原始版本: Henri Gourvest <hgourvest@gmail.com> 1.2版本express
1.對於文件名中帶有空格的文件, 沒法壓縮, 緣由是1488行, 壓縮調用的是TStringList.Delimiter 來拆分文件字符串, 而空格是默認分行符, 致使文件名錯誤ide
2.解壓縮函數, 若是目標文件已存在而且爲只讀屬性時, 報錯, 緣由是1105行 建立文件流的時候直接使用了TFileStream.Create(path, fmCreate)致使函數
3.解壓縮函數, 解決若是是空文件夾不會被建立的問題oop
1.增長了一個WorkPath變量, 用於指定7z.dll文件的絕對路徑this
2.增長了一個解壓縮過程當中文件釋放失敗時的回調T7zProgressExceptCallback, 支持忽略/重試/取消spa
(********************************************************************************) (* 7-ZIP DELPHI API *) (* *) (* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version *) (* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the *) (* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ *) (* *) (* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, *) (* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for *) (* the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. *) (* *) (* Unit owner : Henri Gourvest <hgourvest@gmail.com> *) (* V1.2.1 *) (********************************************************************************) (* 2017-06-08 劉志林 修改 BUG修改: 1.對於文件名中帶有空格的文件, 沒法壓縮, 緣由是1488行, 壓縮調用的是TStringList.Delimiter 來拆分文件字符串, 而空格是默認分行符, 致使文件名錯誤 2.解壓縮函數, 若是目標文件已存在而且爲只讀屬性時, 報錯, 緣由是1105行 建立文件流的時候直接使用了TFileStream.Create(path, fmCreate)致使 3.解壓縮函數, 解決若是是空文件夾不會被建立的問題 功能增長: 1.增長了一個WorkPath變量, 用於指定7z.dll文件的絕對路徑 2.增長了一個解壓縮過程當中文件釋放失敗時的回調T7zProgressExceptCallback, 支持忽略/重試/取消 *) unit SevenZIP; {$ALIGN ON} {$MINENUMSIZE 4} {$WARN SYMBOL_PLATFORM OFF} interface uses SysUtils, Windows, ActiveX, Classes, Contnrs; type PVarType = ^TVarType; PCardArray = ^TCardArray; TCardArray = array[0..MaxInt div SizeOf(Cardinal) - 1] of Cardinal; {$IFNDEF UNICODE} UnicodeString = WideString; {$ENDIF} //****************************************************************************** // PropID.h //****************************************************************************** const kpidNoProperty = 0; kpidHandlerItemIndex = 2; kpidPath = 3; // VT_BSTR kpidName = 4; // VT_BSTR kpidExtension = 5; // VT_BSTR kpidIsFolder = 6; // VT_BOOL kpidSize = 7; // VT_UI8 kpidPackedSize = 8; // VT_UI8 kpidAttributes = 9; // VT_UI4 kpidCreationTime = 10; // VT_FILETIME kpidLastAccessTime = 11; // VT_FILETIME kpidLastWriteTime = 12; // VT_FILETIME kpidSolid = 13; // VT_BOOL kpidCommented = 14; // VT_BOOL kpidEncrypted = 15; // VT_BOOL kpidSplitBefore = 16; // VT_BOOL kpidSplitAfter = 17; // VT_BOOL kpidDictionarySize = 18; // VT_UI4 kpidCRC = 19; // VT_UI4 kpidType = 20; // VT_BSTR kpidIsAnti = 21; // VT_BOOL kpidMethod = 22; // VT_BSTR kpidHostOS = 23; // VT_BSTR kpidFileSystem = 24; // VT_BSTR kpidUser = 25; // VT_BSTR kpidGroup = 26; // VT_BSTR kpidBlock = 27; // VT_UI4 kpidComment = 28; // VT_BSTR kpidPosition = 29; // VT_UI4 kpidPrefix = 30; // VT_BSTR kpidNumSubDirs = 31; // VT_UI4 kpidNumSubFiles = 32; // VT_UI4 kpidUnpackVer = 33; // VT_UI1 kpidVolume = 34; // VT_UI4 kpidIsVolume = 35; // VT_BOOL kpidOffset = 36; // VT_UI8 kpidLinks = 37; // VT_UI4 kpidNumBlocks = 38; // VT_UI4 kpidNumVolumes = 39; // VT_UI4 kpidTimeType = 40; // VT_UI4 kpidBit64 = 41; // VT_BOOL kpidBigEndian = 42; // VT_BOOL kpidCpu = 43; // VT_BSTR kpidPhySize = 44; // VT_UI8 kpidHeadersSize = 45; // VT_UI8 kpidChecksum = 46; // VT_UI4 kpidCharacts = 47; // VT_BSTR kpidVa = 48; // VT_UI8 kpidTotalSize = $1100; // VT_UI8 kpidFreeSpace = kpidTotalSize + 1; // VT_UI8 kpidClusterSize = kpidFreeSpace + 1; // VT_UI8 kpidVolumeName = kpidClusterSize + 1; // VT_BSTR kpidLocalName = $1200; // VT_BSTR kpidProvider = kpidLocalName + 1; // VT_BSTR kpidUserDefined = $10000; //****************************************************************************** // IProgress.h //****************************************************************************** type IProgress = interface(IUnknown) ['{23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000000050000}'] function SetTotal(total: Int64): HRESULT; stdcall; function SetCompleted(completeValue: PInt64): HRESULT; stdcall; end; //****************************************************************************** // IPassword.h //****************************************************************************** ICryptoGetTextPassword = interface(IUnknown) ['{23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000500100000}'] function CryptoGetTextPassword(var password: TBStr): HRESULT; stdcall; end; ICryptoGetTextPassword2 = interface(IUnknown) ['{23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000500110000}'] function CryptoGetTextPassword2(passwordIsDefined: PInteger; var password: TBStr): HRESULT; stdcall; end; //****************************************************************************** // IStream.h // "23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000300xx0000" //****************************************************************************** ISequentialInStream = interface(IUnknown) ['{23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000300010000}'] function Read(data: Pointer; size: Cardinal; processedSize: PCardinal): HRESULT; stdcall; (* Out: if size != 0, return_value = S_OK and (*processedSize == 0), then there are no more bytes in stream. if (size > 0) && there are bytes in stream, this function must read at least 1 byte. This function is allowed to read less than number of remaining bytes in stream. You must call Read function in loop, if you need exact amount of data *) end; ISequentialOutStream = interface(IUnknown) ['{23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000300020000}'] function Write(data: Pointer; size: Cardinal; processedSize: PCardinal): HRESULT; stdcall; (* if (size > 0) this function must write at least 1 byte. This function is allowed to write less than "size". You must call Write function in loop, if you need to write exact amount of data *) end; IInStream = interface(ISequentialInStream) ['{23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000300030000}'] function Seek(offset: Int64; seekOrigin: Cardinal; newPosition: PInt64): HRESULT; stdcall; end; IOutStream = interface(ISequentialOutStream) ['{23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000300040000}'] function Seek(offset: Int64; seekOrigin: Cardinal; newPosition: PInt64): HRESULT; stdcall; function SetSize(newSize: Int64): HRESULT; stdcall; end; IStreamGetSize = interface(IUnknown) ['{23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000300060000}'] function GetSize(size: PInt64): HRESULT; stdcall; end; IOutStreamFlush = interface(IUnknown) ['{23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000300070000}'] function Flush: HRESULT; stdcall; end; //****************************************************************************** // IArchive.h //****************************************************************************** // MIDL_INTERFACE("23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000600xx0000") //#define ARCHIVE_INTERFACE_SUB(i, base, x) \ //DEFINE_GUID(IID_ ## i, \ //0x23170F69, 0x40C1, 0x278A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, x, 0x00, 0x00); \ //struct i: public base //#define ARCHIVE_INTERFACE(i, x) ARCHIVE_INTERFACE_SUB(i, IUnknown, x) type // NFileTimeType NFileTimeType = ( kWindows = 0, kUnix, kDOS ); // NArchive:: NArchive = ( kName = 0, // string kClassID, // GUID kExtension, // string zip rar gz kAddExtension, // sub archive: tar kUpdate, // bool kKeepName, // bool kStartSignature, // string[4] ex: PK.. 7z.. Rar! kFinishSignature, kAssociate ); // NArchive::NExtract::NAskMode NAskMode = ( kExtract = 0, kTest, kSkip ); // NArchive::NExtract::NOperationResult NExtOperationResult = ( kOK = 0, kUnSupportedMethod, kDataError, kCRCError ); // NArchive::NUpdate::NOperationResult NUpdOperationResult = ( kOK_ = 0, kError ); IArchiveOpenCallback = interface ['{23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000600100000}'] function SetTotal(files, bytes: PInt64): HRESULT; stdcall; function SetCompleted(files, bytes: PInt64): HRESULT; stdcall; end; IArchiveExtractCallback = interface(IProgress) ['{23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000600200000}'] function GetStream(index: Cardinal; var outStream: ISequentialOutStream; askExtractMode: NAskMode): HRESULT; stdcall; // GetStream OUT: S_OK - OK, S_FALSE - skeep this file function PrepareOperation(askExtractMode: NAskMode): HRESULT; stdcall; function SetOperationResult(resultEOperationResult: NExtOperationResult): HRESULT; stdcall; end; IArchiveOpenVolumeCallback = interface ['{23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000600300000}'] function GetProperty(propID: PROPID; var value: OleVariant): HRESULT; stdcall; function GetStream(const name: PWideChar; var inStream: IInStream): HRESULT; stdcall; end; IInArchiveGetStream = interface ['{23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000600400000}'] function GetStream(index: Cardinal; var stream: ISequentialInStream ): HRESULT; stdcall; end; IArchiveOpenSetSubArchiveName = interface ['{23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000600500000}'] function SetSubArchiveName(name: PWideChar): HRESULT; stdcall; end; IInArchive = interface ['{23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000600600000}'] function Open(stream: IInStream; const maxCheckStartPosition: PInt64; openArchiveCallback: IArchiveOpenCallback): HRESULT; stdcall; function Close: HRESULT; stdcall; function GetNumberOfItems(var numItems: CArdinal): HRESULT; stdcall; function GetProperty(index: Cardinal; propID: PROPID; var value: OleVariant): HRESULT; stdcall; function Extract(indices: PCardArray; numItems: Cardinal; testMode: Integer; extractCallback: IArchiveExtractCallback): HRESULT; stdcall; // indices must be sorted // numItems = 0xFFFFFFFF means all files // testMode != 0 means "test files operation" function GetArchiveProperty(propID: PROPID; var value: OleVariant): HRESULT; stdcall; function GetNumberOfProperties(numProperties: PCardinal): HRESULT; stdcall; function GetPropertyInfo(index: Cardinal; name: PBSTR; propID: PPropID; varType: PVarType): HRESULT; stdcall; function GetNumberOfArchiveProperties(var numProperties: Cardinal): HRESULT; stdcall; function GetArchivePropertyInfo(index: Cardinal; name: PBSTR; propID: PPropID; varType: PVARTYPE): HRESULT; stdcall; end; IArchiveUpdateCallback = interface(IProgress) ['{23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000600800000}'] function GetUpdateItemInfo(index: Cardinal; newData: PInteger; // 1 - new data, 0 - old data newProperties: PInteger; // 1 - new properties, 0 - old properties indexInArchive: PCardinal // -1 if there is no in archive, or if doesn't matter ): HRESULT; stdcall; function GetProperty(index: Cardinal; propID: PROPID; var value: OleVariant): HRESULT; stdcall; function GetStream(index: Cardinal; var inStream: ISequentialInStream): HRESULT; stdcall; function SetOperationResult(operationResult: Integer): HRESULT; stdcall; end; IArchiveUpdateCallback2 = interface(IArchiveUpdateCallback) ['{23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000600820000}'] function GetVolumeSize(index: Cardinal; size: PInt64): HRESULT; stdcall; function GetVolumeStream(index: Cardinal; var volumeStream: ISequentialOutStream): HRESULT; stdcall; end; IOutArchive = interface ['{23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000600A00000}'] function UpdateItems(outStream: ISequentialOutStream; numItems: Cardinal; updateCallback: IArchiveUpdateCallback): HRESULT; stdcall; function GetFileTimeType(type_: PCardinal): HRESULT; stdcall; end; ISetProperties = interface ['{23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000600030000}'] function SetProperties(names: PPWideChar; values: PPROPVARIANT; numProperties: Integer): HRESULT; stdcall; end; //****************************************************************************** // ICoder.h // "23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000400xx0000" //****************************************************************************** ICompressProgressInfo = interface ['{23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000400040000}'] function SetRatioInfo(inSize, outSize: PInt64): HRESULT; stdcall; end; ICompressCoder = interface ['{23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000400050000}'] function Code(inStream, outStream: ISequentialInStream; inSize, outSize: PInt64; progress: ICompressProgressInfo): HRESULT; stdcall; end; ICompressCoder2 = interface ['{23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000400180000}'] function Code(var inStreams: ISequentialInStream; var inSizes: PInt64; numInStreams: Cardinal; var outStreams: ISequentialOutStream; var outSizes: PInt64; numOutStreams: Cardinal; progress: ICompressProgressInfo): HRESULT; stdcall; end; const //NCoderPropID:: kDictionarySize = $400; kUsedMemorySize = kDictionarySize + 1; kOrder = kUsedMemorySize + 1; kPosStateBits = $440; kLitContextBits = kPosStateBits + 1; kLitPosBits = kLitContextBits + 1; kNumFastBytes = $450; kMatchFinder = kNumFastBytes + 1; kMatchFinderCycles = kMatchFinder + 1; kNumPasses = $460; kAlgorithm = $470; kMultiThread = $480; kNumThreads = kMultiThread + 1; kEndMarker = $490; type ICompressSetCoderProperties = interface ['{23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000400200000}'] function SetCoderProperties(propIDs: PPropID; properties: PROPVARIANT; numProperties: Cardinal): HRESULT; stdcall; end; (* CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressSetCoderProperties, 0x21) { STDMETHOD(SetDecoderProperties)(ISequentialInStream *inStream) PURE; }; *) ICompressSetDecoderProperties2 = interface ['{23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000400220000}'] function SetDecoderProperties2(data: PByte; size: Cardinal): HRESULT; stdcall; end; ICompressWriteCoderProperties = interface ['{23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000400230000}'] function WriteCoderProperties(outStreams: ISequentialOutStream): HRESULT; stdcall; end; ICompressGetInStreamProcessedSize = interface ['{23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000400240000}'] function GetInStreamProcessedSize(value: PInt64): HRESULT; stdcall; end; ICompressSetCoderMt = interface ['{23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000400250000}'] function SetNumberOfThreads(numThreads: Cardinal): HRESULT; stdcall; end; ICompressGetSubStreamSize = interface ['{23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000400300000}'] function GetSubStreamSize(subStream: Int64; value: PInt64): HRESULT; stdcall; end; ICompressSetInStream = interface ['{23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000400310000}'] function SetInStream(inStream: ISequentialInStream): HRESULT; stdcall; function ReleaseInStream: HRESULT; stdcall; end; ICompressSetOutStream = interface ['{23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000400320000}'] function SetOutStream(outStream: ISequentialOutStream): HRESULT; stdcall; function ReleaseOutStream: HRESULT; stdcall; end; ICompressSetInStreamSize = interface ['{23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000400330000}'] function SetInStreamSize(inSize: PInt64): HRESULT; stdcall; end; ICompressSetOutStreamSize = interface ['{23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000400340000}'] function SetOutStreamSize(outSize: PInt64): HRESULT; stdcall; end; ICompressFilter = interface ['{23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000400400000}'] function Init: HRESULT; stdcall; function Filter(data: PByte; size: Cardinal): Cardinal; stdcall; // Filter return outSize (Cardinal) // if (outSize <= size): Filter have converted outSize bytes // if (outSize > size): Filter have not converted anything. // and it needs at least outSize bytes to convert one block // (it's for crypto block algorithms). end; ICryptoProperties = interface ['{23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000400800000}'] function SetKey(Data: PByte; size: Cardinal): HRESULT; stdcall; function SetInitVector(data: PByte; size: Cardinal): HRESULT; stdcall; end; ICryptoSetPassword = interface ['{23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000400900000}'] function CryptoSetPassword(data: PByte; size: Cardinal): HRESULT; stdcall; end; ICryptoSetCRC = interface ['{23170F69-40C1-278A-0000-000400A00000}'] function CryptoSetCRC(crc: Cardinal): HRESULT; stdcall; end; ////////////////////// // It's for DLL file //NMethodPropID:: NMethodPropID = ( kID = 0, kName_, kDecoder, kEncoder, kInStreams, kOutStreams, kDescription, kDecoderIsAssigned, kEncoderIsAssigned ); //****************************************************************************** // CLASSES //****************************************************************************** T7zPasswordCallback = function(sender: Pointer; var password: UnicodeString): HRESULT; stdcall; T7zGetStreamCallBack = function(sender: Pointer; index: Cardinal; var outStream: ISequentialOutStream): HRESULT; stdcall; T7zProgressCallback = function(sender: Pointer; total: boolean; value: int64): HRESULT; stdcall; NECallBack = ( EC_RETRY = 0, EC_IGNORE, EC_CANCEL ); T7zProgressExceptCallback = function(sender: Pointer; AFile: UnicodeString): NECallBack; stdcall; I7zInArchive = interface ['{022CF785-3ECE-46EF-9755-291FA84CC6C9}'] procedure OpenFile(const filename: string); stdcall; procedure OpenStream(stream: IInStream); stdcall; procedure Close; stdcall; function GetNumberOfItems: Cardinal; stdcall; function GetItemPath(const index: integer): UnicodeString; stdcall; function GetItemName(const index: integer): UnicodeString; stdcall; function GetItemSize(const index: integer): Cardinal; stdcall; function GetItemIsFolder(const index: integer): boolean; stdcall; function GetInArchive: IInArchive; procedure ExtractItem(const item: Cardinal; Stream: TStream; test: longbool); stdcall; procedure ExtractItems(items: PCardArray; count: cardinal; test: longbool; sender: pointer; callback: T7zGetStreamCallBack); stdcall; procedure ExtractAll(test: longbool; sender: pointer; callback: T7zGetStreamCallBack); stdcall; procedure ExtractTo(const path: string); stdcall; procedure SetPasswordCallback(sender: Pointer; callback: T7zPasswordCallback); stdcall; procedure SetPassword(const password: UnicodeString); stdcall; procedure SetProgressCallback(sender: Pointer; callback: T7zProgressCallback); stdcall; procedure SetProgressExceptCallback(sender: Pointer; callback: T7zProgressExceptCallback); stdcall; procedure SetClassId(const classid: TGUID); function GetClassId: TGUID; property ClassId: TGUID read GetClassId write SetClassId; property NumberOfItems: Cardinal read GetNumberOfItems; property ItemPath[const index: integer]: UnicodeString read GetItemPath; property ItemName[const index: integer]: UnicodeString read GetItemName; property ItemSize[const index: integer]: Cardinal read GetItemSize; property ItemIsFolder[const index: integer]: boolean read GetItemIsFolder; property InArchive: IInArchive read GetInArchive; end; I7zOutArchive = interface ['{BAA9D5DC-9FF4-4382-9BFD-EC9065BD0125}'] procedure AddStream(Stream: TStream; Ownership: TStreamOwnership; Attributes: Cardinal; CreationTime, LastWriteTime: TFileTime; const Path: UnicodeString; IsFolder, IsAnti: boolean); stdcall; procedure AddFile(const Filename: TFileName; const Path: UnicodeString); stdcall; procedure AddFiles(const Dir, Path, Willcards: string; recurse: boolean); stdcall; procedure SaveToFile(const FileName: TFileName); stdcall; procedure SaveToStream(stream: TStream); stdcall; procedure SetProgressCallback(sender: Pointer; callback: T7zProgressCallback); stdcall; procedure CrearBatch; stdcall; procedure SetPassword(const password: UnicodeString); stdcall; procedure SetPropertie(name: UnicodeString; value: OleVariant); stdcall; procedure SetClassId(const classid: TGUID); function GetClassId: TGUID; property ClassId: TGUID read GetClassId write SetClassId; end; I7zCodec = interface ['{AB48F772-F6B1-411E-907F-1567DB0E93B3}'] end; T7zStream = class(TInterfacedObject, IInStream, IStreamGetSize, ISequentialOutStream, ISequentialInStream, IOutStream, IOutStreamFlush) private FStream: TStream; FOwnership: TStreamOwnership; protected function Read(data: Pointer; size: Cardinal; processedSize: PCardinal): HRESULT; stdcall; function Seek(offset: Int64; seekOrigin: Cardinal; newPosition: Pint64): HRESULT; stdcall; function GetSize(size: PInt64): HRESULT; stdcall; function SetSize(newSize: Int64): HRESULT; stdcall; function Write(data: Pointer; size: Cardinal; processedSize: PCardinal): HRESULT; stdcall; function Flush: HRESULT; stdcall; public constructor Create(Stream: TStream; Ownership: TStreamOwnership = soReference); destructor Destroy; override; end; // I7zOutArchive property setters type TZipCompressionMethod = (mzCopy, mzDeflate, mzDeflate64, mzBZip2); T7zCompressionMethod = (m7Copy, m7LZMA, m7BZip2, m7PPMd, m7Deflate, m7Deflate64); // ZIP 7z GZIP BZ2 procedure SetCompressionLevel(Arch: I7zOutArchive; level: Cardinal); // X X X X procedure SetMultiThreading(Arch: I7zOutArchive; ThreadCount: Cardinal); // X X X procedure SetCompressionMethod(Arch: I7zOutArchive; method: TZipCompressionMethod); // X procedure SetDictionnarySize(Arch: I7zOutArchive; size: Cardinal); // < 32 // X X procedure SetDeflateNumPasses(Arch: I7zOutArchive; pass: Cardinal); // X X X procedure SetNumFastBytes(Arch: I7zOutArchive; fb: Cardinal); // X X procedure SetNumMatchFinderCycles(Arch: I7zOutArchive; mc: Cardinal); // X X procedure SevenZipSetCompressionMethod(Arch: I7zOutArchive; method: T7zCompressionMethod); // X procedure SevenZipSetBindInfo(Arch: I7zOutArchive; const bind: UnicodeString); // X procedure SevenZipSetSolidSettings(Arch: I7zOutArchive; solid: boolean); // X procedure SevenZipRemoveSfxBlock(Arch: I7zOutArchive; remove: boolean); // X procedure SevenZipAutoFilter(Arch: I7zOutArchive; auto: boolean); // X procedure SevenZipCompressHeaders(Arch: I7zOutArchive; compress: boolean); // X procedure SevenZipCompressHeadersFull(Arch: I7zOutArchive; compress: boolean); // X procedure SevenZipEncryptHeaders(Arch: I7zOutArchive; Encrypt: boolean); // X procedure SevenZipVolumeMode(Arch: I7zOutArchive; Mode: boolean); // X // filetime util functions function DateTimeToFileTime(dt: TDateTime): TFileTime; function FileTimeToDateTime(ft: TFileTime): TDateTime; function CurrentFileTime: TFileTime; // constructors function CreateInArchive(const classid: TGUID): I7zInArchive; function CreateOutArchive(const classid: TGUID): I7zOutArchive; const CLSID_CFormatZip : TGUID = '{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000110010000}'; // zip jar xpi CLSID_CFormatBZ2 : TGUID = '{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000110020000}'; // bz2 bzip2 tbz2 tbz CLSID_CFormatRar : TGUID = '{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000110030000}'; // rar r00 CLSID_CFormatArj : TGUID = '{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000110040000}'; // arj CLSID_CFormatZ : TGUID = '{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000110050000}'; // z taz CLSID_CFormatLzh : TGUID = '{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000110060000}'; // lzh lha CLSID_CFormat7z : TGUID = '{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000110070000}'; // 7z CLSID_CFormatCab : TGUID = '{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000110080000}'; // cab CLSID_CFormatNsis : TGUID = '{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000110090000}'; CLSID_CFormatLzma : TGUID = '{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-0001100A0000}'; // lzma lzma86 CLSID_CFormatPe : TGUID = '{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000110DD0000}'; CLSID_CFormatElf : TGUID = '{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000110DE0000}'; CLSID_CFormatMacho : TGUID = '{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000110DF0000}'; CLSID_CFormatUdf : TGUID = '{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000110E00000}'; // iso CLSID_CFormatXar : TGUID = '{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000110E10000}'; // xar CLSID_CFormatMub : TGUID = '{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000110E20000}'; CLSID_CFormatHfs : TGUID = '{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000110E30000}'; CLSID_CFormatDmg : TGUID = '{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000110E40000}'; // dmg CLSID_CFormatCompound : TGUID = '{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000110E50000}'; // msi doc xls ppt CLSID_CFormatWim : TGUID = '{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000110E60000}'; // wim swm CLSID_CFormatIso : TGUID = '{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000110E70000}'; // iso CLSID_CFormatBkf : TGUID = '{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000110E80000}'; CLSID_CFormatChm : TGUID = '{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000110E90000}'; // chm chi chq chw hxs hxi hxr hxq hxw lit CLSID_CFormatSplit : TGUID = '{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000110EA0000}'; // 001 CLSID_CFormatRpm : TGUID = '{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000110EB0000}'; // rpm CLSID_CFormatDeb : TGUID = '{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000110EC0000}'; // deb CLSID_CFormatCpio : TGUID = '{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000110ED0000}'; // cpio CLSID_CFormatTar : TGUID = '{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000110EE0000}'; // tar CLSID_CFormatGZip : TGUID = '{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000110EF0000}'; // gz gzip tgz tpz var WorkPath: string; {工做路徑,查找dll用} implementation const MAXCHECK : int64 = (1 shl 20); ZipCompressionMethod: array[TZipCompressionMethod] of UnicodeString = ('COPY', 'DEFLATE', 'DEFLATE64', 'BZIP2'); SevCompressionMethod: array[T7zCompressionMethod] of UnicodeString = ('COPY', 'LZMA', 'BZIP2', 'PPMD', 'DEFLATE', 'DEFLATE64'); function DateTimeToFileTime(dt: TDateTime): TFileTime; var st: TSystemTime; begin DateTimeToSystemTime(dt, st); if not (SystemTimeToFileTime(st, Result) and LocalFileTimeToFileTime(Result, Result)) then RaiseLastOSError; end; function FileTimeToDateTime(ft: TFileTime): TDateTime; var st: TSystemTime; begin if not (FileTimeToLocalFileTime(ft, ft) and FileTimeToSystemTime(ft, st)) then RaiseLastOSError; Result := SystemTimeToDateTime(st); end; function CurrentFileTime: TFileTime; begin GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(Result); end; procedure RINOK(const hr: HRESULT); begin if hr <> S_OK then raise Exception.Create(SysErrorMessage(hr)); end; procedure SetCardinalProperty(arch: I7zOutArchive; const name: UnicodeString; card: Cardinal); var value: OleVariant; begin TPropVariant(value).vt := VT_UI4; TPropVariant(value).ulVal := card; arch.SetPropertie(name, value); end; procedure SetBooleanProperty(arch: I7zOutArchive; const name: UnicodeString; bool: boolean); begin case bool of true: arch.SetPropertie(name, 'ON'); false: arch.SetPropertie(name, 'OFF'); end; end; procedure SetCompressionLevel(Arch: I7zOutArchive; level: Cardinal); begin SetCardinalProperty(arch, 'X', level); end; procedure SetMultiThreading(Arch: I7zOutArchive; ThreadCount: Cardinal); begin SetCardinalProperty(arch, 'MT', ThreadCount); end; procedure SetCompressionMethod(Arch: I7zOutArchive; method: TZipCompressionMethod); begin Arch.SetPropertie('M', ZipCompressionMethod[method]); end; procedure SetDictionnarySize(Arch: I7zOutArchive; size: Cardinal); begin SetCardinalProperty(arch, 'D', size); end; procedure SetDeflateNumPasses(Arch: I7zOutArchive; pass: Cardinal); begin SetCardinalProperty(arch, 'PASS', pass); end; procedure SetNumFastBytes(Arch: I7zOutArchive; fb: Cardinal); begin SetCardinalProperty(arch, 'FB', fb); end; procedure SetNumMatchFinderCycles(Arch: I7zOutArchive; mc: Cardinal); begin SetCardinalProperty(arch, 'MC', mc); end; procedure SevenZipSetCompressionMethod(Arch: I7zOutArchive; method: T7zCompressionMethod); begin Arch.SetPropertie('0', SevCompressionMethod[method]); end; procedure SevenZipSetBindInfo(Arch: I7zOutArchive; const bind: UnicodeString); begin arch.SetPropertie('B', bind); end; procedure SevenZipSetSolidSettings(Arch: I7zOutArchive; solid: boolean); begin SetBooleanProperty(Arch, 'S', solid); end; procedure SevenZipRemoveSfxBlock(Arch: I7zOutArchive; remove: boolean); begin SetBooleanProperty(arch, 'RSFX', remove); end; procedure SevenZipAutoFilter(Arch: I7zOutArchive; auto: boolean); begin SetBooleanProperty(arch, 'F', auto); end; procedure SevenZipCompressHeaders(Arch: I7zOutArchive; compress: boolean); begin SetBooleanProperty(arch, 'HC', compress); end; procedure SevenZipCompressHeadersFull(Arch: I7zOutArchive; compress: boolean); begin SetBooleanProperty(arch, 'HCF', compress); end; procedure SevenZipEncryptHeaders(Arch: I7zOutArchive; Encrypt: boolean); begin SetBooleanProperty(arch, 'HE', Encrypt); end; procedure SevenZipVolumeMode(Arch: I7zOutArchive; Mode: boolean); begin SetBooleanProperty(arch, 'V', Mode); end; type T7zPlugin = class(TInterfacedObject) private FHandle: THandle; FCreateObject: function(const clsid, iid :TGUID; var outObject): HRESULT; stdcall; public constructor Create(const lib: string); virtual; destructor Destroy; override; procedure CreateObject(const clsid, iid :TGUID; var obj); end; T7zCodec = class(T7zPlugin, I7zCodec, ICompressProgressInfo) private FGetMethodProperty: function(index: Cardinal; propID: NMethodPropID; var value: OleVariant): HRESULT; stdcall; FGetNumberOfMethods: function(numMethods: PCardinal): HRESULT; stdcall; function GetNumberOfMethods: Cardinal; function GetMethodProperty(index: Cardinal; propID: NMethodPropID): OleVariant; function GetName(const index: integer): string; protected function SetRatioInfo(inSize, outSize: PInt64): HRESULT; stdcall; public function GetDecoder(const index: integer): ICompressCoder; function GetEncoder(const index: integer): ICompressCoder; constructor Create(const lib: string); override; property MethodProperty[index: Cardinal; propID: NMethodPropID]: OleVariant read GetMethodProperty; property NumberOfMethods: Cardinal read GetNumberOfMethods; property Name[const index: integer]: string read GetName; end; T7zArchive = class(T7zPlugin) private FGetHandlerProperty: function(propID: NArchive; var value: OleVariant): HRESULT; stdcall; FClassId: TGUID; procedure SetClassId(const classid: TGUID); function GetClassId: TGUID; public function GetHandlerProperty(const propID: NArchive): OleVariant; function GetLibStringProperty(const Index: NArchive): string; function GetLibGUIDProperty(const Index: NArchive): TGUID; constructor Create(const lib: string); override; property HandlerProperty[const propID: NArchive]: OleVariant read GetHandlerProperty; property Name: string index kName read GetLibStringProperty; property ClassID: TGUID read GetClassId write SetClassId; property Extension: string index kExtension read GetLibStringProperty; end; T7zInArchive = class(T7zArchive, I7zInArchive, IProgress, IArchiveOpenCallback, IArchiveExtractCallback, ICryptoGetTextPassword, IArchiveOpenVolumeCallback, IArchiveOpenSetSubArchiveName) private FInArchive: IInArchive; FPasswordCallback: T7zPasswordCallback; FPasswordSender: Pointer; FProgressCallback: T7zProgressCallback; FProgressSender: Pointer; FProgressExceptCallback: T7zProgressExceptCallback; FProgressExceptSender: Pointer; FStream: TStream; FPasswordIsDefined: Boolean; FPassword: UnicodeString; FSubArchiveMode: Boolean; FSubArchiveName: UnicodeString; FExtractCallBack: T7zGetStreamCallBack; FExtractSender: Pointer; FExtractPath: string; function GetInArchive: IInArchive; function GetItemProp(const Item: Cardinal; prop: PROPID): OleVariant; protected // I7zInArchive procedure OpenFile(const filename: string); stdcall; procedure OpenStream(stream: IInStream); stdcall; procedure Close; stdcall; function GetNumberOfItems: Cardinal; stdcall; function GetItemPath(const index: integer): UnicodeString; stdcall; function GetItemName(const index: integer): UnicodeString; stdcall; function GetItemSize(const index: integer): Cardinal; stdcall; stdcall; function GetItemIsFolder(const index: integer): boolean; stdcall; procedure ExtractItem(const item: Cardinal; Stream: TStream; test: longbool); stdcall; procedure ExtractItems(items: PCardArray; count: cardinal; test: longbool; sender: pointer; callback: T7zGetStreamCallBack); stdcall; procedure SetPasswordCallback(sender: Pointer; callback: T7zPasswordCallback); stdcall; procedure SetProgressCallback(sender: Pointer; callback: T7zProgressCallback); stdcall; procedure SetProgressExceptCallback(sender: Pointer; callback: T7zProgressExceptCallback); stdcall; procedure ExtractAll(test: longbool; sender: pointer; callback: T7zGetStreamCallBack); stdcall; procedure ExtractTo(const path: string); stdcall; procedure SetPassword(const password: UnicodeString); stdcall; // IArchiveOpenCallback function SetTotal(files, bytes: PInt64): HRESULT; overload; stdcall; function SetCompleted(files, bytes: PInt64): HRESULT; overload; stdcall; // IProgress function SetTotal(total: Int64): HRESULT; overload; stdcall; function SetCompleted(completeValue: PInt64): HRESULT; overload; stdcall; // IArchiveExtractCallback function GetStream(index: Cardinal; var outStream: ISequentialOutStream; askExtractMode: NAskMode): HRESULT; overload; stdcall; function PrepareOperation(askExtractMode: NAskMode): HRESULT; stdcall; function SetOperationResult(resultEOperationResult: NExtOperationResult): HRESULT; overload; stdcall; // ICryptoGetTextPassword function CryptoGetTextPassword(var password: TBStr): HRESULT; stdcall; // IArchiveOpenVolumeCallback function GetProperty(propID: PROPID; var value: OleVariant): HRESULT; overload; stdcall; function GetStream(const name: PWideChar; var inStream: IInStream): HRESULT; overload; stdcall; // IArchiveOpenSetSubArchiveName function SetSubArchiveName(name: PWideChar): HRESULT; stdcall; public constructor Create(const lib: string); override; destructor Destroy; override; property InArchive: IInArchive read GetInArchive; end; T7zOutArchive = class(T7zArchive, I7zOutArchive, IArchiveUpdateCallback, ICryptoGetTextPassword2) private FOutArchive: IOutArchive; FBatchList: TObjectList; FProgressCallback: T7zProgressCallback; FProgressSender: Pointer; FPassword: UnicodeString; function GetOutArchive: IOutArchive; protected // I7zOutArchive procedure AddStream(Stream: TStream; Ownership: TStreamOwnership; Attributes: Cardinal; CreationTime, LastWriteTime: TFileTime; const Path: UnicodeString; IsFolder, IsAnti: boolean); stdcall; procedure AddFile(const Filename: TFileName; const Path: UnicodeString); stdcall; procedure AddFiles(const Dir, Path, Willcards: string; recurse: boolean); stdcall; procedure SaveToFile(const FileName: TFileName); stdcall; procedure SaveToStream(stream: TStream); stdcall; procedure SetProgressCallback(sender: Pointer; callback: T7zProgressCallback); stdcall; procedure CrearBatch; stdcall; procedure SetPassword(const password: UnicodeString); stdcall; procedure SetPropertie(name: UnicodeString; value: OleVariant); stdcall; // IProgress function SetTotal(total: Int64): HRESULT; stdcall; function SetCompleted(completeValue: PInt64): HRESULT; stdcall; // IArchiveUpdateCallback function GetUpdateItemInfo(index: Cardinal; newData: PInteger; // 1 - new data, 0 - old data newProperties: PInteger; // 1 - new properties, 0 - old properties indexInArchive: PCardinal // -1 if there is no in archive, or if doesn't matter ): HRESULT; stdcall; function GetProperty(index: Cardinal; propID: PROPID; var value: OleVariant): HRESULT; stdcall; function GetStream(index: Cardinal; var inStream: ISequentialInStream): HRESULT; stdcall; function SetOperationResult(operationResult: Integer): HRESULT; stdcall; // ICryptoGetTextPassword2 function CryptoGetTextPassword2(passwordIsDefined: PInteger; var password: TBStr): HRESULT; stdcall; public constructor Create(const lib: string); override; destructor Destroy; override; property OutArchive: IOutArchive read GetOutArchive; end; function CreateInArchive(const classid: TGUID): I7zInArchive; begin Result := T7zInArchive.Create(WorkPath + '7z.dll'); Result.ClassId := classid; end; function CreateOutArchive(const classid: TGUID): I7zOutArchive; begin Result := T7zOutArchive.Create(WorkPath + '7z.dll'); Result.ClassId := classid; end; { T7zPlugin } constructor T7zPlugin.Create(const lib: string); begin FHandle := LoadLibrary(PChar(lib)); if FHandle = 0 then raise exception.CreateFmt('Error loading library %s', [lib]); FCreateObject := GetProcAddress(FHandle, 'CreateObject'); if not (Assigned(FCreateObject)) then begin FreeLibrary(FHandle); raise Exception.CreateFmt('%s is not a 7z library', [lib]); end; end; destructor T7zPlugin.Destroy; begin FreeLibrary(FHandle); inherited; end; procedure T7zPlugin.CreateObject(const clsid, iid: TGUID; var obj); var hr: HRESULT; begin hr := FCreateObject(clsid, iid, obj); if failed(hr) then raise Exception.Create(SysErrorMessage(hr)); end; { T7zCodec } constructor T7zCodec.Create(const lib: string); begin inherited; FGetMethodProperty := GetProcAddress(FHandle, 'GetMethodProperty'); FGetNumberOfMethods := GetProcAddress(FHandle, 'GetNumberOfMethods'); if not (Assigned(FGetMethodProperty) and Assigned(FGetNumberOfMethods)) then begin FreeLibrary(FHandle); raise Exception.CreateFmt('%s is not a codec library', [lib]); end; end; function T7zCodec.GetDecoder(const index: integer): ICompressCoder; var v: OleVariant; begin v := MethodProperty[index, kDecoder]; CreateObject(TPropVariant(v).puuid^, ICompressCoder, Result); end; function T7zCodec.GetEncoder(const index: integer): ICompressCoder; var v: OleVariant; begin v := MethodProperty[index, kEncoder]; CreateObject(TPropVariant(v).puuid^, ICompressCoder, Result); end; function T7zCodec.GetMethodProperty(index: Cardinal; propID: NMethodPropID): OleVariant; var hr: HRESULT; begin hr := FGetMethodProperty(index, propID, Result); if Failed(hr) then raise Exception.Create(SysErrorMessage(hr)); end; function T7zCodec.GetName(const index: integer): string; begin Result := MethodProperty[index, kName_]; end; function T7zCodec.GetNumberOfMethods: Cardinal; var hr: HRESULT; begin hr := FGetNumberOfMethods(@Result); if Failed(hr) then raise Exception.Create(SysErrorMessage(hr)); end; function T7zCodec.SetRatioInfo(inSize, outSize: PInt64): HRESULT; begin Result := S_OK; end; { T7zInArchive } procedure T7zInArchive.Close; stdcall; begin FPasswordIsDefined := false; FSubArchiveMode := false; FInArchive.Close; FInArchive := nil; end; constructor T7zInArchive.Create(const lib: string); begin inherited; FPasswordCallback := nil; FPasswordSender := nil; FPasswordIsDefined := false; FSubArchiveMode := false; FExtractCallBack := nil; FExtractSender := nil; end; destructor T7zInArchive.Destroy; begin FInArchive := nil; inherited; end; function T7zInArchive.GetInArchive: IInArchive; begin if FInArchive = nil then CreateObject(ClassID, IInArchive, FInArchive); Result := FInArchive; end; function T7zInArchive.GetItemPath(const index: integer): UnicodeString; stdcall; begin Result := UnicodeString(GetItemProp(index, kpidPath)); end; function T7zInArchive.GetNumberOfItems: Cardinal; stdcall; begin RINOK(FInArchive.GetNumberOfItems(Result)); end; procedure T7zInArchive.OpenFile(const filename: string); stdcall; var strm: IInStream; begin strm := T7zStream.Create(TFileStream.Create(filename, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone), soOwned); try RINOK( InArchive.Open( strm, @MAXCHECK, self as IArchiveOpenCallBack ) ); finally strm := nil; end; end; procedure T7zInArchive.OpenStream(stream: IInStream); stdcall; begin RINOK(InArchive.Open(stream, @MAXCHECK, self as IArchiveOpenCallBack)); end; function T7zInArchive.GetItemIsFolder(const index: integer): boolean; stdcall; begin Result := Boolean(GetItemProp(index, kpidIsFolder)); end; function T7zInArchive.GetItemProp(const Item: Cardinal; prop: PROPID): OleVariant; begin FInArchive.GetProperty(Item, prop, Result); end; procedure T7zInArchive.ExtractItem(const item: Cardinal; Stream: TStream; test: longbool); stdcall; begin FStream := Stream; try if test then RINOK(FInArchive.Extract(@item, 1, 1, self as IArchiveExtractCallback)) else RINOK(FInArchive.Extract(@item, 1, 0, self as IArchiveExtractCallback)); finally FStream := nil; end; end; function T7zInArchive.GetStream(index: Cardinal; var outStream: ISequentialOutStream; askExtractMode: NAskMode): HRESULT; var nPath: string; nDefFileAttr: Cardinal; nFileStream: TFileStream; nECR: NECallBack; begin Result := S_FALSE; if askExtractMode = kExtract then begin if FStream <> nil then outStream := T7zStream.Create(FStream, soReference) as ISequentialOutStream else if assigned(FExtractCallback) then begin Result := FExtractCallBack(FExtractSender, index, outStream); Exit; end else if FExtractPath <> '' then begin if GetItemIsFolder(index) then begin nPath := FExtractPath + GetItemPath(index); ForceDirectories(nPath); end else begin nPath := FExtractPath + GetItemPath(index); ForceDirectories(ExtractFilePath(nPath)); nDefFileAttr := 0; if FileExists(nPath) then begin nDefFileAttr := GetFileAttributes(PChar(nPath)); if nDefFileAttr <> FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL then SetFileAttributes(PChar(nPath), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); end; repeat try nFileStream := TFileStream.Create(nPath, fmCreate); except FreeAndNil(nFileStream); if not Assigned(FProgressExceptCallback) then nECR := EC_CANCEL else nECR := FProgressExceptCallback(FProgressExceptSender, nPath); end; until (nFileStream <> nil) or (nECR <> EC_RETRY); if nFileStream = nil then begin if nECR = EC_CANCEL then Exit; end else begin outStream := T7zStream.Create(nFileStream, soOwned); if (nDefFileAttr <> 0) and (nDefFileAttr <> FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL) then SetFileAttributes(PChar(nPath), nDefFileAttr); end; end; end; end; Result := S_OK; end; function T7zInArchive.PrepareOperation(askExtractMode: NAskMode): HRESULT; begin Result := S_OK; end; function T7zInArchive.SetCompleted(completeValue: PInt64): HRESULT; begin if Assigned(FProgressCallback) and (completeValue <> nil) then Result := FProgressCallback(FProgressSender, false, completeValue^) else Result := S_OK; end; function T7zInArchive.SetCompleted(files, bytes: PInt64): HRESULT; begin Result := S_OK; end; function T7zInArchive.SetOperationResult( resultEOperationResult: NExtOperationResult): HRESULT; begin Result := S_OK; end; function T7zInArchive.SetTotal(total: Int64): HRESULT; begin if Assigned(FProgressCallback) then Result := FProgressCallback(FProgressSender, true, total) else Result := S_OK; end; function T7zInArchive.SetTotal(files, bytes: PInt64): HRESULT; begin Result := S_OK; end; function T7zInArchive.CryptoGetTextPassword(var password: TBStr): HRESULT; var wpass: UnicodeString; begin if FPasswordIsDefined then begin password := SysAllocString(PWideChar(FPassword)); Result := S_OK; end else if Assigned(FPasswordCallback) then begin Result := FPasswordCallBack(FPasswordSender, wpass); if Result = S_OK then begin password := SysAllocString(PWideChar(wpass)); FPasswordIsDefined := True; FPassword := wpass; end; end else Result := S_FALSE; end; function T7zInArchive.GetProperty(propID: PROPID; var value: OleVariant): HRESULT; begin Result := S_OK; end; function T7zInArchive.GetStream(const name: PWideChar; var inStream: IInStream): HRESULT; begin Result := S_OK; end; procedure T7zInArchive.SetPasswordCallback(sender: Pointer; callback: T7zPasswordCallback); stdcall; begin FPasswordSender := sender; FPasswordCallback := callback; end; function T7zInArchive.SetSubArchiveName(name: PWideChar): HRESULT; begin FSubArchiveMode := true; FSubArchiveName := name; Result := S_OK; end; function T7zInArchive.GetItemName(const index: integer): UnicodeString; stdcall; begin Result := UnicodeString(GetItemProp(index, kpidName)); end; function T7zInArchive.GetItemSize(const index: integer): Cardinal; stdcall; begin Result := Cardinal(GetItemProp(index, kpidSize)); end; procedure T7zInArchive.ExtractItems(items: PCardArray; count: cardinal; test: longbool; sender: pointer; callback: T7zGetStreamCallBack); stdcall; begin FExtractCallBack := callback; FExtractSender := sender; try if test then RINOK(FInArchive.Extract(items, count, 1, self as IArchiveExtractCallback)) else RINOK(FInArchive.Extract(items, count, 0, self as IArchiveExtractCallback)); finally FExtractCallBack := nil; FExtractSender := nil; end; end; procedure T7zInArchive.SetProgressCallback(sender: Pointer; callback: T7zProgressCallback); stdcall; begin FProgressSender := sender; FProgressCallback := callback; end; procedure T7zInArchive.SetProgressExceptCallback(sender: Pointer; callback: T7zProgressExceptCallback); begin FProgressExceptSender := sender; FProgressExceptCallback := callback; end; procedure T7zInArchive.ExtractAll(test: longbool; sender: pointer; callback: T7zGetStreamCallBack); begin FExtractCallBack := callback; FExtractSender := sender; try if test then RINOK(FInArchive.Extract(nil, $FFFFFFFF, 1, self as IArchiveExtractCallback)) else RINOK(FInArchive.Extract(nil, $FFFFFFFF, 0, self as IArchiveExtractCallback)); finally FExtractCallBack := nil; FExtractSender := nil; end; end; procedure T7zInArchive.ExtractTo(const path: string); begin FExtractPath := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(path); try RINOK(FInArchive.Extract(nil, $FFFFFFFF, 0, self as IArchiveExtractCallback)); finally FExtractPath := ''; end; end; procedure T7zInArchive.SetPassword(const password: UnicodeString); begin FPassword := password; FPasswordIsDefined := FPassword <> ''; end; { T7zArchive } constructor T7zArchive.Create(const lib: string); begin inherited; FGetHandlerProperty := GetProcAddress(FHandle, 'GetHandlerProperty'); if not Assigned(FGetHandlerProperty) then begin FreeLibrary(FHandle); raise Exception.CreateFmt('%s is not a Format library', [lib]); end; FClassId := GUID_NULL; end; function T7zArchive.GetClassId: TGUID; begin Result := FClassId; end; function T7zArchive.GetHandlerProperty(const propID: NArchive): OleVariant; var hr: HRESULT; begin hr := FGetHandlerProperty(propID, Result); if Failed(hr) then raise Exception.Create(SysErrorMessage(hr)); end; function T7zArchive.GetLibGUIDProperty(const Index: NArchive): TGUID; var v: OleVariant; begin v := HandlerProperty[index]; Result := TPropVariant(v).puuid^; end; function T7zArchive.GetLibStringProperty(const Index: NArchive): string; begin Result := HandlerProperty[Index]; end; procedure T7zArchive.SetClassId(const classid: TGUID); begin FClassId := classid; end; { T7zStream } constructor T7zStream.Create(Stream: TStream; Ownership: TStreamOwnership); begin inherited Create; FStream := Stream; FOwnership := Ownership; end; destructor T7zStream.destroy; begin if FOwnership = soOwned then begin FStream.Free; FStream := nil; end; inherited; end; function T7zStream.Flush: HRESULT; begin Result := S_OK; end; function T7zStream.GetSize(size: PInt64): HRESULT; begin if size <> nil then size^ := FStream.Size; Result := S_OK; end; function T7zStream.Read(data: Pointer; size: Cardinal; processedSize: PCardinal): HRESULT; var len: integer; begin len := FStream.Read(data^, size); if processedSize <> nil then processedSize^ := len; Result := S_OK; end; function T7zStream.Seek(offset: Int64; seekOrigin: Cardinal; newPosition: PInt64): HRESULT; begin FStream.Seek(offset, TSeekOrigin(seekOrigin)); if newPosition <> nil then newPosition^ := FStream.Position; Result := S_OK; end; function T7zStream.SetSize(newSize: Int64): HRESULT; begin FStream.Size := newSize; Result := S_OK; end; function T7zStream.Write(data: Pointer; size: Cardinal; processedSize: PCardinal): HRESULT; var len: integer; begin len := FStream.Write(data^, size); if processedSize <> nil then processedSize^ := len; Result := S_OK; end; type TSourceMode = (smStream, smFile); T7zBatchItem = class SourceMode: TSourceMode; Stream: TStream; Attributes: Cardinal; CreationTime, LastWriteTime: TFileTime; Path: UnicodeString; IsFolder, IsAnti: boolean; FileName: TFileName; Ownership: TStreamOwnership; Size: Cardinal; destructor Destroy; override; end; destructor T7zBatchItem.Destroy; begin if (Ownership = soOwned) and (Stream <> nil) then Stream.Free; inherited; end; { T7zOutArchive } procedure T7zOutArchive.AddFile(const Filename: TFileName; const Path: UnicodeString); var item: T7zBatchItem; Handle: THandle; begin if not FileExists(Filename) then exit; item := T7zBatchItem.Create; Item.SourceMode := smFile; item.Stream := nil; item.FileName := Filename; item.Path := Path; Handle := FileOpen(Filename, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone); GetFileTime(Handle, @item.CreationTime, nil, @item.LastWriteTime); item.Size := GetFileSize(Handle, nil); CloseHandle(Handle); item.Attributes := GetFileAttributes(PChar(Filename)); item.IsFolder := false; item.IsAnti := False; item.Ownership := soOwned; FBatchList.Add(item); end; procedure T7zOutArchive.AddFiles(const Dir, Path, Willcards: string; recurse: boolean); var lencut: integer; willlist: TStringList; zedir: string; procedure Traverse(p: string); var f: TSearchRec; i: integer; item: T7zBatchItem; begin if recurse then begin if FindFirst(p + '*.*', faDirectory, f) = 0 then repeat if (f.Name[1] <> '.') then Traverse(IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(p + f.Name)); until FindNext(f) <> 0; SysUtils.FindClose(f); end; for i := 0 to willlist.Count - 1 do begin if FindFirst(p + willlist[i], faReadOnly or faHidden or faSysFile or faArchive, f) = 0 then repeat item := T7zBatchItem.Create; Item.SourceMode := smFile; item.Stream := nil; item.FileName := p + f.Name; item.Path := copy(item.FileName, lencut, length(item.FileName) - lencut + 1); if path <> '' then item.Path := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(path) + item.Path; item.CreationTime := f.FindData.ftCreationTime; item.LastWriteTime := f.FindData.ftLastWriteTime; item.Attributes := f.FindData.dwFileAttributes; item.Size := f.Size; item.IsFolder := false; item.IsAnti := False; item.Ownership := soOwned; FBatchList.Add(item); until FindNext(f) <> 0; SysUtils.FindClose(f); end; end; procedure _Delimiter; var i, s, x, l: Integer; nStr: string; begin s := 1; l := Length(Willcards); for i := 1 to l do begin if Willcards[i] = ';' then begin willlist.Add(Copy(Willcards, s, i - s)); s := i + 1; end; end; if s < l then willlist.Add(Copy(Willcards, s, l - s + 1)); end; begin willlist := TStringList.Create; try _Delimiter; zedir := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(Dir); lencut := Length(zedir) + 1; Traverse(zedir); finally willlist.Free; end; end; procedure T7zOutArchive.AddStream(Stream: TStream; Ownership: TStreamOwnership; Attributes: Cardinal; CreationTime, LastWriteTime: TFileTime; const Path: UnicodeString; IsFolder, IsAnti: boolean); stdcall; var item: T7zBatchItem; begin item := T7zBatchItem.Create; Item.SourceMode := smStream; item.Attributes := Attributes; item.CreationTime := CreationTime; item.LastWriteTime := LastWriteTime; item.Path := Path; item.IsFolder := IsFolder; item.IsAnti := IsAnti; item.Stream := Stream; item.Size := Stream.Size; item.Ownership := Ownership; FBatchList.Add(item); end; procedure T7zOutArchive.CrearBatch; begin FBatchList.Clear; end; constructor T7zOutArchive.Create(const lib: string); begin inherited; FBatchList := TObjectList.Create; FProgressCallback := nil; FProgressSender := nil; end; function T7zOutArchive.CryptoGetTextPassword2(passwordIsDefined: PInteger; var password: TBStr): HRESULT; begin if FPassword <> '' then begin passwordIsDefined^ := 1; password := SysAllocString(PWideChar(FPassword)); end else passwordIsDefined^ := 0; Result := S_OK; end; destructor T7zOutArchive.Destroy; begin FOutArchive := nil; FBatchList.Free; inherited; end; function T7zOutArchive.GetOutArchive: IOutArchive; begin if FOutArchive = nil then CreateObject(ClassID, IOutArchive, FOutArchive); Result := FOutArchive; end; function T7zOutArchive.GetProperty(index: Cardinal; propID: PROPID; var value: OleVariant): HRESULT; var item: T7zBatchItem; begin item := T7zBatchItem(FBatchList[index]); case propID of kpidAttributes: begin TPropVariant(Value).vt := VT_UI4; TPropVariant(Value).ulVal := item.Attributes; end; kpidLastWriteTime: begin TPropVariant(value).vt := VT_FILETIME; TPropVariant(value).filetime := item.LastWriteTime; end; kpidPath: begin if item.Path <> '' then value := item.Path; end; kpidIsFolder: Value := item.IsFolder; kpidSize: begin TPropVariant(Value).vt := VT_UI8; TPropVariant(Value).uhVal.QuadPart := item.Size; end; kpidCreationTime: begin TPropVariant(value).vt := VT_FILETIME; TPropVariant(value).filetime := item.CreationTime; end; kpidIsAnti: value := item.IsAnti; else // beep(0,0); end; Result := S_OK; end; function T7zOutArchive.GetStream(index: Cardinal; var inStream: ISequentialInStream): HRESULT; var item: T7zBatchItem; begin item := T7zBatchItem(FBatchList[index]); case item.SourceMode of smFile: inStream := T7zStream.Create(TFileStream.Create(item.FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone), soOwned); smStream: begin item.Stream.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); inStream := T7zStream.Create(item.Stream); end; end; Result := S_OK; end; function T7zOutArchive.GetUpdateItemInfo(index: Cardinal; newData, newProperties: PInteger; indexInArchive: PCardinal): HRESULT; begin newData^ := 1; newProperties^ := 1; indexInArchive^ := CArdinal(-1); Result := S_OK; end; procedure T7zOutArchive.SaveToFile(const FileName: TFileName); var f: TFileStream; begin f := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate); try SaveToStream(f); finally f.free; end; end; procedure T7zOutArchive.SaveToStream(stream: TStream); var strm: ISequentialOutStream; begin strm := T7zStream.Create(stream); try RINOK(OutArchive.UpdateItems(strm, FBatchList.Count, self as IArchiveUpdateCallback)); finally strm := nil; end; end; function T7zOutArchive.SetCompleted(completeValue: PInt64): HRESULT; begin if Assigned(FProgressCallback) and (completeValue <> nil) then Result := FProgressCallback(FProgressSender, false, completeValue^) else Result := S_OK; end; function T7zOutArchive.SetOperationResult( operationResult: Integer): HRESULT; begin Result := S_OK; end; procedure T7zOutArchive.SetPassword(const password: UnicodeString); begin FPassword := password; end; procedure T7zOutArchive.SetProgressCallback(sender: Pointer; callback: T7zProgressCallback); begin FProgressCallback := callback; FProgressSender := sender; end; procedure T7zOutArchive.SetPropertie(name: UnicodeString; value: OleVariant); var intf: ISetProperties; p: PWideChar; begin intf := OutArchive as ISetProperties; p := PWideChar(name); RINOK(intf.SetProperties(@p, @TPropVariant(value), 1)); end; function T7zOutArchive.SetTotal(total: Int64): HRESULT; begin if Assigned(FProgressCallback) then Result := FProgressCallback(FProgressSender, true, total) else Result := S_OK; end; initialization WorkPath := ''; end.