The DispatchActio
n class (org.apache.struts.actions.DispatchAction
) provides a way to group all related functions into a single action class. It’s a useful mechanism to avoid create separate action classe for each function.html
To implement this mechanism, your action class need to extends org.apache.struts.actions.DispatchAction
class, this action class does not need to implement the execute()
method as normal action class does. Instead, the DispatchAction
class will execute the method base on the incoming request parameter – method
. For example, if the parameter is 「method=chinese
」, then the chinese()
method will be execute.apache
A action class extends the DispatchAction
, and contains four methods to set the locale into the Struts session
attribute for the localization.session
public class LanguageSelectAction extends DispatchAction{ public ActionForward chinese(ActionMapping mapping,ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { request.getSession().setAttribute( Globals.LOCALE_KEY, Locale.SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE); return mapping.findForward("success"); } public ActionForward english(ActionMapping mapping,ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { request.getSession().setAttribute( Globals.LOCALE_KEY, Locale.ENGLISH); return mapping.findForward("success"); } public ActionForward german(ActionMapping mapping,ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { request.getSession().setAttribute( Globals.LOCALE_KEY, Locale.GERMAN); return mapping.findForward("success"); } public ActionForward france(ActionMapping mapping,ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { request.getSession().setAttribute( Globals.LOCALE_KEY, Locale.FRANCE); return mapping.findForward("success"); } }
This Struts html tag will execute the chinese()
This Struts html tag will execute the english()
This Struts html tag will execute the german()
This Struts html tag will execute the france()