做者 | 江昱
來源 | Serverless 公衆號css
Serverless 概念自被提出就倍受關注,尤爲是近些年來 Serverless 煥發出了史無前例的活力,各領域的工程師都在試圖將 Serverless 架構與自身工做相結合,以獲取到 Serverless 架構所帶來的「技術紅利」。html
驗證碼(CAPTCHA)是「Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart」(全自動區分計算機和人類的圖靈測試)的縮寫,是一種區分用戶是計算機仍是人的公共全自動程序。能夠防止惡意破解密碼、刷票、論壇灌水,有效防止某個黑客對某一個特定註冊用戶用特定程序暴力破解方式進行不斷地登錄嘗試。實際上驗證碼是如今不少網站通行的方式,咱們利用比較簡易的方式實現了這個功能。CAPTCHA 的問題由計算機生成並評判,可是這個問題只有人類才能解答,計算機是沒法解答的,因此回答出問題的用戶就能夠被認爲是人類。說白了,驗證碼就是用來驗證的碼,驗證是人訪問的仍是機器訪問的「碼」。前端
那麼人工智能領域中的驗證碼識別與 Serverless 架構會碰撞出哪些火花呢?本文將經過 Serverless 架構和卷積神經網絡(CNN)算法,實現驗證碼識別功能。python
Bilibili 的登陸驗證碼就包括了多種模式,例如滑動滑塊進行驗證:web
而百度貼吧、知乎、以及 Google 等相關網站的驗證碼又各不相同,例如選擇正着寫的文字、選擇包括指定物體的圖片以及按順序點擊圖片中的字符等。docker
可是隨着時間的發展,在這種簡單驗證碼逐漸沒法知足判斷「是人仍是機器」的問題時,驗證碼進行了一次小升級,即驗證碼上面增長了一些干擾線,或者驗證碼進行了嚴重的扭曲,增長了強色塊干擾,例如 Dynadot 網站的驗證碼:
卷積神經網絡(Convolutional Neural Network,簡稱 CNN),是一種前饋神經網絡,人工神經元能夠響應周圍單元,進行大型圖像處理。卷積神經網絡包括卷積層和池化層。
如圖所示,左圖是傳統的神經網絡,其基本結構是:輸入層、隱含層、輸出層。右圖則是卷積神經網絡,其結構由輸入層、輸出層、卷積層、池化層、全鏈接層構成。卷積神經網絡實際上是神經網絡的一種拓展,而事實上從結構上來講,樸素的 CNN 和樸素的 NN 沒有任何區別(固然,引入了特殊結構的、複雜的 CNN 會和 NN 有着比較大的區別)。相對於傳統神經網絡,CNN 在實際效果中讓咱們的網絡參數數量大大地減小,這樣咱們能夠用較少的參數,訓練出更加好的模型,典型的事半功倍,並且能夠有效地避免過擬合。一樣,因爲 filter 的參數共享,即便圖片進行了必定的平移操做,咱們照樣能夠識別出特徵,這叫作 「平移不變性」。所以,模型就更加穩健了。
# coding:utf-8 import random import numpy as np from PIL import Image from captcha.image import ImageCaptcha CAPTCHA_LIST = [eve for eve in "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrsruvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRSTUVWXYZ"] CAPTCHA_LEN = 4 # 驗證碼長度 CAPTCHA_HEIGHT = 60 # 驗證碼高度 CAPTCHA_WIDTH = 160 # 驗證碼寬度 randomCaptchaText = lambda char=CAPTCHA_LIST, size=CAPTCHA_LEN: "".join([random.choice(char) for _ in range(size)]) def genCaptchaTextImage(width=CAPTCHA_WIDTH, height=CAPTCHA_HEIGHT, save=None): image = ImageCaptcha(width=width, height=height) captchaText = randomCaptchaText() if save: image.write(captchaText, './img/%s.jpg' % captchaText) return captchaText, np.array(Image.open(image.generate(captchaText))) print(genCaptchaTextImage(save=True))
util.py 文件,主要是一些提取出來的公有方法:
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import numpy as np from captcha_gen import genCaptchaTextImage from captcha_gen import CAPTCHA_LIST, CAPTCHA_LEN, CAPTCHA_HEIGHT, CAPTCHA_WIDTH # 圖片轉爲黑白,3維轉1維 convert2Gray = lambda img: np.mean(img, -1) if len(img.shape) > 2 else img # 驗證碼向量轉爲文本 vec2Text = lambda vec, captcha_list=CAPTCHA_LIST: ''.join([captcha_list[int(v)] for v in vec]) def text2Vec(text, captchaLen=CAPTCHA_LEN, captchaList=CAPTCHA_LIST): """ 驗證碼文本轉爲向量 """ vector = np.zeros(captchaLen * len(captchaList)) for i in range(len(text)): vector[captchaList.index(text[i]) + i * len(captchaList)] = 1 return vector def getNextBatch(batchCount=60, width=CAPTCHA_WIDTH, height=CAPTCHA_HEIGHT): """ 獲取訓練圖片組 """ batchX = np.zeros([batchCount, width * height]) batchY = np.zeros([batchCount, CAPTCHA_LEN * len(CAPTCHA_LIST)]) for i in range(batchCount): text, image = genCaptchaTextImage() image = convert2Gray(image) # 將圖片數組一維化 同時將文本也對應在兩個二維組的同一行 batchX[i, :] = image.flatten() / 255 batchY[i, :] = text2Vec(text) return batchX, batchY # print(getNextBatch(batch_count=1))
model_train.py 文件,主要是進行模型訓練。在該文件中,定義了模型的基本信息,例如該模型是三層卷積神經網絡,原始圖像大小是 60160,在第一次卷積後變爲 60160, 第一池化後變爲 3080;第二次卷積後變爲 3080 ,第二次池化後變爲 1540;第三次卷積後變爲 1540 ,第三次池化後變爲720。通過三次卷積和池化後,原始圖片數據變爲 720 的平面數據,同時項目在進行訓練的時候,每隔 100 次進行一次數據測試,計算一次準確度:
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf from datetime import datetime from util import getNextBatch from captcha_gen import CAPTCHA_HEIGHT, CAPTCHA_WIDTH, CAPTCHA_LEN, CAPTCHA_LIST tf.compat.v1.disable_eager_execution() variable = lambda shape, alpha=0.01: tf.Variable(alpha * tf.random_normal(shape)) conv2d = lambda x, w: tf.nn.conv2d(x, w, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME') maxPool2x2 = lambda x: tf.nn.max_pool(x, ksize=[1, 2, 2, 1], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='SAME') optimizeGraph = lambda y, y_conv: tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-3).minimize( tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=y, logits=y_conv))) hDrop = lambda image, weight, bias, keepProb: tf.nn.dropout( maxPool2x2(tf.nn.relu(conv2d(image, variable(weight, 0.01)) + variable(bias, 0.1))), keepProb) def cnnGraph(x, keepProb, size, captchaList=CAPTCHA_LIST, captchaLen=CAPTCHA_LEN): """ 三層卷積神經網絡 """ imageHeight, imageWidth = size xImage = tf.reshape(x, shape=[-1, imageHeight, imageWidth, 1]) hDrop1 = hDrop(xImage, [3, 3, 1, 32], [32], keepProb) hDrop2 = hDrop(hDrop1, [3, 3, 32, 64], [64], keepProb) hDrop3 = hDrop(hDrop2, [3, 3, 64, 64], [64], keepProb) # 全鏈接層 imageHeight = int(hDrop3.shape[1]) imageWidth = int(hDrop3.shape[2]) wFc = variable([imageHeight * imageWidth * 64, 1024], 0.01) # 上一層有64個神經元 全鏈接層有1024個神經元 bFc = variable([1024], 0.1) hDrop3Re = tf.reshape(hDrop3, [-1, imageHeight * imageWidth * 64]) hFc = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(hDrop3Re, wFc) + bFc) hDropFc = tf.nn.dropout(hFc, keepProb) # 輸出層 wOut = variable([1024, len(captchaList) * captchaLen], 0.01) bOut = variable([len(captchaList) * captchaLen], 0.1) yConv = tf.matmul(hDropFc, wOut) + bOut return yConv def accuracyGraph(y, yConv, width=len(CAPTCHA_LIST), height=CAPTCHA_LEN): """ 誤差計算圖,正確值和預測值,計算準確度 """ maxPredictIdx = tf.argmax(tf.reshape(yConv, [-1, height, width]), 2) maxLabelIdx = tf.argmax(tf.reshape(y, [-1, height, width]), 2) correct = tf.equal(maxPredictIdx, maxLabelIdx) # 判斷是否相等 return tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct, tf.float32)) def train(height=CAPTCHA_HEIGHT, width=CAPTCHA_WIDTH, ySize=len(CAPTCHA_LIST) * CAPTCHA_LEN): """ cnn訓練 """ accRate = 0.95 x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, height * width]) y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, ySize]) keepProb = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) yConv = cnnGraph(x, keepProb, (height, width)) optimizer = optimizeGraph(y, yConv) accuracy = accuracyGraph(y, yConv) saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session() as sess: sess.run(tf.global_variables_initializer()) # 初始化 step = 0 # 步數 while True: batchX, batchY = getNextBatch(64) sess.run(optimizer, feed_dict={x: batchX, y: batchY, keepProb: 0.75}) # 每訓練一百次測試一次 if step % 100 == 0: batchXTest, batchYTest = getNextBatch(100) acc = sess.run(accuracy, feed_dict={x: batchXTest, y: batchYTest, keepProb: 1.0}) print(datetime.now().strftime('%c'), ' step:', step, ' accuracy:', acc) # 準確率知足要求,保存模型 if acc > accRate: modelPath = "./model/captcha.model" saver.save(sess, modelPath, global_step=step) accRate += 0.01 if accRate > 0.90: break step = step + 1 train()
當完成了這部分以後,咱們能夠經過本地機器對模型進行訓練,爲了提高訓練速度,我將代碼中的 accRate 部分設置爲:
if accRate > 0.90: break
也就是說,當準確率超過 90% 以後,系統就會自動中止,而且保存模型。
訓練時間可能會比較長,訓練完成以後,能夠根據結果繪圖,查看隨着 Step 的增長,準確率的變化曲線:
橫軸表示訓練的 Step,縱軸表示準確率
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # 核心後端服務 import base64 import json import uuid import tensorflow as tf import random import numpy as np from PIL import Image from captcha.image import ImageCaptcha # Response class Response: def __init__(self, start_response, response, errorCode=None): self.start = start_response responseBody = { 'Error': {"Code": errorCode, "Message": response}, } if errorCode else { 'Response': response } # 默認增長uuid,便於後期定位 responseBody['ResponseId'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) print("Response: ", json.dumps(responseBody)) self.response = json.dumps(responseBody) def __iter__(self): status = '200' response_headers = [('Content-type', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8')] self.start(status, response_headers) yield self.response.encode("utf-8") CAPTCHA_LIST = [eve for eve in "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrsruvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRSTUVWXYZ"] CAPTCHA_LEN = 4 # 驗證碼長度 CAPTCHA_HEIGHT = 60 # 驗證碼高度 CAPTCHA_WIDTH = 160 # 驗證碼寬度 # 隨機字符串 randomStr = lambda num=5: "".join(random.sample('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', num)) randomCaptchaText = lambda char=CAPTCHA_LIST, size=CAPTCHA_LEN: "".join([random.choice(char) for _ in range(size)]) # 圖片轉爲黑白,3維轉1維 convert2Gray = lambda img: np.mean(img, -1) if len(img.shape) > 2 else img # 驗證碼向量轉爲文本 vec2Text = lambda vec, captcha_list=CAPTCHA_LIST: ''.join([captcha_list[int(v)] for v in vec]) variable = lambda shape, alpha=0.01: tf.Variable(alpha * tf.random_normal(shape)) conv2d = lambda x, w: tf.nn.conv2d(x, w, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME') maxPool2x2 = lambda x: tf.nn.max_pool(x, ksize=[1, 2, 2, 1], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='SAME') optimizeGraph = lambda y, y_conv: tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-3).minimize( tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=y, logits=y_conv))) hDrop = lambda image, weight, bias, keepProb: tf.nn.dropout( maxPool2x2(tf.nn.relu(conv2d(image, variable(weight, 0.01)) + variable(bias, 0.1))), keepProb) def genCaptchaTextImage(width=CAPTCHA_WIDTH, height=CAPTCHA_HEIGHT, save=None): image = ImageCaptcha(width=width, height=height) captchaText = randomCaptchaText() if save: image.write(captchaText, save) return captchaText, np.array(Image.open(image.generate(captchaText))) def text2Vec(text, captcha_len=CAPTCHA_LEN, captcha_list=CAPTCHA_LIST): """ 驗證碼文本轉爲向量 """ vector = np.zeros(captcha_len * len(captcha_list)) for i in range(len(text)): vector[captcha_list.index(text[i]) + i * len(captcha_list)] = 1 return vector def getNextBatch(batch_count=60, width=CAPTCHA_WIDTH, height=CAPTCHA_HEIGHT): """ 獲取訓練圖片組 """ batch_x = np.zeros([batch_count, width * height]) batch_y = np.zeros([batch_count, CAPTCHA_LEN * len(CAPTCHA_LIST)]) for i in range(batch_count): text, image = genCaptchaTextImage() image = convert2Gray(image) # 將圖片數組一維化 同時將文本也對應在兩個二維組的同一行 batch_x[i, :] = image.flatten() / 255 batch_y[i, :] = text2Vec(text) return batch_x, batch_y def cnnGraph(x, keepProb, size, captchaList=CAPTCHA_LIST, captchaLen=CAPTCHA_LEN): """ 三層卷積神經網絡 """ imageHeight, imageWidth = size xImage = tf.reshape(x, shape=[-1, imageHeight, imageWidth, 1]) hDrop1 = hDrop(xImage, [3, 3, 1, 32], [32], keepProb) hDrop2 = hDrop(hDrop1, [3, 3, 32, 64], [64], keepProb) hDrop3 = hDrop(hDrop2, [3, 3, 64, 64], [64], keepProb) # 全鏈接層 imageHeight = int(hDrop3.shape[1]) imageWidth = int(hDrop3.shape[2]) wFc = variable([imageHeight * imageWidth * 64, 1024], 0.01) # 上一層有64個神經元 全鏈接層有1024個神經元 bFc = variable([1024], 0.1) hDrop3Re = tf.reshape(hDrop3, [-1, imageHeight * imageWidth * 64]) hFc = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(hDrop3Re, wFc) + bFc) hDropFc = tf.nn.dropout(hFc, keepProb) # 輸出層 wOut = variable([1024, len(captchaList) * captchaLen], 0.01) bOut = variable([len(captchaList) * captchaLen], 0.1) yConv = tf.matmul(hDropFc, wOut) + bOut return yConv def captcha2Text(image_list): """ 驗證碼圖片轉化爲文本 """ with tf.Session() as sess: saver.restore(sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint('model/')) predict = tf.argmax(tf.reshape(yConv, [-1, CAPTCHA_LEN, len(CAPTCHA_LIST)]), 2) vector_list = sess.run(predict, feed_dict={x: image_list, keepProb: 1}) vector_list = vector_list.tolist() text_list = [vec2Text(vector) for vector in vector_list] return text_list x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, CAPTCHA_HEIGHT * CAPTCHA_WIDTH]) keepProb = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) yConv = cnnGraph(x, keepProb, (CAPTCHA_HEIGHT, CAPTCHA_WIDTH)) saver = tf.train.Saver() def handler(environ, start_response): try: request_body_size = int(environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', 0)) except (ValueError): request_body_size = 0 requestBody = json.loads(environ['wsgi.input'].read(request_body_size).decode("utf-8")) imageName = randomStr(10) imagePath = "/tmp/" + imageName print("requestBody: ", requestBody) reqType = requestBody.get("type", None) if reqType == "get_captcha": genCaptchaTextImage(save=imagePath) with open(imagePath, 'rb') as f: data = base64.b64encode(f.read()).decode() return Response(start_response, {'image': data}) if reqType == "get_text": # 圖片獲取 print("Get pucture") imageData = base64.b64decode(requestBody["image"]) with open(imagePath, 'wb') as f: f.write(imageData) # 開始預測 img = Image.open(imageName) img = img.resize((160, 60), Image.ANTIALIAS) img = img.convert("RGB") img = np.asarray(img) image = convert2Gray(img) image = image.flatten() / 255 return Response(start_response, {'result': captcha2Text([image])})
• 獲取驗證碼:用戶測試使用,生成驗證碼
• 獲取驗證碼識別結果:用戶識別使用,識別驗證碼
tensorflow==1.13.1 numpy==1.19.4 scipy==1.5.4 pillow==8.0.1 captcha==0.3
另外,爲了更加簡單的來體驗,提供測試頁面,測試頁面的後臺服務使用 Python Web Bottle 框架:
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import os import json from bottle import route, run, static_file, request import urllib.request url = "http://" + os.environ.get("url") @route('/') def index(): return static_file("index.html", root='html/') @route('/get_captcha') def getCaptcha(): data = json.dumps({"type": "get_captcha"}).encode("utf-8") reqAttr = urllib.request.Request(data=data, url=url) return urllib.request.urlopen(reqAttr).read().decode("utf-8") @route('/get_captcha_result', method='POST') def getCaptcha(): data = json.dumps({"type": "get_text", "image": json.loads(request.body.read().decode("utf-8"))["image"]}).encode( "utf-8") reqAttr = urllib.request.Request(data=data, url=url) return urllib.request.urlopen(reqAttr).read().decode("utf-8") run(host='', debug=False, port=9000)
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>驗證碼識別測試系統</title> <link href="https://www.bootcss.com/p/layoutit/css/bootstrap-combined.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <script> var image = undefined function getCaptcha() { const xmlhttp = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest() : new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); xmlhttp.open("GET", '/get_captcha', false); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) { image = JSON.parse(xmlhttp.responseText).Response.image document.getElementById("captcha").src = "data:image/png;base64," + image document.getElementById("getResult").style.visibility = 'visible' } } xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json"); xmlhttp.send(); } function getCaptchaResult() { const xmlhttp = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest() : new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); xmlhttp.open("POST", '/get_captcha_result', false); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) { document.getElementById("result").innerText = "識別結果:" + JSON.parse(xmlhttp.responseText).Response.result } } xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json"); xmlhttp.send(JSON.stringify({"image": image})); } </script> </head> <body> <div class="container-fluid" style="margin-top: 10px"> <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span12"> <center> <h3> 驗證碼識別測試系統 </h3> </center> </div> </div> <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span2"> </div> <div class="span8"> <center> <img src="" id="captcha"/> <br><br> <p id="result"></p> </center> <fieldset> <legend>操做:</legend> <button class="btn" onclick="getCaptcha()">獲取驗證碼</button> <button class="btn" onclick="getCaptchaResult()" id="getResult" style="visibility: hidden">識別驗證碼 </button> </fieldset> </div> <div class="span2"> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>
Global: Service: Name: ServerlessBook Description: Serverless圖書案例 Log: Auto Nas: Auto ServerlessBookCaptchaDemo: Component: fc Provider: alibaba Access: release Extends: deploy: - Hook: s install docker Path: ./ Pre: true Properties: Region: cn-beijing Service: ${Global.Service} Function: Name: serverless_captcha Description: 驗證碼識別 CodeUri: Src: ./src/backend Excludes: - src/backend/.fun - src/backend/model Handler: index.handler Environment: - Key: PYTHONUSERBASE Value: /mnt/auto/.fun/python MemorySize: 3072 Runtime: python3 Timeout: 60 Triggers: - Name: ImageAI Type: HTTP Parameters: AuthType: ANONYMOUS Methods: - GET - POST - PUT Domains: - Domain: Auto ServerlessBookCaptchaWebsiteDemo: Component: bottle Provider: alibaba Access: release Extends: deploy: - Hook: pip3 install -r requirements.txt -t ./ Path: ./src/website Pre: true Properties: Region: cn-beijing CodeUri: ./src/website App: index.py Environment: - Key: url Value: ${ServerlessBookCaptchaDemo.Output.Triggers[0].Domains[0]} Detail: Service: ${Global.Service} Function: Name: serverless_captcha_website
| - src # 項目目錄 | | - backend # 項目後端,核心接口 | | - index.py # 後端核心代碼 | | - requirements.txt # 後端核心代碼依賴 | | - website # 項目前端,便於測試使用 | | - html # 項目前端頁面 | | - index.html # 項目前端頁面 | | - index.py # 項目前端的後臺服務(bottle框架) | | - requirements.txt # 項目前端的後臺服務依賴
s deploy
因爲模型在訓練的時候,填寫的目標準確率是 90%,因此能夠認爲在海量同類型驗證碼測試以後,總體的準確率在 90% 左右。
Serverless 發展迅速,經過 Serverless 作一個驗證碼識別工具,我以爲這是一個很是酷的事情。在將來的數據採集等工做中,有一個優美的驗證碼識別工具是很是必要的。固然驗證碼種類不少,針對不一樣類型的驗證碼識別,也是一項很是有挑戰性的工做。