G87 默認是 windows 模式,須要同時按下 Fn+Pause 鍵,切換到 mac 模式,此時 Pause 鍵的燈會常亮。若是要在 mac 模式下關閉 Pause 鍵的常亮燈,須要同時按下 Fn+Esc 鍵。(在 mac 模式下,再單擊一下 Pause 鍵,就能夠切換回 windows 模式)git
Change caps_lock to control if pressed with other keys, to escape if pressed alone.
這個規則能夠利用,它默認是按了 caps_lock 和其餘組合鍵的時候就把 caps_lock 改成 control,僅僅單擊 caps_lock 的時候就改成 esc 鍵,而咱們的目標就是單擊時是 caps_lock,組合的時候是 control第一個修改github
1.路徑 |--- ~/.config |--- karabiner |--- assets |--- complex_modifications |--- 1510932793.json 2.內容:找到這條規則,將最後的 escape 改成 caps_lock { "description": "Change caps_lock to control if pressed with other keys, to escape if pressed alone.", "manipulators": [ { "type": "basic", "from": { "key_code": "caps_lock", "modifiers": { "optional": [ "any" ] } }, "to": [ { "key_code": "left_control" } ], "to_if_alone": [ { "key_code": "caps_lock" } ] } ] }
1.路徑 |--- ~/.config |--- karabiner |--- karabiner.json 2.內容:找到這條規則,將最後的 escape 改成 caps_lock "rules": [ { "description": "Change caps_lock to control if pressed with other keys, to escape if pressed alone.", "manipulators": [ { "from": { "key_code": "caps_lock", "modifiers": { "optional": [ "any" ] } }, "to": [ { "key_code": "left_control" } ], "to_if_alone": [ { "key_code": "caps_lock" } ], "type": "basic" } ] } ]