$(function(){ function show(){ var colors=["#BA4A3A","#5BB5D6","#8EA83B","#EE5C92","#8AC9B5","#604127","#E8A03B","#AF032D","#000000","#506575"]; var tags=["女人","男人","電影","寶兒","安妮海瑟薇","數碼"]; for(var i in colors){ var index = Math.round(Math.random() * 59); var img="../Public/Pic/test/"+index+".jpg"; var index2=Math.round(Math.random() * (tags.length-1)); //隨機獲取一個標籤 $('#tiles').append(" <li style='background:"+colors[i]+"' class='clearFix'><div style='background:#FFF'><img src='"+img+"' width='230' /></div><p>是一個熊!!不是一個遊戲機!!</p><span>#"+tags[index2]+"</span></li> "); } } //初始化二十條數據 show(); show(); /*瀑布流*/ $('#tiles').imagesLoaded(function() { var handler = null; // Prepare layout options. var options = { autoResize: true, // This will auto-update the layout when the browser window is resized. container: $('#main'), // Optional, used for some extra CSS styling offset: 15, // Optional, the distance between grid items itemWidth: 230, // Optional, the width of a grid item direction :'right' }; //瀑布流佈局 function applyLayout() { $('#tiles').imagesLoaded(function() { // Destroy the old handler //是否須要銷燬舊的佈局 if (handler.wookmarkInstance) { handler.wookmarkInstance.clear(); } // Create a new layout handler. //從新佈局瀑布流 handler = $('#tiles li'); handler.wookmark(options); //傳入配置參數 }); } //當滾動條高度大於等於最後一個盒子高度 Ajax請求數據 //綁定到scroll事件上 function onScroll(event) { // Check if we're within 100 pixels of the bottom edge of the broser window. var winHeight = window.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight : $(window).height(); // iphone fix var closeToBottom = ($(window).scrollTop() + winHeight > $(document).height() - 100); if (closeToBottom) { show(); applyLayout(); //執行佈局 } }; // Capture scroll event. $(window).bind('scroll', onScroll); // Call the layout function. handler = $('#tiles li'); //獲取盒子 handler.wookmark(options); //初始化瀑布流 }); });
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