In Crystal Reports, the following error message is displayed when an invalid character is used in the databaseide
table alias name: Query Engine Error: 「The alias requested 「my\aliasname」, contains a combination ofcomponent
characters which is not considered to be valid」. The invalid characters are: .:{}()@&$#^!*~|%", -+>,/\`ci
New Behavior:rem
A registry subkey now exists that Crystal Reports uses to identify what characters are considered to be invalidio
for alias names. By default, the registry subkey value data contains the following characters:table
.:{}()@&$#^!*~|%"- If you wish to use one of the invalid characters in an alias name, remove the desiredsed
character from the registry subkey value data.List
The registry subkey is:request
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Crystal Decisions\9.0\Crystalerror
The issue is corrected in the following component version, or later.
craxddrt9.dll 04/16/2003
craxdrt9.dll 04/16/2003
crpe32.dll 04/16/2003
crqe.dll 04/16/2003
crw32.exe 04/16/2003