Spring Security(十九):6. Security Namespace Configuration

6.1 Introduction

Namespace configuration has been available since version 2.0 of the Spring Framework. It allows you to supplement the traditional Spring beans application context syntax with elements from additional XML schema. You can find more information in the Spring Reference Documentation. A namespace element can be used simply to allow a more concise way of configuring an individual bean or, more powerfully, to define an alternative configuration syntax which more closely matches the problem domain and hides the underlying complexity from the user.html

自Spring Framework 2.0版以來,命名空間配置已經可用。它容許您使用其餘XML模式中的元素來補充傳統的Spring bean應用程序上下文語法。您能夠在Spring Reference Documentation中找到更多信息。命名空間元素能夠簡單地用於容許更簡潔的方式來配置單個bean,或者更有力地用於定義替代配置語法,該語法更緊密地匹配問題域而且隱藏用戶的底層複雜性。
 A simple element may conceal the fact that multiple beans and processing steps are being added to the application context. For example, adding the following element from the security namespace to an application context will start up an embedded LDAP server for testing use within the application:
<security:ldap-server />

This is much simpler than wiring up the equivalent Apache Directory Server beans. The most common alternative configuration requirements are supported by attributes on the ldap-server element and the user is isolated from worrying about which beans they need to create and what the bean property names are. [1]. Use of a good XML editor while editing the application context file should provide information on the attributes and elements that are available. We would recommend that you try out the Spring Tool Suite as it has special features for working with standard Spring namespaces.java

這比鏈接等效的Apache Directory Server bean簡單得多。 ldap-server元素上的屬性支持最多見的備用配置要求,而且用戶能夠避免擔憂須要建立哪些bean以及bean屬性名稱是什麼。 [1]。在編輯應用程序上下文文件時使用良好的XML編輯器應該提供有關可用屬性和元素的信息。咱們建議您試用Spring Tool Suite,由於它具備處理標準Spring命名空間的特殊功能。
To start using the security namespace in your application context, you need to have the  spring-security-config jar on your classpath. Then all you need to do is add the schema declaration to your application context file:
要在應用程序上下文中開始使用安全命名空間,您須要在類路徑上安裝spring-security-config jar。而後,您須要作的就是將架構聲明添加到應用程序上下文文件中:
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"

In many of the examples you will see (and in the sample applications), we will often use "security" as the default namespace rather than "beans", which means we can omit the prefix on all the security namespace elements, making the content easier to read. You may also want to do this if you have your application context divided up into separate files and have most of your security configuration in one of them. Your security application context file would then start like thisweb

<beans:beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/security"

We’ll assume this syntax is being used from now on in this chapter.正則表達式


6.1.1 Design of the Namespace

The namespace is designed to capture the most common uses of the framework and provide a simplified and concise syntax for enabling them within an application. The design is based around the large-scale dependencies within the framework, and can be divided up into the following areas:spring

  • Web/HTTP Security - the most complex part. Sets up the filters and related service beans used to apply the framework authentication mechanisms, to secure URLs, render login and error pages and much more.
  • Web / HTTP安全 - 最複雜的部分。設置用於應用框架身份驗證機制的過濾器和相關服務bean,保護URL,呈現登陸和錯誤頁面等等。
  • Business Object (Method) Security - options for securing the service layer.
  • 業務對象(方法)安全性 - 保護服務層的選項。
  • AuthenticationManager - handles authentication requests from other parts of the framework.
  • AuthenticationManager - 處理來自框架其餘部分的身份驗證請求。
  • AccessDecisionManager - provides access decisions for web and method security. A default one will be registered, but you can also choose to use a custom one, declared using normal Spring bean syntax.
  • AccessDecisionManager - 提供Web和方法安全性的訪問決策。將註冊一個默認值,但您也能夠選擇使用自定義Spring bean語法聲明的自定義。
  • AuthenticationProviders - mechanisms against which the authentication manager authenticates users. The namespace provides supports for several standard options and also a means of adding custom beans declared using a traditional syntax.
  • AuthenticationProviders - 身份驗證管理器對用戶進行身份驗證的機制。命名空間提供了對多個標準選項的支持,也提供了添加使用傳統語法聲明的自定義bean的方法。
  • UserDetailsService - closely related to authentication providers, but often also required by other beans.
  • UserDetailsS​​ervice - 與身份驗證提供程序密切相關,但一般也須要其餘bean。

We’ll see how to configure these in the following sections.數據庫


6.2 Getting Started with Security Namespace Configuration

In this section, we’ll look at how you can build up a namespace configuration to use some of the main features of the framework. Let’s assume you initially want to get up and running as quickly as possible and add authentication support and access control to an existing web application, with a few test logins. Then we’ll look at how to change over to authenticating against a database or other security repository. In later sections we’ll introduce more advanced namespace configuration options.express


6.2.1 web.xml Configuration

The first thing you need to do is add the following filter declaration to your web.xml file:安全



This provides a hook into the Spring Security web infrastructure. DelegatingFilterProxy is a Spring Framework class which delegates to a filter implementation which is defined as a Spring bean in your application context. In this case, the bean is named "springSecurityFilterChain", which is an internal infrastructure bean created by the namespace to handle web security. Note that you should not use this bean name yourself. Once you’ve added this to your web.xml, you’re ready to start editing your application context file. Web security services are configured using the <http> element.服務器

這爲Spring Security Web基礎結構提供了一個鉤子。 DelegatingFilterProxy是一個Spring Framework類,它委託給一個過濾器實現,該實如今應用程序上下文中定義爲一個Spring bean。在這種狀況下,bean被命名爲「springSecurityFilterChain」,它是由命名空間建立的內部基礎結構bean,用於處理Web安全性。請注意,您不該本身使用此bean名稱。將此文件添加到web.xml後,便可開始編輯應用程序上下文文件。使用<http>元素配置Web安全服務。

6.2.2 A Minimal <http> Configuration

All you need to enable web security to begin with is架構

<intercept-url pattern="/**" access="hasRole('USER')" />
<form-login />
<logout />

Which says that we want all URLs within our application to be secured, requiring the role ROLE_USER to access them, we want to log in to the application using a form with username and password, and that we want a logout URL registered which will allow us to log out of the application. <http> element is the parent for all web-related namespace functionality. The <intercept-url> element defines a pattern which is matched against the URLs of incoming requests using an ant path style syntax [2]

這說明咱們但願應用程序中的全部URL都是安全的,須要角色ROLE_USER來訪問它們,咱們但願使用帶有用戶名和密碼的表單登陸應用程序,而且咱們但願註冊的註銷URL容許咱們退出應用程序。 <http>元素是全部與Web相關的命名空間功能的父元素。 <intercept-url>元素定義了一個模式,該模式使用ant路徑樣式語法[2]與傳入請求的URL匹配。
You can also use regular-expression matching as an alternative (see the namespace appendix for more details). The  access attribute defines the access requirements for requests matching the given pattern. With the default configuration, this is typically a comma-separated list of roles, one of which a user must have to be allowed to make the request. 
您還可使用正則表達式匹配做爲替代方法(有關詳細信息,請參閱命名空間附錄)。 access屬性定義與給定模式匹配的請求的訪問要求。使用默認配置時,這一般是以逗號分隔的角色列表,其中一個角色必須容許用戶發出請求。
The prefix"ROLE_" is a marker which indicates that a simple comparison with the user’s authorities should be made. In other words, a normal role-based check should be used. Access-control in Spring Security is not limited to the use of simple roles (hence the use of the prefix to differentiate between different types of security attributes). We’ll see later how the interpretation can vary footnote:[The interpretation of the comma-separated values in the  access attribute depends on the implementation of the –1— which is used. In Spring Security 3.0, the attribute can also be populated with an –2—.
前綴「ROLE_」是一個標記,表示應該與用戶的權限進行簡單比較。換句話說,應該使用正常的基於角色的檢查。 Spring Security中的訪問控制不只限於使用簡單角色(所以使用前綴來區分不一樣類型的安全屬性)。稍後咱們將看到解釋如何變化腳註:[訪問屬性中逗號分隔值的解釋取決於所使用的-1的實現。在Spring Security 3.0中,該屬性也能夠用-2-填充。
You can use multiple  <intercept-url> elements to define different access requirements for different sets of URLs, but they will be evaluated in the order listed and the first match will be used. So you must put the most specific matches at the top. You can also add a  method attribute to limit the match to a particular HTTP method ( GETPOSTPUT etc.).
To add some users, you can define a set of test data directly in the namespace:
	<user name="jimi" password="jimispassword" authorities="ROLE_USER, ROLE_ADMIN" />
	<user name="bob" password="bobspassword" authorities="ROLE_USER" />

If you are familiar with pre-namespace versions of the framework, you can probably already guess roughly what’s going on here. The <http> element is responsible for creating a FilterChainProxy and the filter beans which it uses. Common problems like incorrect filter ordering are no longer an issue as the filter positions are predefined.

若是您熟悉框架的命名空間前版本,那麼您可能已經大體猜想了這裏發生了什麼。 <http>元素負責建立FilterChainProxy及其使用的過濾器bean。因爲過濾器位置是預約義的,所以不正確的過濾器排序等常見問題再也不是問題。
The  <authentication-provider> element creates a  DaoAuthenticationProvider bean and the  <user-service> element creates an  InMemoryDaoImpl. All  authentication-provider elements must be children of the  <authentication-manager> element, which creates a  ProviderManager and registers the authentication providers with it. You can find more detailed information on the beans that are created in the  namespace appendix. It’s worth cross-checking this if you want to start understanding what the important classes in the framework are and how they are used, particularly if you want to customise things later.
<authentication-provider>元素建立一個DaoAuthenticationProvider bean,<user-service>元素建立一個InMemoryDaoImpl。全部身份驗證提供程序元素都必須是<authentication-manager>元素的子元素,這會建立一個ProviderManager並向其註冊身份驗證提供程序。您能夠在命名空間附錄中找到有關bean建立的更多詳細信息。若是您想要開始瞭解框架中的重要類以及它們的使用方式,特別是若是您想稍後自定義內容,則值得交叉檢查。
The configuration above defines two users, their passwords and their roles within the application (which will be used for access control). It is also possible to load user information from a standard properties file using the  properties attribute on  user-service. See the section on  in-memory authentication for more details on the file format. Using the  <authentication-provider> element means that the user information will be used by the authentication manager to process authentication requests. You can have multiple  <authentication-provider> elements to define different authentication sources and each will be consulted in turn.
At this point you should be able to start up your application and you will be required to log in to proceed. Try it out, or try experimenting with the "tutorial" sample application that comes with the project.