Scala Essentials: 隱式轉換

Class Extension



object Predef {
  implicit def augmentString(x: String): StringOps = new StringOps(x)

Implicit Resolution Rules

Marking Rule

Only definitions marked implicit are available.git

object Predef {
  implicit def intWrapper(x: Int) = new scala.runtime.RichInt(x)
object Predef {
  implicit final class any2stringadd[A](private val self: A) extends AnyVal {
    def +(other: String): String = String.valueOf(self) + other

Scope Rule

An inserted implicit conversion must be in scope as a single identifier, or be associated with the source or target type of the

case class Yard(val amount: Int)
case class Mile(val amount: Int)

mile2yard能夠定義在object Mileide

object Mile {
  implicit def mile2yard(mile: Mile) = new Yard(10*mile.amount)

也能夠定義在object Yard函數

object Yard {
  implicit def mile2yard(mile: Mile) = new Yard(10*mile.amount)


  • 傳遞參數時,但類型匹配失敗;scala

def accept(yard: Yard) = println(yard.amount + " yards")
  • 賦值表達式,但類型匹配失敗設計

val yard: Yard = Mile(10)

Other Rules

  • One-at-a-time Rule: Only one implicit is tried.code

  • Explicits-First Rule: Whenever code type checks as it is written, no implicits are attempted.對象

  • No-Ambiguty Rule: An implicit conversion is only inserted if there is no other possible conversion is inserted.

Where implicits are tried?

  • Conversions to an expected type

    • 傳遞參數時,但類型匹配失敗;

    • 賦值表達式,但類型匹配失敗

  • Conversions of the receiver of a selection

    • 調用方法,方法不存在

    • 調用方法,方法存在,但參數類型匹配失敗

  • Implicit parameters

Implicit parameters

import scala.math.Ordering

case class Pair[T](first: T, second: T){
  def smaller(implicit order: Ordering[T]) =
    order.min(first, second)


Pair(1, 2).smaller


Pair(1, 2).smaller(Ordering.Int)


object Ordering {
  trait IntOrdering extends Ordering[Int] {
    def compare(x: Int, y: Int) =
      if (x < y) -1
      else if (x == y) 0
      else 1
  implicit object Int extends IntOrdering


implicitly[Ordering[Int]] == Ordering.Int  // true


@inline def implicitly[T](implicit e: T) = e


import scala.math.Ordering

case class Point(x: Int, y: Int)

object Point {
  implicit object OrderingPoint extends Ordering[Point] {
    def compare(lhs: Point, rhs: Point): Int =
      (lhs.x + lhs.y) - (rhs.x + rhs.y)
Pair(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 1)).smaller


Pair(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 1)).smaller(Point.OrderingPoint)


implicitly[Ordering[Point]] == Point.OrderingPoint

Context Bound

import scala.math.Ordering

case class Pair[T : Ordering](first: T, second: T) {
  def smaller(implicit order: Ordering[T]) = order.min(first, second)


import scala.math.Ordering
case class Pair[T : Ordering](first: T, second: T) {
  def smaller = implicitly[Ordering[T]].min(first, second)


import scala.math.Ordering

case class Pair[T : Ordering](first: T, second: T) {
  def smaller = Ordering[T].min(first, second)

Ordering[T]首先調用了object Orderingapply方法,從而便捷地找到了Order[T]的隱式值

object Ordering {
  def apply[T](implicit ord: Ordering[T]) = ord


View Bound

import scala.math.Ordered

case class Pair[T](first: T, second: T){
  def smaller(implicit order: T => Ordered[T]) = {
    if (order(first) < second) first else second

implicit order: T => Ordered[T]smaller的局部做用域內,便是一個隱式參數,又是一個隱式轉換函數

import scala.math.Ordered

case class Pair[T](first: T, second: T){
  def smaller(implicit order: T => Ordered[T]) = {
    if (first < second) first else second

又由於在Predef預約義了從IntRichInt的隱式轉換,而RichIntOrdered[Int]的子類型,因此在Predef定義的implicit Int => RichInt的隱式轉換函數可做爲隱式參數implicit order: T => Ordered[T]的隱式值。

Pair(1, 2).smaller


Pair(1, 2).smaller(Predef.intWrapper _)

上述簡化的設計,使得隱式參數order沒有必要存在,這樣的模式較爲常見,可歸一爲通常模式:View Bound

import scala.math.Ordered

case class Pair[T <% Ordered[T]](first: T, second: T) {
  def smaller = if (first < second) first else second

須要注意的是:T <% Ordered[T]表示:T能夠隱式轉換爲Ordered[T];而T <: Ordered[T]表示:TOrdered[T]的一個子類型。

Upper Bound

import scala.math.Ordered

case class Pair[T <: Comparable[T]](first: T, second: T) {
  def smaller = if (first.compareTo(second) < 0) first else second
Pair("1", "2").smaller  // OK, String is subtype of Comparable[String]
Pair(1, 2).smaller      // Compile Error, Int is not subtype of Comparable[Int]