這篇blog,原來是西弗吉利亞大學的Li xin整理的,CV代碼至關的全,不知道要通過多長時間的積累纔會有這麼豐富的資源,在此謝謝LI Xin 。我如今分享給你們,但願能夠共同進步!還有,我須要說一下,無論你的理論有多麼漂亮,無論你有多聰明,若是沒有實驗來證實,那麼都是錯誤的。 OK~本博文未經容許,禁止轉載哦! By wei shenphp
Reproducible Research in Computational Sciencecss
「It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are. If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong」 - Richard Feynmanhtml
"As a method for finding things out, science lives by its disdain for authority and its reliance on experimentation." - Chris Quiggreact
Welcome to this site about reproducible research in computational science (including signal processing, computer vision, machine learning and neural computation). This site is intended to share the source codes of the latest advances in various technical fields to the best of my knowledge. Only throughReproducible Research (RR), can we live up to the standard that hard-core science has established since Bacon and Newton. If you know of any release of the source codes that is missing from the list or any broken link, please kindly let me know.ios
Clustering-based Denoising using Locally Learned Dictionaries (K-LLD)git
Eficient Marginal Likelihood Optimization in Blind Deconvolution codeweb
Higher Order SVD Analysis for Dynamic Texture Synthesisspring
Photorealistic Models for Pupil Light Reflex and Iridal Pattern Deformationapi
Distributed Gradient-Domain Processing of Planar and Spherical Images
GradientShop:A Gradient-Domain Optimization Framework for Image and Video Filtering
Local Laplacian Filters: Edge-aware Image Processing with a Laplacian Pyramid
Digital Camera Workflow for HDR Images Using a Model of Retinal Processing
Apparent Layer Operations for the Manipulation of Deformable Objects
3d Shape Reconstruction from Photographs: a Multi-View Stereo Approach