Clion版本 2019.3.2
remote host: Ubuntu 19.10app
在使用Clion的遠程模式(Full Remote Mode)開發調試代碼下,Upload to Remote Host成功,但build Cmake的時候失敗:ui
Cannot create directory [Failed to reload]
在Jetbrains的Issue Error: Cannot generate into E:workcmake-build-remote-debug. Cannot create directory. Please either delete it manually or select another generation directory. 中Jetbrains的開發者提到這是因爲Deployment裏的Root Path沒有生效。debug
Settings -> Deployment -> 你的Remote Host -> Connection標籤 -> Root path: /調試
Settings -> Deployment -> 你的Remote Host -> Mappings標籤 -> Deployment path: 登錄遠程主機當前用戶目錄下你想放源碼的地方code
Build and Run :blog