八.jmeter代碼學習, Arguments【持續更新】

Class Arguments

Field Summary
static String

          The name of the property used to store the arguments.html



Fields inherited from class org.apache.jmeter.config.ConfigTestElement


Fields inherited from interface org.apache.jmeter.testelement.TestElement


Constructor Summary
          Create a new Arguments object with no arguments.


Method Summary
 void addArgument(Argument arg) 
          Add a new argument.
 void addArgument(String name, String value) 
          Add a new argument with the given name and value.
 void addArgument(String name, String value, String metadata) 
          Add a new argument with the given name, value, and metadata.
 void addEmptyArgument() 
          Add a new empty argument to the list.
 void clear() 
          Clear the arguments.
 Argument getArgument(int row) 
          Get a single argument.
 int getArgumentCount() 
          Get the number of arguments in the list.
 CollectionProperty getArguments() 
          Get the arguments.
 Map<String,String> getArgumentsAsMap() 
          Get the arguments as a Map.
 PropertyIterator iterator() 
          Get a PropertyIterator of the arguments.
 void removeAllArguments() 
          Remove all arguments from the list.
 void removeArgument(Argument arg) 
          Remove the specified argument from the list.
 void removeArgument(int row) 
          Remove the specified argument from the list.
 void removeArgument(String argName) 
          Remove the argument with the specified name.
 void setArguments(List<Argument> arguments) 
          Set the list of arguments.
 String toString()          Create a string representation of the arguments.