計算image 積分圖

 1 // testopencv.cpp : 定義控制檯應用程序的入口點。
 2 //
 4 #include "stdafx.h"
 5 #include <opencv2\opencv.hpp>
 6 #include <fstream>
 7 #include <vector>
 8 #include <string>
 9 using namespace std;
10 using namespace cv;
11 void getFileName(string & filename,vector<string> &vstr)
12 {
13     cout<<"begin read file name from "<< filename<<endl;
14     string name;
15     ifstream in(filename);
16     while(!in.eof())
17     {
18         in>>name;
19         vstr.push_back(name);
20     }
21     cout<<"end read filename , the total image number is "<< vstr.size()<<endl;
22 }
23 void writeIntegral(vector<string> &vstr,string& filename)
24 {
25     cout<<"begin calculate the image integral"<<endl;
26     ofstream out(filename,ofstream::binary);
27     int num = 0;
28     vector<string>::iterator begin = vstr.begin();
29     for( ;begin != vstr.end(); begin++)
30     {
31         //第二個參數爲0讀進來的image都是灰度的
32         Mat img = imread(*begin,0);
33         if(img.empty())
34         {
35             cout<<"read image "<<*begin<<" failed"<<endl;
36             continue;
37         }
38         num++;
39         Mat gray_img;
41         CvMat sour_image=gray_img;
42         CvMat *inte_image = cvCreateMat(gray_img.rows+1,gray_img.cols+1,CV_32F);
43         cvIntegral(&sour_image,inte_image);
46         float *f = inte_image->data.fl;
48         out.write((char*)(f),inte_image->width*inte_image->height*sizeof(float));
49     }
50     out.close();
51     cout<<"total image:"<<vstr.size()<<" cvIntegral number:"<<num<<endl;
52 }
53 int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
54 {
55     vector<string> v;
56     getFileName(string("face.txt"),v);
57     writeIntegral(v,string("face.dat"));
58     waitKey();
59     return 0;
60 }