo.txt /home/lyrichu
a=10 b=20 if [ $a == $b ] then echo "$a == $b !" elif [[ $a -gt $b ]]; then echo "$a > $b!" elif [[ $a -lt $b ]]; then echo "$a < $b!" else echo "Error!" fi # test command if test $a -lt $b then echo "$a < $b!" else echo "$a >= $b!" fi
10 < 20! 10 < 20!
# for loop for i in 1 2 3 4 do echo "The value is $i" done # for loop of string for s in This is a string do echo "$s" done
The value is 1 The value is 2 The value is 3 The value is 4 This is a string
#while loop i=1 while(( $i<5 )) do echo "$i" let "i++" done echo "Press CTRL+D to exit!" echo -n "Who is the most beautiful girl?" while read MAN do echo "Yes! $MAN is really beautiful!" done
1 2 3 4 Press CTRL+D to exit! Who is the most beautiful girl?yp Yes! yp is really beautiful!
# case mode echo "Please input a number between 1 to 4!" read input case input in 1) echo "Your choice is 1!" ;; 2) echo "Your choice is 2!" ;; 3) echo "Your choice is 3!" ;; 4) echo "Your choice is 4!" ;; *) echo "You don't choose a number between 1 and 4!" ;; esac ## break while : do echo "PLease input a number between 1 and 5!" read n case $n in 1|2|3|4|5) echo "Your input number is $n!" ;; *) echo "Your input is not between 1 and 5!" break ;; esac done
Please input a number between 1 to 4! 3 Your choice is 3! PLease input a number between 1 and 5! 5 Your input number is 5! PLease input a number between 1 and 5! 10 Your input is not between 1 and 5!
func1(){ # fuction that does not have parameters echo "This is my first function!" } # call function func1
This is my first function!
func2(){ # function with return echo "This is function that has return!" return 1 } # use $? to get the function return value func2 echo "The return value of func2 is $?"
This is function that has return! The return value of func2 is 1
# input parameters of function # $1,$2,... to the first n parameter func3(){ n=$# # get the total number of parameters echo "There are total $n parameters of func3!" echo "The first parameter is:$1" echo "The second parameter is $2" echo "The tenth parameter is ${10}" echo "The all parameters as string is:$*" } func3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
There are total 12 parameters of func3! The first parameter is:1 The second parameter is 2 The tenth parameter is 10 The all parameters as string is:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
# calculate the max value of 8,4,5 a=5 b=4 c=8 i=$a if [[ $i -lt $b ]] then i=$b fi if [[ $i -lt $c ]] then i=$c fi echo "The max value of $a,$b,$c is $i"
The max value of 5,4,8 is 8
#!/bin/bash # random generate a number between 1 and 3, and let you to # guess the number's value,if you are right,then echo "You guess right!" # else echo "You guess wrong!" # use while to play the game,input "quit" to quit the game # $RANDOM generate a number between 0 and 32767 while : do r=$RANDOM r=`expr $r % 3 + 1` # between 1 and 3 echo "Please input a number between 1 and 10(enter quit to quit the game):" read g if [[ $g = "quit" ]] then break elif [[ $g == $r ]]; then echo "You guess right!" else echo "You guess wrong!" fi done
Please input a number between 1 and 10(enter quit to quit the game): 2 You guess right! Please input a number between 1 and 10(enter quit to quit the game): 3 You guess right! Please input a number between 1 and 10(enter quit to quit the game): 3 You guess wrong! Please input a number between 1 and 10(enter quit to quit the game): quit
#!/bin/bash # sum the even number that less than 100 i=2 s=0 while [[ $i -lt 100 ]]; do s=`expr $s + $i` i=`expr $i + 2` done echo "The even number that less than 100's sum is $s"
The even number that less than 100's sum is 2450
#!/bin/bash # output the pyramid of stars for i in 4 3 2 1 0 do j=$i while [[ $j -gt 0 ]] do echo -n " " let "j--" done j=`expr 9 - 2 \* $i` while [[ $j -gt 0 ]] do echo -n "*" let "j--" done j=$i while [[ $j -gt 0 ]] do echo -n " " let "j--" done echo "" done
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